CNN posted a semi-positive article about cuckolding and, of course, caught a ton of shit from conservative news.
Men's cuckolding fantasies remind me a bit of men's bi and homosexual feelings. You go on swing sites and everyone says they're straight in their profile, but clearly aren't when they start talking to you. It's even worse with cuckolding. There's a stigma that prevents anyone from admitting it in 'real life'. but one only has to read erotica or go out to tumble to realize seeing a wife or girlfriend with another man is a top 5 fantasy.
Personally I don't like the term 'cuck.' It implies a certain level of humiliation and belittling. I know there's a whole bunch of guys that fit into that category and I don't fault or even think less of these men, I'm just not one of them. I just always loved the thought of my wife cumming on another man's cock and then sharing it / herself with me.
I consider the fact that I no longer entertain this fantasy the surest sign that my sex life with my wife is over. Not only do I no longer feel sexual desire for her, I no longer even fantasize anything sexual involving her.
Now a days, my sharing fantasies involve me visiting a couple and being their 3rd. And my recent S&M adventures have altered my view on humiliation as well. If I knew with certainty a guy got off on being humiliated, I could see myself teasing a guy about his "little cock" and telling him to watch his wife cum on a 'real' man's cock. It would all be bull shit (frankly I like a guy with a little cock), but I'd do it happily if the husband enjoyed it and it provided a safe place to play out that enjoyment with a friend.
It's amazing to me that I can be coming up on 60 and my thoughts, fantasies, feelings and views regarding sex can still be evolving and changing from year to year. Nice reminder my I may be getting older, but I'm not fucking dead. :-)