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  1. Never Been to Me

    by , Aug 6, 2012 at 9:37 PM (DD's Corner This and That and in between)
    This song has long just touched something in me, hope it does for you as well. Enjoy.

  2. Our Story?

  3. "Alone Together"

  4. Step right up..

  5. History Goes Around Again?


    Why are these words still relevant today? I would like to get off the carousel now please...
  6. The Wounded Healer

    So many LGBT people have been hurt..I wonder if this resonates with some of you?

  7. Jesus will come to judge the righteous and the wicked??

    I posted this in response to a local newspaper editorial online..


    Interesting article. A lot could be said about man's attempt to justify his actions, but what troubles me the most is that a person's justification of himself is the very thing that blocks him/her from coming to the loving physician that is being spoken of in this article. Yes, Jesus Christ opens his the the lame...and yes, to a sinner like me. He will also judge all. Love DEMANDS it. He will separate (yes, I know that is a four letter word in our country these days) the ones who conveniently identify him as a loving savior, but will not acknowledge him as LORD. So, in the end, God gives us want we want; either we live as if he is King of our lives out of gratitude and enjoy Him forever, or we exalt ourselves as King, and are turned away forever. It's that simple.

    I understand the intention behind your words, and I don't disagree but I would have said it differently.

    Jesus came to the Earth because he wanted to know what it was like to be human. He overcame his human "demons" (the same ones we all struggle with) and was able to return to heaven. His ministry was taught by example. He DID NOT want people to be subservient to him, and he DID NOT want people to be above him - he wanted people to live just like him, by his example (I am the way, the truth and the light).

    The day of the crucifixion was actually probably the WORST day of Jesus' life, the day when HIS faith was shaken the most, when his human side won out and he accused God and his disciples of abandoning him. But yet THAT is the day that billions of Christians remember and celebrate. They SHOULD be celebrating his LIFE and living by his example - of love, compassion, mercy and forgiveness NOW - not waiting until the day of judgment to somehow magically be whisked away from all of the trouble we have collectively created..

    If it helps you to think of Jesus in terms of a king, to give his teaching authority in your life that is good, but for HIS day Jesus was probably quite heretical. I think Jesus probably actually despised kings and other established Earthly authority - the example that comes to mind is confronting the money changers in the temple.

    Jesus was the light incarnate, and his life was lived as an example for other people to follow, Jesus never sought to PUNISH anyone, and he never wanted to SEPARATE anyone, the whole point of his ministry was to try to bring people TOGETHER.

    His biggest message is that each one of us is capable of doing exactly what he has done - overcome our Earthly "sins" and evolve into something more..divine light. That authority did not come from the Earthly figure of is an innate ability in all people..he was trying to show us what is possible.

    When people fill their heart with divine compassion, mercy, love and forgiveness they naturally turn toward the divine. He must be weeping now at how we have forgotten that essential message. Instead our society is based more on ego and "I" instead of respecting one another, building community and helping each other.

    Gee out of the WHOLE Bible there are only a few passages that seem to support what I am saying, just one or two lines - but to me they make all the difference in the world..

    Mark 5:34-43 - "It is your faith that makes you strong"

    Matthew 25:35-40 "to the extent that you did it to one of these brothers of Mine, even the least of them, you did it to Me."

    Luke 17:20-24 "the kingdom of God is within you"

    John 14 - but especially verse 28 - "You heard me say, 'I am going away and I am coming back to you.' If you loved me, you would be glad that I am going to the Father, for the Father is greater than I". Jesus does NOT say that he IS the Father, but that he is an intermediary who helps us.

    Not everyone will understand or accept the idea of same sex love, that is okay - you can still be my brother, or my sister, we still depend on each other, we still exist in community and should look out for the welfare of one another.

    It is OKAY if you don't understand but please don't condemn another worthy part of creation just because you don't understand it and that makes you feel uncomfortable.

    Conditional love is given only if the subject holding our attention makes us feel comfortable, just because something makes us feel uncomfortable doesn't mean that it is not a part of creation..

    Unconditional love is the love given by the divine, and it is the source of love that we should seek to emulate. God does not say, "I only love white people", "I only love men", "I only love women". God loves ALL people.

    Forgiveness is for ourselves more than for other people. It helps us to let go of that which we are uncomfortable and focus again on divine love.

    Updated Apr 11, 2013 at 1:33 AM by elian

  8. A Random Scenario.....

    We're finally together in the same room. We're both nervous, but know what we want. You suggest we remove our clothes and just lay in bed. We both gives separate glances at each other as we're removing our clothes. We both look at the same time, when our boxers come off. We slide into bed, laying there and anticipating what's coming next. To break the ice, I turn on my left side to face you. You follow suit and turn on your right side and immediately I feel your hand on my cock. Not to be left out, my hand starts it's destination toward your cock, when I notice that you're not only erect already, but you have a drop of pre-cum at the tip of your hard cock. My cock catches up and becomes as hard as it can be, as you lightly nudge my right shoulder down so I'm laying flat. Before my shoulder hits the bed flat, I already feel your hot tongue on my shaft, licking towards my balls. You lick all sides and I feel your breath on me ever so briefly. With that, next thing I know, I'm inside your hot mouth. I let out a little moan as the feeling of my hard cock in your hot mouth feels so good. With your hand at the base of my cock, you start sliding up and down on it, almost taking in it's entire length. I thrust my pelvis slightly off the bed towards you, as you take me in a little faster than before. Your mouth comes off my cock and you start to lick my inner thigh and the side of my balls. Your hand starts jerking me off, as your gentle tongue caresses the area surrounding my cock.

    Without any warning, you get up on your knees and pull me up. You're right in front of me, as you guide my head towards your pulsating cock. I grab ahold and take you into to my eager mouth. As I start ascending closer to your waist and with your cock mostly in my mouth, you let out a deep sigh of passion. I grab your cock and start jerking the un-mouthed part of it, as I take it in and out of my mouth dutifully. I start to feel your hands on my head and I feel a slight thrusting motion from you, as your cock goes deeper into my mouth. You start thrusting a little more and soon, you're face fucking me as I moan with the excitement that I'm making you feel so good. You take your cock out of my mouth and ask me to lay back down.

    As I lay down, you're now positioned in a missionary type position and you get on top of me. I can feel your cock nestled into my thigh, next to my balls, while my cock is in between my stomach and yours. You start moving, grinding and are letting out moans, as I start to match your rhythm You lift up and adjust your cock, so it's next to mine, both touching each other and you lay back down on top of me and continue with grinding me. My hands come up and hold your sides and my legs start to intertwine with yours slightly. I've been feeling heavy breathing on my neck this whole time, but now I start to feel lips and licks of a tongue. With my eyes closed, I feel your hard cock and mine, both the hardest they can be as you start licking and kissing my neck. You lift slightly up and say you want to kiss me badly. We've both never kissed another man before, but before I can think about it, I tell you to go ahead. Your tongue penetrates my mouth to meet my tongue and we begin to kiss with a fiery and wanting way, as we both continue to pleasure each other. Our grinds become more intense and harder and harder. We've both worked up a slight sweat. My legs start are keeping you on top of me. Our tongues wage battle in our mouths, as our kissing becomes deeper. You pull up and tell me you're going to cum soon. I ask you to get up. As you're on your knees, I resume my original position and start vigorously jerking your cock off while it's in my mouth. Your hands are holding my head and I feel and hear your breathing become more intense. As your cock keeps sliding in and out of my mouth, the breathing becomes moaning. I then feel you release into my mouth.There's so much of your warm juice entering my mouth, I feel like it won't ever stop.

    You finally stop cumming long enough for me to catch a slight breather. I begin to swallow your cum, as I notice another drop coming out of your tip. I swallow your man juice and continue to work your still hard cock as I attempt to get every last drop. You're breathing becomes a little more shallow, as your release has drained you. Thinking it's time for a break, I lay back down and to my surprise, as my head hits the pillow, I already feel you working on my cock. I can't even contain myself, as I let out "I'm cumming". You keep your mouth on my cock, as I shoot my hot load up into your waiting mouth. I firmly grab the bed on both sides of my and raise my waist off the bed far, as I feel the cum exit my cock and into your mouth. I let out a deep moan and rest my waist down again. You lay next to me as we both rest after a bout of sexual passion and anticipate what happens next........
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