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  1. The Bisexual Beard

    [FONT=comic sans ms][SIZE=3][COLOR=#0000FF]I stood in front of the mirror this morning, carefully trimming my beard, and continued a long, drawn-out thought process I've been having with that guy. I used a clippers attachment that left each strand at about a half inch covering my chin, running a narrow hedge around my mouth, and under my nose. My razor took a careful swipe under my nostrils, and edged along the outline of the rest. No sideburns, no jowl cover: An ovular, symmetrical patch of attractive fur. And what did it remind me of? Another attractive area; an area I've enjoyed visiting time and time again! And then it finally dawned: I've created for myself a signal beacon for all traditionally sexual people! Straight women would admire the careful detailing perhaps, noting the fine snipping and carefuly outlining and be orally drawn to its promise. Straight men would feel a stir at its sight, wondering where they've delighted in the shape and suggestive countenence. And bisexuals of both parties would smile, and know that the signal was for them.
    As I finish cleaning up, showering, and go out into the day, I smile, knowing now just why I've picked my style, and hoping others will get the message. The bisexual beard--gives me new eyes to view those others of the male sort who donn the same, and a great yearning to know the thoughts of the women I meet when I notice them notice it!
    Any thoughts?[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  2. I survived!

    Was spared from the wrath of Isaac. But wondering should I leave all the windows covered until the hurricane season is over? 2005 really wore me up with... up, down, up, down, up, down. My God, I thought I was having bad sex!
    Anyways, just an update that our power is still on. After the remaining of the bands is still yet to come so I'm hoping we are spared from power outage as well. It's all wet around here. Like good sex. All wet and blown.

    All the emergency supplies from water, to non perishable food, oils for the lamps, candles, etc will be stored aside. We build these things up and at the end of the hurrican season, we keep some and the majority are donated to disaster relief if needed or to food banks.
    I keep saying, "oh this year I will buy power generator" but never do. When Tropical storm Debbie hit, we had 18 hour power outage and kick myself for not getting it. DUMMY!

    Happy Monday everyone, please keep those that will be affected and those that have been affected by the storm in your thoughts and prayers.
    Blessed Be )O(
  3. Bisexual Wife - Straight Husband.

    I've known my Wife for 5 years now, we've been married for 4 years.
    About 2 years ago I suspected she was seeing another women but couldn't believe it was true. Recently, she has confessed that she finds some women sexually attractive and confirmed her relationship with this women.
    My Wife is 43 and is in lovely shape. Her girl friend is about 37 and also in good shape. My Wife claims she enjoys sex with this woman and experiences about 40 climaxes within 1 1/2 hours! She says no man can even come close!
    She wishes to keep her sexual relationship away from anyone and says the Husband of the other Women knows nothing. I requested that she just keeps me informed on 'what's going on' and have promised my Wife that I will never interfer unless she wants it so.
    She refuses to let me know and claims it is her business not mine in all ways. I feel a bit 'mift' at this but respect her wishes.
    My wife and I enjoy sex together and I have no intentions of ever cheating on her but would like to know her business which I find quite sexy. Perhaps your readers/members can advise me!!
  4. First Blog! However...

    I'm under a hurricane warning and so far, I'm pretty much prepared. I was going to start blogging today but the chances of power outage maybe high. So, cross your fingers, send some mojo energy, pray, whatever you believe in or wish me luck. There is two storms out there. Isaac and some annoying buzzards called republican national communism. I think, forgot what you call those people.
    Anyways, I shall give updates of the situation here in South West Florida.
    PS... nailing my thongs on the floor isn't my idea of a good time on Saturday night. But at least we might get a good blow! :bigrin:


    Updated Aug 25, 2012 at 7:22 PM by Delilah

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Images
  5. Thanks!

  6. the world is a cold, harsh place...... cos we make it that way......

    ( due to issues in the site and the behievour of some members, I have disabled comments for this blog, to avoid any issues with it... but people can PM me if they so choose, about it )

    Skye was the type of person that was quick to laugh and smile, hug and kiss, growl at me then throw her arms around me and hold her big brother close.... and yet I was not her brother in the complete sense of the word, I was adopted into her family..... not that it mattered.....

    she would often joke about her big brother that would move heaven and earth for her if she so much as wiggled her little finger... and in a way that was true, she was my lil sister...and I would move heaven and earth for her without blinking.....

    hearing that Skye had hiv, was something that didn't truly affect me, it was like her saying she had a cold, it was not something to worry about, just a couple of days of runny noses, sneezing and feeling like shit and then she would be back to normal.... but this was not a common cold, this was a form of hiv that was one of the more aggressive forms of hiv ( there are estimated to be 7 different forms of hiv ) and in NZ, treatment for it was non existent....

    nothing had changed about my sister and her soon to be partner, kris, they were still incredibly warm, loving caring people that saw the best in every body, and they embodied the acceptance and tolerance that others talk about but do not truly practice... and they found themselves fast becoming symbols of hope for others that also found that society was a cold and harsh place at times... I still hear stories about how they inspired others to not just reach for the stars, but create stars for others to reach for.....

    now I question why people are so cold and twisted, not so much the health system, but the way people acted towards my sister, her partner the same people that talk so much about acceptance, tolerance, love and equal treatment, some of them I used to support, now I ignore them even tho I see them from time to time, still spouting their BS about their perfect world....they now remind me of many of the ideals that hitler had cos their ideas are not so much about creating a perfect world of acceptance, tolerance and love, but a world where anybody that doesn't fit into their narrow minded world, is *dealt with *

    watching skye and kris together, helped me to rethink how I could help make the world a better place, not by forcing others to change to what I wanted, but by giving hope to those that needed it... how to think along the lines that you can share a simple smile with those that need to see a smiling face, and that would make the other things you could do for the person, that much more special...... and that was much the way that they did things.... a simple holding of the hands and a warm smile made the difference in the hearts and faces of so many others....

    I still remember in the hospital on one of skyes visits.... her, kris and I sat in the childrens ward in the day room, reading a childrens book to the kids while I would do impersonations as some of the characters of the book....or pull faces at kris behind skyes back and kris would poke her tongue out at me, the poor kids would be giggling and laughing...and then skye would finish a chapter, look at the kids then at me and kris, who were suddenly ever so innocent and well behaved, then back to reading and me and kris would start up again......
    a nurse pulled me aside one day and told me that there have been some complaints by parents about a person with aids in the same room as their kids....I was filled with anger, as the nurse went on to say that unfortunately she had to stop me, kris and skye from doing what we were doing for the kids, so the parents could return to being miserable with their kids and being the poor, hard done by, parents with a dying kid....

    were we angry ? yes..... but what could we do ? get angry and bitch about pozphobia ? what was the point, we would become just as twisted as the parents, too wrapped in their own issues, to realise that there was still a world out there and getting all bent and twisted out of shape over something, was not worth it......

    at skyes funeral, I stood beside kris's christian parents, her pastor brother and other members of her family, none of our family attended, they had disowned skye..... and later, I was to stand beside the same people when they buried kris, their daughter...... and the brother said to me "where does your path lead now ?"... I was quiet... then said to him, " I have no idea....part of me wants to return to the bottle, part of me wants to go break jaws and faces, and part of me wants to find the sun again so that I can show others where to find it...... " he said to me that I was welcome in the church any time, to which I answered, I may be, but thats cos you practice what you preach, I need to find others that do the same "
    he hugged me and said remember what the bible says about how many whom preach the word of god, only preach.....

    its like so many people stand in the cold of winter and talk about the warmth of the sun, there are some that stand in the sunshine and talk about the masses that are still standing in the cold of winter....... and then there was those that I do not hear talking or preaching, but occasionally they ask me to give them a hand as they share their sunshine with another person....they are the ones that make the world a warmer place with their hearts, their laughter, their smiles, their giggles, their sense of humour.... they are the ones that are not the light in the dark, but windows thru which the light shines.....

    in a way, has become a place that is like the cold of winter....cos those that were the windows that let the light in, have got to other places to let the light in there........and like my sister and kris, there are just memories now of the way things used to be, as winter settles in .......and there are no windows to let the light in......
  7. Songs to make you feel old. OMG

    by , Aug 17, 2012 at 2:32 AM (DD's Corner This and That and in between)

    A trip down memory lane. So many of these formed such a major part of my growing up, enjoy guys
  8. Comming out

    Just over a year ago I came out. I had struggled with my sexuality since I was about 15. I can honestly say I was stupid not to trust those around me.
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