
We need some activity....where does everyone go to play?

  1. NakedInSeattle
    There's a new place on Lake City Way west of Hollywood Boutique that is getting good review. Its smaller but much cleaner. Its name is Video Videos (funny name). 10326 Lake City Way
  2. NakedInSeattle
    But SteamWorks still gets my vote for nicest place in the city!
  3. Kentbi
    I actually went to Video Videos the last time I was in Seattle...last summer...and had some good luck. Was surprised at how many guys there were considering how small it was. Two viewing rooms with gay and hetero movies.
    Still have not been to Steamworks but it's on my list.
  4. bob338
    Larry, would love to take you up on your offer to meet at SteamWorks. I've never been there and would love to try it.

    i have been to Airport Video several times, mostly using the glory holes. I got the nerve up to go into the video room but it was so seedy, I didn't want to touch anything.
  5. nakedsprings
    Looking to meet Bi people on the N.W. part of the Olympic Peninsula.
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