It’s not all midnight bjs, surprise morning sex and showers together. Sure some of those things happen. Me being the little spoon, many a morning I have woken up to something hard pressed against me, I have been the human alarm clock for my fianc? many times, and we do enjoy our baths in my big soaker tub.
Like any relationship, there are squabbles over how to load the dishwasher correctly, how to fold towels, why is it hard to take your socks and put them in the hamper, I hate this show, slow down on the corners, (his name is Darryl, so I love that one), I’m going to bed, you coming up hun? Naw baby, I’m going to finish this drink and my show. 2 hours later, I come downstairs in the nude, he’s poured a few more and is passed out on the couch. Did you want to come upstairs and fuck me? Ohhh shit sorry. Like any relationship it takes work.