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  1. #1

    A Name Bi Any Other Name?

    It would probably be safe to assume that most of us come into this life with a name relative to our gender. Having gone through the process of naming both a son and a daughter we had no inclination with my son of what his sex would be and therefore picked out one name if it was to be a boy, and another if it were to be a girl. Our daughter we knew the sex of ahead of time and therefore a name for either gender wasn’t necessary.
    I’ve only met one person in my life, who came into this life as a Larry, had a sex change and, officially became a Tanya to reflect her newly acquired gender. Discovering and exploring my own Bisexual nature has allowed me to identify both the feminine and masculine qualities that I possess and the opportunity to integrate this blending of these genders within. I would be safe in saying that 90% of the time my masculine side dominates my thoughts, behaviors, and represents how I, or others perceive my persona.
    I allow that other 10% out of the closet on rare occasion to explore what it might be like to be the opposite gender either in thought, behavior, or to some extent sexual role play.

    If you were able to allow this recessive self to manifest and actually become the opposite sex what name would you choose? What name would best reflect the woman or man that lies within?

    Ambi ...aka Maya

  2. #2

    Re: A Name Bi Any Other Name?

    What an intriguing question!
    If I had to choose or use an "opposite" name, it would be Erick.
    ...Yes, with both a C and a K.

    What's also interesting about this question is that I tend to see myself as internally gender-neutral (making both my given and opposite name pretty useless except as trivia).

    I recently chose a neutral name for myself because of this, but it's a very private name and has a lot of personal significance for me.

  3. #3

    Re: A Name Bi Any Other Name?

    This is a great topic. I never really thought about names restriction to genders like that before. Thanks for that.

    If I were to become a female my name would Be Jocelyn. That name has always been my favorite in the whole world, and if I ever have a daughter (which I hope to someday) I would name her Jocelyn.

  4. #4

    Re: A Name Bi Any Other Name?

    I can't say I've ever felt a 'connection' to a name of the opposite gender, but if I could freely name myself as a man...hmmm...I think it would be 'Shane'. A very gender neutral name but still cool as hell. I have 2 boys that I named very male names, in no way shape or form that could be trendy. But for myself I think that would be purrrrfect.

    luv and kisses,
    "All colors are the friends of their neighbors and the lovers of their opposites."-Marc Chagall "Don't knock masturbation, it's sex with someone I love." Woody Allen "Annie Hall"

  5. #5

    Re: A Name Bi Any Other Name?

    I think I would choose Nicole. A beautiful and sexy name for the serious side, and can be shortened to NIkki when with close friends and in a playful mood - Dave
    'I Never Met A Winner That Didn't Bet" - Joe The Craps Dealer

  6. #6

    Re: A Name Bi Any Other Name?

    Growing up and playing pretend, I was always Alex--short for Alexandra, I guess. I have always liked the gender neutral names like Alex, Jordan, Max, Jami/e, Sam...

  7. #7

    Re: A Name Bi Any Other Name?

    My male and female brains are constantly at war with one another to be noticed. It was a lot worse when I was working as an HVAC installer and figured out I really like doing the drag thing. I had lots of fun but was constantly paranoid. I can, however say I've reached the point where I make absolutely no apologies about who I am or what I like to do. That said, I've always been partial to Eliza

  8. #8

    Re: A Name Bi Any Other Name?

    Wow! Fantastic topic. I've always considered changing my name to Ffyona (yes, with 2 f's) but had never considered a male gender name. How very empowering it would be to label that aspect of myself.

    I'm rather partial to the name Ethan. It's dignified, you can't make any cutsey nicknames out of it and it works for both ends of the age spectrum.
    Never be bullied into silence;
    Never let yourself be made a victim;
    Accept no one's definition of your life;
    Define yourself.

  9. #9

    Re: A Name Bi Any Other Name?

    Davina as I reckon it's the closest female name to my name

  10. #10

    Talking Re: A Name Bi Any Other Name?

    Ahhh yes...child naming process....amazing how many there are in the world, and how tough to find ONE!

    Male names for me: I know my parents didn't 'have one' if I was born a male.
    If I had to pick one...???
    No idea. But probably an odd one, something unusual.

  11. #11

    Re: A Name Bi Any Other Name?

    My parents were told that I was going to be a boy (which is ironic b/c I act more like a boy than a girl.) so they actually had no female names picked out. I was supposed to be Nicolas. So when I came out a girl, they were a bit surprised. They made my middle name Nickole and for as long as I can remember, my Dad has always called me Nick. So I guess I would go with that.

  12. #12

    Re: A Name Bi Any Other Name?

    I am very fortunate in that my name has become as Bisexual as I am. Sean is now used on men and women alike (Sean Connery for which I am named and Sean Young the female actress from Bladerunner are 2 examples).

    lucky me

  13. #13

    Re: A Name Bi Any Other Name?

    I read the post and replies, the I thought. Then I thought some more. As far as I see myself, I see myself as a woman, I am not aware of any masculine qualities within myself. I didn't grow up as a 'tom boy' nor did things associated with being male. I do not change from one person to another based on the gender of my partner at the time, I make love to a woman or a man as a woman. So basically a name is just that a name, I am happy just to be me.


    hugs n kisses




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