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  1. #1

    Getting Laid, Getting Paid

    I don't often contribute here but I enjoy reading all the different threads. The threads that deal with "how many cocks" etc. amuse me. Having spent almost three years working in the sex trade at a very high-end establishment, with housing, food, medical care and physical protection all provided for the men, boys, women, girls and gurls employed there, I cannot even guess at how many cocks I've sucked and many guys fucked me. I spent two years as a cross-dressing pseudo-tranny and a year performing just "normal" man-on-man sex.

    So this curious mind wants to know if any of my fellow bisexuals have done it for dough? It can be dangerous, but under the right circumstances quite profitable, exciting, fun and satisfying. Come on guys, fess up.

  2. #2

    Re: Getting Laid, Getting Paid

    I did it for dough back in the late 1970s; the choice was either I do something like that or my wife does it and I wasn't going to let her do it. I had answered an ad from a couple looking for a bi guy and after talking to them on the phone, they said to come to them - and that I'd be paid for my time. Well, the sex with them was very good and they paid me enough to feed my family for two weeks and, as a bonus, they said they had some friends who would enjoy me and would I mind being recommended to them?

    I did... and I didn't because we needed the money; that initial couple shared me with three other couples who were amazed to find a bisexual Black guy and I spent a good two months with this group and had enough money to see us through. I had never felt so... dirty and cheap before but when you're in dire straits, you do what you gotta do...

  3. #3

    Re: Getting Laid, Getting Paid

    Quote Originally Posted by KDaddy23 View Post
    I did it for dough back in the late 1970s; the choice was either I do something like that or my wife does it and I wasn't going to let her do it. I had answered an ad from a couple looking for a bi guy and after talking to them on the phone, they said to come to them - and that I'd be paid for my time. Well, the sex with them was very good and they paid me enough to feed my family for two weeks and, as a bonus, they said they had some friends who would enjoy me and would I mind being recommended to them?

    I did... and I didn't because we needed the money; that initial couple shared me with three other couples who were amazed to find a bisexual Black guy and I spent a good two months with this group and had enough money to see us through. I had never felt so... dirty and cheap before but when you're in dire straits, you do what you gotta do...
    Spoken like a true trooper, KDaddy. You gotta do what you gotta do! Back in the early 2000's, while still in high school, I answered an ad for a "retail" job. It turned out it was a porn shop in Southern California that was within easy driving distance from my parent's house. The store was owned by a Korean couple and they said they just needed help stocking and cleaning up. Even though I wasn't technically old enough to be in there, they offered to pay me $9 per hour, plus a portion of the tips. That was fairly good money for a guy my age, but I was kind of confused by the tips part of the deal.

    With my car insurance payment looming over me, I accepted their offer and they told me to come in the next morning at 8 a.m. That morning, the manager, Mr. Wee, began to show me what to do. The first hour of the day was mainly opening boxes of sex toys and DVDs (which was kind of an eye opener in itself) and stocking them on the shelves. It wasn't that big of a store, so I had it knocked out in no time. After that, the manager gave me a cart that held a broom, mop and bucket. Then he walked me to the back. Until then, I'd never been to the back of a porn shop before.

    As we entered the back room, I was kind of confused. There was a long narrow hallway lit only by red lights. I also noted a series of four doors, each one separated only a few feet apart. As we approached the end of the hallway, the manager turned on the white lights and instructed me to sweep and then mop the hallway as well as each room. Me, in my nai've head, was thinking this must be their storage area. That wasn't the case at all.

    After he left, I began to sweep. What I found were a bunch of condoms, many were still wet with seamen while others were literally stuck to the floor. My first instinct was to just walk out, but I needed the money, so I decided to try my best and just get everything done. After donning my gloves and doing the hallway, I entered the first room. I was struck by the small size. In the middle of the room there was a big screen TV, a coin (token) box, a folding chair and there were holes on both sides of the walls. After looking down at the floor, it didn't take me long to figure out what the holes were for. In addition to the towels and tissues, there was two pools of what I assumed were seamen at the base of each hole, along with a few spent condoms. That was my introduction to "glory holes."

    After sanitizing each room and disposing the trash, I washed up and returned to the front counter. The manager promptly went back to inspect my work and then returned, where he opened the register and paid me in cash for the four hours, and then added a $15 bonus from the tip jar. Fifty-one dollars for four hours of work was pretty good money, despite the gross job.

    By then, it was almost noon, which was just before opening time. Because I was under age, I wasn't allowed to be in the store after it opened. What I found interesting was that, as he unlocked the door to let me out, two Asian women and man were standing there waiting to get in, and all were carrying canvas shopping bags. That's odd, I thought. I couldn't imagine why such a small shop would need so many employees.

    It was the same scenario the next several mornings. I remember it was a Friday. After finishing my work, I asked the manager how come did he have so many workers coming in after I had already re-stocked and cleaned up? That's when he laughed and explained that only one of the women worked on the floor. The other two worked in the booths. That's when he made the international gesture for blowjobs and fucking. He went on to explain that, because they were open until midnight, there were two other shifts that came in after them. Then he asked (in his best broken English) and still laughing, "You really good looking guy. You like suck cock? Get fucked? Women like you too." I must have turned five shades of red. "You too think about it," he added. "You want make big money? I get you fake ID and I make you lots of money! Maybe $500 a day. But not here. You have car? You can drive?" he asked. I told him yes, that I drove everyday to work and school. "Okay," he said. "Think about it. Good money for a young man like you!"

    When I got home that afternoon, I began to run the numbers. That would be $2,500 a week. $10,000 a month... almost twice what my parents earned combined!

    I thought about it over that weekend. A lot! The next Monday, I went into work prepared to take Mr. Wee up on his offer, but he was nowhere to be found. Instead, I was greeted by an older Asian lady who barely spoke English. When I asked about Mr. Wee, she said that he had been "moved" and there would be different manager." Later, I found out he had been arrested and was in jail.

    It took me all of a minute to re-think my career path. I quit that day at the end of my shift. It didn't mean I would give up my bisexual activities, I just didn't think it was worth the risk to do it for pay.
    Last edited by jjourneyman; Jun 15, 2024 at 12:31 PM.

  4. #4

    Re: Getting Laid, Getting Paid

    I have, I did gay porn as broke as college student in the mid to late nineties. I went to one “paid” gig as entertainment with few fellow actors a time or two. Not worth the money.




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