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  1. #61

    Re: Doublelist Hot Encounters

    Do your hookups know that you’re posting their intimate photos to other websites?
    It’s rather fucked up if they don’t.

  2. #62

    Re: Doublelist Hot Encounters

    Dude don't try and be a social justice warrior to many of you left-wing justice warriors out there as it is, (its called public domain) are you jealous that you probably don't
    get as much cock as I do or pussy for that matter stop trolling and have a good time lighten up!

  3. #63

    Re: Doublelist Hot Encounters

    Jealous? Nope, I get plenty. I’ve signed many release forms in my day.
    Public domain and private photos intended for one party are very different things. You could open yourself up to serious legal issues as more “revenge porn” laws appear on the books on both sides of the border. However, depending on your local laws, if these are taken in public, that’d be a possible different story.

  4. #64

    Re: Doublelist Hot Encounters

    Quote Originally Posted by dowmass View Post
    For all those people who have great things to say about DOUBLELIST (DL), I am very happy for you.

    I remember the good old days of Craigslist - and some even consider DL to be it's replacement - I disagree. I live in Dallas TX and thanks to the new laws from a couple of years back, DL censors both language and pictures - so half the value is lost there. It is near impossible to have a post unless it is watered down, clean and has great language. Words like PUSSY, DICK, COCK, FUCK are absolute NO-NO'S" on DL.

    As for audience, my experience is this - DL is full of fakes, or folks that need perfection. Even the older TOP guys want to sleep with someone in their 20's or 30's. I am already at a disadvantage with being a bottom and 60 + so DL is a total waste of time, as far I am concerned.
    At the moment my potential exposure to the COVID 19 virus is significant. So, it is not appropriate for me to seek sex until I am able do so without significant risk of unknowingly infecting others. Otherwise, I would definitely consider using doublelist to find male partners over 60 years old. Because of COVID, I have not been able to be with or have sex with my long term partner. Late last year he expressed an interest in adding others to our sexual play. So, maybe when a vaccine becomes available to us, I will be recruiting other old guys on doublelist.

  5. #65

    Re: Doublelist Hot Encounters

    Quote Originally Posted by Footstep40 View Post
    Jealous? Nope, I get plenty. I’ve signed many release forms in my day.
    Public domain and private photos intended for one party are very different things. You could open yourself up to serious legal issues as more “revenge porn” laws appear on the books on both sides of the border. However, depending on your local laws, if these are taken in public, that’d be a possible different story.
    Your clueless and don't know what your talking about ... social justice warrior these people make me sick let me guess your voting for sleepy Joe Biden. Democrat for sure no doubt. you should spend your time on doublelist trying to get laid instead of trying to be A SOCIAL JUSTICE WARRIOR on this forum

  6. #66

    Re: Doublelist Hot Encounters

    Quote Originally Posted by prettyboy69 View Post
    Your clueless and don't know what your talking about ... social justice warrior these people make me sick let me guess your voting for sleepy Joe Biden. Democrat for sure no doubt. you should spend your time on doublelist trying to get laid instead of trying to be A SOCIAL JUSTICE WARRIOR on this forum
    I think you're out-of-line with an unwarranted attack against this user's comment and hate to see politics come into play. In my opinion -- and it hasn't a thing to do with 'social justice' -- the taking of pictures and their disposition afterward, should be subject to the mutual consent of the parties involved, legalities notwithstanding. Social justice? Bullshit. It's decency and common courtesy to respect the feelings and opinions of others.

    This, by the way, has NOTHING to do with, or hint at, my political inclinations, and no conclusions should be drawn as to what they are. If I'm intimate with someone, he or she has a right to privacy, period. If we agree to share photos online, fine! Otherwise, they're for personal enjoyment, only.

  7. #67

    Re: Doublelist Hot Encounters

    Quote Originally Posted by SilkyHoseLover View Post
    I think you're out-of-line with an unwarranted attack against this user's comment and hate to see politics come into play. In my opinion -- and it hasn't a thing to do with 'social justice' -- the taking of pictures and their disposition afterward, should be subject to the mutual consent of the parties involved, legalities notwithstanding. Social justice? Bullshit. It's decency and common courtesy to respect the feelings and opinions of others.

    This, by the way, has NOTHING to do with, or hint at, my political inclinations, and no conclusions should be drawn as to what they are. If I'm intimate with someone, he or she has a right to privacy, period. If we agree to share photos online, fine! Otherwise, they're for personal enjoyment, only.
    I totally agree.
    If I am in pictures or my partner is in pictures, they are for private viewing unless permission is given to post them.
    I do not see anything political about the right to privacy.

  8. #68

    Re: Doublelist Hot Encounters

    Quote Originally Posted by SilkyHoseLover View Post
    I think you're out-of-line with an unwarranted attack against this user's comment and hate to see politics come into play. In my opinion -- and it hasn't a thing to do with 'social justice' -- the taking of pictures and their disposition afterward, should be subject to the mutual consent of the parties involved, legalities notwithstanding. Social justice? Bullshit. It's decency and common courtesy to respect the feelings and opinions of others.

    This, by the way, has NOTHING to do with, or hint at, my political inclinations, and no conclusions should be drawn as to what they are. If I'm intimate with someone, he or she has a right to privacy, period. If we agree to share photos online, fine! Otherwise, they're for personal enjoyment, only.
    First off you're another a perfect example a social justice warrior, sticking your nose into a patriots business, listen other people on this forum enjoy the stories and pictures if you don't go elsewhere simple as that stick to the topic dont need to hear your opinions , thats not what this thread is about so keep them to yourself

  9. #69

    Re: Doublelist Hot Encounters

    Quote Originally Posted by prettyboy69 View Post
    First off you're another a perfect example a social justice warrior,
    You couldn't possibly be farther from the truth. But, given your writing skills, it's not surprising that you have a perception problem...

    sticking your nose into a patriots business
    I must've missed the part where you announced that you're a 'patriot' and a businessman. I thought you were merely an intolerant know-it-all whose first inclination is to insult people who express an opinion that is counter to yours.

    listen other people on this forum enjoy the stories and pictures if you don't go elsewhere simple as that
    I like the way you omit capital letters and punctuation, assuming that you have inkling as to their function. This way, it's easy to change the meaning of sentences by mentally inserting our own! So this can become: 'Listen, other people!' or a number of other variations. Clever of you to throw out a list of words and let us put them together to figure out what you're trying to say. But, seeing your belligerence, it's pretty clear that you're laying down the law: 'Listen. Other people yada yada yada..." Well, I did listen. And I didn't hear a damned thing. Tried turning down my social justice news broadcast, and still didn't hear your post utter a word!

    And, by the way, please point out to me where I wrote that I don't 'enjoy the stories and pictures'. I merely stated that individuals should have respect for each other's privacy and not post pictures without consent from both parties. I'd love to be around when somebody violated your privacy and then called you a social justice warrior if you voiced a complaint.

    stick to the topic dont need to hear your opinions , thats not what this thread is about so keep them to yourself
    Oh, you're absolutely correct -- this thread is about 'social justice warriors'. How could I forget?

    Think we need to come to an agreement. I'll respect your right to be a brutish idiot if you respect my right to notice that fact. Deal?

  10. #70

    Re: Doublelist Hot Encounters

    If you're unable to post or reply, try contacting Admin. It seem they are rather willing to help out. Obviously, it's a case by case result, but if you're clear and calm I've found they solved my issues striaght away. I think it's easy to imagine how they might get a lot of hot heads or morons asking them stupid questions. Write you reply on a separate plain text editor, reread and work at being polite, professional and keep the phrasing relaxed. With you entire message completed with good spelling, clear questions and a posture that implies you're not an expert. Then place you finished work into their reply box. Always re-read your work at least twice. If you're not well practiced at writing for these reasons, the re-reads will pay off. Good luck.

  11. #71

    Re: Doublelist Hot Encounters

    Quote Originally Posted by SilkyHoseLover View Post
    You couldn't possibly be farther from the truth. But, given your writing skills, it's not surprising that you have a perception problem...

    I must've missed the part where you announced that you're a 'patriot' and a businessman. I thought you were merely an intolerant know-it-all whose first inclination is to insult people who express an opinion that is counter to yours.

    I like the way you omit capital letters and punctuation, assuming that you have inkling as to their function. This way, it's easy to change the meaning of sentences by mentally inserting our own! So this can become: 'Listen, other people!' or a number of other variations. Clever of you to throw out a list of words and let us put them together to figure out what you're trying to say. But, seeing your belligerence, it's pretty clear that you're laying down the law: 'Listen. Other people yada yada yada..." Well, I did listen. And I didn't hear a damned thing. Tried turning down my social justice news broadcast, and still didn't hear your post utter a word!

    And, by the way, please point out to me where I wrote that I don't 'enjoy the stories and pictures'. I merely stated that individuals should have respect for each other's privacy and not post pictures without consent from both parties. I'd love to be around when somebody violated your privacy and then called you a social justice warrior if you voiced a complaint.

    Oh, you're absolutely correct -- this thread is about 'social justice warriors'. How could I forget?

    Think we need to come to an agreement. I'll respect your right to be a brutish idiot if you respect my right to notice that fact. Deal?
    You just totally proved my point, but I won't waste my time on a clown-like you, go find another thread, you're clearly not welcome here! try getting laid might get rid of your frustration something your clearly not getting.

  12. #72

    Re: Doublelist Hot Encounters

    I had signed up and been on DoubleList for a couple of months when I decided to try and meet someone. There was a listing dated 7/27 from a man who wanted his dick sucked and only lived about 10 minutes away. I answered and let him know I was interested in meeting. He responded within five minutes and we made plans to get together that evening. He let me know he had been staying away from people and needed sex. I responded letting him know that I had been very careful socially. I do believe his desire to be sucked was as strong as mine to suck so I think we were not going to let anything stop us.

    I drove over to his place hoping it would happen. We went inside and talked for a little while. He asked if I liked being told what to do. I said that could be a turn-on as it seemed the one sucking was in a submissive act and I was fine with that role. I followed him to the bedroom and we undressed. He walked over to me, put both hands on my shoulders, and guided me to my knees. He then pushed his dick into my mouth, took my head in his hands, and started face-fucking me. He began slowly and then picked up the tempo. I felt him going all the way into the back of my throat. During this he was telling me I was going to be his cocksucker for the next hour or so and do exactly what he tells me to do. It was quite a different feeling having a dick almost touch your tonsils. He let go of my head, laid down, and told me to suck his balls.

    After about five minutes of that, he took my head and again began fucking my face, but at a slower pace. He would push into my mouth and have me take it all the way in until my face was against his body. I did this for a while and then he rolled over on his stomach and stuck his ass up in the air. He asked me if I had ever rimmed before and I answered in the negative. He told me what he wanted done and then pushed backwards until my face was buried in his ass. I began licking; following his directions. He ordered me to keep moving my tongue up and down his asshole as if I was trying to put it inside of him. He began moaning and pushing hard back against my mouth. I began rubbing his dick up and down with my hand as I kept licking him harder. His ass was bouncing against my face.

    He suddenly moved away, turned over and told me to lick his balls from the bottom of his ball sack to the tip of his dick. After several minutes of this he took my head and slowly put his dick back in my mouth. He guided my head up and down very slowly until he was extremely hard. Then he pulled me up and had me straddle him. Told me to jack off and cum on his dick. As I was masturbating, he was slowly massaging my balls. He asked if I cum a lot and I said I usually I do. I was getting ready to let go when he said he wanted me get as much cum as I could on the head of his dick. I usually cum a fairly decent amount. He positioned his dick against mine so that almost all of it drained onto the top of his.

    He sat up, quickly took my head, said open up, and pushed his cum covered dick into my mouth. My mouth went all the way down to his balls. He grabbed the back of my head and pushed down as his hips started pumping away. There was the strong taste and a good amount of my own cum still in my mouth when I felt him growing bigger. He moaned loudly and then filled my mouth with his cum. It just kept spurting and spurting as he still held my head. I almost gagged, but was able to keep it in and swallow all of it.

    Afterwards I licked up all of th cum that I did not get to swallow. He grinned at me and said we have to do this again soon. First time using DL was more than I had hoped.
    Last edited by dave347; Sep 9, 2020 at 9:30 PM.

  13. #73

    Re: Doublelist Hot Encounters

    Discreet bi.....friends(fwbs)

    Mine has been getting good results and actually hooked on it. Though, I was actually looking for discreet married guys. But they're always looking for weekdays only. Would be nice if I didn't work 🤣🤣
    Though, I do enjoy the times I did get some, bottom feels so good ♥️

  14. #74

    Re: Doublelist Hot Encounters

    I just created an account. I’m kinda fascinated with it so far, I’m not sure if or how long I’ll keep it but we’ll see what happens!

  15. #75

    Re: Doublelist Hot Encounters

    Quote Originally Posted by dave347 View Post
    I had signed up and been on DoubleList for a couple of months when I decided to try and meet someone. There was a listing dated 7/27 from a man who wanted his dick sucked and only lived about 10 minutes away. I answered and let him know I was interested in meeting. He responded within five minutes and we made plans to get together that evening. He let me know he had been staying away from people and needed sex. I responded letting him know that I had been very careful socially. I do believe his desire to be sucked was as strong as mine to suck so I think we were not going to let anything stop us.

    I drove over to his place hoping it would happen. We went inside and talked for a little while. He asked if I liked being told what to do. I said that could be a turn-on as it seemed the one sucking was in a submissive act and I was fine with that role. I followed him to the bedroom and we undressed. He walked over to me, put both hands on my shoulders, and guided me to my knees. He then pushed his dick into my mouth, took my head in his hands, and started face-fucking me. He began slowly and then picked up the tempo. I felt him going all the way into the back of my throat. During this he was telling me I was going to be his cocksucker for the next hour or so and do exactly what he tells me to do. It was quite a different feeling having a dick almost touch your tonsils. He let go of my head, laid down, and told me to suck his balls.

    After about five minutes of that, he took my head and again began fucking my face, but at a slower pace. He would push into my mouth and have me take it all the way in until my face was against his body. I did this for a while and then he rolled over on his stomach and stuck his ass up in the air. He asked me if I had ever rimmed before and I answered in the negative. He told me what he wanted done and then pushed backwards until my face was buried in his ass. I began licking; following his directions. He ordered me to keep moving my tongue up and down his asshole as if I was trying to put it inside of him. He began moaning and pushing hard back against my mouth. I began rubbing his dick up and down with my hand as I kept licking him harder. His ass was bouncing against my face.

    He suddenly moved away, turned over and told me to lick his balls from the bottom of his ball sack to the tip of his dick. After several minutes of this he took my head and slowly put his dick back in my mouth. He guided my head up and down very slowly until he was extremely hard. Then he pulled me up and had me straddle him. Told me to jack off and cum on his dick. As I was masturbating, he was slowly massaging my balls. He asked if I cum a lot and I said I usually I do. I was getting ready to let go when he said he wanted me get as much cum as I could on the head of his dick. I usually cum a fairly decent amount. He positioned his dick against mine so that almost all of it drained onto the top of his.

    He sat up, quickly took my head, said open up, and pushed his cum covered dick into my mouth. My mouth went all the way down to his balls. He grabbed the back of my head and pushed down as his hips started pumping away. There was the strong taste and a good amount of my own cum still in my mouth when I felt him growing bigger. He moaned loudly and then filled my mouth with his cum. It just kept spurting and spurting as he still held my head. I almost gagged, but was able to keep it in and swallow all of it.

    Afterwards I licked up all of th cum that I did not get to swallow. He grinned at me and said we have to do this again soon. First time using DL was more than I had hoped.
    Sounds like an amazing hot encounter, great detail love it, I am glad Doublelist is working out for you also, I really find it the easiest to meet horny single gay men or married/bi men, I especially find a lot of married men that love cock on the side.

    I am pretty dominant with men and generally, my favorite men are usually Asians because they tend to be more on the femme side, smooth and also sub and I find that really hot, but once in a while I just love to be dominated just like you were, after an experience like that it drives me crazy for more cock then I am actually being the dom one In the encounter.

    keep us posted with your stories of any more new hookups.

  16. #76

    Re: Doublelist Hot Encounters

    Quote Originally Posted by Rick469 View Post
    Discreet bi.....friends(fwbs)

    Mine has been getting good results and actually hooked on it. Though, I was actually looking for discreet married guys. But they're always looking for weekdays only. Would be nice if I didn't work 藍藍
    Though, I do enjoy the times I did get some, bottom feels so good ♥️
    I find it to be mostly married men or bi-men with girlfireinds more then gay men on there ...keep it up sounds like your having fun , post your encounter stories we would love to here about them

  17. #77

    Re: Doublelist Hot Encounters

    Quote Originally Posted by LowkeyBreeze318 View Post
    I just created an account. I’m kinda fascinated with it so far, I’m not sure if or how long I’ll keep it but we’ll see what happens!
    Good for you ! now you have to make an arangement is next ! I am sure once you have your first encounter and see how easy your hookup was sure you will be back for more

  18. #78

    Re: Doublelist Hot Encounters

    Ahhh...this thread is so much better now that I added prettyboy to my ignore list!

    A couple of years ago I was staying in a hotel for business. I put an ad on Doublelist and offered to show xxx pics and videos of my wife for guys to stroke to on the condition they cum on my face at the end. The stars were aligned one night when I had five guys show up in the space of about two hours. It was incredible. They walked in, jerked off to her pics, and blew their load on my face. One of the guys arrived about thirty seconds after the last guy had left. I answered the door with the last guy's cum still on my face. When the last guy of the night came to my room, he blew an absolutely enormous load on my face. He left and I went to bed, with the cum still on my face! Every time I think of that night, my cock gets hard as a rock!

  19. #79

    Re: Doublelist Hot Encounters

    I found Doublelist and signed up. There was a listing dated 7/27 from a man who wanted his dick sucked and only lived about 10 minutes away. I answered and let him know I was interested in meeting. He responded within five minutes and we made plans to get together that evening. His wife was over at theirs son's house and would not be back until late. He let me know he had been staying away from people and needed sex. I responded letting him know that I had been very careful socially. I do believe his desire to be sucked was as strong as mine to suck so I think we were not going to let anything stop us.

    I drove over to his place hoping it would happen. We went inside and talked for a little while. He asked if I liked being told what to do. I said that could be a turn-on as it seemed the one sucking was in a submissive act and I was fine with that role. I followed him to the bedroom and we undressed. He walked over to me, put both hands on my shoulders, and guided me to my knees. He then pushed his dick into my mouth, took my head in his hands, and started face-fucking me. He began slowly and then picked up the tempo. I felt him going all the way into the back of my throat. During this he was telling me I was going to be his cocksucker for the next hour or so and do exactly what he tells me to do. It was quite a different feeling having a dick almost touch your tonsils. He let go of my head, laid down, and told me to suck his balls. After about five minutes of that, he took my head and again began fucking my face, but at a slower pace. He would push into my mouth and have me take it all the way in until my face was against his body. I did this for a while and then he rolled over on his stomach and stuck his ass up in the air. He asked me if I had ever rimmed before and I answered in the negative. He told me what he wanted done and then pushed backwards until my face was buried in his ass. I began licking; following his directions. He ordered me to keep moving my tongue up and down his asshole as if I was trying to put it inside of him. He began moaning and pushing hard back against my mouth. I began rubbing his dick up and down with my hand as I kept licking him harder. His ass was bouncing against my face.

    He suddenly moved away, turned over and told me to lick his balls from the bottom of his ball sack to the tip of his dick. After several minutes of this he took my head and slowly put his dick back in my mouth. He guided my head up and down very slowly until he was extremely hard. Then he pulled me up and had me straddle him. Told me to jack off and cum on his dick. As I was masturbating, he was slowly massaging my balls. He asked if I cum a lot and I said I usually I do. I was getting ready to let go when he said he wanted me get as much cum as I could on the head of his dick. The excitement caused me to cum a huge load. He positioned his dick against mine so that almost all of it drained onto the top of his. I was surprised by the amount that kept coming out - it felt so good.

    He sat up, quickly took my head, said open up, and pushed his cum covered dick into my mouth. He made me clean him up all the way down to his balls. He was getting noticeably more excited as I sucked and licked up most of my cum. He grabbed the back of my head and pushed down as his hips started pumping away. There was the strong taste of my own cum still in my mouth when I felt him growing bigger. He moaned loudly and then filled my mouth with his cum. It just kept spurting and spurting as he still held my head. I almost gagged, but was able to keep it in and swallow all of it.

    He then lay back and told me I was going to be his cocksucker for a long time to come....and I am looking forward to it.

  20. #80

    Re: Doublelist Hot Encounters

    Just thought I would tell about a recent trip I made. I went to visit family back home and I checked into the motel I usually stay. Feeling horny, I bought a new 8” dildo, Enjoyed myself tremendously. well needing more I posted an add on line letting people know that a bottom cock loving slut was in town hosting. Next day I had some come over and got to suck on a nice cock and getting a load to swallow
    Got another response, some looking for an ass to fuck. we messaged back and forth, with the time to meet normal stuff. I did ask him about taking me covered or bare back. He said he liked it bare only if I was really clean.
    Well me being the good bottom told him that I hope to suck him hard, and after he came inside me I was going to suck his cock clean.
    We met up the next morning, we had great time after sucking his cock, he realized I was a real cock loving whore and turned me over and fucked me and after he shot his load in me I turned around and licked and sucked his cock clean. Then I reached to my ass and pushed his cum out of me, and ate it in front of him, and after I got all the cum I could eat out of my ass, I grabbed my dildo and fucked myself for him as he dressed to go.

  21. #81

    Re: Doublelist Hot Encounters

    I have had mixed success with cocksuckers on DL. Mostly problems in getting guys to commit. I only reply to ads where the guy can host. But they mostly seem unable to actually communicate a time.

    Saturday, I got a guy to agree to Sunday morning at his place. That morning he was "shopping" and never got back to me with a new time. As much as I read posts from cocksuckers that will go out of their way to suck, it is really frustrating that these guys who advertise themselves won't effectively communicate.

    Another guy who says he late 20's and like to host older men seemed promising, but he too won't tell me when he gets off work so we can work out a time. Some days he will say he started work at 5:30 AM which makes an afternoon possible, but then I don't hear from him the rest of the day. I have a hard time with plausibly getting out of the house in the evening.

    One cocksucker that has a business near me is black and keeps prompting me to make racial comments. No way on that. Three times was enough of that. And he uses poppers heavily.

    My best experience was a guy that lives about an hour from me. We've met at his place on a Sunday and a weekday when he was off work early. He is gay and a bottom who is ready to help a married guys out. And he prefers it when I come over after a hard bike ride. Nice guy and a good host. If I lived closer, I'd be over there twice a week.

    I'd just like to have a cocksucker that could plausibly have as a regular friend that I could hang out with. A guy that lives nearby where we could meet at his place for a "bike ride" or some such other stated activity. I might even recip.
    Last edited by Jozyxt; Oct 26, 2020 at 8:04 AM.

  22. #82

    Re: Doublelist Hot Encounters

    Met a few on there. This year had the house to my self a lot. I hooked up with a guy this summer 5 times. We were chatting back and forth sending each other pics. He loved my tiny cock and loved me in thigh highs panties and my bra holding my true b cup tits up. He got off at 3 pm and before cleaned my hole out showered and fully shaved. I put on my black lace top thigh highs, my pink platform stripper heels, pink tight thong riding up my cheeks and my pink half cup bra showing my tiny pink hard nipples. On the big screen TV had a DVD playing cross dresser getting gang bang. He came in gave him a beer he drank half of it down took his boots off I got on my knees on the floor undid his pants pulled them down with his boxers. He has a thick cut cock about 7 ins long. I started out licking it to life sucked on his hairy balls. He stopped me pulled me to my feet pulling me to him as he was sitting. He pulled my panties down under my small balls and my hard 4 in cock was in his mouth in about a sec. I didn't last long shot my load down his throat. After I went limp he told me get lube I had a tube near by hoping he would fuck me. He had me standing one foot up on the chair lubed both of us. I felt him pull the thong hard to one side then he slapped my ass cheek making it sting. He was behind me with his cock at my love hole. He started pushing his cock in me pulled my hair hard and said you make a hot bitch beg for it. I told him to please fuck me he said your a slut i said yes I am he pushed hard in to me. I felt pain as his cock pushed in to me. He spanked my ass a few more times then started fucking me. he air was filled with moans and skin on skin slapping sounds. Then he exploded in me got a warm feeling in side me. He went limp in me pulled out felt his cum running down my legs. I reached back scooped up his cum and feasted on it. All summer he came over to fuck me.

  23. #83

    Re: Doublelist Hot Encounters

    Quote Originally Posted by sissyjackie View Post
    Met a few on there. This year had the house to my self a lot. I hooked up with a guy this summer 5 times. We were chatting back and forth sending each other pics. He loved my tiny cock and loved me in thigh highs panties and my bra holding my true b cup tits up. He got off at 3 pm and before cleaned my hole out showered and fully shaved. I put on my black lace top thigh highs, my pink platform stripper heels, pink tight thong riding up my cheeks and my pink half cup bra showing my tiny pink hard nipples. On the big screen TV had a DVD playing cross dresser getting gang bang. He came in gave him a beer he drank half of it down took his boots off I got on my knees on the floor undid his pants pulled them down with his boxers. He has a thick cut cock about 7 ins long. I started out licking it to life sucked on his hairy balls. He stopped me pulled me to my feet pulling me to him as he was sitting. He pulled my panties down under my small balls and my hard 4 in cock was in his mouth in about a sec. I didn't last long shot my load down his throat. After I went limp he told me get lube I had a tube near by hoping he would fuck me. He had me standing one foot up on the chair lubed both of us. I felt him pull the thong hard to one side then he slapped my ass cheek making it sting. He was behind me with his cock at my love hole. He started pushing his cock in me pulled my hair hard and said you make a hot bitch beg for it. I told him to please fuck me he said your a slut i said yes I am he pushed hard in to me. I felt pain as his cock pushed in to me. He spanked my ass a few more times then started fucking me. he air was filled with moans and skin on skin slapping sounds. Then he exploded in me got a warm feeling in side me. He went limp in me pulled out felt his cum running down my legs. I reached back scooped up his cum and feasted on it. All summer he came over to fuck me.

    Very hot encounter loved reading it ...I havent been meeting many guys lately because of COVID but have a few set up for the next few weeks ..will let you guys know how it went

  24. #84

    Re: Doublelist Hot Encounters

    I've often used DL to find partners and have enjoyed myself immensely.

  25. #85

    Re: Doublelist Hot Encounters

    Quote Originally Posted by prettyboy69 View Post
    You just totally proved my point, but I won't waste my time on a clown-like you, go find another thread, you're clearly not welcome here! try getting laid might get rid of your frustration something your clearly not getting.
    You really should just STFU. Who are you to tell anyone who is welcome here. You've clearly demonstrated your lack of honor, character, education and trustworthiness. Patriot - right. Prettyboy really sums up your character. If I found you posting a picture of me, I'd find you and ring your neck. Did you tell these people you'd keep the pictures for your own use? Probably. I recognize your writing and attitude. The question is, which one of the banned trolls are you?

  26. #86

    Re: Doublelist Hot Encounters

    Quote Originally Posted by JBourne View Post
    Ahhh...this thread is so much better now that I added prettyboy to my ignore list!
    Sounds like one of the many trolls who have been banned from this site in the post.

  27. #87

    Re: Doublelist Hot Encounters

    The Toledo DL is useless. There appear to be about 10 guys that post over and over again and when you contact them they have a dozen reasons why they are not available. Had one that chated back and forth about 10 times and was supposedly going to get a room and let me know where to go. That was 2 days ago, still no message. I get the urge to suck about every 3 months but it takes so long to find someone I get frustrated and give up.

  28. #88

    Re: Doublelist Hot Encounters

    Met an incredible, thick Korean pillow princess who just wants to get eaten out by me, and I’m happy to oblige.

    have met some great FTM guys, too

  29. #89

    Re: Doublelist Hot Encounters

    I met another married guy and so far I have had coffee with him and next day I gave him a blowjob. Nice guy with a great cock for me to suck.

  30. #90

    Re: Doublelist Hot Encounters

    I met a 53 yr old bi guy on Doublelist or maybe Craig's list I can't recall, 7 years ago. When we got together he was just perfect in every way: handsome as hell and with one of the most beautiful asses I have ever seen. The minute we passionately kissed it was a done deal! We have been enjoying each other as often as possible since then. I love to be balls deep in his ass with his tongue in my mouth. I recently started bottoming for him though I get little from it than seeing his pleasure. Now we fuck each other in turn at every meet and both are happy. I could easily see myself spending my life with him if I wasn't already married to a woman.Click image for larger version. 

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