
All Blog Entries

  1. Settling In - Part VI

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Nighttime was the best time and especially when we'd get to that point where the counselors would leave us alone at night. Oh, they'd be close by in case of emergency, of course, but the moment they'd leave for the night - and telling us to behave ourselves and all that - we'd wait for ten or fifteen minutes before the dicks would come out and bunks would be double-occupied and the cabin would be filled with the hushed sounds of guys having sex with each other, either sucking or fucking.

    There was always those guys who weren't down with it but they knew better than to rat out those of us who were very much into it; snitches would get a blanket party and if you don't know about them, it's where a snitch would be asleep and then have a blanket thrown over them... and get beat up. Not enough to cause any real damage but enough to get the message across: When we're having sex, keep your big mouth shut or else!

    Even in the still of the night, the preferred thing to do was to suck dick... and once we were at that being left alone for the night stage, um, a lot of us - including myself - didn't get much sleep and I'd wonder, in the morning, if our counselor would be wondering why some of us looked like we were tired despite having eight hours to sleep. Again, I think they knew why - they just didn't say anything and invoked the "no harm, no foul" rule.

    My love for sucking cock just seemed to explode into full bloom; I was more... aware of what it felt and tasted like to have a boy's dick in my mouth and making it hard - and if it wasn't hard already - then sucking on it, taking it all the way down until my nose was buried and pressed against their pubic bone (and hair if they had it) and just doing that until I'd feel their prick swell in my mouth - sometimes a little, sometimes a lot - then those first hot, tasty spurts of cum on my tongue and swallowing ever drop they had to offer.

    Then I'd get to lie back and watch them suck my dick. I'd known - and because I'd been told - that my dick was bigger than average and while some guys struggled to suck me, they never lacked enthusiasm and, yeah, a lot of those guys were over the moon to be able to suck a Black kid's dick since they'd heard that we all had very big dicks. Not true, of course but, well, you know how it is, don't you? We'd find out that other than the color of our respective skins, we weren't really all that different or, as one guy told me, "You have a dick and so do I - nothing else matters, does it?"

    Nope - not at all. Almost every day; sometimes two and three times a day. Sucking dick. Swallowing sperm. Being sucked and drained. Sometimes fucking and being fucked... but getting together with a guy so we could blow each other and make each other cum as many times as we could in the time we had?

    Beyond precious. I had finally settled in to the one thing I loved the most other than eating a girl's pussy. I remember the moment when I had settled in: I was sucking one kid's cock while another stood waiting impatiently for his turn to cum in my mouth and I knew I had found my "true love" in these things as the kid I was sucking almost overloaded my mouth with cum and, even as I swallowed his load, I was wrapping my mouth around the other kid's prick, still with the first guy's spunk in my mouth and not yet fully swallowed.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  2. Settling In - Part V

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Tall kids; short ones, fat ones, skinny ones; this, too, didn't matter to me although, admittedly, the short, fat kids proved to be very eager to suck my dick and even more eager to have my cock buried in their backside. Don't get me wrong - I did love fucking them and being fucked by them... but my real joy would come when we'd blow each other. The guys who were new to this would be... amazed that it could feel so good, telling me that they, too, were told the same bullshit about it that I had been told. Some would be afraid... at first... but they'd quickly warm up to being sucked and would fill my mouth with their warm spunk. Or they'd get "that look" on their face the moment my spunk would spill into their mouth and they get that taste of sperm... and would find it to their liking and swallow it. Eh, sometimes they'd spit it out... that first time but the next time?

    None of us left any evidence of what we'd be doing if we had five or ten minutes alone with each other. I also thought that many of us preferred to suck over fucking since, um, yeah - when the spunk started to ooze out, it was kinda gonna be a problem to explain the wet spot on the seat of our shorts - and claiming to have sat on something wet wasn't gonna fly.[/SIZE][/FONT]
  3. Settling In - Part IV

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I was a extremely eager cock sucker... but some of my cabin mates made me look like I only had a passing interest in it; sometimes, a couple of guys would actually get into an argument about who was going to get to suck my dick and if I was aware of it, I'd just tell them that if we have the time, we can all suck each other until we all came... and I'd tell them - then show them - how that could be done. But, shit - I had a thing against uncut dicks: I wasn't gonna put one of those ugly things in my mouth so a guy with one of those only got to fuck me and, I dunno, those guys weren't disappointed that I wouldn't blow them and were happy to sink their skin-covered cocks into my butt and make a creamy mess of it... and I was happy, too.

    They might have looked ugly but they felt good inside me just the same.

    In that month at camp and before I'd turn twelve, jeez, there was only maybe one or two days that I didn't suck dick - and those were the days when it rained or stormed and it was wise not to be outside and those were also the days when our counselor would be stuck with us and, I think, they would have preferred not to be stuck with us... but they had rules they had to abide by during stormy moments.

    It didn't escape me that I sucked a lot of white cocks. There were other Black (and other) guys at the camp but it just seemed to me that, again, I'd get stuck with seven other white kids and at least five of the seven were very eager for me and them to get our dicks out to be sucked... or eased into butts that wouldn't be all that tight afterward. Dicks of all shapes and sizes - long (and some as long and longer than my own), short, fat, skinny; big cock knobs and not so big ones. I'd also confirmed that those things didn't matter to me as long as I could get it in my mouth and, again, if there was time, feeling it going inside me.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  4. Settling In - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I sucked a lot of dick at camp and, in turn, had my dick sucked; indeed, for me, it was the highlight of going to camp - that and getting away from my parents and siblings for an extended period of time. No matter what cabin I'd be assigned to, there was always at least one guy who had a craving for dick and was looking to get some; likewise, there were no less than two very curious guys who wanted to find out about sex with other boys. I had the... advantage of somehow winding up being the only Black kid in my assigned cabin and, as such, there were always a bunch of white guys who'd, at the least, wanted to see my dick... and some who'd want to get all up close and personal with it... and it didn't usually take more than a couple of hours after arriving at camp for someone to get around to asking me, "Hey... have you ever done it with another boy?"

    That meant that they wanted to find out what it was like... or they already knew about it and was looking for a dick to play with. I never had to ask The Question; experience had taught me that all I had to do was wait and someone would ask the question... and then we'd have each other's dick in our mouths and as quickly as possible. Fucking could be done but, again, there was the time factor and while I enjoyed fucking my cabin mates and being fucked by them, I was finding that my greatest joy was sucking their dicks and swallowing their sperm. Being honest, I had always felt that I liked sucking dick more than I did having them buried in my ass but that year, I had confirmed that while fucking was nice, it wasn't as... good as having some kid's dick in my mouth, hearing them moaning and groaning, and having them fucking into my mouth until they spilled their load.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  5. Settling In - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]The rule changes made it possible for us guys to spend more time in each other's company; we weren't exactly confined to our part of the camp - we could go anywhere on our side of the place we wanted to but given how thick the woods were and how there were footpaths all through those woods from all the campers creating and using them, there was always places a guy could go - with another guy - to spend some time sucking dick and, if time allowed, to fuck. The more attentive of us figured out that our counselors wouldn't start looking for us unless, during free time, we were gone longer than an hour but some counselors let us know that if we went unseen for thirty minutes, they'd come looking for us.

    Good information to have. It could take a differing amount of time to get out of the immediate area of the cabins, then a bit of time to find just the right spot - and read that as a spot that wasn't overrun with poison ivy and, yeah, snakes and some of them copperheads and water moccasins. Factoring in the time it would take to get back to the cabin area, that didn't always leave enough time to fuck... but plenty of time for dicks to get sucked and sometimes twice.

    The communal shower room was different in that while there wasn't any privacy in there, it was one of the two places that the counselors wouldn't invade without reason - the other was the separate lavatory and even if a couple of guys were in there getting busy, at best, a counselor would just stick his head in the door and call for the guys in question and wait for them to respond - but wouldn't wait too long before stepping inside to see what was taking them so long. While sex would happen in there, again, most of the time, there was only time for dicks to get sucked until the sperm flowed for both guys and if a counselor came looking, well, they'd find the participants sitting on the toilet and citing diarrhea or constipation for why they were still in there.

    I thought the counselors got hip to this one... but said/did nothing; I also thought that their inaction was based upon a "simple" premise: If there were no complaints of... wrongdoing, there was no need for them to act. In all the years I attended that camp, there were zero complaints of sexual wrongdoings, at least when I was there for my month-long stay.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  6. Settling In - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]It was just before my 12th birthday and during a very interesting month at summer camp that I began to realize that I liked - perhaps even loved - sucking dick more than fucking/being fucked. Since my second year going to this camp, my eyes had been opened to how many guys were like me and eager to find out what it was like to have sex with another boy or, in a lot of cases, those guys being away from home for a camp session was just another chance to keep doing what they'd been doing all along.

    Sex, of course, was prohibited; there were girls at this camp but, as you can imagine, they were kept far away from us and when we were all together, the counselors kept a very close eye on us any time we were in the girls' presence. Um, okay... that didn't stop the more creative of us from getting that pussy and there wasn't a year - after my first one - that I didn't get a chance to sink my dick into some nice, wet, tight, and eager to be fucked pussy. Risky as hell and if you got caught - and some of the less creative guys did get caught - that meant expulsion from the camp and one guy had to endure being accused of rape because the girl he got caught fucking said he raped her. He didn't - she was just humiliated at having gotten caught fucking.

    The camp, after that event, tightened down the rules over guys and gals hanging out and I'll admit that while the new rules made it harder to get the pussies on the other side of the camp, many of us guys weren't all that worried about it... because we had each other... and I came to suspect that our counselors knew what we were up to... and said/did nothing about it; easier to just let boys be boys than to be the counselor on the hot seat and having to explain to some girl's parents why he wasn't keeping a closer eye on his charges so that they could keep their dicks out of their precious little - and not so innocent - girl.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  7. The Adult Years - Part VIII

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Three women to have sex with and even more guys asking for - or aggressively demanding - my mouth and ass and annoyingly so. I left that relationship because it was finally falling apart and got into another one... with a woman who not only thought my being bi was da shit, she wanted to watch me suck dick... and that was fairly easy to arrange and it started her - and continued for me - being a swinger and we'd only select couples with guys - and gals - who were bisexual.

    Recently? The guy who lives on the third floor pretty much asked me to "help him out" and I knew that he and his wife weren't getting along and was making his life miserable... so I gave him a bro-job that made him so happy he actually cried. I did ask him, "Why'd you ask me?" and I liked his answer: We were both USAF vets, both had seen action (me, Vietnam, him, Operation Iraqi Freedom) and he knew that I would better understand what it meant to truly be brothers in arms and, as such, wouldn't find reason to question or deny such a request. To be honest, I had suspected that he liked dick and more so since he's a long-haul trucker who's away from home more than he's at home and, like he said, "When I'm on the road, I don't have to deal with that bitch..."

    Blowing him didn't "mean" much to me because we're neighbors and not really friends... but he is a fellow vet and if I can "help out" a fellow vet by sucking his dick, I won't hesitate to do it. I'm pretty sure that what we did the other day won't be the last time we have each other's dick in each other's mouth...[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  8. The Adult Years - Part VII

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Then websites started popping up, followed by apps... and the "I want some dick" business was once again booming. I was still giving select guys their first experience while "fending off" the advances of a slew of gay men; between that, still being in an open marriage and now, at this point, being in a relationship with our live-in girlfriend, there just wasn't - again - enough hours in a day to get with the guys I'd be interested in and more so when, now, I had two women living with me who wanted to be fucked every day and most of the time twice a day.

    And let's not mention my other girlfriend who, if the women who lived with me didn't wear me out, she most certainly could and would. Just trying to keep them happy and satisfied didn't leave me with a lot of chances to enjoy some dick and it got to the point where going to meet a guy to exchange blow jobs was a welcomed escape!

    Our live-in girlfriend - my "other wife" for all intents and purposes - had a son who, when he turned 18, he wanted to be introduced to dick... and wanted me to introduce him. I did everything I could to talk him out of it and suggested he find some other guy... but then I questioned his "request" and more so when I found out that he was forcing his younger brother to suck his dick... so what was really going on with him. He and I had some words about him forcing his brother to blow him and I thought the matter was settled until it became clear that the guy he really wanted to have sex with was me. I'd suck him off and, in lieu of him returning that favor, I'd fuck him.

    He did fuck me once... and it was glorious... but he said that it wasn't what he wanted us to be doing; he was very happy to have his dick sucked and his balls emptied, then give me his ass to fuck; he even said, one night when I was deep inside him, "I love it when you fuck me..."

    Even after he met a girl and fell in love with her, the dick thing kept right on rolling along, not just with other guys but with my son-in-law; I still remember the day he and my daughter came over to talk to me about me and him blowing each other. I was very shocked as I listened to them explain that he wanted to know what it was like and there was only one person they both knew they could trust.

    Inside My Bi Mind
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