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  1. More "I" Word Reality - Part VII

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]It's just as real as bisexuality is. It's how a lot of people not only learned about sex, it's how they became bisexual and even when those seriously horny cousins were all in the mix... and it's almost a sure bet that those horny-assed cousins were all up and into the "I" word, too.

    I'm just the guy who has the nerve to say something about this because, like it or not, it's part of the truth of the human condition that, again, [B]no one[/B] wants to talk about or admit to: It's humanity's very dirty little secret... and not really so much of one.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  2. More "I" Word Reality - Part VI

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I remember going to visit a friend of a friend and when his parents told me he was in his room and I could go on up, when I walked into his room, his little sister was in the middle of sucking his dick and he was fingering her pussy as, as I recall, she was eight at the time. He looked up, saw me, and spoke; she stopped sucking him, waved to me and asked, "You wanna be next?"

    Um, really? Of course I wanted to be next... but I was shocked that the two of them had the nerve to be doing this... while their parents were downstairs! My friend must've figured out why I was still standing there looking shocked and said, "Don't worry about them..." and his sister said that I should get my dick out and stick it in her pussy while she sucked her brother's dick and against all common sense, um, I did. Much later and when he and I were outside, he told me that his parents knew they were fucking and I just didn't believe a word of it... but it must have been true because the whole time the three of us were having sex, their parents [B]never [/B]asked what we were doing or even came to see what we were doing.

    He told me - in between us going to the woods and sucking each other off - that his parents had told them that they knew they were gonna have sex - so go ahead and do it and as long as it wasn't being forced, it was okay. It was unbelievable but still true... and I found out that these two weren't the only ones who were allowed to have sex with their siblings as long as it didn't get "out of hand" and if someone said it had to stop, it had better stop... or else.

    One of the reality of this and, again, one that no one wants to talk about or even acknowledge. Even I had to come to terms with this and it wasn't that easy to do to see this as a part of life even though it was a "bad" part of it. I had to see and understand that even though we were siblings, we were still very much boys and girls and that nature, itself, really didn't care about who we had sex with... as long as we had sex... and even if some shit went wrong at times.

    The rules and laws made sense - and they still do... but the truth is that those rules and laws have always been thrown away; the risk of birth defects is very real if a brother fucks his sister and she gets pregnant so there's more than enough reason to make sure it never happens... but it has happened and there's no way that I know or can think of that can stop it from happening since, duh, the rules and laws can't and more so if, one, no one else knows it's happening and, two, no one is complaining about it.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  3. More "I" Word Reality - Part V

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]My friends, this is the reality that decent people don't ever want to admit to or even talk about. I know a lot of my friends became bisexual because of the "I" word and, again, kid logic said that if two brothers could do it to each other, any two boys could do it, too... so why not? Girls weren't immune to having sex with their sisters and, yeah, sometimes, they'd wind up doing it to each other to keep themselves from doing it with their brother(s) or other boys - it was safer for them and losing their hymen to probing female fingers wasn't evidence of being sexually active... and licking each other's pussies left zero evidence of sexual activity.

    I'd then grow up and find out that, for some, the "I" word was still in effect and way past childhood. Greater risks and even greater penalties and punishments since, being "grown up," one is expected to know better but the one thing I learned that remained consistent was if nothing bad happened, it wasn't a problem since being older meant being legally able to consent to sex... even if the sex was, in itself, illegal.

    It all made sense: Who better to have sex with than with someone you knew like the back of your hand? Who was that person or persons you knew you could trust more and better than any of your friends? And who was it who was less likely to complain about it or snitch to the peeps about having sex with each other?

    It is important to state as a fact and for the record that not all siblings had sex with each other or even thought about it. I grew up with guys with sisters who really didn't like their sister and sisters who couldn't stand their brother or brothers and didn't even like being in the same room with them or breathing the same air so the thought of having sex with them? Ew - gross!

    It's just that not all siblings felt that way and, at the least, they'd think about what it might be like to have sex with a sibling - but not try to do it... and some did do it. One guy I grew up told me that he started having sex with the fellas... because he was tired of his sister always wanting him to eat and fuck her and that happened because she told him that if he didn't do it to her, she would tell their parents that he tried to; she knew - and he knew - what would happen if she did that. So she coerced him into having sex with him and he said that he had to admit that he really did like it and more so because he really did love his sister... and he didn't want to get his ass kicked because of a lie. Doing it with us guys was just a break for him and something different than always doing it to her. And, yeah: His sister really didn't care what boy did it to her as long as they did and that included me, too.

    And none of us, at the time, thought there was anything unusual about it: It was just the way it was. I was smart and intuitive enough even then to figure out that if it was like this for us, there was no way we were the only ones who knew about sex like this - and interacting with kids outside of my neighborhood proved that our dirty little secret wasn't all that secret: It was a secret that a lot of kids knew and were having fun with.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  4. More "I" Word Reality - Part IV

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]What was proven was that no matter how hard adults tried to keep us from having sex, it rarely stopped us from checking it out... and with whoever else was of a mind to check it out. Of the forty or so of us, I'm sure that more than half of us were having sex with our siblings (for those who had them). When all of us boys and girls got together to have sex, none of us thought anything about the fact that we could be screwing our brother or sister along with anyone else and we had some sibling pairs who preferred to have sex with each other over doing it with anyone else - but they'd do it with someone else because it was still - and more - sex.

    Even if we didn't have what I'd call full awareness in this, oh, yeah - we knew that brothers and sisters did the nasty with each other and was having fun doing it and it didn't take to much longer for it to be found out that siblings weren't the only ones doing the nasty like that; some parents were having sex with their kids and I'd think that was funny since of those who were known to be doing it like this, they were also the one's always talking about how it should never happen and other stuff.

    It taught me the word, "hypocrite" if it taught me nothing else. Those of us who were thinkers didn't have much of a problem putting it all together; we knew it was bad and we knew of the troubles involved but our brand of kid logic said that if nothing bad happened, then was it really bad? Technically? Yes; against all of the rules! Actually? Eh, not really all that bad and, we figured out, mostly because those of us who were experiencing it weren't forced into doing it - to say we eagerly wanted to do it with our siblings was a gross understatement and it was true that those whose parents were doing them, [B]they wanted it[/B] with, again, only a scant few having problems with that aspect.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  5. More "I" Word Reality - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I've spent a very large part of my life learning about bisexuality including how and why people wind up being bisexual... and the "I" word is all up in the middle of it. I knew of - and had heard - many horror stories... but I also knew of - and heard - of many more stories that weren't so horrible and I had to ask myself if this incest thing was really as bad as adults were saying it was. Sure - it was evil and unholy and girls getting pregnant by a brother or father could wind up giving birth to a monster... if she was allowed to give birth at all and eavesdropping on adults was proof that such things happened.

    Brothers doing it to each other was unmanly and any brothers who got caught or, sometimes, just suspected of it, would be dealt with harshly, not so much for having sex but for being, again, unmanly - a faggot, fairy, or queer. Even I would sometimes find myself lying on my stomach and with my brother's dick moving in and out of me and wondering just what was so bad about this; or I'd be in him and fucking him and he's moaning and groaning happily and I was understanding that there was, apparently, a huge difference between doing it like this because you wanted to... and being made to do it against one's will.

    Even before that, I still remember the day all of us were told that we could no longer take a bath together and, at the time, I didn't understand why and our parents wouldn't say anything more about it... but it didn't take me long to figure it out and even more so when either my sister or I would get yelled at just for being in the bathroom together and washing our hands... or being anywhere else in the apartment where they couldn't see us. But they'd toss me and my brother in the tub together and the only admonishments we'd get was to not get water all over the place and, oh, yeah, make sure we really washed... or they'd do it for us.

    Okay... what was really going on? My very fertile mind put it all together and fused it with what a lot of my friends were telling me: Parents were separating us like that and watching us closely because they didn't want us having sex with each other... or anyone else, for that matter.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  6. More "I" Word Reality - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I remember this one guy I was in basic training with who was from West Virginia and one weekend we had off from the rigors of basic, he was telling me about how things were where he came from and a place that he said no one could probably find on any map... and how everyone who lived there was pretty much fucking everyone and whether they were related or not. He told me how the males in his family - and including himself - would almost routinely have sex with all of the females in his family, including his mom and how when any of them reached a certain age, the family would introduce them to sex.

    I think he was telling the truth and trying to shock me at the same time but given what I'd grown up with, nah - I wasn't shocked or surprised at all - but I did ask him why he was telling me all of this and his answer wasn't what I expected: He was just very homesick and missed the sexual interaction with his family and everyone else in their little town.

    Just more proof that incest was a very real thing; reasons for it to be avoided at all costs and that's no joke but, yeah - still happens. Still, we are so very against this that we've managed to convince ourselves that because we don't believe in it and that it should never happen, that it doesn't and, again, if it does, it's the most horrible thing in the world... and what we choose to believe in this, in reality, changes nothing.

    At this point, I have to say that I'm neither for or against it: I just know it happens and I'm not afraid to say anything about it because I accept that it's one of those facts of life we really do not ever want to see the light of day or to see the other truths.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  7. More "I" Word Reality - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]As petty much everyone knows, the "I" word is deemed to be filthier and nastier than two boys having sex with each other. It's humanity's dirty little secret and one that we will raise all kinds of hell against it and saying that it shouldn't ever happen which, in denying it, we were admitting that it does happen. It's such an uneasy topic of conversation that whenever it comes up, almost everyone talks about how bad and traumatizing it is and it being presumed that kids, especially, were being forced into it and made to endure so many horrors.

    And it was true... just not the whole truth of it. I have no shame in saying that I was up to my eyeballs having sex like this and so were a lot of my childhood friends and if there were, say, ten of us who knew about sex like this, one of us didn't like that it was happening to them. Of the forty or so of us in my neighborhood, I'd have to say that maybe ten of us were made to have incestuous sex by someone and they hated it and it fucked them up in some way... but the rest of us? It was having sex and in yet another way that, at least on the surface, would totally make adults lose their shit to even hear rumors or suspicions about it.

    But even I learned that they knew about it and some of them were up to their eyeballs - or had been at some time in their life - as well. It's one of those facts of life that is so bothersome that, again, we will speak out more against it and the horrors of it than to really admit that it's always been a "human thing" and that, again, it's not always abusive.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  8. My Reoccurring Bisexual Orgy Dream

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]I keep having this dream:

    We walk into a room. Immediately to our right is a hot naked lady on a bar stool with her legs spread open. There is another girl kneeling before her with her face down on it. The lady on the bar stool is moaning and saying “your tongue is amazing!” The other girl says, “your pussy tastes amazing. You’re so wet.” “I like it when you lick my clit like that/”[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]Behind them a guy is standing up with a rock hard cock and a sexy dude is sitting on the floor with his tongue going up and down the shaft. “That feels so good.” A dirty red hair hottie slut crawls over to them and grabs his cock and slaps it on the other guys face saying “you like cock faggot. You like it when I rub his cock all over your face.” Three other party girls walk up to her and start rubbing on her. One get in front of her pussy and starts kissing her legs. The other girls start rubbing her shoulders. [/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]To the left of them, an Asian chick with perky boobs is spread eagle on a bar stool with her legs over the arms of the bar stool. She is grabbing her split legs and getting drilled by a buff guy. He is pounding her. She is saying “fuck yes. Harder. Fuck me how you want to be fucked. Fuck me how you want to be fucked. Fuck yes.” And then he arches back and she says cum in me. He grunts. They stay intense, rigid and frozen, looking at each other’s eyes. He then gets out of her and gets on the bar stool next to her. He spreads his legs and puts lube on his fingers. And he starts rubbing lube in his ass with small circles, and then he goes nuts and starts fingering himself. The girl is staring at him touching herself. He starts saying “someone fuck me, fuck me good.” [/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]The Asian chick with the perky boobs gets up and walks past him to a mound of 5 guys in a huddled mass. She squats down amid all the grunting and says I love sucking cock that is getting fucked. And out from the mass is a guy on his side with a rock hard dick getting drilled. She sticks out her tongue and starts licking and sucking his dick. [/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]Back and the entrance the two girls are now on the floor next to each other. Ohhhh fuck. They have curved double dildo going in and out of them - back and forth. You like that. She kisses the other girl. You love it when you play with my pussy like that you fucking bitch. You hot slut I love it when you fuck me like that. [/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]The one guy getting his cock sucked behind the girls, pushes the cocksucker down on the floor so he is face down and ass up. The guy on the floor says fuck me. The other guy pours lube in his ass and then slides his cock into his ass. You like it when I fuck you. [/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Arial]The four girls are all in a frenzy. The red headed girl is laying on the floor with a girl on her face. Another girl has her hands all over her pussy. The girl doing the rubbing is saying, “yeah fuck you dirty fucking slut fuck your clit is so hard. My dirty hands are all over your pussy. I love fucking your wet pussy with my hands. All I am good for is getting you off. I am here to serve your pussy” The fourth brunette girl is rubbing the red hair chick’s breasts and sides. The red hair chick is gyrating and throbbing on the floor. She is in ecstasy. [/FONT][/COLOR]
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