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  1. hmmm maybe this was a good idea...

    by , Jul 25, 2012 at 5:06 PM (DD's Corner This and That and in between)
    Pedal exercizer I bought on a lark appears to actually be helpful. So far I've had two days of waking up with at least five pounds lost now if I could just keep from putting it on when up and moving around :D

    Been working this thing everytime I sit at the desk, so far I've been able to go for about 20 minutes at a time before my legs give out and I have to rest. Some more clothes fit today, too, so I can finally toss off the nightshirt and sweatpants and wear a real pair of pants.. granted still an elastic waist on them but hey, progress is progress.

    I just wish these bruises would go away, I have one on my stomach from the inpatient stay 6-8 through 6-21 where they gave me a shot of blood thinner in my abdomen. last time I saw the doctor I complained about it and he told me some of them can stick around for six months... not what I wanted to hear.

    So all in all I'm looking less like the Pillsbury Dough Boy and more like myself, back to having a waist and ankles not cankles most of the time.

    The drugs seem to be starting to work better but I don't like the message from doc this morning... I'm going from 80mg of Lasix a day to 120mg to try and draw more fluid out as they don't dare raise the steroids anymore without me being back in hospital and that is not where I want to go.

    So just another note to kinda record my journey back to as healthy a me as I can get. Still no smoking, still avoiding smokers for the most part where I can so I'm not craving as much. Still sucking on the mints to help the steroid hunger and eating much smaller amounts at a time more often.

    Have you ever noticed how frustrating it can be cooking for one when you are trying to eat smaller portions? Even the packs of chicken come in like 5 or 6 oz portions and you are really only supposed to eat 3 oz at a time and I try to eat even less so I can deal with the raised blood sugar from the steroids. So I gave up and cook everything then start portioning it out and covering and storing in fridge. Then I just have to nuke it a few hours later :D

    Don't get me started on the so called Healthy frozen dinners... they have more sodium and stuff than some of the other meals that don't claim to be healthy.

    Reduced my salt intake, not that I did much in the beginning, but have to be so careful as sodium is in pretty much everything we eat and drink in some amount or other.

    Reading labels can be scary but you need to read them or you will never understand exactly what it is you are putting into your body. On the bright side my last bit of blood work showed I'm actually managing to eat healthy despite the way I have to go about it. All the good stuff is good all the bad stuff was coming down and all the increases in other things are medicated :D
  2. First creampie

    I just experienced my first creampie last night! Loved every bit of it. My girlfriend and I were a little tipsy in palm springs. Fucked her doggy style and shot half my load on her pussy. I then went down and ate every bit of it. Then continued to fuck her. I don't think she realized what went on, but I loved it and had been wanting to do it for a long time. Now that I have done that, I want more. The only problem is that I don't know how to tell her that I like it. I don't want her to think I'm gay(not that anything g I'd wrong with that) I'm just wanting to get more kinky. Does anyone have any ideas?
  3. hey it me again biguymarried33

    Well in my last post i was talking about a guy and you know what i was wrong. I stopped talking to the guy i wasn't right on those comments. I had a big talk with my wife and she so understanding and im keeping nothing from her. Im just trying not to get carried away talking about it all the time. Sometimes honesty is the best policy Im finding this out but Im always looking for fellas to talk to always us bi and us bi married should be ourselves that's what's great about this site. Until next time...
  4. hey it me again biguymarried33

    Well in my last post i was talking about a guy and you know what i was wrong. I stopped talking to the guy i wasn't right on those comments. I had a big talk with my wife and she so understanding and im keeping nothing from her. Im just trying not to get carried away talking about it all the time. Sometimes honesty is the best policy Im finding this out but Im always looking for fellas to talk to always us bi and us bi married should be ourselves that's what's great about this site. Until next time...
  5. Just a bad day

    by , Jul 23, 2012 at 9:25 PM (DD's Corner This and That and in between)
    Been harder and harder to get things regulated here, the doctor adjusted my dose of steroids back up as it doesn't appear to be keeping the pleural effusion from growing again so the attendant muscle pain, swelling and confusion are worse. Ironically, my breathing is better, it's the rest of my body that is starting to shut down because of the meds to deal with breathing. Seems everything they give me has way too many side effects and I appear to be very sensitive to some meds, like the warfarin they gave me.

    Right now I'm just trying to minimize everything while still following doctor's orders, if they say take 2 if needed I take one and pray lol.

    Been regarding the scale as the ultimate evil now but I can't help stepping on it everytime I go to the bathroom. It's become an obsession, really. Been dealing with the steroid hunger by sucking on some WintOMint LifeSavers, keeps the cravings for cigs at bay as well.

    Got my dad coming over tomorrow to put together this little pedal exercizer I bought that is supposed to help you keep the swelling down in feet and legs and help tone muscles while you sit in your favorite chair... well we'll see. It was 19 bucks so I figured I'd give it a try, maybe someday I can get out of these TED hose and other fashionable compression socks.

    If you read this far, thanks.
  6. Older guys, no hardons, no problem.

    [SIZE=4]I am sure there are a lot of older guys out there (over 60) that have problems attaining a hardon if at all. In my case I had a heart operation and since then I have had few if any erections. However I still have the urge, the want, and I can still cum with the best of them. The wife and I spank each other's monkeys on a regular basis. We do 69, play with toys, and work around the problem.

    I am sure that others in my situation are out there in bi-land looking to find a friend that will accept this problem. Sad to say it looks like once it is mentioned that the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak, any prospective J/O B/J friend heads for the hills.

    Oral is most likely way to go, but if someone needs anal then a strapon device would suffice in most circumstances.

    If you are a guy with erection problems, remember there are others out there with the same problems. Be honest in your ads. When doing a private message in the chat room, while trying to set up a meet, mention the problem, and make sure the other person knows. Personally I like to suck a soft dick. Maybe you do too. If you are close, send me an invite.[/SIZE]
  7. The Gentleperson's Guide To Forum Spies

    [SIZE=4][FONT=century gothic]I thought this might be fun to post.
    Read it at your own risk.[/FONT][/SIZE]

    [QUOTE] The Gentleperson's Guide To Forum Spies (spooks, feds, etc.)

    1. COINTELPRO Techniques for dilution, misdirection and control of a internet forum
    2. Twenty-Five Rules of Disinformation
    3. Eight Traits of the Disinformationalist
    4. How to Spot a Spy (Cointelpro ...

    Updated Jul 26, 2012 at 1:47 PM by æonpax

  8. Feeling invisible today

    Hate to say it, but I am certainly feeling invisbile today.

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