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  1. Fictional Bisexual Characters You would invite to a party?

    The Vampire Lestat , Capt Jack Harkness (Dr Who/ Torchwood), John Constantine (DC Comics),Xena Warrior Princess, and Mystique (Marvel Comics /X-men),
  2. bisexual fun

    looking for two bisexual men that stay in the St.Louis area that would be up for some fun..
  3. Geekiest Quotes to use during sex

  4. Bisexual Quantum Philosophy

    The Interconnection Theory

    I have been developing this theory over a few years and now I wonder if this theory was formulated due to my personal nature or has my personal nature developed because of this theory.Perhaps both are valid.
    To begin you must accept a few simple observations.The first is that we are composed of many tiny organsims that act and recact independently ,but or still an intrisic part of us.Taking this to a macro scale we ourselves act and react independantly within our environment .So where does an organsims individuality end and its environment begin?
    The second observation is the nature of the reality in which we exist.some dimensional scales are easily identifiable such as the one dimensional dot, the two dimensional image,and the three dimensions of a sphere.What of higher scopes and scales beyond the capacity of our senses to observe? What if we are but extrusions,parts of a larger organism? Think of a fingerless glove, you can see the singular digits portruding from it each capable of individual action apart from the whole.You know beneath the glove though there exists a hand that unites the fingers .Think of the glove as the shell of our reality ,limited by our perceptions of time and space. We experience things in a linear progressive fashion , but have you ever had Deja Vu or a dream that came to pass? Maybe, just maybe for a moment your awareness slipped beyond the limited and you had a brief second of connecting with something much bigger in which time is not merely a succession of tic and tocs.Maybe everything throughout all of time and space is part of one greater whole? Maybe many more events and phenomenon that we can't explain are due to this timeless all encompassing interconnection?
    We could look for some support from Bells theorem and Einsteins Reactions at a "spooky distance" , but I think perhaps our growth and evolution can be best achieved by making our own obervations and determining our own roles as part of something much bigger .Maybe bisexuality is an attempt to strip away the pretenses of assigned social roles and norms .Maybe it is a evolutionary attempt at growth?
  5. bicurious, or just real lonely?

    i have been thinking about my romantic situation alot lately, more than usual, or the lack of it. i know i have claimed to have some kinda interest in the same sex but i wonder if my interest is genuine? i have had very bad luck with the opposite sex so maybe my interest in the same sex is a way to get my mind off of things while still fullfilling some of my needs. maybe add some kinda excitement in my life. u have gotta admit, going against ur sexual orientation can give u some excitement lol. but i don't know if experementing with a guy would make things ne better, in fact i'm afraid it might make things worse. once it's over i'm alone & i see more clearly & strongly what it is i'm missing from my life. i picture myself on my deathbed thinking about missed opportunities. when it comes to homosexual activity i think it would of been nice to try it out in my lifetime even if it was just a learning experiance, some regrets. but the regrets would not be nearly as big as never having been in a close relationship with the right women. except it wouldn't really be a regret because a regret implies u had the ability to do something & u passed it by, or vice versa u did something u could of not done. with the persuit of women i feel totally powerless so i can't do a damn thing about it neways. it's something i desperately wish above all else i had some kinda clue about. most people figure somethings out by there 30's, i have not. i feel there is something very wrong with my life.
  6. know who your talking too??!!!

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Images
  7. Bisexual, what kinds of yours?

    [URL=""]Bisexual[/URL], what kinds of yours?
    Passively Bisexual?
    Actively Bisexual?
    Indirectly Bisexual?
    Mentally & Physically Frigid
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Images
  8. Stranger Than Friction (Erotic Story)

    The familiar soft buzz reverberated through her body as she transistioned into the virtual realm, the mild synesthesia washed over her causing the cast shadows of her avatar to taste sleightly of earl grey tea.She shuddered in delight at they amber honeyed warmth that radiated upwards from the ground upon the shimmering skin of her virtual body.For a moment she was tempted to dial up the sensitivity of her neural interface and bask in golden bliss of the moment , but restrained herself and awaited her companions arrival . She was rewarded momentarily by large irridescent arms wrapping around her waist and a deep voice whispering in her ear, "Welcome my sweet, I think you will find the modifications I have made to the core interace most...interesting." She turned to embrace her paramour and brush her lips lightly against his savouring the sensation of static charged butterflies as they made contact. " I have implemented a Reflectory Intelligence rountine into the menu that will allow us to maintain multiple Avatars while experiencing the overlayed shared sensations of each form .", he said with his wry crooked smile that she found so endearing."Allow me to demonstrate.", she heard from behind her as a second set of hands embraced her .She felt the rigid thickness of his member pressing against her back mirroring the one lightly pressing against her front.She revelled in the sensation of the two strong forms pressing against her, cool like polished marble but oddly smooth, soft, and pliant.Their lips brushed over either side of the soft glowing nape of her neck enveloping her in their strong embrace.

    Fin (for now)

    Feed back and ideas are welcomed and encouraged.Hope you enjoyed it.
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