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  1. !st time being fucked

    [QUOTE=BICURIOUSONE69;239117]I'm still looking for my first time fuck in the ass. been wanting this for quite some time so if anyone in my area would do me the pleasure i would be very greatfull.[/QUOTE]
  2. Apologies

    For not getting back to anyone lately. Tonight is my first show for an audience. I'm in the middle of what actors refer to as 'hell week'. When I haven't been rehearsing I've been attempting to eat right and sleep. Plus things have been chaos since a Jeep driven by an elderly man crashed into the side of my house, leveling my bathroom. Thankfully, noone was hurt. My fiancee and I are staying with our respective parents for at least a week.

    That said, I shall return.

  3. Quagmires

    Recently have faced some quagmires on the site. Have discussed things with those needing spoken with, apologies given and thanks given. Am going to aspire to do better. To that end making use of some handy tools. Please don't be concerned as it is nothing out of line. Quite the opposite in fact. :)
  4. Simple Answer to an Age-Old Question

    [FONT=Arial]Past the religious seeker as he prayed came the crippled and the beggar and the beaten. And seeing them...he cried, "Great God, how is it that a loving creator can see such things and yet do nothing about them?"...God said, "I did do something. I made you."[/FONT]

    [B]Sufi Teaching[/B]
  5. Tell me why. . .

    Why is female to female contact not only accepted, but considered as hot, and Male to Male is considered aberrant? Inquiring minds want to know!
  6. Sighs... I swear there was nothing about Twilight but....

    by , Sep 11, 2012 at 5:27 PM (DD's Corner This and That and in between)
    Now, I have to eat my words. I have discovered a major lust for the character of Miles Matheson in Revolution. (sorry babe but I gots to be honest lol)

    He did play in Twilight but I am so willing to overlook that and enjoy Billy Burke's portrayal of Miles... I mean sexy to the extreme and I won't ruin it with a body count for those that are still waiting for the Sept 17th premiere, my cable had it on demand for Comcast customers to see it before it airs on TV.

    In doing a bit of research i found the Twilight thing... but also that he is a self taught musician. He has a single out called Pollyanna Rose about his wife, so enjoy while I have some very nice daydreams about his character.


    Updated Sep 11, 2012 at 5:45 PM by DuckiesDarling

  7. Memories..... the hair, the makeup the music the 80s

    by , Sep 10, 2012 at 8:21 AM (DD's Corner This and That and in between)
  8. and another lgbt dream nears completion

    end of the month ( sept ) and the LGBTA ( lesbian, gay, bi, trans, allies ) business group I belong to, take over ownership of a bar, and that will become a funding support for a few lgbt groups that are much needed in the community.....

    its not been without its headaches, issues, problems and red tape, but we have finally entered the final drag .....and the support of the combined LGBTA communities that realise they benefit from the flow on effect such as funding that is not available to them thru the official channels..... the LGBTA business group saw a need for support, assistance and funding, so we stepped up to the plate and said, YES we will look after our local LGBTA community since the national LGBT community tend to ignore the fact we exist, so there is no funding, support or help.....

    the creation of the LGBTA council has been so well received by most of the LGBT of 4 different districts cos they can see that they will finally have a voice that will be heard by people in their communities and districts.. and that means that they will get their support groups and networks, they will get their funding, they will be represented by members of their own sexuality and community .... and they do matter......

    the creation of 18 new jobs is something that factored highly in our favour and made it a lot harder for our naysayers to stand against us... tho they tried every dirty trick in the book such as claiming that we would only employ LGBT people ( we employed 5 non lgbt people ) we would oppose freedom of speech and expression ( we have 3 christian bar employees, one is pro LGBT rights but not the lifestyle ) we would only represent LGBT ( the hetero community has 2 members on the council ) we are going to encourage sexual misconduct and permit indecent acts to take place on the bar premises ( that one made me laugh, cos if having condom machines in the ladies and gents toliets is a crime, then lock me up.... and anybody caught having sex in the toilets, faces a instant 2 year ban, the same as any other bar )

    so much positive..... buy yeah I can not help but feel a lil down..... I have had to put a few of my own dreams on hold for the sake of the LGBTA community and its starting to bug me a lil, and I can not help but think that maybe its time for me to have a life, as most of my life has been lived for other people, and as I near turning 42, I realise that I have spent the last 26 odd years of my life, helping to assist, aid and support so many other communities, spent heaven knows how much money on loans and funding for friends, family, loved ones and the community groups... and lost count of the times I have stood between the anti lgbt bullies and the LGBT, often at the risk of my own health and wellbeing......

    I do not know what is next on the list of things to do for the world domination or something :tongue: but I can say that I am thankful for the support of so many other people and groups that said, instead of fighting for our share of the crumbs at the funding table, lets create our own fuckin funding feast....

    its been worth it...... so worth it...... but now its time for DD and I to have our own dreams come true, and for me, thats finally building our own home and holding DD in my arms again, and for DD, its being in my arms with a ring on her finger and together, opening our own business.......things that is gonna take a few years to do.... but things that are long overdue for both of us....

    even as I sit here.... a thought is running thru my mind... the LGBTA mentally ill get so badly treated and ignored in NZ... there is no support group for them, no place for them to meet and talk and hug and........ I wonder if a cafe could be of help to them.......... ;)
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