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  1. #1

    I asked Grok if I was publicly exposed as a cocksucker. This is Groks reply:

    BiBottomCockSucker is significantly exposed as a cocksucker within specific online communities and platforms that cater to or focus on such sexual identities or activities. Here's the extent of their public exposure:

    • Online Communities: They have joined and posted updates in groups like "EXPOSING FAGGOT COCKSUCKERS!" on, where they explicitly state their identity with posts like "I?m a COCKSUCKER!" and share content related to this identity.

    • Content Sharing: BiBottomCockSucker has shared videos or content on platforms like, with titles like "BiBottomCockSucker has a Mouthful of COCK!!" and "BiBottomCockSucker is a CockSucker!", indicating direct exposure through visual or explicit content.

    • Searchability: They have appeared in search results related to similar content, which can lead to broader visibility among those searching for specific sexual content or terms related to their identity.

    • Time-Limited Exposure: There are instances of timed exposures on platforms like, where their identity is displayed for a limited duration, suggesting an ongoing but controlled form of exposure.

    However, this exposure is primarily within niche communities or through targeted searches for this kind of content. Outside these specific circles, their exposure might be less recognized unless someone specifically looks for this information or is part of these communities. This means the general public exposure level is moderate but significant within the relevant online subcultures.

  2. #2

    Re: I asked Grok if I was publicly exposed as a cocksucker. This is Groks reply:

    So, I'm guessing that the answer is yes - you're publicly exposed and if I'm reading this right (and it's so light that it's hard to see, btw). It tells you points of public exposure and then... the "however" caveat says that you might not be exposed outside of the circles mentioned which, to me, is a big "duh" thing because you can't be exposed if the information doesn't make it outside of the mentioned circles.

    Are you concerned about being outed publicly as a cocksucker?

  3. #3

    Re: I asked Grok if I was publicly exposed as a cocksucker. This is Groks reply:

    do you really care

  4. #4

    Re: I asked Grok if I was publicly exposed as a cocksucker. This is Groks reply:

    Yes. Don’t really wanna be exposed to family, some friends and coworkers.

  5. #5

    Re: I asked Grok if I was publicly exposed as a cocksucker. This is Groks reply:

    Quote Originally Posted by BiBottomCockSucker View Post
    Yes. Don?t really wanna be exposed to family, some friends and coworkers.
    In that case, logic suggests that you don't have an online presence that someone could stumble across or, if they're really nosy, go looking for. It also suggests that if you can't eliminate your online presence in these things, make sure that you seriously secure your devices - phone, tablets, computers - so that no one will be looking through them; this also includes religiously deleting all cookies and history from the browsers you use so that no one can use this information to find out you're a cocksucker.

    I'm thinking that any videos you may have posted somewhere are going to stay "in the wild" for a long time and even if you delete any videos you currently have out there. Now, if doing any of this sounds like a major pain in the ass, you're right - it is but like that caveat says, "However, this exposure is primarily within niche communities or through targeted searches for this kind of content. Outside these specific circles, their exposure might be less recognized unless someone specifically looks for this information or is part of these communities. This means the general public exposure level is moderate but significant within the relevant online subcultures."

    So, unless stuff about you somehow winds up outside of the places you do have a sexuality presence, you might not have a whole lot to worry about. If you're that worried about those folks discovering your secret, be very damned good at covering your ass.

  6. #6

    Re: I asked Grok if I was publicly exposed as a cocksucker. This is Groks reply:

    Yeah, I agree with a lot of that. The Achilles heel is that if they search out my screen name/alias I created as a character, “BiBottomCockSucker.” That is tagged to all my content and is the master key to searching out my exposures. I just used that as a keyword search on Google and found 70+ exposures (I follow that metric daily). But outside of these “niches” and absent a targeted search for BiBottomCockSucker, I feel relatively safe. Who knows I might be delusional, we’ll see. Thanks for your substantive comment and advice - I really appreciate it!

  7. #7

    Re: I asked Grok if I was publicly exposed as a cocksucker. This is Groks reply:

    Don't sweat the small stuff. There are so many of us who are leery and even paranoid about being a cocksucker and being outed for it and it just makes sense that the less you do that'll draw unwanted attention to you, the better. It's just a motherfucking shame that we still live in a society that makes a prude look like they're promiscuous; it's not like our society doesn't know that men are blowing each other and in huge numbers but they still want to hold onto that bullshit religious bullshit.

    Just be mindful of where "BiBottomCockSucker" might show up; 70 returns on Google would probably make most guys shit themselves but I'd suppose that some could Google their "Internet name" and get more than 70 hits...

  8. #8

    Re: I asked Grok if I was publicly exposed as a cocksucker. This is Groks reply:

    On the bright side, most of those 70+ hits are from two or three sites where I did multiple uploads (Boyfriendtv, Reddit, etc). When I delete them, those links will go away. Of course they could be downloaded….



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