
Alt U, the Series - "Universe H - Lion World"

  1. Brian
    Alt U, the Series - "Universe H - Lion World - Part 1"

    By Drew

    Author's notes:
    You can read more about this series of stories here:

    Update... All stories in this series so far:
    Universe A -
    Universe C -
    Universe F -
    universe H -

    Comments and feedback welcomed.

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    Another "Alternative Universe" story...

    In this universe, people are physically about 80% like those of us who live in the "normal" universe (human beings), and about 20% like lions. These lion-men walk upright on two feet but have tails. They have hair that ranges from blonde to dark orange/red. Adult males tend to have a lot of facial and head hair, not unlike manes on lions in the normal universe, and they have, on average, 50% more body hair than we do. Females are usually hairless except the top of their heads, pubes, underarms and the ends of their tails - their pussies are especially furry with dense but short, usually blonde, hair. Males are, on average, 6 feet tall; females about 4 inches shorter. In this universe the male penis is larger in proportion to the body than our own - it is usually 9 inches long soft and 10 inches long when hard and twice as thick as human cocks in the normal universe. Females have four breasts to accommodate the pairs and triplets of cubs that they often have.

    Socially, people in this universe live much like lions do in our regular one. They live in family packs called "prides". A pride usually has 1 to 3 adult males, and 2 to 8 females. Prides raise kids, hunt together, share food and have territory that is marked by male urination and defended by the males. So prides are families in all senses of the word.

    Females come into heat once per month, for several days, and usually all the adult males in the pride mate with the female. When a pride has more than one adult male it is rarely known who the biological father is for any given cub. It is not uncommon for a given male to mate with a female in heat six times or more over the 72 hours or so she is in heat.

    When they reach 18 years of age, both males and females are considered adults and leave the pride (or are pushed out). They can join other prides or establish their own. This instinct ensures there is no incestuous interbreeding within a pride which can damage DNA. Young lion-people do not have sex until they leave the pride.

    This is a moral universe. In addition to the previously mentioned instincts preventing incestuous relationships, there is no sex involving lion-people under 18. There is also no non-consensual sex - the sex is rough and animal-like, but always respectful, consensual and no one gets hurt. And sex does not occur within sight of children as the other females tend to the children while a female in heat mates with the males a safe distance away. The only thing that might be considered immoral about this world is that it is misogynist in nature - with no technology, physical size and strength mean almost everything. So males dominate. It is their way.

    Female bisexuality is common, both when the females are in heat and when they are not. But when in heat, female-female lovemaking is secondary to male-female breeding. Adult males generally do not take kindly to other females getting in the way of their breeding with the in-heat females.

    Officially, male bisexuality is socially unacceptable, but as we shall see in our story, it is more common than acknowledged publicly, and well, times change.

    Geographically this universe is very similar to the African Savannah in our own universe - lush gold and green grass with intermittent clumps of trees and bushes. There are some hills and small mountains (which often mark the boundaries between competing prides). There are streams and watering holes. The temperature is warm, and with the exception of the rainy season is it usually very sunny.

    Lion-people do not wear clothes. The world is pre-iron-age with only simple stone and wooden tools in use.

    Lion-people hunt game, usually deer and antelope. It can be a savage and brutal world in this regard. They hunt with their bare hands (and claws), and some stone tools/weapons and wooden spears. They hunt in packs with both males and females participating and coordinating their movements. Usually an older, or younger (nearly adult), female will protect the cubs while the other adults hunt.

    This story was inspired by a brief conversation on about "old lions" - older bisexual males who are attractive to, and attracted to, both young adult males and young adult females.

    One other note about this story: This is not a bestiality story. These characters have sex only with their own kind/species.

    - Drew

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    Troy stretched his long body in a warm ray of dawn sunshine as it burst through the gap in the eastern mountains. The stretch felt very good, and as often happened with a morning stretch, his 11 inch (soft) penis chubbed up into a semi-hard state. He loved the feeling of the sun on his hairy cock in the morning as blood rushed to it.

    He thought to himself, 'Are any females in heat now? Ah yes, Tina should be for another day.'

    He longingly looked over at her sleeping in the grass, nestled between two other adult females, Cynthia and Tabatha, with several yearling cubs curled up beside them. She was fast asleep. Even in heat, she would not take kindly to being woken early to be fucked. He would have to wait. So he did a morning patrol of the immediate area looking for threats, game and anything else interesting.

    He was 10 minutes into such a walk when he smelled a young adult male on the southerly wind. It didn’t take him long to see him, standing on a hill eying Troy and the pride cautiously. This was one of several lone males in the area around the pride's territory. These lone males do not have prides of their own. Other than food there is only one goal on their mind at all times, mating with females, ideally as part of a pride so he can do so regularly. They can become part of a pride by either being accepted into an existing pride, displacing an old lion from one, or establishing their own pride.

    This young fellow, whom it was said is named Samson, was technically within the pride's territory. But Troy was not overly concerned - he knew that young male lions probed the limits in the early morning and evenings when the old lions returned home to sleep. Unless he was feeling lucky, which is to say, feeling very strong, the young newcomer would back off. Troy confidently sauntered toward the hill, and as expected the young lion retreated - he would not be depositing any of his young cum into Troy's females today. As he slunk away, Troy could not help but notice that Samson's lion cock was particularly large - the boy surely had a 14 incher when soft, and it was fat. As he grew stronger the young man might become a serious rival, thought Troy, particularly if he could get close enough for the females to notice his very large cock.

    Truth be told they were not "Troy's females" - the pride also belonged to John, Troy's brother. The two large males shared, controlled and protected the pride. They were a good team, and benefited from being twins, but not identical twins. Troy was the better hunter, and smarter. John was the better fighter and defender of the pride. Although they occasionally butted heads, even fighting viciously over the first fucking rights to a female in heat at times, they generally got along. It was a good partnership.

    In addition to the adult females Tina, Cynthia and Tabatha, there were 2 other breeding females in the pride: Patricia and Sophi. And there were also 19 cubs ranging in age from six months to seventeen years old. Most cubs were Troy's and John's, but some of the older ones were Plato's - the now-dead previous owner of the pride whom Troy and John defeated and killed those many summers ago. And some of the cubs were the result of females being impregnated by lone male rivals who managed to breach the pride's defenses. Unlike some adult males, Troy and John did not particularly mind these cubs they suspected were not biologically theirs. Family is family to Troy and John.

    After patrolling some more, Troy made his way back to the pride, all of whom were awake now. Tabatha and Sophi were leading the cubs away to the drinking hole. And in the bright morning sun, in the field near the sleeping area, Troy saw that John was fucking Tina hard from behind. She was on all fours writhing in ecstasy. John's big cock was pounding into her and he nipped at her neck playfully with his powerful jaw and teeth.

    Cynthia and Patricia were also there. Cynthia was on her back giving her hairy blonde pussy to Tina to lick while the latter was being fucked. Patricia was also on her back with her legs spread, but a few feet away, watching the erotic sight. She was fingering herself slowly as she watched John's 12 inch pole impale Tina. Troy approached her, met her eyes, and then got down on all fours and began licking her pussy with his wide, male lion tongue. Patricia moaned loudly. She grabbed his bushy orange mane/hair and pushed his mouth to her swollen clit which he sucked like it was a little penis - within thirty seconds she exploded in orgasm. Troy lustily licked the juices which flowed from her pussy; even though she was not in heat, orgasms would often cause the females to leak pussy lubricant readily. Troy savoured its sweetness.

    John came with a roar and a hard bite to the back of Tina's neck - it left a mark but did not break her skin. The head of his cock swelled and his seed poured out into her womb. Her pussy convulsed and clamped down hard on his lion pole, and she came too, crying out in pleasure. Then she violently pulled herself out from under him, crawled a couple of paces, and collapsed in satisfaction on her stomach on the grass. Cum and pussy juices leaked from her pussy and she quietly moaned as the waves of her orgasm subsided. Cynthia had retreated to observer status at John's first violent roar and orgasm. John instinctively lifted his head to the sky and roared again, a deep and rumbling sound that carried across the Savannah, indicating his pleasure and triumph. Cynthia thought that John and Tina were a beautiful sight and she couldn't wait to come into heat again herself - but that was probably still several days away.

    Still panting, Tina looked back at Troy and raised her tail and ass in the air. She was in heat so her sexual desires were insatiable. She had no shame at craving another big cock in her so soon after the first. Her invitation was obvious, so Troy mounted her roughly. He powerfully plunged his 12 inch lion cock into her slick pussy and put his hands/paws on her shoulders to hold her down. His thrusts made a squishing noise because her pussy was full of fluid - hers and John's. Lion-men don’t mind sloppy seconds - it is the nature of their species. Females are unquenchable when they are in heat and will do almost anything to be fucked by every breeding male in the pride one after another.

    Troy fucked Tina mercilessly, putting all his weight behind every savage impale of her lion cunt. He reached around and grabbed two of her teats and used them like handles for leverage - his claws causing Tina just enough pain to enhance the pleasure. After a couple of minutes he, like John before him, roared ferociously in orgasm and exploded his seed into her - his cock head swelling to twice its size and stretching Tina's cervix and launching her to another orgasm. She shook violently under Troy's weight, and when he had deposited all his seed and his cock head deflated, she squirmed out from under him. She crawled a few more paces and collapsed in exhaustion and bliss on the grass. Troy also collapsed and lay there looking at beautiful Tina and her glow at having been thoroughly seeded. Juices, male and female, leaked from her beautiful cunt.

    Troy then rose and crawled to Tina and slowly, lovingly, licked her sore pussy. He tenderly cleaned her red, inflamed vulva, swallowing the cum and pussy lubricant. It felt so good for Tina and she purred in thankful pleasure. Troy's saliva was a natural balm for her very raw pussy lips. Troy was the more considerate of the two breeding males and Tina was so grateful for his tender care - she always marvelled how quickly he transformed from powerful, savage, even violent, breeder, to caring comate and protector. After he cleaned her up, they kissed. Then she lay beside him and gave him a loving tongue bath of her own, licking first his neck and mane, then his back and eventually his long, now-soft, penis which glistened with juices and leaked remaining cum drops.

    = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

    Later that afternoon, a large pack of antelope migrated near the western edge of the pride's territory. The pride went into full hunting mode with all 7 adults participating and the older youths left to take care of the younger cubs. Troy and Patricia coordinated the hunt - they were the two especially smart ones.

    Troy and John went upwind scaring the herd of antelope, but unbeknownst to the prey, it was intentional, and they were being herded into the 5 waiting females. The end result was 2 dead antelope, which were dragged back to the pride lair for a family gorging.

    The adults had their fill first, and as the children and youths began their feeding, the adults licked the blood from their faces and made their way into the long private grass away from the cubs. As often was the case after a successful hunt and feeding, an orgy was called for. Patricia volunteered to stay behind to protect the cubs and help them feed.

    The other females got the orgy started.

    Lion tongues are especially suited to oral sex. They are soft, silky, wide, long and extremely powerful. Cynthia stuck her tongue forcefully into Tina's canal which was swollen and wet to the point of steadily leaking juices due to Tina being in heat. Tina did the same to Cynthia's furry pussy, plunging her big, strong tongue into her vulva lips and beyond into her vagina. The two lion-women purred and rolled in the grass. They loved the taste and smell of each other's sex - it was very different than the taste and smell of cock - sweeter and fresher. They plunged their tongues in and out of each other sending waves of pleasure throughout their bodies. They dug their claws into each other holding each other tight.

    Cynthia came first, but her vibrating body quickly caused Tina to cum too. Like a twin star exploding, waves of pleasure shot out from their pussies, throughout their bodies, and they gasped for air between powerful, plunging, licks with their tongues.

    After they came, they retracted their claws and let go of each other but snuggled together, face to pussy, tenderly licking each other's fuzzy pussy lips in post-orgasmic bliss.

    In the meantime, Tabatha licked Sophi's face clean of all remaining antelope blood, kissing her passionately, then dove into her pussy. She plunged her wide and long tongue deep into her clit and Sophi growled with lust.

    Troy approached Tabatha from behind and licked her pussy, doing much the same as she was doing to Sophi. He plunged his muscular tongue deep into her cunt, tasting the remnants of some recent sex. He couldn’t remember if it was he or John who fucked her last, but it didn’t matter.

    John meanwhile mounted Tina, sticking his long fur-covered cock into her moist cunt. Cynthia licked Tina's clit at the same time, sending the in-heat female into second blissful orgasm in just minutes. John dug his claws into Tina's back and fucked her hard.

    Cynthia switched to licking John's balls as they slammed into Tina's pussy lips with each of his long thrusts. It didn’t take John long to cum - about 2 minutes of hard fucking. Cynthia switched again, this time licking John's asshole as he roared and shot his masculine juice into Tina. John loved it when the females did that and he came even harder as her powerful tongue pleasured all the nerves around his asshole. Tina and Cynthia both purred seductively as John's body convulsed with a deep sperm depositing.

    As this was happening, Sophi and Tabatha came from the tongue probings they were getting from Tabatha and Troy respectively. Their bodies shook in the grass and waves of pleasure washed over them.

    Finally, Tabatha and Tina chose to bring Troy to climax with their still-bloody tongues, they kneeled before him as he stood and, lustily, they sucked his 12 inch lion-man pole. He put a paw behind each of their heads and lorded over them enjoying their slutty worship of his big furry blonde cock. When he came he held their heads in place with his claws and coated their faces with wave after wave of shiny white jizz. They licked it off each other's faces, with help from Sophi who joined in. The three lionesses, on their knees, beneath Troy's now-softening cock, sluttily savoured the taste of Troy's lion seed.

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    The next day…

    It had been a couple of days since either Troy or John had patrolled the southeast corner of their territory so Troy headed there under a hot afternoon sun. He carefully sniffed for markings left by other males, but for the most part he smelled only those of himself and John - that meant there were no serious challenges to the territorial boundaries. He could however smell that Samson fellow. He had been there fairly recently.

    Suddenly Troy could smell him much more strongly - he was nearby. Samson became cautious. A while later, near the edge of a small woods, it became clear the young lion was very close - in the woods as near as Troy could tell.

    Troy carefully circled and approached from downwind to investigate. He was prepared to do battle if necessary to defend his territory and his rights over the pride's females. He got low to the ground as he entered the woods.

    As soon as he entered he could hear sounds. 'Was that grunting? It definitely is,' thought Troy. Keeping low, he slowly moved forward. Then he could see into a clearing in the woods. There was Samson standing, looking up at the sky, moaning in pleasure. Troy recognized the facial expression, he was getting a blowjob, or was he fucking someone, Troy was sure, but he couldn’t see below Samson's torso. So he slunk closer, being very careful not to give himself away. Then Troy saw what was happening and was genuinely surprised… Samson was receiving oral sex, but not from a female, rather from another young adult male lion. Troy did not recognize the young lion, but he had all of Samson's 15 inch cock down his throat.

    In retrospect Troy should not have been completely surprised. It is not unheard of for young adult male lions to hook up with one another for sexual pleasure. Troy had even had experiences himself when he was younger. But still, he was surprised to see what he was seeing.

    Samson gently removed the other young lion's head from his penis (whom it must be said seemed very eager to suck Samson's big, furry pole), and Samson lead them into a 69-like position lying in the short grass. They both licked the heads of the others' cocks with their wide wet tongues then engulfed each others' shafts. Deep male lion-man purring (almost growling) emanated from both of them. Troy could not help but chub up - it was an erotic sight and brought back long-dormant memories. He absently stroked his dick.

    The throat of Samson's unnamed friend bulged out obscenely at the girth of Samson's cock. Lion-men, both males and females, have an interesting physical characteristic: they can take very large cocks all the way down their throats well into their gullet - there is no barrier to deep-throating. So both young lions had cocks all the way down their throats and were sucking furiously.

    Troy had to control himself, if he jerked himself to the point of cumming the other two would smell his seed. The sight was unbelievably erotic, but he stopped stroking himself.

    After a while, Samson gave signals that he was going to cum. Samson flipped them over so he was on top. He furiously pounded his giant dick into his buddy's mouth. Then in one last powerful thrust Samson rammed himself to the hilt into the other's mouth. His balls convulsed and his seed pumped out in powerful surges into his friend's gullet. Samson let out a muffled roar as he came with his friend's cock still in his mouth. For 30 seconds he came - wave after wave of pleasure and seed burst out from the source in his loins.

    When he was done, Samson withdrew and his giant, now floppy, cock rested on his friend's furry face, who lapped at it lustily, licking off remnant cum drops. Then Samson rolled them over again so he was now on the bottom, and re-focused on furiously sucking his friend who had a thick 10 inch lion penis. After 60 seconds of intense slurping, his friend was at the edge. He withdrew from Samson's mouth and let his cock hang over Samson's snout. The head swelled obscenely and then glistening white seed shot out in huge pulses. The first coated Samson's furry snout and nose. The next one went into Samson's gasping mouth. The others either went into his mouth as well or splatted on the rest of Samson's handsome fuzzy-blonde face. When the torrent stopped, Samson obscenely licked cum from his snout with his long, wide lion tongue. The other young lion joined him and together they cleaned Samson's face with their tongues and ate all the seed.

    Troy was turned on to a degree that surprised and concerned him, but he had the composure to know it was time to get the hell out of there before he was detected, and so he sneaked away back into the woods stealthily. He went back to the pride, and promptly fucked Tina (who was still lusting with heat) hard and savagely. She wasn't sure why he was especially turned on that time, but appreciated the huge deposit of seed he poured deep inside her pussy.

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    A few days later, Troy decided it was time to talk to this lone male, Samson. He got up early and, carefully reading the wind, snuck up on the young lion as he sat on the hill in the pre-dawn darkness, observing the pride. (Even though lion-men stand and walk on two feet, they "sit" like a sphinx, on their stomachs with legs under them and arms out front)

    "Good morning," said Troy when he had snuck within 30 feet downwind.

    The young lion-man jumped 5 feet in the air, landed on all fours, and bared his teeth and claws. His eyes glowed in the limited light.

    "Easy there young fella, I mean you no harm, assuming you mean none to me. I just want to talk."

    The tense young lion relaxed somewhat but warily kept his guard.

    "They say your name is Samson, and you are from one of the southern plains prides? Is that right?"

    The young lion spoke for the first time, "Y-yes."

    "My name is Troy. That is my pride down there. Well, mine and my brother's. I bet you would like to fuck those beautiful females."

    Samson tensed up again, and didn’t know what to say.

    Troy said, "Easy now. I am just teasing. Of course you want to fuck them, what male lion wouldn’t? I was once a lone young lion on the outside, without a pride, myself." Troy smiled.

    The young lion smiled back, warily.

    Troy sat down beside Samson and looked out over his territory and his sleeping pride in the distance and said, "It's not easy being a young adult male lion in this world. Of course it is not easy being an older male lion either - you never know when a young buck is going to make his move and challenge you for everything."

    Troy looked at Samson, who was getting a bit nervous again. Samson looked into Troy's eyes trying to read the situation.

    Troy said, "I have to tell you something... I saw you the other day - with the light-haired male - doing things that many young male lions do, but which few dare mention out loud. You sucked each other off."

    Samson got up on his feet and backed away from Troy - fear was in his eyes.

    "Easy Samson. I am not here to judge you. I too had such experiences when I was younger. Many of us have. It is normal - it is natural. And it is good practice for the day when you will have females to please, and when you will expect them to please you."

    Samson slowly sat back down beside Troy and said, "I thought we were the only two."

    Troy said, "Really? No. Lots of young lions do it. I bet you feel guilty after every time you do it. I did when I was younger."

    Samson said, "Yes, terrible guilt, but I can’t help myself. The next day we do it again."

    Troy said, "Yeah, it was the same way for me. You shouldn’t feel guilty. I don’t any more. In fact I look back at those days with great affection and appreciation that I had a good friend whom I could make feel good and who could make me feel good. My friend's name was Elliott, and I remember him fondly."

    "What happened to him?" said Samson.

    "He got a pride of his own, before me in fact, and had a very good life for several years but unfortunately he took a bull wildebeest's hoof to the head one day and died," said Troy, and after several seconds of reflection continued, "… He was a good friend."

    "What is your friend's name?" asked Troy.

    "Wilson," replied Samson.

    The two lion-men, one older, and one younger, sat in silence for a long time watching the very starting rays of sun rise over the eastern mountains. Then Troy reached over and put his hand on the back of Samson's neck. Samson didn’t flinch. So Troy scratched the fur from the back of Samson's head to the middle of his back. Samson closed his eyes and sighed in pleasure at the contact.

    Troy moved over closer and their naked bodies touched. He moved his mouth toward Samson's. Samson turned to Troy and met Troy's lips with his own. They kissed, slowly, hesitatingly, then their long and wide lion tongues touched and the kiss evolved into a deep probing of tongues. Both younger and older lion-man moaned in pleasure.

    Troy continued to scratch the young lion's back, baring his claws just enough to penetrated Samson's hair/fur give him a sensuous back scratch. Samson had never associated claws with eroticism before, just with violence (hunting and defense), and feeling the older lion's claws dig into his back made his large penis rock hard. Samson was both deeply troubled by the fact that he was so aroused but also thankful for the intimacy. He looked at the older lion-man's body closely and was surprised how aroused it made him - Troy was very muscular, and his body was marked with scars. Everything about Troy's body exuded strength and power, and Samson realized he was uncontrollably attracted to that.

    They turned and faced each other, lying chest to chest on the short grass. Their cocks touched. Samson was huge - 15 inches hard. Troy was no slouch at 12 inches. They rubbed their cocks and furry chests together.

    Troy fed the young lion's confidence by telling him what Samson always suspected, that he had a considerably larger-than-average cock. Troy reached down and jerked each cock with his hand. Samson lovingly licked the older lion's neck.

    Troy reached down and licked Samson's lion meat. He lustily licked the head that was poking out through the thick foreskin then licked the entire 15 inch shaft. Most of it was covered in thin, blonde fuzz. Troy then licked the young lion's fuzzy balls - they hung low like Troy's used to when he was younger. Troy engulfed the huge cock in his mouth. Slowly he moved down the thick pole - it was so warm, hot even, to the touch, engorged with feverous blood. He took all 15 inches deep in his throat down to his gullet. Samson moaned in ecstasy.

    Samson rolled onto his back, and Troy leaned over him moving his mouth up and down the entire lion-cock. Samson rocked his head from side to side in pleasure. Then Samson reached over and took Troy's 12 inch cock in his paw and jerked it. With each jerk, the head of Troy's cock poked out sensuously from its foreskin.

    After a time, Troy repositioned himself kneeling over Samson's face, and Samson swallowed Troy's dick. They 69'ed - Troy on top and Samson on the bottom. It felt amazing to both of them - their throats full of lion dick and pure pleasure shooting out from every inch of their cocks. Samson leaked copious amounts of precum and Troy could taste it as he came up, and almost off, the young lion-man's furry meat and licked the smooth bulbous head.

    After many minutes, Samson mumbled that he was getting close to cumming. So Troy doubled his efforts and furiously went to town on the young lion-stud's pleasure pole. Soon, Samson growled in euphoria, the head of his cock swelled obscenely to twice its size in Troy's throat, and lion seed began shooting out in waves. There were about 9 in all, and Troy swallowed each surge of masculine, youthful, juice.

    Samson could not believe sex could ever feel this good. He came off Troy's cock and gasped for air - his body shook in de-escalating bliss. He suppressed the desire to roar triumphantly after cumming.

    They lay in the grass head-to-cock, while Samson panted, and Troy smiled at having made the young lion feel so good. Experience has its benefits.

    When Samson recovered and went to return the favour for Troy, Troy stopped him from swallowing his cock and said, "I have something else in mind. I want to fuck you in the ass."

    Samson was silent.

    Troy said, "You will like it. And I swear I will not hurt you. What do you think?"

    Samson was quiet for a while longer as he thought about it. He couldn't take his eyes off Troy's body - it was so muscular and covered in battle scars. Samson couldn't understand exactly why, because he was clearly attracted to lionesses and their pussies, but he felt an overwhelming attraction to this old, powerful lion. The strength and power Troy conveyed was like a strange magnet to the young lion. So Samson nodded, silently turned over, moved his tail to one side, and stuck his ass in the air, pronely exposing his fuzzy asshole to Troy. Samson felt both gripping fear and unbelievably intense eroticism at putting himself in such a vulnerable position to an old powerful lion.

    Troy licked Samson's asshole with his wide tongue. Samson moaned in pleasure. So Troy did it many more times. Samson's asshole was clean and tasted very good. Samson could not believe how good it felt to be licked there. Who knew his asshole had so many pleasureful nerve endings?

    Then Troy slowly positioned his big cock at the entrance. He pushed the first inch in. Samson moaned - he was amazed it did not hurt one bit. Troy went further - 3 inches. Samson's asshole tingled. Troy slowly inserted the rest until all 12 inches was inside the young lion-man and then the older lion-man began thrusting in and out. Samson growled deeply in pleasure.

    Troy's cock blazed with pleasure of its own - Samson was so very tight. And his slim furry ass looked so cute. Troy had not had sex with another male lion since his early adulthood and he could not believe how good it felt. He purred uncontrollably as he fucked the young lion. Troy grabbed Samson's tail and used it as leverage to pound deeply into Samson and Samson bared his teeth in angry, but pleasureful, lust.

    Soon Troy neared orgasm, and it was all he could to stop himself from roaring loudly. But he bit down hard on the back of Samson's neck instead and came furiously. The head of Troy's cock swelled, fixing itself firmly inside Samson's blazing hot passage. Troy poured his cum into the sexual novice. At the same time, Samson came again, dumping his potent seed onto the golden grass. The two male lions, joined firmly cock to ass, writhed in the grass in mutual ecstasy.

    75 feet away, John slowly and stealthily retreated through the long grass. He was shocked at what he had just witnessed. His instincts to follow his brother that morning were correct. He was concerned about the implications of this turn of events, and now he had a lot of thinking to do.

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    End of Part One.
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