
Forced Adoptions - Dan Rather Investigates

  1. æonpax
    How would it feel to be forced to give away a child for adoption? And, how many women, most now in middle age, are tirelessly searching for those children without any assistance from the agencies that arranged the adoptions?

    Dan Rather Reports: Adopted or Abducted? will devote the entire hour on Tuesday, May 1st to the heartbreaking accounts of women – most of whom were teens at the time – who were forced to hand their babies over for adoption. Source -

    This issue hits home for me. I was faced with this when I became pregnant as a pre-teen. I was given two choices, 1) a secret birth and immediate removal of the baby for adoption or 2) abortion. I chose neither but that's another story. The point is that I will be watching this and would urge others concerned or curious about this topic, to do so. Dan Rather has always been a good journalist and outside the constraints of the corporate controlled media (which this is), his report should be interesting.
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