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  1. A Date!!!

    Posted yesterday in the "Sucking" thread 'bout an x bf I haven't seen in years an' how he had improved no end.. the bugger foned me this mornin' an asked if I fancied going out 2 dinner wiv 'im... "Wud b nice 2 catch up on the old days, Francie" 'e sed.. Francie?? jeez.. forgot the bastard called me that.. lotsa peeps did wen I wos at school an' lotsa peeps got clattered round ear'ole... I owe him 1!! Not ver pacifist thing but some things r 2 much 2 take.. an being called Francie is 1..

    I have gone out wiv guys on me own wivout Kate b4 now, but not ver often an x bf.. an very rarely wiv an x bf quite so dishy as ' x hubbie maybe quite frequently... but we r gud friends now and we like each others company better than we ever did wen married... an ifya like that sorta thing.. triff.. then in mid natter Kate wandered in 2 kitchen an I whispered in 'er lug'ole who it wos an wot 'e wanted an put on a horrified twisted face... just 'bout fell through floor wen she sed "Go on.. u know u want to..enjoy yourself.." At 1st I thought she wos takin' piss... then she nodded an' mouthed soundlessly, "Go on.. don't b daft.." God.. that girl dusn't haff surprise me at times. If chummie had been an ex gf I used 2 have fun wiv.. not 2 sure she wud b quite so keen 2 boot me out door!!!

    An' so.. Fran obviously unluffed at 'ome accepted a4sed invitation 2 dinner.. not tonite as the bugger wanted.. we r out on town 2nite an guys don't cum 'tween me an me m8s Sat nites out... an just so ya know.. dishy as 'e is... ther will b no hanky panky.. no canoodlin' for ole times or new times sake.. just 2 old friends chattin' and having good food an' a laugh catchin' up.. reliving the past does not mean knickers an keks cum off!!!

    Am quite looking forward 2 it... he betta act like a gennelman.. no.. maybe not.. have had dates wiv 1 or 2 gennelman in me time.. an even had the odd gennelman bf.. bloody octopi for most part who dont like 2 take no for an ansa......:eek2:
  2. Boldy into the brave new world of tomorrow..

  3. Sealy has gone 21st century

    Madison Ave.continues to relentlessly hammer us through our carnal desires. The successful mattress Sealy, has changed its slogan from, "Sleeping on a Sealy is like sleeping on a cloud," to "Whatever you do in bed, Sealy supports it." Gotta admit, it's clever. Reminds me of the wholesome 'Ivory Soap Girl,' Marylin Chambers,who moved on to become a successful, albeit controversial, porn star. It'll sell for awhile; we're such suckers for sexual innuendo, double entendres.
  4. Wasn't it hard?

    That I am at one with the great being that made me and brought me here
    that formed the galaxies and the universes, et cetera--

    How did that get taken out of religion? ..wasn't it hard?

    Most of the problems that religion and various philosophical movements down through the centuries have produced
    have been errors because that's where they're started--

    That God is a distinct, separate being from us...

    to whom I must offer worship, to whom I must cultivate humor,
    please and hope to attain a reward from at the very end of my life.

    That is not what God is.
    That is a blasphemy.

    God is such a broad thing--most of the parts of which that are associated with organized religion... are something that I sort of recoil at.

    It's something I think has done a lot of harm to the world,

    done harm to women...
    done harm to oppressed peoples,
    done harm to the World Trade Center.

    People fall into line very readily when they're threatened...
    by these cosmic sentences of everlasting punishment.

    But this is not how God is.

    God must be greater than the greatest of human weaknesses...
    and indeed the greatness of human skill.

    That God must even transcend our most remarkable...
    to emulate nature in its absolute splendor.

    How can any man or woman sin against such a greatness of mind?

    How can any one little carbon unit...
    on Earth in the backwaters of the Milky Way,the boondocks...
    betray God Almighty?
    That is impossible.

    The height of arrogance is the height of control...
    of those who create God in their own image
    -Michael Ledwith[/SIZE][/FONT]

  5. Great Stories Personifying Human Nature

    Just saw the much touted movie, " Grey" a raw, survivalist, encounter of man vs.beast in the genre of Jaws, The Edge , The Frozen, amongst others. When I was a teen, I read a book & saw the movie titled, " Sands of the Kalahari, " a story of airplane crash victims attempting to survive that brutal desert environment. Very interesting similarities between the vicious baboons of the Kalahari & the wolves in Alaska ; Both are social & territorial animals.Also interesting in both movies was that the alpha-male of the human species eventually confronts the alpha-male of the animal species & the ending leaves one in limbo, wondering just who prevails.
  6. Re: Obama ignores questions about controversial de facto amnesty decision

    [QUOTE] Cite: [url][/url]

    1. "President Barack Obama declined to take any questions from
    reporters about his controversial and significant decision to offer
    a de facto amnesty to at least 800,000 foreigners aged 15 to 30.

    The president turned and walked away from reporters at the end of an
    early afternoon address in the White House’s Rose Garden, even though
    two reporters called out questions about his decision."

    2. "Obama justified his immigration decision by saying it is supported by
    business lobbies."

    3. "The selected reporters did not ask about the controversial impact on
    American workers."

    1. It has been suggested we look at what politicians do instead of
    what they say. Our current POTUS walks away from redress of
    grievances. In walking away from valid questions, refusing them,
    the current POTUS says in their actions they are above the law and
    the people.

    2. Of course, it is supported by business lobbies. If they can further
    degrade America we will submit to lower wages, fewer benefits and
    worsening occupational environs. Business wins in furthering the
    agenda of ensnaring slavery. Ultimately, it returns to the song
    which remains the same. "The rich keep getting richer and the poor
    are left to starve."

    3. The media takes orders from business. Media is business. Business
    no longer gives a damn about American workers. They will have the
    cheapest labor force they can muster regardless of dignity, laws,

    Like many others, I have been seeing and aware of this for quite a
    while now. I have also voiced strong objections to it. some of
    denounced my opinions on the issue as simply whining, or self pity.

    Are you awake now?

    This is only one of the key reasons I can no longer function in a work place environ. Another stems from what I perceive as obvious stupidity in others not grasping this fact of business. Co-workers are lovely in their capacity to act as professional psychologists and deem you bat shit insane for positing the truth of reality, and then wonder why you become enraged.

    Worked for a company whom over extended as they say. They bought up all the smaller national companies providing the same product. Unfortunately, in so buying everyone else up to avoid competition they reserved no operating capital. This left them unable to purchase desperately needed new equipment for any production units.

    They told us the product was in surplus as the market had bottomed out. We still ran ungodly amounts of product through the lines. We were still pushed, coerced to "do not stop the line." In fact at the production unit I worked at we ran double our rating for a few weeks.

    That means this, say your production unit can using its equipment run 25,000 units of product a shift. To double that would mean the unit was forced to run 50,000 units. In turn this adds more strain on already dire equipment, equipment which needed replacing a decade ago, more break downs, more product errors.

    Meanwhile, the company declares chapter 11 bankruptcy. This means as the company is so massive, the Feds step in to help offset payroll. If the company defaults on payroll, economic travesty ensues, people no longer work. Which would be bad because roughly 98% of the employee base was either illegal immigrants, or those working on visas. And yes, the company resides in the U.S..

    So basically, when I say "hey, we're all fucked", it is not merely whining or self pity. It is simply a statement of fact. This is business. This is what business does, ensures those whom have money and power keep it, whilst raping the rest of us. Yes, I'm well aware life is unfair. Is there something wrong in hoping to make it more fair, in asking for changes to attain that?

    Also, apologies for obviously misreading, "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." It seems business and the elites deem themselves well above and beyond equality.

    I'm tired of being angry regarding all of this. I have a choice. I choose to no longer be angry. I choose giving my dollar to companies whom are making efforts to be socially, environmentally sustaining. Run the bastards out of business by not doing business with them. That's a lot saner than facing down a riot squad I think.
  7. The Nose Causes The Tail


    There was a man who sat each day looking out through a narrow vertical opening where a single board had been removed from a tall wooden fence. Each day a wild ass of the desert passed outside the fence and across the narrow opening—first the nose, then the head, the forelegs, the long brown back, the hindlegs, and lastly the tail. One day, the man leaped to his feet with the light of discovery in his eyes and he shouted for ...

    Updated Jun 14, 2012 at 7:53 PM by æonpax

  8. Premonition?

    I was slightly taken aback this morning, but then again..I've had many experiences like this. I was scanning the obits in the daily paper with my morning coffee when I noticed a former co-worker 12 years my junior who had passed during this past week-end. It startled me. Then, my mind really started cranking because I had had an unexpected dream this past week which had featured said co-worker, one of those dreams, vivid upon awakening, which makes one question..." why am I dreaming of that person all of a sudden?" Anyway, within the scenario of the dream, I found myself back at that job with said co-worker walking by my side. I tried to engage him in conversation but he stubbornly ignored me, physically pulled away and then steadfastly walked away into a darkness. I remembered the dream that day; it lingered within my mind like some dreams do; Today, after reading the obit, it came bursting forth. It made me wonder, given the vast expanse of the unconscious mind ....did I get a glimpse ? We were,after all, within the dream, walking in the same direction,up to a certain point. Don't mean to come across as morbid here but I'm Inclined to perceive this as a spiritual, meaningful experience.
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