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  1. CONFLICT and what is a blog for?

    [FONT=Helvetica][SIZE=3] Conflict[/SIZE][/FONT]

    [FONT=Helvetica][SIZE=3]Remembering that the purpose for the blogs is to express the writer’s opinion of what ever topic that the blogger wishes. It may be about your feelings about sexuality. It may be about an event in your life or society. [/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Helvetica][SIZE=3]
    [FONT=Helvetica][SIZE=3]It seems to me that some recent blogs on this site are really better off in the threads. Opinions may vary about what is being blogged and other posters may comment but basically a blog is to express an opinion. Drew has created a survey system in the threads if you wish to survey people's opinion. Respect of the blogger’s post is good but people may want to comment. They may also want to take the topic to the threads for more discussion. Blogs are not really the place to debate in great detail. That is what threads are for. Threads are not just for how big is your dick and do you like.... ;)[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Helvetica][SIZE=3]
    [FONT=Helvetica][SIZE=3]With that in mind, I write the following.[/SIZE][/FONT][FONT=Helvetica][SIZE=3]
    [FONT=Helvetica][SIZE=3]It seems that the world is once again not at peace this summer. It never is completely at peace but is there more turmoil in the summer of 2014? The conflicts between the Palestinians in Gaza and Israel seem impossible to take sides. I do recall seeing a map of the area in 1947 and a map today. It is shocking how much the Israeli’s have taken over the land under the argument of their safety. Their argument is weak when you look at how much Israel has invaded the area over nearly seventy years. The original Israel territory has now grown to be many hundreds of percent of larger than originally planned. The UN made a mistake in creating Israel without properly dealing with the Palestinians equitably. [/SIZE][/FONT]

    [SIZE=3][FONT=Helvetica]Hamas is the democratically elected government of Gaza. Israel and the Canadian government call them terrorists. It is true that rockets are being fired from Gaza. The question is why? The answer is extremely complex and beyond my space in this blog. It seems true that the people of Gaza have built secret tunnels in to Israel. It is also true that Israel has blockaded the ports of Gaza so that only the small amount of goods needed by the people of Gaza are permitted in. Israel is strangling and holding the people of Gaza prisoners. They may not leave even as they are bombed by Israel. Are the children of Gaza lambs being offered to the god of Abraham as a sacrifice for three killed Israeli teens? (no..that is too cheeky and disrespectful of all the dead children) The government of Gaza should have found and arrested the killers of the three Israeli teens. The killers should have been tried by the courts of Gaza. Instead no arrests, all the people of Gaza were made to suffer.[/FONT][/SIZE]

    [FONT=Helvetica][SIZE=3] Yet, my government has come down extremely firm as a supporter of Israel. I think that it is inhuman to bombard and kill children. Israel has done this time and time again. I think that Israel has killed so many more Palestinians than their own people have suffered in 2014. It is difficult to recall which teens were killed that started this recent crisis? (Israel) What would happen if some Canadians kidnapped some US teens? Would the US bomb us and kill our children? Go after the guilty and stop killing the innocent seems appropriate. There is much that is hidden in West media when it comes to the devastation in Gaza. There is no escape. Yet, Canada supports Israel? The US heavily finances the weapons that are killing people in Gaza. Is the US a war criminal? The leaders of Israel are in my opinion. Yet, there is no formal war between Gaza and Israeli. I think that Israel takes the position that Gaza is part of Israel. This is not true according to the 1947 map.[/SIZE][/FONT]

    [FONT=Helvetica][SIZE=3]Ok, I seem to have taken a side.[/SIZE][/FONT]

    [FONT=Helvetica][SIZE=3]Russia is busy invading in a slightly deceptive manner the Ukraine. It seems obvious. What doesn’t seem obvious is the solution. Time will tell but it does look like the renewal of a cold war. Economic sanctions against the inner circle of Putan’s power base so far has not stopped the “silent invasion”. I’m glad that some aid is getting to the Ukraine and it seems that the Ukraine military is uniting under a new leader. Still the media speaks of the training ground for the rebels as based in Russia. Might makes right continues to win.[/SIZE][/FONT]

    [FONT=Helvetica][SIZE=3]In Canada, the treatment and resolution of indigenous people continues. I would think that is our greatest flaw. The "Idle No More" movement is quiet but unresolved. The issue of why so many indengious women have disappeared is not being dealt with by the government. Racism is a probable cause but we just don't know. The Quebec situation thankfully is reduced for the moment. People tire of conflict after so many decades.[/SIZE][/FONT]

    [SIZE=3][FONT=Helvetica]If people tire of decades of conflict why is the US once again dealing with the mistreatment of Black citizens? The militarization of police is a concern in many countries but this summer has ripped off the veil of peace in the US. No where else in the western world is there such a historically racially conflicted society rooted in slavery.[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT=Helvetica][SIZE=3]
    [SIZE=3][FONT=Helvetica]On this web site there is judgment rather than acceptance. To me this moral judgement seems rooted in religiously based heteromonosexual values. Conflict may be internal as to what directions our lives are going. My own internal conflict presently is about why I do certain things when it is intellectually obvious that it will do me no good. ;) Emotion can over ride logic. I seem to enjoy playing close to the flame but so far have been able to pull back in time.
    [SIZE=3]Well, that is some rambling opinions on conflicts today.

    Updated Aug 17, 2014 at 1:29 PM by tenni

  2. Second Round

    His erection is back on. That's the signal for the second round to begin. We are still embracing together with him in the middle. My wife smiles at me with that special face expression that makes me shiver with anticipation. She grabs our heads together for a three way sensual kissing. She likes kissing both of us at once with our tongues interlacing together. I gently touch his balls and move my fingers up until they firmly frame his throbbing member and slowly begin to stroke it while he moans with pleasure. My own dick is pressed hard against his leg. His right hand moves to take mine and cup it together with my balls. His left hand is now on my wife's wetness in between her legs. The play is definitively on.

    I stand up and release from under the bed the restraining kit we had recently bought in the sex shop. We have already mentioned it to him and he said that he would love to try it. While my wife is still kissing him, I attach the Velcro straps to his ankles spreading his legs wide but in a comfortable angle. Next I tie up his wrists and finally place over his eyes the blindfold. He is now our private prisoner in bed, totally naked, exposed and unable to resist our advances. This is the ultimate trust, being tied up and blindfolded, placing his body at the mercy of a couple, a woman and a man, for both of us to do whatever we want to him. This is also our common fantasy, to share him as we do with a tasty main dish of a succulent buffet.

    My wife does the first move and mounts him straddling his face and placing his pussy right over his mouth. He can now smell the sweet essence of a woman in heat. I can see his cock pulsating against his stomach. I touch his feet, massaging his soles and toes while listening to my wife moaning, his warm tongue surely exploring her wet insides. I move in between his legs and without hesitation encircle the head of his cock with my lips and gently increase the pressure, with my tongue tasting a drop of saltiness on the tip. My wife looks backs and makes eye contact with me. We both smile with the certainty that we are ready to give him the pleasure he deserves.

    I move my lips down trying to accommodate his hardness within my mouth while cupping his balls in one hand and the other caressing his stomach. Now he is the one moaning loudly forming a synchronized chorus with my wife who is slowly moving her pelvis so that his tongue can reach the most sensitive parts inside her. His breathing gets faster. I slide my lips up and down his shaft stopping for seconds at the head to let my tongue play with a sensitive spot I discovered right under it. I feel the tension building up within my mouth. I slow down the pace and finally move my tongue down towards his shaved balls, taking one at the time in my mouth. Then I go even further down under his balls. I feel his legs shivering with pleasure when my tongue reaches the entrance to his back door. I can hear his muffled moaning, my wife's pussy blocking most of the sounds. My tongue works slowly it's way in wetting the entry channel and playing with the many nerves that exist on the walls. Next I place my index finger together with my tongue in position and gently push it inside while letting his muscles relax. I now let only my finger moves in and out very gently and his moans increases every time I touch the delicate membrane separating his prostate from the rectal channel. I continue massaging his male G-spot with my finger while I take back his hard dick in my mouth, my tongue sliding back and forth along his shaft.

    He can't talk, he can't said a thing, he is under our spell, a wet pussy blocking any sound from his mouth, a finger locked in his insides exploring and slowly driving him crazy. I increase the pace of my mouth working hard and consciously on his stiff and hot pole. Now I encircle the base with one hand and start stroking it faster with my mouth focusing on the upper part. I feel he can't hold it any longer. It's my decision to let him explode right now or wait. But my wife is the one who goes first with loud moans and shivers all over her body. I decide to not wait any longer and grab his wet dick with one hand and start to stroke it faster, my mouth buried in his tense balls and my finger feeling the contractions inside him. He explodes like a fountain of pleasure, my wife pressing harder against his mouth to muffle his wild screams. That moment seems to last forever. Once it becomes too sensitive for him, I gently let my finger out from him and place my warm mouth on his still throbbing member. I'm also ready to shoot my load. I'm kneeling in between his legs and I use my right hand to stroke mine while my left hand is resting flat on his stomach. The tip of my dick is brushing against his pulsating ass, the sensations are overwhelming, seeing my wife still saddled on his face and his dick deflating slowly inside my mouth. I can't last any longer and explode covering with my juices his balls and in between his legs.

    My wife moves out and falls at his right side. She gestures me to come to the other side. I do that and look at his face. His smile says everything I need to know. We both kiss him at once and his smile is now even broader. I remove the straps freeing his ankles and wrists from the attachments. My wife removes his blindfold, his eyes seeing us for the first time after the most intensive orgasm he confesses he ever had. He grabs each of us within his arms and the three of us embrace together forming an unscramble entangle with our naked bodies, legs and arms all over each other. This time nobody talks, we allow the silence to reign only bothered by the soft background music playing in my iPad on the night table.
    Tags: mmf, threesomes
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  3. really into dick

    So I guess I consider myself bi curious because I often fantacize about sucking cock and take things in my ass. I am not all attracted to men in any other way besides for a big throbbing cock. I have never had one but would love to be bent over and buttfucked, get my throat rammed and take a face/mouth full of hot cum. Sense I am only attracted to cock, my ultimate fantasy is a tranny. I am married but my wife doesn't know any of this about me.
  4. Free to be your bisexual self

    With all the recent hooha on here about cheating and relationships, it has raised a question about our self-image and self-esteem. How can someone who is living part of their life in secret keep from being ashamed of their sexuality. Now cheating is shameful in my own eyes but for the sake of our discussion we aren't going to tackle that issue and move on to self-image issues.

    Having a positive self- image is important to maintaining good mental health, sexual repression is fertile ground for all sorts of psychosis and other mental health problems. There are two ways to approach the issue of self-image, how YOU see yourself, and how everyone else sees you. For the most part, how everyone else sees you is more beyond your control. The best you can hope for is to put out positivity and hope others don't judge you. You are at the mercy of their attitudes and morals, and are subject to judgement however deserved or undeserved it may be.

    What you can control, is how you see yourself. A big part of not being involved in self-deprecating behavior is acceptance. Self-acceptance is the basis on which a positive self-image is built. Many people of alternative sexual orientations engage in self-destructive behaviors because they aren't at home in their own skin. This often leads to excessive drinking or drug use, or risky sexual behavior. These are signs of self-loathing and can lead to further disfunction in relationships and in wider society. We have to learn to love ourselves for who we are, that often requires us to disregard what those who would judge us feel. Irregardless of what someone else thinks, your own self-worth is more important. Being bisexual isn't a crime, nor does it make you morally bankrupt. What it makes you is more openminded than your average heterosexual. You can be bi and be a good person still. Loving yourself is more important than acceptance from others. Without self-acceptance there can be no self-love. There can be no self-acceptance if there is shame about what you are. Being honest with yourself is a good first step to self acceptance. If you are doing things that are contrary to good moral and ethical behavior,it's easy for shame to set in. Self-examination is key, examining your behavior and eliminating things that are hurtful to yourself or others goes a long way to feeling more at home with yourself. Once hurtful behavior is eliminated, you stand a much better chance of a clear conscience and self-acceptance. Give yourself no reason to feel guilt or shame associated with your sexuality and that's definitely a step in the right direction. Being bisexual isn't shameful in itself, engaging in behavior hurtful to yourself or others because of your bisexual tendencies is.

    We as bisexuals often are judged by others, we fear that judgement. An important step in becoming self-accepting is removing the opportunity for others to judge us. We have to stop caring about their judgement and realize it is okay anyway. Often those who would judge us don't really matter to our everyday life. Some, such as family members do matter, and that remains a choice about how much you wish to disclose to them and how important it is for them to know at all. After all, you don't have to wear your sexuality on your sleeve, and unless there is a real reason for someone to know you are bisexual, it's really none of their business. Being out for the sake of exposure is not necessary. You don't have to advertise, you just need to find a happy comfort level. Unless you are emotionally beholding to someone, like a spouse or partner, then disclosure is optional.

    The last thing, is giving yourself permission to be you. Being free to be yourself, a fully actuated practicing bisexual, is important because it allows you to make the choice of realizing what you are is okay. This isn't to say you are giving yourself permission to cheat, if you situation dictates cheating to be a fully actuated practicing bisexual person, then you have more issues to deal with than just yourself. Giving yourself permission to be you is a very important step in learning to love that person. One has to be at home in their own skin to ever be able to love and accept what is housed inside that skin. Giving yourself permission to be bisexual is accepting the whole person, not just the heterosexual half, but the same-sex part too. Self-acceptance allows you to find peace within yourself and live a self-actuated life. What others feel about you is secondary, their acceptance is appreciated but not necessary to be happy. Life is too short to live in a way that makes you unhappy. Feel free to be yourself, and I hope you find peace within yourself.
  5. fantacizing about get double stuffed by a couple.

    I am a so far just curious guy. I often fanticize about getting ass fucked by a wman with a strap on while I suck her mans cock....I love ass play...never had anything but a dildo, but would love to try the real thing
  6. WOMAN

  7. What does the future hold for us as bisexuals?

    As acceptance is gained by the gay community in our society and the same sex marriage issue is resolved, it begs the question of how bisexuals will be seen in the future. I am out, I came out years ago to my wife when we first got together, she told me of her own bisexuality and we decided to explore together. That choice has set us free, we have no shame in our game, we don't wear our sex life on our sleeve either. But being bisexual is an ever evolving thing and the next generation will be far more accepting of alternative sexuality than we have had to deal with.

    Bisexuality used to be something girls explored in college with room mates. Now, they have explored it and liked it and have no fear of expressing it openly. Many who indulged in the Rave culture surrounding the drug MDMA (Extacy, Ex, X ) explored bisexuality openly at rave events. The drugs ability to break down inhibitions often opened doors not previously explored. People relished in new and exciting sexual experiences for the tactile sensation alone. The sensation of giving oral sex was something many guys explored freely simply because the drug heightened the awareness of how a cock felt in their mouths. Suddenly bisexuality had a foothold on acceptance among the next generation. They learned not to care about preconceived ideas that bisexuality was bad and just explored for themselves. They learned these taboos were simply barriers in the mind that done safely, had no effect on how they lived their lives. The sun came up the next day, the world didn't end, no one knew unless they divulged it to them. As long as no one was hurt, what difference did it make?

    With the debate over same-sex marriage still raging in the courts, it has swayed in the direction of marriage equality. With each court decision the momentum gathers despite spirited opposition from faith based organizations. It seems soon marriage equality will be the law of the land, as so far the issue has come up in 16 state supreme or appellate courts and all 16 have ruled in favor of marriage equality.

    As that debate rages on, and as we see the pendulum swing toward equality for the LGBTQ community, where will it lead us Bisexuals as a community? Will we gain acceptance in larger society and be able to be open about it? Will the male dominated hierarchy change it's view of masculinity to include a bisexual men? Will female bisexuality become so common it will be passé? Will we as bisexuals go beyond just sex with both genders and move more toward polyamory? Will that move us to seek marriage with both sexes? What does true gender equality mean? What does our future look like?

    These are all good questions. We have yet to come together and really jell as a community even within the LGBTQ world, let alone society at large. But these are questions we need to ask ourselves to determine where we need to take ourselves as a community. I'm sure there are more questions that I haven't even thought of yet. But we need to begin thinking of these kinds of questions in order to bring about acceptance and change in society. It begs us to question ourselves, what are our goals? What should they be for the future?
  8. Childish behavior in the blogsphere over cheating debate

    I am not a cheater, I don't condone cheating, I have never cheated on my spouse, ever. That being said I feel the need to post about the current hooha going on here, it has gotten to be a pissing match.

    This all started over one angst filled spouse of a bisexual husband who stepped outside of his marriage vows to satisfy his sexual urges. I feel for her, she has been betrayed and is justifiably angry. It does have a tendency to piss people off when they have invested years in a relationship only to find their spouse is dipping their wick in another candle. Male or female, it's really of no consequence what the sex of "the other" is, the fact that "the other" exists is reason enough to be upset when your relationship parameters are those of monogamy and fidelity.

    With THAT being said, here is where I have real issue with the current fuss. In any relationship a climate of communication has to exist. Many people don't know how to foster good communication in a relationship in order to be able to tell their spouse they have desires that are not of a heterosexual nature. This combined with poor relationship choices often sounds the death knell of many relationships. Being bisexual is a complicated thing under the best of circumstances, being married and bisexual often is a ticket to divorce court. But two failures have most likely occurred in most circumstances that end that way. First, is a failure to communicate, creating an environment where open, honest communication is achievable takes work, real work. Both parties have to accept their spouse and be prepared that not everything that is disclosed will neatly fit within the confines of fidelity and monogamy. Egos may be bruised, feelings may be hurt, because sometimes the truth ain't pretty. But a loving environment where acceptance is paramount can overcome these insecurities and problems. Failure to do so is failure in total. Responsibility for this foul lies in both courts, if you can't communicate your needs, you have either the wrong relationship for you or the wrong partner altogether. That's a hard fact to deal with but it's reality. It's communicate or perish, no other way around it.

    Secondly, both partners needs have to be met. Some people see this only as a one sided equation, like any equation it must balance on both sides of the equal sign or the answer is wrong. Insecurity is just as dangerous as lies are, and if your spouse is insecure about your relationship, it's time to take stock in how you have not done your job in fostering a secure relationship. All the barriers here are in the mind, there are no physical walls to breach, no way mince words about it. Insecurity and jealousy come from fear, and fear means you haven't created trust and security. Sex is an act, it only has the emotional context people attach to it. That emotional attachment varies greatly from person to person, men tend to attach far less emotional weight to sex than women. Men and women treat infidelity differently as well, men ( usually ) cheat because their needs are not being met at home, women ( usually) cheat because they seek recompense. Both connote some other foul created by the spouse that is unaware of the cheating, neither foul is justifiable or reasonable. It's a giant "fuck you" to the unaware spouse, sought as quiet revenge for the foul committed in the first place. They are both reprehensible behavior, but that never seems to matter but in hindsight. All to often this behavior is only examined once the devastation is complete and someone is in tears, and by then it's far too late for an amicable solution.

    I am NOT trying to justify bad behavior, there is however a caveat. When a person has to deny a part of their sexuality to be in a relationship, this is no less reprehensible. Cheating is selfish, there is no bone to pick about that. But when a spouse knows their partner is bisexual and expects them to deny themselves the expression of their sexuality, that is equally selfish. To ask this kind of self denial of a person is the definition of selfish. It smacks of childish insecurity and self-centeredness. To do this knowingly, is reprehensible, just as reprehensible as cheating. It says, "Oh, we are going to deny your needs so you can meet mine and make me feel better." That's bullshit! Cheating is cowardly, but accepting this kind of scenario is cowardly as well. It is delaying and denying satisfaction of one for the sake of the other. It says, "I lack a spine strong enough to stand up for myself, so I will allow your idea of sexuality to run roughshod over mine." That reeks of codependent behavior and is a fertile bed for resentment and passive aggressive tendencies. What happened to being true to yourself? What happened to acceptance? I guess trust is only conditional in such a relationship. Tell us all how you like living under an ultimatum in five years. Good luck with that.

    In the end, the answer to all these woes is better communication skills. The poor souls who can't learn to communicate with their partners will either continue to live a lie or pay the piper in blood, sweat and tears. Far too many of us live in fear of exposure because our sex life has a clandestine aspect to it. It sucks so many are doomed to suffer in silence, that's a stressful, unhealthy way to live. That kind of constant emotional stress contributes to heart disease and is a ticket to a early grave. I don't have a good answer for those of us who doom themselves to live that kind of life. Cheating especially serial cheating is a hard way to have to exercise your sexuality. It produces stress, it encourages risky behavior and can expose unwitting spouses to disease and is risky to the relationship.

    As for the bitterness and hateful tone here of late, I would say it's time to let this go and move to more pertinent issues. Insulting others is no way to conduct ourselves, especially within our own community. It is an unfortunate reality that cheating exists within our community, but that isn't going to change anytime soon. Getting pissed and going on a rant and insulting people won't solve this problem. It won't make the cheaters stop, it won't make the cheated on feel less bitter. So let's let cooler heads prevail and cease and desist with the "fuck yous".
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