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  1. Scales

    by , Jul 7, 2012 at 9:09 PM (DD's Corner This and That and in between)
    I had to buy a pair of scales today to weigh daily to keep track of fluid retention. But as I was looking at scales I saw several that had so many great features, most are meant to keep track of two people using the same scale, presumably in the same location in the house.

    My problem since I dropped over 20 pounds in hospital in one night is that the hospital scales are one thing, this digital scale is another. Not sure if it's actually going to be anywhere near accurate so I've just thrown out my last reading. Now I gotta figure out when to weigh... At the hospital they weigh you like 6am in the morning so you've had time to digest food and before breakfast. Here it might be a bit more difficult so I'll probably do it after I wake up. You are always supposed to weigh yourself in the same clothing.. big surprise what most people choose NUDE. It's just easier and I believe it will make it a great deal harder to go it must be the shoes...

    So I belatedly and in a way I never wanted get a start on my second New Years Resolution, to lose some weight. I have already quit smoking and am proudly celebrating one full month of not lighting up and not even really wanting to light up. Now I can just keep a handle on this steroid hunger and hope that the choices I make as I eat every two hours are healthy ones.. we'll see.

    So wish me luck, guys and gals.
  2. Blocked from chatroom?

    Not sure if this is the right place to express the concern, but after 5 minutes in the main chatroom this afternoon @ about 5 p.m. CDST (approximate), I was booted and couldln't get back in. On once screen I saw the message "You are not allowed in chat rooms." I hadn't misbehave at all -- just said hellow to a couple of people. Did the room crash, or do I have a powerful enemy I don't know anything about?
  3. First time

    It was several years ago and I was going through a divorce. Ny friends Sam and Jeannie invited me over for dinner at their house. They had fixed a big meal with turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy and all of the fixings. As Sam said it wasn't Thanksgiving but it was a meal they liked more than once or twice a year. We also had a couple of bottles of wine with dinner. We finished and I offered to clean up but both Sam and Jeannie said no-go watch some football.

    I settled back on the couch and sure enogh between the big meal and the wine I nodded off. I don't know how much later but I felt cool air on my legs, a hand on my cock and lips sliding down on the tip of my cock. I was startled but went with the flow. I did feel that i should say something so I whispered-Jeannie, isn't Sam going to be pissed if he sees us? I then felt a toungue at my ear and Jeannie said if anyone should be pissed it's me. I opened my eyes and there was Sam on his knees in front of me sucking away. He stopped and looked up and said don't be pissed, Mark-I have wanted to do this since I saw you naked on that trip to Aruba. I said to be honest I have had this fantasy for a long time. I returned the favor and said I better get home. Jeannie said Mark you aren't going anywhere with what you had to drink. We then went to bed together and it was one wild night. But that story is for another time.
  4. looking for some hot fun

    I anybody from wilkes barre area im looking for bi males and bi females to play with lots of possibilities very open minded if interested lets chat or meet for a drink hope to hear from some normal folkes
  5. hey it me again biguymarried33 been away from being me no more..

    I have finally found a guy we have been chatting for a while and one night we were at the bar me and my wife and she grabbed my phone and asked who is this i said a guy we just started talking. anyways sorry about the non- periods so he has called me babe i get home and she says i am cheating on her because i didn't tell her about him right away when we barely started talking i want opinions please!!!!! My wife knew i was bi when i married her and ill be damned if im going to let this guy go do u concider it cheating on her if im still talking to this guy we haven't even met!!!! please let me know what ya think thanks bi bi....
  6. Inspirational Videos

  7. Seven Tips for Arguing Online

    [I]Lets make this clear right now. The object of an online discussion is NOT to solve a mutual disagreement, find out why another person feels the way they do or to discover flaws in your own beliefs…it is to WIN…at all cost. Winning is everything. Also, nobody likes getting bested by a girl anyways, even other girls.[/I]

    [B][COLOR=#800000]1. Don't address the points[/COLOR][/B]
    If your opponent is being particularly logical by listing clearly articulated ...

    Updated Jun 29, 2012 at 3:03 PM by æonpax

  8. help me am i crazy or is he bi

    Ok I been wit my man for 3 years now I know he has femininity quality and mannerisms. I don't think that makes a person gay or bi but some BI and gay people are I wasn't never suspecios of that. I recently became suspecious because we moved in to a apt and we have a upstairs kneibor house that my boyfriend like to go kick it wit when he first met him I couldn't help but notice the look they was giving each other I never seen him look at any his friend that way before only me I got a bad feeling and brushed it off. Fast forward 3 months later. By now they been kicking it tough and are kinda close and we need so tools to fix the car and this kneibor had some he came down stairs and was helping with my car after it was fixed I hopped in the car to go to work they're still there putting tool back up the body language they had was like sexual tention this kneibor leaned down and very slightly touched my man's head with his thought it was strange and brushed it off. Fast foward couple months later by now I'm noticing them giving each other the I want to fuck u look and I seen them look at each other like that before and I seen him later look at other guys like that in resturants. He always goes with this kneibor and is constantly talking about him as soon as this kbeibir gets home he's right at his house like he missed him help me there's so much more to this than just that. I asked him and he got all mad we fought about it for couple days now and he all mad and defennsive but I can tell in his face that there was some sexual something going on with this kneibor I can't explain it its in my gut!!! He offered to take a our detector test but I think he just was trying to throw me off thinking I Wont pay for it but I told him ok next Saturday. Now he's making me feel bad
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