
Alt U, the Series - "Universe C - Oral Intrusion and Viagrafem"

  1. Brian
    Alt U, the Series - "Universe C - Oral Intrusion and Viagrafem"

    Author's notes:
    You can read more about this series of stories here:

    In this universe, "Universe C", there is a drug called Viagrafem which makes women especially susceptible to orgasm and has a very strange side effect with serious social implications.

    Update... All stories in this series so far:
    Universe A -
    Universe C -
    Universe F -
    Universe H -

    Comments and feedback welcomed.


    It was a beautiful Friday morning in Cambridge Massachusetts, the sun had just fully risen, and Mike was enjoying his morning coffee at his breakfast counter when his girlfriend came stumbling by completely naked and mumbling incoherently to herself.

    Mike laughed, "Morning sleepy bones."

    The reply was inaudible. But Beth poured herself a cup of coffee and immediately began to wake up.

    Mike and Beth were both 24 and enrolled in prestigious Harvard Medical School - they were both very smart. They had been live-in lovers for 2 years.

    Mike was 6 feet 1 inch tall, 190 pounds, with a nice swimmers' build and a 7.5 inch cut penis. Although longer than average, his cock was probably only average girth, which Beth loved because she could deep throat him which she could not do to most of her past boyfriends of size. As shallow and slutty as she thought it might sound if she said it out loud, she always thought his cock and her throat were a perfect fit - 'hand in glove' as they say. The coffee washed away the aftertaste of cum she had enjoyed all night after blowing him before they fell asleep.

    Beth was 5 feet 9 inches tall, 155 pounds, a natural auburn brunette, with a tight body and pert above-average sized breasts. She had larger vulva and clit than most women, and kept the area around them neatly shaved smooth.

    After letting Beth wake up a bit more, Mike said, "Listen to this babe, The Kinsey Commission issued its interim report on Oral Intrusion yesterday." Beth immediately woke up the rest of the way - like Mike, she had a keen interest in sexual health issues. 'Sexual Behaviour and Health 201' was their favorite class by far.

    He read from the newspaper:

    Oral Intrusion mysteriously first burst on the scene twenty-eight months ago. Twelve months later it had affected every single male and female in the world, a 100% conversion. The phenomenon causes the male's erect penis to mysterious duplicate and appear in the throat and mouth of the female during vaginal intercourse, sometimes protruding from the woman's mouth.

    The duplication begins when the penis is about 2.5 inches, or halfway, into the female vagina. The penis continues to occupy the vagina, but a duplicate appears at the back of the female's throat pointing into the mouth. In some cases, if long enough, the erect penis may protrude out of the woman's mouth. The commission confirms the observational data of many couples that ejaculate is also duplicated and equal amounts are deposited by the penis in the vagina and its copy in the mouth.

    The commission confirmed the phenomenon does not work in reverse - a penis in the mouth is not duplicated in the vagina in spite of what the commission called "urban legends" to that claim.

    The commission concludes that the cause is unknown and that further study is needed in this area, but that the chief suspect is the presence in the world water supply of trace amounts of Viagrafem, the wildly popular female orgasm enhancer drug, which became available 3 years ago, has become a sensation, and is now used by 97% of women worldwide. The drug allows women to have orgasms as easily and often as men. Although there is some data to suggest a causal connection to Viagrafem, experiments where men and women drink filtered water with no trace amounts of Viagrafem does not cause the phenomenon to disappear.

    The commission concludes that there appear to be no adverse medical side effects of the phenomenon.

    "Interesting," said Beth.

    "Yeah," agreed Mike. "It sounds like it might be here to stay."

    "Fine by me," grinned Beth.

    "Me too!" he agreed.

    Mike grabbed Beth roughly by the hips, bent her over the dining room table and fucked her hard. At his climax he grabbed her pony tail and cocked her head to one side so he could see his penis popping out of her mouth with each thrust, and when he did, his cock exploded with waves of ejaculation. Cum shot out of Beth's mouth as it was simultaneously deposited through her cervix into her uterus. Having her pony tail pulled, triggered a huge orgasm in Beth, and she shook in convulsions of massive pleasure from head to toe. After about 8 shots of cum from Mike's penis the waves subsided and a large puddle of cum near Beth's mouth dominated the shiny wooden dining room table. Mike let go of Beth and withdrew his long cock from her. Still moaning and panting, and prone on the dining room table, she eagerly lapped up every bit of the cum puddle. She was possessed with getting it all and didn’t leave a drop. She swallowed most of it and then she and Mike kissed deeply and he tasted what was left of his seed and licked the stray drops from her lips and chin.

    "An awesome morning fuck babe" said Mike obviously.

    "You said it. Wow. And a hearty breakfast for me thanks to you," smiled Beth and then they got ready for classes. As they usually did, they quizzed each other as they got ready…

    "Semen consists of components from what 4 glands?" queried Mike.

    Beth got it right of course, "Testes, Seminal Vesicle, Prostate and trace amounts from the Bulbourethral Glands ." They both grinned from ear to ear.


    That same day Mike had lunch with his best friend, Kevin, who was in Harvard Law. They were having chicken wings and beer at a local joint. Mike could tell something was on Kevin's mind.

    "You mind if I ask you a medical question?" said Kevin, "It is of a very personal nature."

    Mike nodded, "Sure man.".

    Kevin went on, "This Oral Intrusion thing, what do you think of it? But first, I guess I should tell you why I am asking… I don’t like it at all. As a matter of fact I fucking hate it. Here is why… When I fuck Sarah so we are facing each other, which is most positions, my cock comes out of her mouth. I mean it sticks right out. So I can’t kiss her. And it gets worse when I cum. If she doesn’t turn away she can cum right on me, and I don’t want my jizz anywhere near my face."

    "Okay," said Mike, "Interesting. First of all congratulate yourself for being big enough to protrude from her mouth - not all guys are that large." After a reflective pause he went on, "But why can’t you kiss her when your penis is there?"

    "It just seems way too gay. I don’t want my penis to touch my lips, you know?" replied Kevin.

    "Hmmm," said Mike, "A lot of guys like Oral Intrusion exactly for that reason. They could never suck and taste their own cock otherwise. George Carlin used to have a joke, he would say, 'If I could suck my own cock I would never have any reason to leave the house.' " Mike smiled. Kevin broke only a partial smile.

    "Yeah, I've heard guys say they like this Oral Intrusion thing for that reason. Not me. I don’t want that thing near my lips," said Kevin.

    "And yet Sarah blows you all the time. Your cock is clean right? And the girl you love sucks it, so why wouldn’t you? "

    Kevin lowered his head, "I don’t know. It just seems too gay."

    Mike asked, "Okay. So you have never tasted your own cum?"

    Kevin said, "Fuck no, have you?"

    Mike looked right at his friend, they had never talked about sex in such detail before, and said, "Yes, I have - lots of times. I think all guys should. You are expecting your lover to taste it, so doesn’t it seem appropriate to be willing to at least taste it yourself, and doesn’t it seem more intimate to have at least a cursory understanding of what she tastes when you cum in her mouth or when she licks it up?"

    Kevin sighed, "Yeah, I suppose so. I don’t know man, it all just seems not right."

    Mike said, "You are such a prude man" and smiled.

    Kevin laughed, "Yeah, geez, maybe I am." He continued, "So you really have tasted your own jizz?"

    Mike decided it was time to be open and honest with Kevin, for his sake, "I taste and swallow my cum all the time. I've lapped it up from Beth's pussy. I've shared 'cum kisses' with her where we pass it back and forth. Since Oral Intrusion came along, I've sucked the head of my cock when it is protruding from her mouth and then cum in my own mouth while also cumming in her pussy. I've swallowed more of my own loads than I can count. It is all good man. This kind of stuff adds spice to what would be a boring sex life otherwise."

    "Geez," replied Kevin genuinely surprised. He knew Mike was pretty liberated sexually, but he hadn’t known how much so.

    After a long silence Kevin said, "Maybe I *am* a prude."

    Mike let Kevin think about that for a bit, then said, "There is something else I think I should tell you. We've been friends ever since we met the first week of college, and I guess I, uh… should have told you before... it just never came up. But, uh… like some guys, I am bisexual. And so is Beth. We both like to have sex with people of the same gender as well as each other."

    "Woah," was Kevin's immediate response, "Wow. Okay. Geez man, I never would have guessed in a million years."

    Mike said, "Beth and I both have the same attitude to sex. If it feels good, if it increases human intimacy, and no one gets hurt, then it is good sex."

    Mike let that sink in for a bit then, anticipating Kevin's next question, he went on, "So not only have I sucked my own penis from Beth's mouth but I have sucked other guys even when they were not fucking Beth, and I have tasted and swallowed their cum."

    Kevin breathed out heavily as if to make room for this new information. "Okay," was all he could muster to say.

    Mike said, "You would be amazed how many guys are bisexual, particularly since Oral Intrusion started happening. Many guys that you and I both know are bi like me. I'm not going to name names of course, but Beth and I have had sex with several guys and girls we both know."

    "Wow. I *have* been a prude," Said Kevin.

    Mike knew from his psychology and therapy classes when to keep quiet and let people think and talk, so he let Kevin digest this new information.

    After a while Kevin went on, "Sarah actually wanted me to talk to you about this a long time ago. I guess I should have."

    "She is a damn good lawyer," said Mike, "She can put together an argument, so I am surprised it wasn't a slam dunk."

    Sarah, Kevin's girlfriend, was also in Harvard Law, same year as Kevin, and he agreed, "Yeah, I'm not sure how I resisted bringing this up for this long."

    It was Mike's turn to think now, and after more silence he said to Kevin, "Listen, this is just a thought, and it might freak you out, but it might also help a lot… but uh… maybe you and Sarah and Beth and I should get together for some real hands on sex therapy. It might be very liberating and educational for you, as well as fun. Just a thought for you, an offer."

    Kevin looked into Mike's eyes again for any signs it might be a joke or a set up of some kind, but saw that Mike was being serious.

    "Yeah, you might be right man. But let me think about it for a few days. I mean that is a big step for me. I think Sarah would be into it big time. I think it bothers her that this Oral Intrusion thing fucks me up, and that I am such a 'prude', as you say. She would like me to lighten up and try new things - new for me that is. Do you think Beth would be okay with this idea?"

    "She would love it, I guarantee," replied Mike, "and she would really want to help a couple of friends out, as I do."


    After thinking about it and talking it over with Sarah, Kevin agreed some hands on "sex therapy" was what he needed. So it was arranged for that Friday night at Mike and Beth's apartment.

    After sharing a bottle of wine, all four students were sitting in the living room when Mike finally said, "Maybe we should discuss the main reason we are here now."

    He looked at each of his three friends in turn to read their agreement on their faces and went on, "Kevin and Sarah have been struggling with Oral Intrusion. He and I were thinking some hands on sex therapy between friends might help." Everyone nodded slowly.

    "So maybe to start, each of the couples should make out for a bit, then Beth and I will demonstrate one of our favorite positions, and one that is most problematic for couples who struggle with Oral Intrusion, the woman on top facing the man." Everyone agreed again.

    Mike then kissed Beth deeply. Kevin and Sarah also began making out. Slowly, everyone's clothes came off. Mike and Beth, sharing the couch, were the first to be completely naked, and she lustily fondled his 7.5 inch, slightly thin, cock. Mike in turn had a finger inserted in her pussy.

    Kevin and Sarah were on the rug on the floor at the foot of the armchair. Out of the corner of their eyes, they both admired Beth's completely shaved pussy and prominent pussy lips.

    Kevin was taller and broader than Mike at 6 feet 2 inches and 205 pounds, and he had a full chest of light brown hair where Mike's chest was smooth. His penis was a bit shorter than Mike's, almost 3/4 of an inches shorter, perhaps 6.5 to 7 inches long, but was perhaps 30% thicker than Mike. He was uncircumcised. His pubes were neatly trimmed back, and he had a particularly large ball sac.

    Sarah was petite at 5 feet 7 inches tall, just 135 pounds. She had blonde hair (on top and below) and kept her hair on top in a ponytail. Her pubes were partly shaved leaving a neat and tidy triangle on her pubis pointing right at her clitoral hood. Her clit stuck out from its hood about half an inch - it was shiny and pink.

    Mike and Beth looked over and admired their friends' bodies. Beth particularly loved Sarah's breasts which were smallish but very tight and pert - an absolutely beautiful shape that would be impressive in any quality girly magazine.

    Mike and Beth broke their kissing and approached their friends on the floor. Mike was careful not to touch Kevin for fear of moving too fast, so he made sure to only touch Sarah. He kissed her on the shoulder and began massaging one of her breasts. After a moment he put his hand between her legs and on top of Kevin's as Kevin rubbed her clit between his fingers. When Kevin withdrew his hand, Mike took over gently kneading her clit. Sarah looked down and admired Mike's cut cock - it was beautiful . She cupped his balls gently and began kneading them in rhythm to Mike's rubbing of her clitoris.

    Beth rubbed her hands lustily in Kevin's hairy chest, grabbing his pectoral muscles and gently pinching his nipples. His cock jumped at that. So she took it in her hand and began gently jerking it up and down - it was steaming hot to the touch. Kevin, meanwhile, placed one hand on Beth's ass and grabbed it firmly but not too roughly, and placed the other on one of her tits where he did the same thing. Beth loved the manly, powerful, touch.

    After a time Beth and Sarah began touching each other. Beth initiated it by rubbing Sarah's shoulders, then moving down to her small, protruding breasts. In turn, Sarah rubbed Beth's firm bum. Soon they were facing each other on their knees, kissing deeply and each had a hand placed between the other's legs. The guys couldn’t see exactly what the girls were doing to each other, perhaps by design of the two young women, but whatever it was, it obviously felt good. Each girl moaned loudly as they kissed.

    The guys smiled lustily at the sight and Mike placed his hand on Kevin's shoulder and massaged his trapezius muscle. He was careful not to make the touch feminine in any way, but it was definitely more than just a buddy placing his hand on another's shoulder. Kevin was nervous but the strong muscular massage felt very good.

    Mike left it at that for now and said, "I think Beth and I should show you that position now." Mike got on his back on the rug and Beth straddled him on her knees. She reached behind her and took his long penis in her hand and placed the head at her vagina's entrance. She used it rub her pussy lips and spread her moisture all around. Mike moaned in pleasure.

    Then very slowly, for they knew what was about to happen, she lowered herself onto his cock. One inch. Then two inches. At about three inches, it began to happen. She could feel his penis in her vagina but she could also feel it coming out of her throat, she lifted her head slightly to accommodate the thickness in her throat. Mike also could feel it. In addition to the warm tightness of her pussy on his cock he could also begin to feel his second penis, a duplicate, this one was also in a warm and tight place but it felt different, tighter in some ways but maybe not quite as warm. At four inches he could feel one of his cock heads rubbing gently against Beth's round back teeth. At five inches he could feel one penis touch her pubic bone - the outside of her cervix, the entrance to her womb where one day she would make a baby with him; the second penis head meanwhile hit the roof of her mouth causing waves of pleasure through his body. At six inches he breached her cervix and the tightness and heat on that cock head become even more intense. The second cock head hit the roof of her mouth just behind her front teeth - the pressure on this spongy cock head was a bit like being deep-throated but in reverse. Beth teased him a bit by keeping her mouth firmly closed for several seconds and he hit the wall behind her front teeth, but eventually relented and opened her mouth. At seven-and-a-half inches - all the way in - his second penis protruded From Beth's mouth, a bit like her tongue but it was distinctively Mike's penis head. It stuck out about an inch or an inch-and-a-half from Beth's mouth.

    Sarah melted at the eroticism of the sight -' fuck, her friends were so hot!' Kevin also noted how erotic and kinky it was: Beth had a big penis head sticking out of her mouth, and both Mike and her were obviously enjoying it very, very much. Beth felt so full - a cock in her pussy and a cock filling her mouth, and both belonged to Mike - heaven!

    Beth began moving up and down on Mike; his penis slowly disappearing back into her mouth then re-appearing. They fucked slowly, but gradually increased the pace. Beth began to get glassy-eyed and rocked her head from side to side - the Viagrafem was causing her to approach her first orgasm of the night already. Suddenly, Sarah leaned forward and kissed Beth while her eyes were closed. Mike's penis enhanced the kiss by ramming between the two sets of lips, out of Beth's mouth and into Sarah's mouth every second or so. This sent Beth over the edge and she screamed as best she could with a cock in her mouth and Sarah's lips locked tightly with her own. Her whole body convulsed and vibrated in orgasm. After 10 seconds she had to withdraw from Sarah's kiss to breath. 'Oh my god - amazing', she said to herself while gasping for air heavily.

    Then Mike leaned up and replaced Sarah's lips with his own. Mike was now sucking his own cock head as it protruded from Beth's mouth rhythmically. Mike and Beth locked eyes. They both loved this part - sharing his manhood together - feeling the slick bulbous head of his cock slide in and out of their lips.

    Sarah moaned at the site - it was so kinky and erotic - a visual pleasure she had wanted to see for so long but Kevin had denied her. She had her clit firmly grasped between two fingers and was rubbing it vigourously. Very quickly an orgasm came on her; her moans transitioning into gasps of pure pleasure. Her body convulsed and she looked up as if to heaven. Twenty seconds later she was left panting, still looking up at the ceiling.

    Mike lowered his head off his cock back to the rug and said to Kevin, "What do you think? Could you imagine yourself now doing that? Sucking your own cock head out of Sarah's mouth? I think Sarah would love to see and feel it."

    Kevin replied, "I think I understand what I have missing out on now. No more Mr. Prude for me, I think. I get it now." As he said it, he looked at Sarah and ran his fingers through her hair. It was a promise to her that he was going to be more uninhibited from now on.

    But before he sucked his own cock, Kevin's newly discovered sexual imagination had another idea. He crawled over to Mike's head and let his penis hang about 6 inches from Mike's face. This was the invitation (or was it more of a request?) and he waited for Mike's response. Mike looked up at him, straight into his eyes, and opened his mouth. Invitation accepted. Kevin lowered his cock to Mike's face and the young medical student began sucking on the head. The foreskin was only partly retracted when it entered his mouth but with his lips he managed to roll it back all the way providing access to the most sensitive and sensual part of Kevin's body.

    "Oh fuck!" said Kevin out loud. His best buddy was blowing him - it was so kinky, so forbidden, and it turned Kevin on incredibly. Mike lifted his head and suckled up as much of the big cock as he could, only about 3 inches, so Kevin put one hand on the floor on the other side of Mike's head and leaned forward providing Mike access to all 7 inches of his thick meat. Mike gobbled it all up greedily and gagged slightly on the girth - it was like having all of a giant 2-pound sausage in his mouth.

    Kevin slowly fucked his best friend in the mouth. He watched carefully for any sign that Mike was gagging so he could pull off respectfully. The signs never came.

    Meanwhile, Sarah massaged Beth's back as she continued to ride Mike's big dick. She thought to herself how beautiful her friend was and how she was absolutely glowing when she had a cock inside her. She thought, 'Do I look like that when I am being fucked? Do I look so thoroughly satisfied and happy as that?'

    Sarah leaned into Beth and let out a slow, hot breath into her right ear. Beth moaned loudly. Then Sarah whispered softly , "You look so beautiful and happy Beth. Sometime, if not tonight, then sometime soon, I want to eat your pussy."

    Beth moaned, "Oh yessssssssss." Mike and Kevin thought it was just acknowledgment of how good the fucking she was getting was, but Sarah got the message loud and clear.

    After a time Beth said, looking at Kevin, "Maybe it is time for you and Sarah to do this." Kevin nodded and withdrew his dick from Beth's boyfriend's mouth. Kevin got on his back and Sarah positioned herself above him.

    Beth said, "Lower yourself slowly babe, savour the moment when his big cock duplicates and appears in your throat." Sarah lowered herself onto Kevin's thick pole. She moaned when his big head breached her pussy lips and began entering her vagina. When he was about 3 inches up inside her they felt the duplication happening. Sarah gagged just slightly as the head of his cock appeared in her throat. She swallowed and opened wide. Kevin, taking Beth's advice, held Sarah there, right at the point where the oral intrusion begins. It felt great. For the first time he was really enjoying the feeling of having two cock heads experiencing two different sources of pleasure - one in his girlfriend's blazing hot pussy and the other in her tight throat.
    Kevin then let Sarah lower herself further and Sarah felt her mouth filling up with his thick uncut dick. Soon he was all the way inside her and his big cock head poked out of her mouth. Mike and Beth marvelled at the sight - the girth of his dick practically filled her mouth completely and her lips strained to open wide enough. It was such a sexy sight.

    Mike said, "My god, you are beautiful together." Beth moaned her agreement.

    Then Mike noticed a large shiny drop in Kevin's piss-slit. 'Is that… Sarah's saliva or Kev's precum?' thought Mike, 'I'm sure that is precum, it is too slick for saliva.' But before Mike could think any further Kevin said, "Well, here goes…" and he leaned toward Sarah's face and took the head of his cock in his mouth.

    Kevin sucked on the head of his own cock for the first time in his life.

    Mike said, "I think that was a big drop of pre-cum on your cock dude."

    Kevin replied, "Yeah, something very flavourful was there. Is that what cum tastes like?"

    Mike said, "Partly. That is the clear part of your jizz and yes, it has the most powerful flavour of two main components. It is salty and tart. The white part is your sperm and it is less powerful in flavour. The two together make up almost your cum."

    Kevin said, "Well, I kinda liked it." He returned to fucking his own mouth, Sarah's mouth and Sarah's pussy all at the same time. He was getting into it. 'This is fucking kinky, but it feels so damn good,' he said to himself.

    Sarah meanwhile was moaning loudly, clearly enjoying Kev's meaty pole inside her, but also thrilled that he was really enjoying oral intrusion for the first time in his life. She marched slowly and inevitably to another massive orgasm. Kevin sensed it and kept his rhythm steady, strong, and deep. A minute later, waves of orgasmic bliss came over her. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head and she bellowed out obscenities as she shook and convulsed. She thought she might pass out, it was so good, but Kevin's big cock anchored her like the pile foundations of a building and kept her upright but barely conscious.

    Mike and Beth revelled in Sarah's massive orgasm. 'Jesus, did she always cum like that?' they both thought.

    After letting Sarah catch her breath, Kevin resumed his pounding from on his back, bouncing Sarah upward with every thrust. Looking at Kevin, Mike said, "Time for the next part of the lesson I think, deciding where and when to cum."

    Kevin said, "Mmmmm… I think I want to cum like this. How about you take some of it in your mouth buddy?"

    Mike looked at Beth then at Kevin and nodded his agreement.

    So Kevin ramped up his fucking, sending Sarah even higher into the air with each jackhammer thrust. His cock poked farther than ever out of her mouth with each cycle. Mike leaned in and locked his lips to Sarah's and they enveloped Mike's cock head together with their mouths. The amazing sensation quickly sent Kevin to the point of no return, but he held off for the longest time. It was one of those two stage cummings, where precum begins shooting out well before the main explosion of sperm. Mike and Sarah could sense and taste the precum and enjoyed it together for a good ten seconds before Kevin's main explosive orgasm hit. His penis swelled at the base and the head and volumous amounts of cum began exploding out of his dick in massive surges as he grunted like an animal.

    It was huge orgasm - about 12 waves in all. Both Mike and Sarah's mouths filled with Kevin's seedy juice, and excess dribbled out and down their chins. Beth immediately jumped in and licked the overflow up. Kevin was feeding all three of his friends from his cock.

    Finally it subsided and Kevin lay gasping for breath beneath his friends (and now lovers). Mike withdrew from Kev's cock and leaned towards his face. With lips tightly closed to contain the sperm, he hovered above Kevin looking into his face for permission to do what he wanted. Kevin understood and had to think about it for a couple of seconds. Finally he opened his mouth, giving Mike permission. Mike then opened his lips as well and Kevin's cum dribbled out from one young man's mouth to the other. Then Mike leaned in and kissed Kevin. It progressed into a deep tongue probing with Kevin trying his best to push cum back into Mike's mouth with his tongue. Gravity ensured Kevin would lose this friendly battle between buddies.

    Sarah could not believe what she was seeing. Kevin was kissing another man - a cum-swap kiss no less. It was the most erotic thing she had ever seen. But she kept her head enough to decide not to swallow Kevin's seed. When Mike withdrew, she leaned in and did the same thing he did. She fed Kevin his cum and they kissed very deeply.

    Then to everyone's surprise she came again. Kevin's big dick was still inside her but it was softening and he was not thrusting, but the cum kiss turned her on so much that a surprise orgasm flooded over her. She shook and moaned. Kevin relished the fact that he was able to make her cum just by being inside her and kissing her.

    When boyfriend and girlfriend finally broke their kiss, Kevin said, "Wow." The other three all mumbled their agreement.

    Kevin, looking at Mike and Beth, said, "Your turn my friends."

    Beth didn’t need any more urging than that, and she got on her back and spread her legs inviting Mike to fuck her missionary style. Mike practically jumped on her and inserted his long penis inside her. He watched it disappear inside her glistening and swollen pussy and then appear again out her mouth. God he loved that sight. Beth moaned in pleasure at every inch of the way and enjoyed the feeling of fullness as two of her orifices filled with his engorged manhood.

    Mike began fucking her hard and Beth felt like she was almost transported to another world where every nerve ending in her body vibrated with bliss. With each of Mike's thrusts his cock poked out of her mouth. She used her lips to stimulate the corona of Mike's cock on the way out and then in. Kevin and Sarah remarked what an amazingly hot sight it was, Mike was fucking her hard and his dick was popping out of her mouth at a furious pace.

    Beth grabbed Mike's hairless pectoral muscles hard and dug her nails in. As she knew it would, this sent them both over the edge. She screamed out in pleasure as an orgasm rocked her. Her pussy and throat contracted and this caused Mike to explode. His seed rocketed out of the end of his cock and shot out of her mouth like a volcano of milky cum. Kevin and Sarah immediately jumped in and began licking his creamy boy-seed up. Two more tongues on his cock just sent Mike to another level and he growled in pure pleasure. He leaned in as well so three of them in all, Kevin, Sarah and Mike, lapped at the cum pouring out of his cock head and bubbling out of Beth's mouth. 'This has to be what heaven is like,' thought Mike.

    When Kevin and Sarah withdrew, Mike kissed Beth intimately. They both tongued the head of his softening cock.

    All four friends lay gasping for air on the rug. Cum dribbled out of Beth and Sarah's pussies. Like an itch that needs scratching they reached over to each others' pussies and sensuously rubbed the cum into their vulva and pubes.

    Beth said, "Thus endeth the lesson. Any questions?" They all laughed.
  2. tender2
    Nice idea. Gives a whole new meaning to double ender ;-)
  3. Brian
    Thanks tender2.

    - Drew

    ps. I fixed several of the places where I had the names mixed up.
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