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When I was a teen in high school one of my strongest fantasies was to suck off everyone in the locker room. It really didn't help that one boy used to be in the group shower standing there in plain view of everyone else in my row of lockers. He was so beautiful ..The rest of us just wanted to get changed as quick as possible before the next class started.
Of course I was waay too shy to act on it, and back then you just didn't .. you couldn't tell anyone you felt like that.
So true. I get that.
Thankfully the hormones eventually did calm back down, nowadays I'm not sure I would have the stamina to try to suck all of you dry ..
Plus there are a few other things we could do that are a lot more fulfilling now that we are actually aware of what's going on. My slightly larger friend lifts me up and puts me places .. it's a lot of fun getting lost in a bear hug, among other things.