
All Blog Entries

  1. On the road

    I didn't have much success with girls growing up. I was painfully shy as a teen and when i managed to get this one really cute girl who was a year older than me to go out with me i managed to fuck that all up in 6 months. It all left such a bad taste in my mouth that i preferred to just be alone after that. I ended up dropping out of high school in spite of being a pretty bright kid and obviously college isn't in the game plan when you go that route so i missed out on the social side of higher education as well.

    As long as I remained in my town, my chances of meeting and having a relationship with a girl were pretty slim. I did meet a few girls through work, but ultimately it was much easier doing nothing than taking a chance of being rejected (or of course maybe meeting a GREAT girl) - so i pretty much remained on the relationship sidelines until my mid-20's.

    At one point when I was working in new york city, i decided to stop in one of the many gay-porn theaters that dotted mid-town manhattan in the 80's. it was dark and creepy and got much creepier when an older dude sat next to me and broke his cock out and started jerking off. I got up and left and never tried that again.

    Nothing changed until I got a job working as part of the crew for a touring ice show. When I took the job I had NO FUCKING IDEA what lie ahead of me, but it changed my life for the better in many ways.

    First, I had a clean slate. At home I felt (and to an extent was) - like low man on the totem pole. My buddies were all alpha-male types who worked out and were comfortable around girls and got them left right and center. I wasn't.

    But with this new job that was all gone. I felt that I had left a lot of shitty baggage behind and could be myself.

    It took a little while to sink in, but eventually I realized that for the next ten months i would be working with, traveling with and staying in hotels with a group of roughly 90 people. Of that 90, about 50 were figure skaters. Roughly 30 were girls and 20, guys.

    Out of those 20 guys, probably 18 were gay - the other 2 were russian. According to them there's no such thing as a gay russian, which of course just meant that gay russian dudes were seriously in the closet.

    But I digress.

    Having grown up around and worked in new york city i was used to interacting with gay people on a daily basis. This was not something that freaked me out. Rather - it was awesome. Because just like that these really good looking and fit dudes were not competition for the tremendously hot girl skaters we worked with! Not only that, the gay dudes: 1) always had a supply of good drugs 2) would go to the club with the girls, which was the last place I wanted to go 3) would go shopping with the girls, which REALLY was the last place I wanted to go with the girls 4) were normally the kindest people you could meet.

    So if the girl skaters wanted to hook up with or go out with a guy - they didn't have much choice but the crew - and did i mention i was part of the crew?

    The gears turned slowly in my head and i realized that if i could be my somewhat funny, smart and kind self that I had pretty good odds of having some type of relationship with one of these girls - ALL of whom would have been the prettiest girl in my town. It was pretty mind-blowing.

    Fast forward a month. I had become good friends with another crew guy named Paul and we managed to form a little group with a few of the girl skaters who like us preferred the bar to the club. One of the girls, Anne - had broken up with her girlfriend just before tour started, so in spite of the fact that i thought she was really pretty and cool as well, i didn't think she liked guys. looking back i think that helped me be more at ease around her because there wasn't this constant thought in my head about trying to hook up with her which inevitably would turn me awkward.

    The more we hung out naturally the more we learned about each other and i learned that she had boyfriends in the past as well. Eventually as I grew to know more and more of the female skaters - i realized that many of them had been with both girls and guys - and this was something that I wholeheartedly approved of.

    (that's it for now - kinda tired - but this will heat up soon. fyi some of the details here aren't fully fleshed out due to time or whatever but this is real - and having spent about 7 years with these shows - i could write a book with all of the crazy shit that happened and never even mention the sex. My first (and 2nd and 3rd - and last) - threesome experiences. The numerous occasions where i had sex while my room mate paul was in the room - unfortunately sleeping or pretending as i wanted to see him having sex in a bad way and always hoped he'd join in. so much to cover. feel free to leave comments by the way. hopefully i'll have more for you soon and hopefully i'll be able to accurately paint a picture of what went down and you'll be inspired to get off from it. guys, girls - if you DO get turned on i'd love to hear about it. - thanks)
  2. Just a song I like...


    Found out about Lori Carson from her work with The Golden Palominos. Highly recommended.
  3. Update

    The play is almost over. Three more shows. In the meantime I've been crashing either at my mom's haus or with friends.

    Lousy part- they still haven't started work on my haus. The contractor got interrupted by the city of Dunedin (really neurotic about their building codes) so it's back to the drawing board. No idea how long it'll take.

    To my landlord's credit, she's getting us a hotel room right by our house so we can go about our lives. We declined initially because we thought we would be displaced only a week or so but it's going on three as of now.

    Aside from that, everything is pretty good. Already lined up my next theatre gig (backstage plus a walk on part).

    Planning to enroll at the local college for the technical theatre degree program. Can't wait for that one.

    Thanks to all for the outpouring of moral support. Doing my best, like I do.

  4. Summer's here and the time is right - part two

    i was paralyzed with pleasure. Looking back He gave me one of the best blow jobs i ever had and after i had come back around to reality he asked how i liked it and then told me how he was looking forward to me sucking him too.

    He lay on his back and i moved down between his legs to get a good spot. i wrapped my hand around his cock barely and started running my tongue around his fat head and up and down the shaft. soon i found an angle where i could get his whole cock in my mouth. i realized that my cock was rock hard again and pete grabbed at my legs and swung my his up towards his head and suddenly i realized he wanted to play with me again. as soon as his hand touch my cock my sucking got a bit faster and harder. I could feel his cock throbbing in my mouth and the next thing i know he has started turning me so im on my back and he's on top.

    "Is this ok?" i heard him say and now he is fucking my mouth and throat and i'm trying to keep up and breath too. his flat stomach with just a slight trace of hair is pressing hard against my nose as he gets his cock as deep in my mouth as he can. he starts shaking and i feel him coming in my mouth. i am swallowing and sucking and it all becomes a blur until we are once again lying next to each other, now with pete thanking me for what i did.

    "Man i wish we would have started this sooner!" he said.

    We talked about the day he toweled off in front of me and he said he had hoped something was going to happen that day. he also told me more about him and his brother's experiments with each other and how those two had also fooled around with our friend Paul and he went into great detail about all of that. he sucked me again that morning before andy and their dad got back and it was a whole new world.

    I had no idea that there was more to come, as later that day after the fishing trip was over, Andy confronted me about something that Pete had told him.

    "So Pete told me about you two this morning" Andy said with a smirk. "The first thing I"m going to tell you dude is that this all stays between us
    - as long as no one finds out that we are messing around then its all good --- and I'm serious dude - it wont be good if people know."

    I told him i totally agreed and he went and got Pete and brought him back into the room. "As soon as our folks all go to dinner let's meet back in here, we're gonna have some fun", Andy said.

    My stomach was churning and my cock was as rock hard as it could get and the 15 minutes it took before our parents left seemed like an eternity. The three of us were the only ones home and we'd have it that way for hours.

    "Ok dude, get your clothes off" Andy said and as i took my shirt off Pete reached around my waist and unbuttoned and unzipped my shorts and took them and my underwear off. Before i could get my hand on my own dick, my childhood best-friend had his hand wrapped around it. On top of that his younger brother was behind me, spreading my ass cheeks and running his tongue all over my asshole.

    My knees went weak from this new, awesome feeling and Andy said if i thought that felt good, wait until he starts blowing me - and with that he was sucking my cock and i was overwhelmed by how great it all felt. They both stopped after a few minutes and asked me how i liked it and then Andy said he was next.

    At this point the fellas are both getting undressed and Pete tells Andy that i sucked his cock really well and that I should blow him. Then Pete suggests that i blow both of them and now im on my knees with a cock in each hand trying to get them both in my mouth and also rubbing them together which brings no objections from my friends. as im sucking their cocks and rubbing them together andy goes "did you tell him about Janie yet?" and pete goes "no".

    Andy starts to tell me how Janie, a pretty hot girl in our class, fucks around with these guys and likes to see the boys together too.

    "Yeah dude, you're in. We all just get naked and fuck around, Janie joins in at times too."

    Our friend Paul had been in on the deal but he started seeing a girl and decided to stop so it would make sense for me to take his place.

    Andy guided me up off my knees and over to the bed where he had me lay on my back with my head hanging over the edge. i hear Pete giving his approval as Andy tells me that they can get their cocks deeper into each others mouths this way and I'm up for it. Andy's cock was similar in length to petes but seemed a bit fatter. i took his dick in my mouth and soon i could see what he meant and he was basically fucking my throat.

    I started gagging and he pulled out and came down and gave me a big tongue kiss which took me by surprise. Then Pete stuck his cock in my mouth and as i blew him he leaned forward and started slowly gripping my cock and letting it go. next thing i remember im sitting up now and i say i want to see them blow each other. Andy says he'll go first and he proceeds to give Pete the most amazing blow job ever and pete is climbing the walls. i guess andy could tell Pete was gonna cum because he told me to get over there and start sucking and as soon as i did he let go of a gusher. i was jerking at the base and trying to keep his cock in my mouth and suddenly i realize that the boys are full on making out while pete cums in my mouth. again they pull me up off of my knees and now im sharing whats left of petes cum with the both of them.

    we each got off 3-4 times before we had to stop briefly when our folks got home. after everyone was asleep though we all went at it again and this time andy showed me how he plays with pete's asshole, and pete was digging it. we both had our tongues and fingers all up inside him before andy lubed up his hard on and slid it all the way up pete's eagerly awaiting ass. we didn't sleep much that night and both of them told me some great stories about sexual experiences with other girls and boys that i knew.
    - to be continued? -
  5. Summer's here and the time is right - part one

    Sometimes you realize that a person you've been best friends with isn't on the same wave length with you any more. That's what happened one summer when my best friend Andy started hanging out with a group of guys who seemed hell-bent on having as much interaction with the police as they could. I was all for having fun, but I'm not a big fan of handcuffs, so i figured i should look for some other people to hang out with. Fortunately I didn't have to look very far.

    Andy's brother Pete was a year younger than us and he didn't seem to have a group of friends that he was attached to so i started giving him a buzz instead of his older brother. We had common interests in that we both loved to play sports, listen to music and weren't into going out of our way to get in trouble with the cops. A couple of weeks into the summer and we were hanging out almost every day.

    One afternoon after a few hours of playing frisbee we went back to Pete's parents house. Both of his parents were at work and his older and younger brother weren't home either. After a big glass of water we celebrated our solitude by splitting one of his dads beers. After knocking back that brew Pete said he was going to take a shower and told me to come upstairs. We went into his and Andy's room and he showed me a few albums that he had picked up at the mall recently.

    As I checked those out he disappeared into the shower. About 15 minutes later he comes back into his bedroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and nothing else. He asked me what I thought of his new albums and as I start telling him he takes his towel off and starts drying his legs and then he starts drying off his back and he's completely naked, with his back to me while drying off. I'm sitting on his bed about 5 feet away trying to concentrate on what i was saying but i can't help but look at his body while he was drying off.

    He wasn't hairy at all but i could tell he had more hair than i did. His ass was attractive to me and i was definitely looking at it when he turned around and i got an eye full of Pete's half hard dick, and it was impressive! He was circumcised and it was quite obvious to me that his cock as it was there was bigger than mine was hard.

    "Hey you don't mind me being like this do you?" he asked as he wrapped his towel around his waist again. He said that he figured with me having older brothers that i was used to it and i played it off as no big deal but holy shit everything had changed. I was able to still hang out with Pete and not weird-out or tip my hand that i wanted to see his cock again and probably again after that.

    One day we were over at my folks place and i had an opportunity to break out some porn magazines and see how that went. We both looked through a few but unfortunately it didn't lead where i had hoped. He mentioned that he had gotten a hand job from a girl he was seeing last school year and how great that was. I asked him if it felt any better that doing it yourself and he said "OH YEAH" and told me that hopefully one day soon i'd find out what he meant.

    Things unfortunately "normalized" over the next month or so and i had even started jerking off about other people when i went down to a house his parents rented at the shore for a few weeks every summer. I ended up staying in a room at night with both Andy and Pete and after the lights went out there was some whispered talk between us seeing just how far everyone had gotten with a girl and at one point the brothers got into a bit of an argument with each other which ended with their dad coming in and he was pissed. Him and Andy were waking up early to go fishing and he didn't want us keeping him up. He told Andy to sleep in the couch in the living room and for us to STFU and go to sleep.

    Just a few hours later Andy and his dad were off fishing and Pete started grumbling about what an asshole Andy was. I told him to forget about it but he wouldn't let it go.

    "Who the fuck does he think he is telling me a girl's never touched my dick??" he said and after a little bit i told him that i had actually lied when i said that a girl had touched mine because i didn't want to be left out, so to speak.

    "So has anyone ever touched your dick?" he said and i said no and he seemed a little shocked. "Andy and I actually used to play with each other, not anymore though - and don't fucking tell him i told you that!" he said and i felt my dick starting to stir.

    "Oh no way i won't say anything. ------- Do you think you might be into playing with me? ------i'd play with you too - if you want?" I stammered.

    Before i could say any more his hand was on top of my bulge and he asked me how that felt. I told him it felt good and then he stood up and he was obviously hard and he took my hand and put it on top of his bulge and the next thing you know i was pulling his gym shorts and underwear down. No words were said and i was on my knees in front of him, my right hand feeling his cock which was getting even harder and my left on his ass cheek.

    "Has anyone ever sucked you off before?" i asked, and he said "just Andy" - and with that my lips were sliding over his head and my mouth was filling with his hard on. i realized that I'd have to breath through my nose and i didn't want to bite him. I only got about half of it in my mouth but i was loving it and from his reaction he felt the same. After about a minute he said lets lay down on the bed and he took his t-shirt off and then mine. i started lightly squeezing his hard on again which HAD to be seven inches hard and he slipped his hand down my pants and found my cock. He pushed my shorts down and i got them off the rest of the way. He pushed me down onto the bed and then lay on top of me and our cocks were rubbing together.

    "Does that feel good?" he asked and i murmured yeah and he whispered "do you want me to suck your dick?" and i said yeah and then he asked if i promised not to tell and then asked if I'd suck him too and i said yes to both - i would have said anything he wanted to hear at that point and the next thing you know my buddy has his tongue all over my rock hard cock. He has it all the way in his mouth and then just starts sucking the head. I could feel the pleasure building as he sucked faster and harder. The only time he pulled his mouth off of my cock was to tell me its ok to go in his mouth and shortly thereafter, i did.
  6. Penis size map.. For the curious.


    Now not just being a biased American, but I think the American average may be slightly skewed based on how much of a melting pot we are.

    Remember size doesn't matter, its the motion of the ocean and how much the girth rocks the earth. There's the link to more inside. I just though with all the "How big is normal" blah blah posts we get, it would be insightful somewhat.

  7. Sexually Frustrated

    I am in a wonderful relationship with a man, however I have known I am bi for many many years. I have had a couple of girlfriends, but no longer with either one for different reasons, mainly cuz they either moved a way or got married. So after putting my bi side away for a few years, I've been having major urges to find another girlfriend. Finding the right person is hard. I created my profile on here to at least have a place where I can put my true feelings out there and hopefully gain some advice or just meet some nice ppl to talk with about it. It seems too much to ask to find myself a girl. I'm a cool gal and I feel I am easy going and easy to get along with. I am very loving and from what I've heard from past female lovers..I got skills. Not bragging but that's what the last girl said to me. My man knows about my bisexuality and he said I can have a girlfriend, should I find one. Sometimes I feel awful for having urges for girl/girl sex, especially since I love him so much. I really do, I would die for this man. But honestly I find women so damn attractive and I can't shake it.
    I would especially like to hear feedback from anyone who reads this blog. You can friend me or reply to the blog...whatever..I'd just like to have other's advice on how to deal with my feelings. I feel frustrated and not sure what to do.
    Tags: biwomen
  8. A few more thoughts...


    What was the purpose of this? To ignite a discussion about what constitutes free speech and what the boundaries may be.

    Sure, I could post on mindless threads about rimming or eating spunk that have been done to death. I prefer to bring something more stimulating to the table.

    I don't really care if anyone is offended. Noone is forcing you to read it. I suppose in the future I'll save it for a different fora if that be the will of the "community". That said, I make no apologies.

    Furthermore, if you turn a blind eye to recent world events you are doing so at your own risk.

    I feel that radical muslims are using our "political correctness" (a term based in Marxism) against us. As for me being paranoid, I already volunteered that possibility.

    Calling me a troll? Don't care. I certainly have been in the past, but that is not what I am doing here.

    Curtailing freedom of speech is a VERY slippery slope. It's also how totalitarian regimes get kicked into high gear. This is the objective of groups like CAIR.

    That being said, I bid you all good night.

    BTW- I'm not imagining this- am I?
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