I not only suck cocks, I give up both my holes. Where are the men, women with strapons and couples that are in my area of Maryland and would like to...
I have had many regulars here in my area of Maryland (not just bj's, we do everything you can think of) over the years, some 2 to 3 years and some 5...
This was us a few years ago - "We are a fun loving couple who have reached a pinnacle in our sex life. I have the most enormously massive multiorgasms which satisfy me for weeks at a time. I still love sex in between but intercourse is no longer my main focus, I like watching my husband play. The more he plays the more I enjoy it so I desire for him to play a LOT more."
This is us now - The above is still true except I do desire more V action than ever before only equal to my addiction to cum and cum play. So much other has changed. My husband has been one of the best sex beasts in our group of 12 bicouples. I believe I can rival him now. We have both hit a stride that is incredible. We are both doing things that not only blow other's mind but our as well. There is Never enough Cum & Never enough Anal, now for me there are Never enough Cream Pies, Cum Kisses, Cum Coated Breasts, and V's to grind into submissive massive multi orgasms.