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  1. Step into my parlor said the spider....

    This past week I decided to create a new profile on another site I've been on for years because I felt my original had grown stagnant. It was honest, very simple to begin with, because that's how I am. Started getting some responses but was mind-boggled by a couple of members that I recognized as having previously been with,coming after me like crazed animals in heat; I mean....constant e-mails.....push push push...."let's get together now!" It was obvious to me they did not recognize me but I recognized them & saw my opportunity to exact some revenge because they had been game -playing bad encounters, so I toyed with them, lured them in. One even had the audacity to post a phony profile pic. Well, when I felt the time had come...I revealed myself and pulled the rug out! The 2nd one was crushed just a short while ago....he was almost begging to be with me! There's a lesson to be learned real when trying to connect with someone. I feel good right now.:shades:
  2. Mind Blowers, enjoy :D

  3. A Place for You

    Sometimes we doubt our own self worth.

  4. Couple really cool art vids, enjoy :D

    by , Aug 10, 2012 at 9:56 AM (DD's Corner This and That and in between)

    Updated Aug 10, 2012 at 10:02 AM by DuckiesDarling

  5. Dreaming of men while sleeping

    Asking for ideas or for help on this matter. My Wife has known for yrs that Im bi and is ok with it alongs I dont go out to play around with men. She knows I look at men but thats all I can do. Here's my thing as of latey I have been having dreams of having sex with the wife and another guy in bed at the same time. Seeing the wife going down on another guy is hot to me and as she is going down on him Im dreaming of rubbing his balls as shes sucking him off or that Im fingering his ass as he is fucking my wife. Please help me with this..
  6. Dreaming more and more of the same sex.

    Asking for ideas or for help on this matter. My Wife has known for yrs that Im bi and is ok with it alongs I dont go out to play around with men. She knows I look at men but thats all I can do. Here's my thing as of latey I have been having dreams of having sex with the wife and another guy in bed at the same time. Seeing the wife going down on another guy is hot to me and as she is going down on him Im dreaming of rubbing his balls as shes sucking him off or that Im fingering his ass as he is fucking my wife. Please help me with this..
  7. The Lips of Rosemary

    [FONT=Verdana]I was going to post this in the kissing thread but it isn't really appropriate.. it isn't much to do with the thread.. certainly nowt to do with sex.. not from my point of view at least... but when in America we became friends with a 6' tall very butch girl called Rosemary. a neighbour of me m8... a girl whose sense of style was dungarees, checked shirt and bovver boots... Rosie took a shine to your's truly, and whenever we were at the house there she was... unlosable. [/FONT]

    [FONT=Verdana]On the day we left we had loaded up the car and were about to jump in and off for the airport... one shout and 5 seconds later I was swept up by a whirlwind into Rosie's arms and held in an irresistible bear hug, me feet dangling round 'bout her knees, tongue down me throat and me lips sucked numb.. it was quite the longest and scariest goodbye kiss I have ever had from anyone lover or no. I feared for me life... and not one word of protest from the Naggy one and no word of sympathy from her, me m8 or the kids.... merely accusations of extreme tartery as we made our weary way and as I struggled to breathe...[/FONT]:yikes2:

    [FONT=Verdana]This morning, the bruising on me ribs has finally begun to fade and feeling is returning to me lips... she is threatening to come to Europe for a visit.. I am off back to America should that visit come to pass.. it isn't that I don't like her cos I do.. it is that I like me lips, me ribs and breathing infinitely more...[/FONT]:eek2:
  8. Wearing her clothes

    I just love to suck cock and enjoy cum loads when wearing her panties and nylons and bra, then if the guy wants he could also cum on them to, would enjoy being dressed by a female and then have her take her strap-on to my virgin ass, I need a reg guy who loves Non Pass Cd's so he can feed his cock to me dressed like a slut for him.

    Pa Delaware County area......Cum lover cock sucker here and I need to be dressed.....oh yea ALL COUPLES WELCOMED
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