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  1. Bi curious years ago, and now want...

    Was with a lady who was shy and had a chance to explore ourselves and try new things. After reading erotica with her found she was turned on by the stories. So we roleplayed and it really was fun. That changed when she wanted me to try her toys and have me imagine a guy sucking me. Then changed to having a guy dick me 🤔. In the end, she got me to try a 3 some and sucked my first cock. I watched him fuck my face and thought I have a throbbing cock in my mouth. And took awhile before I sucked it like she sucked mine before. he shot my mouth, and as he quivered she moaned baby drink it!!!
    Might as well, I'm already sucking cock and this may be the only time I'm doing this.
    She got turned on so, she came at first touch of her clit and fingering. He asked if I could fuck him, I tried but I wasn't turned on by it. So she suggested he fuck me since I was nervous...
    And as she kissed me, he sucked me off and I grew hard again 😧
    So she fed me her nipples, and before you know it he was between my legs. Raised and slowly sliding in me he worked his throbbing cock in my hole. I looked up and she was whispering relax and let him in... What she didn't know was I was throbbing from him going in deep. I literally got hard from him fucking me!!!
    I was in shock as she turned to watch him fuck me and seen I was rock hard!!!! She was like babe??? He made you hard? His cock got you hard? And I was like I don't what happened? But he kept going and I guess he got my Gspot(prostate) and I came hard, shooting a large load 😍
    She was you like it? Didn't know what I felt or if I liked it. But a guy fucking me made me cum hard.
    Fastfoward-now I'm thinking about it, and I find myself growing hard from gayporn or guys masturbating. I'm thinking I WANT THAT COCK! I WANT TO BE FUCKED AGAIN, REGULARLY! I've even tried a dildo to see if I really want it. And couldn't stop myself till I came hard again!!!
    BUT I still love women just as much.... OMG yes I'm Bi 💯

    Now I want to find a real FWBs Bi/gay guy..❤️
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  2. Embracing My Coming Out

    [FONT=Calibri][SIZE=3][COLOR=#000000]Prior to being married I identified as bisexual, but since then I’m increasingly only attracted to men though I am married to a woman. My attraction is more physical, emotional and sensual than exclusively sexual.
    [FONT=Calibri][SIZE=3][COLOR=#000000]Around age 10 I fantasized about sex with men and I had my first homosexual experience with my older cousin at age 13. I assumed I was gay through high school then dated women as it seemed much easier to hide my attraction to men through my 20’s. But fought it thinking it was a phase that I’d grow out of: I didn’t grow out of it. In my early 30’s I had a loving affair with a gay man and came out as gay to my close friends, despite being married to a woman.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

    [FONT=Calibri][SIZE=3][COLOR=#000000]Although, I can recognize an attractive woman and have a loving relationship with my wife I’m not sexually attracted to women, only men. Now I exclusively identify as homosexual. I’d say with pretty certain confidence that my sexuality is fixed and quite sure my homosexual desires were innate. I don’t relate to those who suggest it’s the person you fall in love with, not their gender. To me falling in love involves sexual attraction and for me that is only ever going to be with men.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

    [FONT=Calibri][SIZE=3][COLOR=#000000]Kinsey Rating: Six[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

    Updated Sep 8, 2015 at 8:33 AM by boyfox

  3. Are you more into men or women?

    [QUOTE=boyfox;294066][FONT=Calibri][SIZE=3][COLOR=#000000][FONT=Calibri]I'm totally into men after I began noticing that I was increasing getting more emotional with men during sexual intimacy and experiencing feelings of love with a man after dating him a few times. [/FONT]
    While I felt not so much with women as I couldn’t stay hard when fucking them. I would get in and I wouldn’t feel anything, no intimacy and feel myself softening up as compared to with guys I felt I would never stop orgasming. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]

    Tags: gay, gay sex
  4. freeform fantasy

    i'm in kind of a weird mood today felt like letting my emotions write a fantasy for me. not necessarily what i want just some thoughts that are turning me on right now. might not feel like this @ all tomorrow.

    i can't wait to be with a hot guy, slowly get naked for him, have him put his arms around me tell me how attractive i am, how desirable i am, how he wants to make me his, how much he wants to make love to me. then move forward & put his lips on mine. then he slowly strips naked too. i've got so many different intense confusing feelings going on. i'm so nervous i've never done this before. this is so new & i'm still kinda unsure. plus this is still kinda taboo enjoying the touch of another man. in some ways i never thought i would ever get to this point. but i have been thinking about this day & wanting it for a long time & it's high time to have this experiance. the pleasure, the lust i'm feeling for my new same sex lover is overtaking my inhibitions & i can't deny this feels so good, so right & i allow myself to accept sexual pleasure from a man. i realize who i really am. i admit my bisexuality, in fact i'm real happy about it! for years i have let myself & society deny these feelings, somehow fooling me into thinking this is wrong. but i see the truth clear as a bell. this is not wrong. this is who i am. i like guys too & today i declare sexual independence! i feel so free in his arms, like a huge weight has been lifted off of me. now it's time to move forward on this new road that is available to me that has allways really been available to me. i look in his eyes with a determined look. i pause for awhile then say i never thought i would be saying this to another guy but tonite i offer myself to u, mind body & soul. i want u to take me completely. and that is what he does for the rest of the nite. by surrendering myself to him i am able to experiance a new passion, so intense i could never have even imagined it before. i am firmly convinced i have made the right decision. my only regret is i didn't experiance this sooner in life because i really like it! but @ least now i am familiar with a new pleasure in life. i wish every man could have such an experiance. eventually we get tired. the nite ends with little kisses on each other's lips, cheeks, neck. we snuggle up in each other's arms with big smiles on our faces & fall asleep. when i wakeup the next morning i slowly realize there is a man in my bed & we're both naked. the homosexual intimacy from last nite suddenly comes to mind. a wave of shock goes through me when i realize i have gone all the way with a guy including the ultimate act of a man's submission to another man. i am no longer the person i was yesterday when all of this was just in my mind. i have crossed that line into a new identity. i look @ him & say u were wonderfull last nite! he smiles. then i say thank u for making me a man, he says ur welcome. then our lips meet again. after they slide off each other he lets i love u slip out, but his eyes tell me he's being sincere & he doesn't regret admitting it to me. even though i have gone farther than i had ever imagined i was not prepared to hear that. i have been working on allowing myself to enjoy a nite of forbidden pleasure but i never pictured myself going beyond sexual enjoyment & falling for a guy. i'm in a weird position emotionally right now. i can't undo him being in me last nite so there's no going back. i was now fully bisexual by experiance. but going forward doesn't look like a possibility either. i never counted on the fact he could challenge me to take our intimate encounter beyond sex into deep emotional connection. it's a place i never wanted to go near. i start to think about the whole situation. last nite's experiance made me grow as a person. i now have a new awareness. this is helping me make sense of this new development. he brought out new & wonderfull feelings in me last nite. because of that we now have a deep emotional bond. no matter if we get dressed & go to the courthouse right now & get married like we can in this state (yay gay rights!) or we part ways & never see each other again. but the fact of the matter is last nite we were 1 & had a closeness that could not ever be undone. i'm beginning to realize i just gotta keep going forward & against everything i have built myself up as my whole life i see this feels right. i have a moment of serenity & confess i love u too.
  5. just my feelings right now

    if u read my blog u know i'm bicurious. sometimes i could care less about guys, but sometimes like right now it's all i can think of so i'm just kinda gonna write what i would like to happen right now. just a fantasy. u approach me & ask me to turn around for u. then u lean over to my ear & whisper gently but firmly "takeoff ur cloths." the thought of offering a site of my naked body to a guy who might appreciate it on a sexual level is kinda scary but real exciting! with hands shaking i start to takeoff my cloths, i get more nervous the closer i get to my underwear. before i know it i'm down to my underwear. i look @ u with a desparate look as if to ask u if ur sure u want everything off. u look back with a look that confirms the answer & u flash a small smile to let me know it's ok & cause ur really gonna enjoy seeing all of me. so i pull my underwear off & there i am completely naked for u, hoping it will make ur desire for my flesh grow. u take me to the wall & press me against it while u massage the back of my body. i can feel ur breath get louder & ur touch get deeper. now u start to take ur cloths off too. when u turn me around u are as naked as me. we stand a little bit apart from each other while we look @ each other's bodies. then we stare into each other's eyes. i can feel my heart pound in my chest. this is still kinda forbidden so i feel the thrill of that, but it also feels so right, i have been thinking about this for such a long time. i think of everything i can expect to happen & it excites me more. i have never been so excited & aroused to try something with some1 else. then almost awkwardly i get closer & our chests touch & so do our erections. i tell u in a quiet voice i really enjoy being here with u & tonite i wanna give myself to u & have my 1st homosexual experiance with u. we put our arms around each other, then i close my eyes & i feel u put ur lips on mine. i can still turn back but right now u got me so turned on i kiss back deeper & deeper. my eyes are closed. i wrap my legs around u while getting ready to go on a new & exotic journey of pleasure & satisfaction with u. tonite i give u not only my body but all of me. i open myself up to u so u can give me the pleasure only another man understands.
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