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  1. #1

    Erection and ejaculation problems with aging

    I am 67 years old and for the last year been having trouble getting an erection. I tried all the pills and even started testosterone shots because of low-t. I can have a orgasm while soft but they are dry or just drops come out. Anybody else have trouble?

  2. #2

    Wink Re: Erection and ejaculation problems with aging

    I?m 67 and yes I have problems getting it up. I haven?t tried any pills just try to eat a healthy diet and drink water. I still can get it up sometimes but I don?t last as long, I do still cum nicely though. Sometimes I find I cum with a semi hard on.

  3. #3

    Re: Erection and ejaculation problems with aging

    Like I told my last girlfriend, if I wake up with a hard on we'll use it. If not roll over so I can sleep another hour. At 71 I really don't place a lot of importance on erections. If I want sex be satisfied with bring eaten or blown. My partners satisfaction is more important.

  4. #4

    Re: Erection and ejaculation problems with aging

    I'm 74 and have been struggling with ED for years! I've tried everything out there and nothing seems to help. I can get half hard and can cum, but no volume. I recently started taking one called Prostathrive and it seems to be helping somewhat. It has reduced the number of times I go to the bathroom during the night. Would love to get a normal hard on as I would love to fuck a young ass!!!

  5. #5

    Re: Erection and ejaculation problems with aging

    I am only 59 and not on any meds and have time keeping it up! My hardware has became software!

  6. #6

    Re: Erection and ejaculation problems with aging

    I agree partner satisfaction is more important. One thing I know, my tongue works, mouth open and closed breathing, sucking and swallowing.
    Don't worry, be happy!

  7. #7

    Re: Erection and ejaculation problems with aging

    I can still get hard with Viagra but struggle to stay hard. My Doc put me on Flomax so when I cum either nothing comes out or it's just a dribble. I miss the hard ejaculations and staying hard too. I'm not sure the Flowmax is all that great. I still have to pee in the middle of the night. Is anyone else taking it?

  8. #8

    Re: Erection and ejaculation problems with aging

    68, all systems are a go ��

  9. #9

    Re: Erection and ejaculation problems with aging

    63, been taking 2.5mg daily Tadalafil for about 2 years. With the right incentive, you could hang a wet beach towel on my erection.

  10. #10

    Re: Erection and ejaculation problems with aging

    I'm 65. Sad to say, it's been a few years since I've been with a woman. (Love the wife but she lost all interest years ago.) I occasionally had problems staying hard and a bigger problem with taking forever to cum (and eventually going soft). I took pills if I knew we were going to have sex ahead of time, but it was more a matter of not wanting to worry about than it was about things not working. I find erectile disfunction can be a self-fulling prophesy if you're not careful.

    On a related note, I find that being and staying hard is never an issue when I've been with men. I would rate myself as 60% straight, so it's not about liking cock more. I think it's because I don't have to worry about my ability to please a man. I know cock like the palm of my hand :-). As someone else said, my hands and mouth (and occasionally ass) work fine. I never worry about my ability to please a man. For me, not having to worry about it seems to play a big role in not having a problem or needing a pill for insurance.
    Last edited by DMercator; Jun 24, 2024 at 8:53 AM.

  11. #11

    Re: Erection and ejaculation problems with aging

    I'll be 78 next month. Have had erection problems for years. At times do get somewhat of an erection when getting sucked. Primarily just before I cum. The one thing it hasn't affected is my ability to cum when getting sucked. Always shoot large loads.

  12. #12

    Re: Erection and ejaculation problems with aging

    Quote Originally Posted by DMercator View Post
    I'm 65. Sad to say, it's been a few years since I've been with a woman. (Love the wife but she lost all interest years ago.) I occasionally had problems staying hard and a bigger problem with taking forever to cum (and eventually going soft). I took pills if I knew we were going to have sex ahead of time, but it was more a matter of not wanting to worry about than it was about things not working. I find erectile disfunction can be a self-fulling prophesy if you're not careful.

    On a related note, I find that being and staying hard is never an issue when I've been with men. I would rate myself as 60% straight, so it's not about liking cock more. I think it's because I don't have to worry about my ability to please a man. I know cock like the palm of my hand :-). As someone else said, my hands and mouth (and occasionally ass) work fine. I never worry about my ability to please a man. For me, not having to worry about it seems to play a big role in not having a problem or needing a pill for insurance.
    You and I think so much alike! I know what you mean about full erections not being an issue between guys, and I guess it goes back to understanding the same plumbing as your own equipment in a different way than between a man and woman.




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