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  1. Gay Boyfriends - Part IV

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]At this point, I have to say that this guy did not give me a bad impression about gay men at all; I was (and still am) smart enough not to condemn all gay men based on how one gay man was behaving.

    One weekend, we had a party and he had invited a lot of his friends. Things were going well... then it turned into an orgy once pretty much everyone got all boozed up. Dicks were being sucked and asses were getting fucked... and I'm just kinda sitting there watching it, sometimes stepping around and over bodies on the floor to hit the bathroom or the kitchen. One of his friends must've realized that I was the only one not in the mix so he came over, pulled my dick out, and started blowing me... and my roommate lost his ever-loving mind, yanking the guy away from me, slapping him several times, and yelling, "That's my dick! Leave it alone!"

    I got up from where I had been sitting, went over to him and said, "If you hit him again, I'm going to hit you; I don't belong to you and if he wants to blow me, I say he can and if you don't fucking like it, go to your room." I took the guy by the hand, sat back down in the chair, and said to him, "Finish what you were doing..."

    The rest of the evening, surprisingly, went well... but my roommate was fuming, giving me dirty looks to see me fucking somebody or blowing them. As an aside, I was the only guy there who didn't get fucked... but I didn't really notice that until the next day. And speaking of the next day - and since it was Saturday - things picked up right where they left off... and my roommate was still acting like a little bitch.

    I was so glad when he got transferred to another base. While it wasn't the first time I'd had sex with a gay man, this was the first time to be caught up in this kind of shit. When he was all packed and ready to leave, he was crying and carrying on, telling me how much he was gonna miss me and when he asked if I was going to miss him I said, "Not really; you'd better get going before you're late reporting..."[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  2. Gay Boyfriends - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]He takes a step back... and here comes his hand, palm open to slap me and my years of training kicked in, blocking his attempt to slap me and I put him on the floor - hard - and added an armlock for good measure. He's looking at me, shocked and now crying and telling me he's sorry.

    I don't know why I let him apologize by blowing me but I was too pissed off to really enjoy it and more so when I can hear him bitching about how my crotch still smelled like pussy and my dick tasted like it... but, yeah, I let him suck me off twice before I told him I was going to bed. We didn't have much to say to each other - or do anything - for a couple of days but we eventually sat down and talked about it. He's saying he thought I was gay, I'm telling him I'm bisexual; he's telling me that he would feel better if I didn't have sex with women... and I'm telling him there's no way I'm ever gonna do that and if he doesn't like it, too bad.

    He's maintaining that we're boyfriends and I'm maintaining that we aren't. Tempers are starting to flare - and I can see that he remembered what I did to him so the moment got diffused... and ended with me with my dick buried in his ass. As I lay in my bed, I'm thinking that this was gonna be a very bad situation and I should look into getting a new roommate or changing dorms.

    My time as his roommate was a living hell for me; he was possessive and obsessive, still acting like we were a couple. I didn't stop dating women or fucking them and he'd want to fight about it - he didn't learn about that so much. He called himself making me jealous; once we moved off base, he'd have guys over and "made sure" that I'd catch them having sex... and then he'd get pissed because it didn't bother me in the least bit.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  3. Gay Boyfriends - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I stood there like the proverbial deer in the headlights as he proceeded to undress me and I'm even lifting my legs so he could get my pants and underwear off; he even took the time to fold my clothes and set them aside! He gives me a good looking over, his eyes lock onto my dick - which, yeah, was very hard - and says, "Ooh, that's a nice one!"

    One of those "the next thing I knew" moments and we're on his bed - on the other side of the room, mind you, and I didn't remember moving - and we're in a 69 with me on top and him digging his fingers into my ass and repeatedly pulling me deep into his mouth while thrusting into mine. He cums - warm, sweet, kinda thick - and I'm not too far behind him. Then we're lying next to each other gasping and I'm thinking, "What the fuck just happened?" and he says, "I'm glad we're gonna be roomies! Let's get dressed and hit the chow hall, come back, and do this again!"

    And we did only this time found me on top of him and driving my dick deep into his ass while he clung to me and sounding all the world like this one girl I had had sex with in high school. He was getting so loud that I was sure the other guys in the dorm could hear him and I did the only thing I could think of to quiet him down: I kissed him and snaked my tongue into his mouth for good measure. That quieted him... and energized him, too. He's fucking back against me, his arms wrapped around my head and keeping the kiss going - and I needed to come up for air... and it took me a moment to break free of the kiss.

    Note to self: Don't kiss him while fucking him. I propped myself up on my elbows, still fucking him, and I look down and not only is he hard but I looked just in time to see his cock start spurting long thick ropes of cum, which triggered me to unload in his ass. As I'm going soft inside him, he looks up at me and says, "We're gonna have a great time being roommates!"

    He was wrong about that. There was never an agreement between us to be boyfriends and while I was happy to have sex with him, he took it all very seriously. I'd gone out on a date with a girl I'd met and we'd spent more time screwing each other silly than we did actually doing the date thing. I come in around 1am - 0100 in military time - and he's awake... and highly pissed off. He's demanding to know where I've been; he stalks over to me and sniffs me and really goes off the deep end, practically yelling at me that I smell like pussy. He's now all in my face and I recover from the shock of this outburst and tell him, "Back off - and I'm only gonna tell you once."[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  4. Gay Boyfriends - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Technically, I've had two gay boyfriends, one it made sense to me to be with him, one who just felt that because we'd have sex, we were a couple. Man... talk about things being like night and day?

    The first one... well, let's just say that I really didn't expect to be assigned to a dorm room with a guy who was gay since being gay in the military was a serious court martial offense that came with the "Big Chicken Dinner," otherwise known as a Bad Conduct Discharge. When I lugged my gear into the room, he wasn't there but arrived not five minutes after I did. We introduced ourselves and while I'm hanging up my uniforms, he just says, "Hey, when you get done, can I suck your dick?"

    And I'm like, "Huh?" He just smiles at me without saying anything and I went back to putting my stuff away; I wasn't in a hurry to do it when I started and given what he'd just asked me, I was in even a less of a hurry. Now, it's not to say this was because I was... opposed to having my dick sucked; I just met this guy, we're smack-dab in the middle of a military base, and if I didn't know anything else about the regulations, I knew this would be a bad idea if we got caught or it got out.

    At the same time, I recalled something one of the sergeants in charge of us in tech school would tell us every Friday during our "safety briefing" - what not to do on the weekend: "It's only illegal if you get caught." It would make us laugh but the message was clear: Whatever you idiots are gonna do this weekend, don't get caught doing it... or else.

    I'm thinking about this, kinda laughing to myself about it, and realized that I'm done putting my stuff away. Oh, shit... but maybe he was just jerking my chain? I kinda peeked over my shoulder and my new roommate is naked and that quick glance told me that he was nice looking from head to toe... but he's getting ready to hit the shower, right? Uh, no - he strolls over to me, smiles, and says, "Let's get you ready..."[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  5. It Bugs Me - Part IV

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]And the thing that bugs me the most is that over all this time I’ve been alive, we - society - have not learned one damned thing. How utterly prudish we are about sex. How society still thinks that bisexual really means homosexual. That and we pay more attention to what people who aren’t bisexual has to say about it.

    The good thing is that it doesn’t bug me all that often but when it does, it just does. Not men or women - both. Not pussy or dick - both. Inclusive. And casual sex works well for me and as much as relationship sex would work. Why wouldn’t I consider just being in a relationship with a man? I never said I wouldn’t... but I also think that monogamy sucks And, besides, where the fun in being bisexual if you’re only gonna get with the person you’re with?

    Arent you afraid of catching something? Of course I am - I’m seriously horny, not stupid. I will, however, point out that I’ve never caught an STD - and I’ve had probably more than my fair share of cock and cunt and assholes in the raw...and I do have my doctor order tests periodically. Otherwise, no - not much in the way of fear; I take more risks getting in the car and going to the store; I take a sexual risk every time I have sex with my wife.

    And, yes, she knows and approves... and even if she didn’t, I’d still be bisexual.

    Rant over. Had to get that off my chest...[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  6. It Bugs Me - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I’ll be 65 next month... and there hasn’t been a time since I became aware of my sexuality that I haven’t had to listen to stuff like this or spent so much time trying to explain it to others until I just gave up trying to explain it.

    Fifty-five years - soon to be fifty-six of them - being bisexual and, no, I have never felt like my “innocence” was stolen from me because I gave it up willingly the year before I learned about dick. I understand what it’s like to be bisexual... but the rest of the world?

    They're still stuck back in 1964 and asking questions that they can’t or won’t accept. Bisexuality remains an impossibility today as it did back then.

    How can I be bisexual and married to a woman? Um, what does that have to do with anything? I love women and, yeah, I like being married to one. Again, did you just miss what “bisexual” means and literally so?

    What the fuck do you mean I don’t have to get pissy about it because you’re entitled to your opinion? I get pissy about it because your opinion is, well, wrong and you clearly don’t understand a damned thing about this because if you did, we wouldn’t be having this conversation and you wouldn’t be under the impression that I’m being pissy about it.

    Trust me... you’ve never seen me really get pissy about it... and you really don’t want to. You should be glad you weren’t asking me this shit when I was like 15 or 16 - I would have chewed a hole in your ass big enough to fly an A380 through.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  7. It Bugs Me - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]If you like having sex with men, doesn’t that mean you’re really gay? Um, do you even know what the word “bisexual” means? No - I’m not gay. Sheesh!

    How come you don’t like men and women equally? Uh, because I don’t? Because people are different? Why would you think this is a 50/50 kind of thing?


    Do you like men like you do women? No, I don’t. Not attracted to men like that... but I do like and am attracted to dick. And before you ask, no - I’m still bisexual and no matter what you think About my lack of attraction to men.

    The “sexual” part of bisexual is still valid... or did you not understand that either? Do I mean that I’m homoerotic? Heteroflexible? No, I don’t. I’m bisexual and I’m good with that. Heteroflexible my ass...

    Are you a top or a bottom? Depends on how I’m feeling and, yes, I’ve topped and bottomed in the same session. Which do I like better? Why are you trying to get me to make choices that I feel no need to make?

    Does it mean that you don’t like the way women suck your dick? Oh, hell, no - do I look crazy to you? Why would you think that I wouldn’t?

    Oh, that’s right - you think I’m gay. Or you believe that it’s impossible for someone to want, like, and enjoy sex with both men and women.

    Inside My Bi Mind
  8. It Bugs Me - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]That “either/or” mindset many have about bisexuality. Being asked time and time again which do I prefer or trying to put me in some kind of box by asking me to choose one over the other.

    While I understand that, for some, bisexuality is an either/or kind of thing; for some it’s a measure of last resort, even an act of desperation as well as a replacement - can’t get any pussy? Time to look for a dick until some trim can be had!

    Heard this way back in 1964... still hearing it in 2020. If I had the proverbial dollar for every time I’ve had to say to someone, “It’s not men or women - it’s men and women!” I’d be Bill Gates rich.

    Do I prefer pussy or cock? Yes! If you had to choose, which would you choose? Both, damn it - what part of “bi” don’t you understand? Wait... what do you mean I can only choose one? Are you for real? Why choose one when I know I don’t have to?
    Inside My Bi Mind
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