
All Blog Entries

  1. Changed Days.... And Biggest Change On Way

    Those who know me or have been regular readers of forums know Fran is married to another girl called Kate... sometimes known as Naggy Knickers... luffliest bootie I know.. among other things! We had probs, espesh in the early days when Fran was a bit foot loose cos really she has nev felt monogamy summat she wanted or wos up 2... I have often written about the fact that my wife and partner is instinctively monogamous and that I would prefer it other.. between us we often talked of opening things up but one thing is more important than me fucking around.. that is the person with whom I am in love! I've seen life without her.. endured it.. and it wos awful..

    In a relationship between one who believes in monogamy and one who would rather be much more liberal with her favours, there can be no compromise... that couple either is monogamous or it isn't so someone has to lose... although an honest change in one or t'otha partner's own stance and belief can mean both win.. although I am not sure I would call it winning.. it does mean neither can lose.. but only if the partner whose stance and belief alter is a sincerely held change. Just such a change has occurred to one of us and it has freed us both up to much more full and enjoyable life.. We are no longer a monogamous couple.. and Kate has undergone a transformation both as a woman and as a human being.. she now has more understanding as 2 why I have always felt as I do...

    For over a year now we have brought others into our lives sexually. I had always felt a little guilty about Kate depriving herself of men .... what men offer is so different to what I am able to and have thought her in error since I can offer her only so much.. emotionally, everything but sexually? Not all her bisexuality craves. She is now free to enjoy this aspect of her sexuality and is doing so.. not with a plethora of men although if that's what she wanted who am I to stand in her way? She also is expanding her lesbian side and this too I encourage although any casual sex which has entered her life has been my responsibility... and so that has all been with other women... tho most of that side has been with one other woman since even although she has freed her mind and loosened up, just going out to get laid by someone she meets in a club or at a party isn't yet her thing.. and it may never be.

    What has surprised me is that 2 me own surprise most of my naughtiness outside of my primary relationship has been with 2 women... one an older former work colleague.. the other an old friend who I have panted over for almost a decade since the day she walked into my life... unlike Kate I have, with her blessing, gone out with or gotten off with and slept with others... and will do again. She is free so to do, but she remains a little inhibited as yet but is making real changes in how she thinks and feels about sex within and without our relationship.. 2 my suprise I haven't had as much casual sex as expected I s'pose in part cos of my life wiv Kate, and the other two women who are in integral part of my life..... but I have had some.. more than Kate anyway... but then I think I always expected that would be the case..

    We do occasionally share one of my "fuck buddies" although she is more than a fuck buddy to me and I dont think of her in those terms.. m8s always mean a lot 2 me and just 2 consider 1 as s fuck buddy is a bit contemptuous...... and also very occasionally if less often the other woman in her life... but I don't with her guy.. ..... I am a lesbian ffs.. I haven't even met him... and don't feel the need to have to... sharing the guy is not something I am prepared to do and the older woman in mine? Well, it just hasn't occurred even if they do know each other slightly and like each other...

    One or two of my friends on site have an inkling of this.. and a couple know most of it... but also know yet another even more important development in my life... Fran is pregnant.. or as me big bruvva an' the luffly Gear sez.. "Up the duff". No, it did not involve allowing a man to roger me as me bruvva wud put it..... the NHS kindly did the dirty deed (for nowt peeps... triff thing the NHS!!)... on 11 August and confirmed a week ago tomoz... an' no man wos ne wer near at time (tho 1 wos required to supply tadpoles...)... I do know the father .. and he will be involved in my child's life even if she (hopefully she.. but health is more important than gender) will not know who her father is until much later in her life if that is her wish...... my choice principally.. but his too... soooo... in May, Fran will b a real mummy... though she is 2 her adopted daughter who is now a teenager, quite the young lady and making her own way in the world and doing her own thing... triff grades in her exams this year so a bright an' wise girl for her age cos no babbas for her.. not yet.. and even Kate's younger child who she is not able to adopt for reasons stated in the past.. but I just feel like I am her second mum and think she looks on me in that light... we have brought and are bringing up both girls bettern that.. mayb not natural mum 2 either or legal to 1.. but very real 2 both for all that...

    Really none of this is ne 1's biz but our own, but I have always been open on this site or as open as a could be. About the pregnancy it is my decision, but about the other thing, only now does Kate feel ready to allow me to tell more openly on .com of the change in our relationship... I have always felt it is how we learn... it is wy we have chat, forums and blogs... not just to find out whose cock we most wanna suck or whose puss we wanna lick.... if at all.... rather than suppressing things and keeping quiet.. and 1 or 2 of u have known some of it.. a little mostly.. and feel it time that I tell just what has been going on me lickle life..

    Updated Sep 1, 2014 at 12:25 PM by darkeyes

  2. The Seduction of a Married. Couple 3

    The wife was in the bathroom. The two guys jumped together in the bed. He again pushed the husband against his body, the back again this chest and his hand wrapped around the man's dick. It was a new and weird feeling, but he really wanted to make the guy feel good, comfortable, and desired. He stroke for the first time another man's cock and even when it wasn't even closer to the feeling of touching a wet pussy, there was undoubtedly some mix of the forbidden and the fact that he really had started to like this man as a person with whom he would readily start a friendship, a solid one, in an instant. This made him feel compelled to make that guy happy and if stroking his dick and pushing his own erection again the hairy ass of the man was the way right now he could fulfill this desire, so be it.

    The woman finally made her entrance, totally naked, her red hair floating like a fire around her beautiful face. She moved like a cat, softly entering the bed scenario and sliding her soft and smooth slim body in between them breaking their embrace. The husband turned around to face her and he hugged her from behind. He moved his hand in between her legs to find the man's dick resting against her pussy. He grabbed the soft dick and started to brush it against the wetness of her. They both moaned with pleasure. He kissed her on the neck. The husband extended his arm to embrace both his wife and him. He could feel his own erection going wild pushing against the smooth ass of the woman.

    After a moment the wife gently pushed him to lay back and quickly saddled herself on his waist and started to kiss him. The husband moved in between his legs and began to caress his feet and up his legs until his hands were playing with both his clock and balls. He couldn't see the man because the sexy wife was in the middle kissing him, but he felt every touch and his dick responded with a full blown hard on which required immediate attention. He didn't have to wait long until he felt the warm of the husband's mouth engulfing his throbbing cock. The guy sucked his dick like an expert, moving his tongue along the shaft and pressing the head with his lips.

    He was now kissing the wife with passion and feeling her perky breasts with both hands. If the man down there continued in this fashion he wouldn't last too long, but the husband understood and stopped. He felt a hot tongue going down his balls and even further until it started inquiring around the entrance to his man hole. His first reaction was to clench his ass to deter the intrusion, but the tongue insisted and it felt good. He finally relaxed and let it explore as the guy wished, in the while he also felt a hand placing a condom on his dick and then the wife moved a little downward, grabbed his cock and placed it in position. She let him in very slowly without breaking their kiss, the sensation of the hot tongue playing with his ass and the warm wetness of the woman surrounding his cock was the best ever he had experienced so far. She started moving back and forth with his dick inside her. He knew that he was too close and he didn't want to disappoint the woman. He tried to focus on the man working down there with his tongue in his ass, but that didn't help, on the contrary, the sensations of the erogenous nerves in that area were too much to handle and the view of the woman who had now broken the kiss and was riding him like it a cowgirl on her horse was driving him totally crazy and out of his mind.

    She began to moan even louder. The guy had stooped licking his ass and moved to his side placing his dick against his face. The husband didn't force anything, he just let it rest on his right cheek. But he wanted now to please both of them at the same time. He moved his face until the strange cock was touching his lips and he sucked it inside his mouth. This was the first time he had a cock in his mouth. The taste was a little salty but nothing repulsive as he had imagined. The texture was silky and warm. He did the best he could but he knew he wasn't an expert and focused only in keeping his teeth out of the way. In the while the wife had increased the pace and was moaning like crazy. He felt now very close getting to the point of no return. The husband took his dick out of his mouth and started to stroke it fast against his lips. He was squeezing with one hand one of the woman's breast and with the other he had grabbed the guy by his ass keeping him close to his face. The first to scream in absolute pleasure was the wife, her body was shaking and he could feel the contractions of her vagina squeezing his cock. That was too much for him, seeing these amazing people enjoying his naked body in every possible way made him explode in a fantastic orgasm almost at the same time that the husband began to shoot his load all over his face. He closed his eyes and tentatively opened his lips and got a drop with his tongue. The taste was again salty and the texture sticky but nothing out of the ordinary. He looked at the wife and she nodded. She wanted him to taste it and he did it. He used his tongue to take some of the white stuff covering his face. The wife joined him and began to lick his face, the husband did the same and the three of them ended up kissing passionately together.

    Finally she got up and went to rest on his right side. The husband did the same on the other side and embraced him from the left, placing one leg over his emptied balls and caressing his chest with his fingers. The woman kissed him and also crossed one leg all over his belly. He grabbed both of them with his arms and squeezed them against his chest. The wife and the husband were cuddling against him, caressing his body with their hands. It was true what these guys had said in their blogs. There was nothing compare to a true free for all passionate sex between a married couple and a special friend. But for that it had to be this way, the connection must happen first and after that, well, the sky was the limit. He felt that his mission had been accomplished. He had successfully seduced this amazing couple to the point where they were now each on both side of him, in his arms, worshiping his body from head to toe and he was sure that he had never felt this type of supreme happiness before. He just couldn't stop smiling.
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  3. The Seduction of a Married Couple 2

    The invitation to the hottub didn't delay that much and after less than an hour of a very soft interrogatory that looked more like a spontaneous conversation, the husband said why they didn't continue the interesting chat they were having together in their hottub in the patio. That would serve as an obvious ice breaker, the moment of truth when everyone had to get naked in front of the others. He had never been shy in shedding off his clothes so he was the first to jump naked in the tub. The guy followed him while the wife went upstairs taking her time to fix her hair so it didn't get wet. For a second the thought of being alone and naked with another guy in the hottub came to his mind. The old taboos were trying to surface, but he just smiled and bravely made a move so their legs were touching under the water. That move was a key one. He had to make the husband understand that he had nothing against feeling the naked skin of another guy against his. He knew he wasn't being totally honest. He did that on purpose like a premeditated step to gain the husband's confidence since the guy had stated very clear in his profile that he was bisexual. And then she came in to the hottub wrapped in a towel with a sexy cap on her head to protect her hair. Graciously she took off the towel and entered totally naked, her beautiful white body shinning under the dimmed light of the half moon in the sky. He couldn't stop looking at her amazing greenish eyes. Her look of lust and happiness was overwhelming. He had to forced himself to look at the husband too. He knew the guy was thoroughly observing his every reaction. So now he was facing the most difficult task he had ever had in his entire sexual life, how to seduce a married couple, how to make them feel comfortable with him and let them know that he was up for the challenge.

    He didn't know how to proceed. He never had been in this type of situation before. Should he wait for them to do the first move or should he initiate some approach and if so in which direction? He understood that he could try to identify who was the leader in the couple. If it happened to be the woman it would be much easier for him, but if the husband was the commander in chief, a little mistake could be the end of everything he had been working for so far and so hard. He made again the exact right move. Instead of going for one or another, he touched both on their shoulders and that was like an electrifying moment for him. For the first time in his life he wasn't blinded by the desire to feel a naked woman with his hands. He actually liked to be with both of them in that hottub, the way they smiled to each other and to him, the subtle movements of their feet under the water to accommodate his presence in between them.

    They got closer to him and at the same time the couple started kissing softly first and then with increasing passion. He watched from a very short distance as his dick responded with a twitch and began an enormous erection under the water, sometimes pressed against the hairy leg of the man, sometimes against the smooth leg of the woman, and that was totally fine. Then the husband grabbed his neck and gently pushed him into their kiss. He closed his eyes and let it happen. He felt the two mouth on his face and their tongues exploring inside his mouth. It was a brand new feeling being kissed at the same time by a man and a woman. The difference in texture and taste was a very curious one, even exciting sensing his dick pulsating with anticipation. He embraced both with his arms, feeling the heat from both bodies, male and female, in his hands and against his chest. At last a hand went down and grabbed his dick which was screaming for attention. He even didn't try to know which one, it just felt amazingly hot and somehow right. He wanted to thank that friendly hand. Breaking the three way kiss, he explored a little the neck of the woman with his mouth. She moved to his side and ended up,sitting on his left leg. The husband was still kissing her and he felt the man's erection pushing on his other leg. He moved his right leg to make some friction and the guy moaned, only then he realized that the hand on his dick was the husband's and he smiled. That wasn't too bad. After all the guy knew how to handle it, the right pressure on the right spots. He grabbed the husband by the arm and made him also sit on his lap beside the wife. He moved one hand down to feel her wet pussy and the other cupped the balls of the husband. They were now all moaning like a chorus of strange but exhilarating sounds. He then grabbed both by the neck and forced them to kiss him again.

    Time had stopped for him. The background music, the candles in the patio, the kisses and the touching were much more than he had expected in his wildest imagination. When the husband suggested to go to their bedroom he even didn't notice that he had past the second test. For him it was just a natural following to what they had been doing in the hottub. The wife exited the hottub first and wrapped in her towel went into the house. The husband was about to follow but he wanted to thank this man for having allowed him to share this special moment of their intimacy. He grabbed the husband by the shoulders and pushed him down again in the water placed him within his legs, the back against his chest and he embraced the guy. He kissed the husband on the neck and grabbed his dick. The guy wasn't hard but obviously enjoyed his unexpected move. After a few seconds he released the husband and followed him upstairs to the bedroom.

    to be continued.
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  4. The Seduction of a Married Couple 1

    He is in! It took several picture swaps and a dozen of emails to convince the couple that he was the right one to get their invitation. He knew that they had been looking for a while and that others in the site were trying to get in too. How come he had ended up in this situation, fighting with all his strength to get noticed by this couple? First he liked the simple way they had described themselves in their profile. Among a very well written introduction and mind blowing blogs, they mentioned that they wanted to explore their sexuality with a bi curious or bisexual man. He considered himself as straight as a pole, never the slightest question about it. He had never been with another man and never had a thought about it. Well, that's not exactly true. Most men had sometime thought of how would it be to have some limited interaction with another male maybe in a threesome. He had been lucky enough to try before once with a young couple. It happened two years ago and it was an amazing memory. Sex was just around satisfying the woman, but at some point the guy took his cock and used it to brush his woman's pussy. He remembered the weird touch, the manly hand wrapped around his organ and to his own surprise it wasn't that bad as he had thought. But that was all the contact he ever had with another guy.

    He wondered why he answered this ad in first place. The woman in the pictures looked very sexy, indeed. The guy in the pictures wasn't intimidating at all. But that wasn't the real reason. There was something more profound which he felt arousing his interest while reading the blogs posted by this married couple in their late forties. He was intrigued by the description of a very new thing he never had tried before, like being in the middle of a couple in love, sharing their intimate moments not as an observer but as an active participant of those private instants. How could that be, how would he feel being sandwiched in between two people, having a man and a woman worshiping every inch of his body, cuddling together, that feeling of becoming not just a sexual toy for them to be used, which already was a big turn on even if everything was about just that, but to be also the target of a loving and tender dual attention from a real married couple? He really wanted to experience that, at least once.

    Finally he decided to give it a try. When he started emailing with them he was a little sceptic. Maybe it was a trap. Maybe the profile was a fake, some guy who invented a wife to attract straight guys into his web of lies. But the blogs looked so real that he persevered even when the man was the only person in the couple with whom he had been having a conversation through the emails. He started just the correct way, instead of sending them a picture of his dick, he sent them a picture of him fully dressed with face and his killing smile, the same picture he would use when trying to hookup with a classy lady in an online dating site. Secondly he directed the conversation to the right spots, using spicy words but not overly sexual, aiming more to the sensuality and tenderness described by the couple in their blogs. Third he decided to go all the way and to be completely honest from the start. Being honest was something very hard to do in the lifestyle, it felt like striping naked in front of others without knowing if they would follow and do the same or just watch, laugh and leave. But he thought that in this case it was worthy taking the risk. So he did it.

    He explained that he had never been with another man before, not even in a threesome, and that the way the couple described what they were looking for was something he had never encountered before in the lifestyle. It was true that many single women said in their profiles that they were interested in pursuing a more serious relationship with the guy. Most men were on the other hand allergic to that sort of reasoning and avoided any type of commitment. But sometimes it happened and great friendships developed in between two people who met for a while and the chemistry had worked fine. Only he had never heard of a functioning true relationship among a man on one side and a married couple on the other. He knew of some polyamory cases, but those were the exceptions, mostly when a couple added another woman to their bed and, besides, this couple clearly stated that they weren't looking for a third in their marriage. However, it was obvious that these guys were into something different, something more intimate than just a good moment of fun. And that was precisely the thing that intrigued him the most.

    He always had this fantasy of having a regular couple to play. Why a couple? He really didn't know, but he thought it was something more stable and safe to play with a married couple. On the other hand in his mind, a threesome with a couple was only about servicing the woman, two men enjoying and sharing a female body. Mathematically speaking MFM were the best scenarios. To truly satisfy a woman requires a good amount of physical effort and being in his forties it was becoming a true challenge for him. With two guys engaged in the same effort, the possibilities were unlimited and the woman would always get more than she wanted. This was his original reasoning when he started looking for a couple and not just women, but in this case there was a twist to the story. The couple had clearly specified that they were not into focusing on anyone but on the three at once without stupid rules or taboos of any kind. That statement made him to be full of doubts. He tried to imagine himself touching a guy and he couldn't picture it in his mind. He may be fine allowing the other guy touch him and even suck his cock together with the wife, but that was the furthest he could make his imagination work in this scenario. In any case, that was his plan anyway, just get in and then see if he could get away with what he wanted without feeling too uncomfortable with the husband.

    He read their blogs several times. He had to credit some good points to the writings. It's true that the social taboos were too strong inside his mind. He recognized that he had nothing against bisexuals, but he truly never felt any attraction for the male body. Although there was something in this couple that had made him take a step outside of his comfort zone and try to get together with them at any cost. Of course he knew it wouldn't be easy. These guys were talking not just with him. There were others, some even openly bisexuals who obviously looked like the more fitting candidates for them and the couple had also said that they were looking for just one special friend. But for them in order to select the right guy they would have to meet with some of them first and he was hoping to at least enjoy a good time with that sexy woman in the picture if at the end he couldn't overcome his reluctance to engage sexually in any way with the husband.

    Finally he got in. The couple accepted to invite him over to their place. The rules were very simple. They would first have a chat with some drinks in the living room. Then if everybody was fine with the initial impressions they would jump together in the hottub, naked, and continue to chat with more drinks and then, if the chemistry developed in the right direction, they may take him to their bed. At any time, even in the hottub, he could just leave or the couple could just limit the encounter to some adventurous touching under the water but never consummate the act in their bedroom, meaning that he was out. Those were the rules. He understood it was not a case of two desperate horny people looking for a third to enjoy themselves, but a more lengthy approval process he was putting himself in. Was he ready for the challenge? He thought he was. He actually wanted to win the competition and become the one. He had decided to give it try and he wanted that to happen, but for that he needed to walk on a very thin line where the couple would be watching and judging every word he said and every move he made. His ultimate goal was to get in bed with them, let the guy touch him and then claim his reward, the sexy lady from the picture.

    When he arrived to their home he immediately noticed that this couple was different. They were very polite, the house was beautiful and nothing indicated any rush or sexual charge in their attitude. He felt like he was visiting a couple of friends. They were well dressed and invited him for a drink. He was seated in an arm chair and the couple sat on a sofa in front of him. The first impressions were good and it seemed to be working fine from both sides. He had put on a casual attire, a long sleeve shirt and trousers. She had a beautiful black night dress and high heels. The guy was also wearing casual clothing similar to his. The woman was beautiful, much more beautiful than she looked in the picture. The guy was fine, a little short, a little chubby, but in any case, he wasn't interested in him, at least in the physical aspect. All his attention was focusing on her, but he soon understood that he had to be careful or the couple would reject him for doing just exactly that costly mistake. He thought he would have force himself to look neutral. However, as soon as they started chatting it was like a revelation for him. These two guys were really educated people, sympathetic with his situation of being the guest in their house and were doing a great effort to make him feel comfortable. Soon he felt like he had known these guys for a long time.He soon sensed that he had past the first test. Besides never acting aggressive or pushy, he knew when and how to insert the right compliments to both of them in the middle of the conversation. Once he celebrated her dress and her hair. Another time he mentioned how young the guy looked for his age. The right smiles in their faces told him he was going in the right direction.

    to be continue...
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  5. Coming Out Bisexual a Survey

    This survey is in 2 parts. I was wondering what your thoughts are about a straight spouse coming out bisexually to the other spouse. For one, do you think more men come out to their spouse than women? Of these couples that come out, which do you think has the least complications, a couple where the man comes out to his wife, or a couple where the wife comes out to her husband?
  6. Foundations

    I recently was trying expression of something in a thread. What I was
    stumbling to express is a quote, I find of use as an axiom of life. It
    has been ages since first reading or hearing this quote. Should memory
    retain itself, believe I was thirteen when it was last conveyed to me.

    Most usually express it like this.

    [QUOTE]"Be the change you wish to see in the world."[/QUOTE]

    That is fine but a bit inaccurate and it refrains from fully relating
    everything I feel it needs to express. Here is the correct version of
    that expression. For me, it helps to further give an example of forging
    ourselves into the best we each are capable of being. It also gives the
    key to the kingdom in my consideration. Gandhi tells each of us how to
    change the world.

    [QUOTE]"If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also
    change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the
    world change towards him. … We need not wait to see what others do."
    -- Mahatma Gandhi[/QUOTE]

    Then you have this from someone else.

    [QUOTE]"Give me a place to stand and a place to rest my lever and I can move
    the Earth." -- Archimedes[/QUOTE]

    Well it seems to me that Gandhi supplies a good lever.

    [QUOTE]“With our thoughts we make the world.”
    ― Gautama Buddha
    Buddha supplies a place to stand. This is not to imply I am Buddhist. A
    person can appreciate wisdom for the sake of it being wisdom. Excuse me
    as I close now. All I needed to say, said.
  7. blog vs. chat

    blog lets ppl post and state whatever they need to, whereas chat is interactive and more accustom to interacting directly to others, both good
  8. Late Night Masseur


    We knew that he was coming so we had left the door unlocked for him to come in. My wife and I went to bed, naked of course. We wanted to start some foreplay just in between us, but decided to wait and relax as he had instructed us to do. We had some candles and background music playing in the bedroom. We were both laying with our stomach down, touching our hands. I felt drowsy and closed my eyes. I woke up when I felt a shadow coming into the bedroom. He had taken off all his clothes in the living room so he didn't have to make any noise undressing before getting into bed at our feet. He also had already picked up the flask with almond oil from the bathroom.

    I heard my wife moaning before I felt one of his hand touching my right foot. She loves foot massage. I never had one until now. I lift my head and look back. In the dimmed light I can see he is naked and sporting a semi hard on. He works with both hands switching between my wife's feet and mine. I see him pouring some oils on my wife's back and then he does the same on mine. He slides his body in the middle in between my wife and me while embracing both our backs. Then he gets on his knees and positions himself in between my wife's legs who had been forced to spread hers a little. He works now with both hands on my wife legs, ass and spine. I watch and smile. He is good, my wife can't stop the moaning feeling his strong hands working hard on her ass.

    He moves now up to her shoulder while leaning all his body over my wife's back. I can't see his hard cock but can imagine it touching my wife's pussy. He presses himself against her. This time she moans loudly. His cock and her pussy must have made some serious contact. He doesn't stop massaging her shoulders while kissing her neck. I watch mesmerized how his body moves up and down, his legs pushing apart my wife's legs. He is definitively inside her. She is now pushing up very slowly, her left hand grabs mine and squeezes it. I can't see her face buried in her pillow, but I can see the two bodies moving at the same pace up and down. He is now touching her ears and she moans even louder. Then he increases the speed and she follows. The dancing massage now focuses on her pussy, the tool is his hard cock. He goes now faster and my wife starts shaking, the prelude to her first orgasm of the night. He doesn't stop but moves even faster. My wife finally screams with pleasure, her body reacting profusely to the climatic sensation. Now he slows down, his dick still deep inside her. Then he stops and allows all his weight rest on her back while kissing her neck.

    After few minutes of absolute quietness and silence, he lifts himself off her. My wife also moves and turns around on her side looking at me. It's my turn now. He places himself exactly the same way he was before with my wife, kneeling in between my legs, his feet pushing slightly mine forcing me to spread my legs. He starts by putting more oil on my legs and my back. He pours a good amount of oil on my ass, much more than he used on my wife. Then he begings working up my legs. His hands are strong and my muscles can feel their pressure along my legs, first one, then the other. He moves his hands a little further up until they both grab my ass. He does some circling movement while pressing the muscles. Then both hands approach the middle and stretch out both sides of my ass exposing my anus where most of the oil had gone to after he had been massaging the surface of my ass.

    He moves a little closer and up my body. I can feel his belly on my ass and his hairy chest touching my back. His hands are now working on my upper arms and shoulders. I can feel his warm breath on my neck. I look at my wife for a second. She is smiling and still squeezing my hand. Then it happened, his hard cock touches my anus sending shivers all over my body. He continues massaging my shoulder and now he is softly kissing my neck. Very slowly he slides his body up my back and the pressure of his cock against my anus increases. He murmurs on my ear to relax my body, to let it happen. I'm afraid, I never had a cock before up my ass. But he gently pushes and I decide to let it in. His cock begins a very slow assault, pushing harder until his dick head stretches enough the whole to pop in. I feel the pain and bite the pillow. My wife is squeezing harder my hand. He asks if everything is ok, it's not, of course, it hurts, but at least he is not moving but waiting static until my ass can expand and accommodate this initial intrusion. At least it's well oiled and the lubricant helps when he slowly move up another half inch. The pain begins to recede and a weird pleasurable feeling take it's place. He slides in another inch and now it hurts like never before. His cock is poking some place inside me which wasn't ready. I manage to muffle a scream but he notices and retreats a little.

    He now leans completely on my back and embraces me with an arm around my chest and the other around my neck, his legs keeping mine apart. I can't move, I'm totally at his mercy. He pushes again this time more carefully and then I feel a shiver on intense pleasure. My prostate is now the focus of his treatment. He slowly increases the pace and even when it's still hurting the pleasure I feel from the prostatic massage is overwhelming. I have read that a man can ejaculate without touching his dick just by having his prostate massaged. But he is not willing to take the risk and moves his arm under my body to grab my soft cock. Now he coordinates his strokes, his cock inside my ass and his hand wrapped around my dick. I don't get hard, the distraction on the other side is too powerful, but he has not intension of leaving my cock in peace, on the opposite, he increases the speed of the strokes while synchronizing the movement of his dick against my prostate. Then I feel the build up and the release of load after load and the most intense orgasm I had ever experienced before. My body is all shaking. He presses harder my cock with his hand while the contractions inside my ass set his cock into an explosion of warm liquid filling in my anus, I can feel his orgasm with very inch of my body, his hand on my dick, his chest on my back, his cock in my ass, now I look at my wife and she is watching us with a mix of curiosity and excitement. I lift a little my head to look at him. He has stopped moving at all, his sweaty body resting entirely on mine. I feel his cook getting soft inside my ass, my wife gets closer and embrace both of us at once. We all finally smile and kiss together.

    Updated Aug 22, 2014 at 6:09 AM by Nakedfun3

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