
Visitor Message Conversation Between hardcowboy41 and Pecala

2 Visitor Messages

  1. Hi Hardcowboy41,
    Sorry I've took so long to respond but I haven't had much luck on this site or any others for that matter. I think my profile turns most people off. I know the one thing that turns people off about me is the fact that I won't do anal sex. I've had several people tell me how great it is but I've also had people tell me how great crack cocaine is and there is no way I'm going to try that either.
    My second downfall is my insistence on using a condom for the first several times. I know it's much better skin to skin. Personally I'd prefer to suck a guy off with out a condom. Suck him off and suck him dry as he quivers and quakes. But I'd also prefer not to get the host of diseases out there, HIV being only 1.
    It's just not worth the risk for a 1 timer. After several times a relationship forms and the equation changes. That's when the condom comes off and I'd be sucking your nuts right out the pee hole.
    Well thanks for liking my profile.
  2. great profile... like to be closer but if you want to chat let me know
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