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  1. Masturbation

  2. After the Party - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]“I didn’t know,” he managed to say once we both re-learned how to breathe and talk.

    ”Me either,” I said. “You’re very good.”

    ”Thanks - it was my first time,” he said and I do believe that had it been light, I would have seen him blush.

    ”Huh?” I asked - I was stunned although once I had a few seconds to think about it, I shouldn’t have been. Still, up until this moment, I found out something about someone I thought I knew very well.

    ”Was it your first time?” he asked - no need for me to lie and told him that it wasn’t.

    ”My first time happened a very long time ago,” I said and I could feel myself blushing.

    ”Hmm - anyone ever tell you that you put most women to shame?” he asked.

    ”A few times,” I replied. “But I have a million questions!”

    ”I only have one,” he said.

    ”What’s that?” I asked.

    ”Can we do this again? Like now?”

    We wound up moving the coffee table and getting onto the floor so we could 69 - and after he had asked, “Is there a way we can do this together?”

    One hell of a party... and the after-party wasn’t shabby at all...[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  3. After the Party - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Except I knew I wasn’t dreaming because I was waking up... and my dick was still being gently but insistently sucked. My eyes fluttered open and I looked down to find Dave slurping away on me and I was shocked because I had no idea he was even like that.

    I’m not ever sure why he never noticed that I was awake but in his defense, he was paying attention to what he was doing and not watching me; part of me wanted to ask that stupid “What are you doing?” question that, duh, you can’t stop from asking... and another part didn’t want to disturb him but, yeah, the stupid part won and I said quietly, “What are you doing?”

    I expected him to jump up and be all embarrassed but he looked at me, blinked, and stopped sucking on me long enough to say, “Something I’ve been wanting to do for years so, hush - lemme finish this and we can talk.”

    And I hushed, marveling over how someone I’d known for years kept this hidden from me and how good he was blowing me and like this wasn’t anything new to him.

    A few moments later I said, “I gotta cum...;” weird development or not, you still warn the person sucking your dick and he kinda nodded and kept sucking me until I cut loose.

    He released me, looked up at me, and smiled before saying, “I’ve been wanting to suck your cock for years.”

    ”Why didn’t you just ask?” I asked; he responded by shrugging and I understood that non-answer.

    ”You’re not mad, are you?” he asked.

    ”No, but if you don’t let me suck your dick, I will be mad,” I said - and I was surprised that my response surprised him but, okay, maybe he never thought about that?

    We kinda switched places and I went down on him, still surprised that I’d seen him naked so many times but had never wanted to blow him... and now I was. I’d have to say that, perhaps, he’d been super-hyped about sucking me because it didn’t take long at all for his cock to swell - then start pumping spunk into my mouth and he was delicious.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  4. After the Party - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]It had been one hell of a party; lots of good food, music, old and new friends and the party’s host, “Dave,” had spared no expense. I’d been there before the other guests had arrived, did some cooking, played DJ and while I hadn’t overindulged via the well-stocked “bar” Dave had set up, I was pretty tired and enough that I didn’t want to risk driving home and let him know I needed a nap.

    ”Not a problem, man,” he had said. “You can crash right on the sofa; we’ll worry about cleaning up the rest of this later.”

    After getting me a sheet, I stripped out of my pants and got comfortable on the sofa, the thought being that an hour long snooze would be what the doctor ordered and I nodded off fairly quickly.

    Until I started dreaming that I was having my dick sucked and it was one of those weird, real-feeling dreams, too, and so much I wanted to wake up but didn’t want the dream to end.

    Inside My Bi Mind
  5. Feeling It In Me - Part V

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]While he was in me, it wasn’t about how good - or not - he fucked me; it was all about him being inside me and how I was feeling and, yeah, even thinking. It’s not about him telling me how good it feels to him to be balls-deep in my ass although that’s always nice to know - it’s about feeling that slick hardness in my hole and waiting for the moment when he coats my inside with his seed.

    Will there be a next time with him? Doesn’t matter so much. Do I get to do to him what he just did to me? Maybe and maybe not but if that’s what he wants, I wouldn’t want to cheat or deprive him from whatever he goes through when there’s a hard dick spreading his hole open.

    Maybe he feels what I felt, is thinking what I thought as he fucked my asshole? I don’t know and now that I’m fucking him, that’s not my focus... but my body remembers what he felt like inside of me.

    Wonderful. Bitchy/girly. Dirty and nasty. Satisfied yet still with that strange feeling of emptiness and, yes, even when I wanted him to hurry the hell up and finish inside me.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  6. Feeling It In Me - Part IV

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Sometimes, I want him in and out of me as fast as he can manage - I just get like that at times but the reality is that you don’t have to fuck me for a long time for me to enjoy it and once I reach that point, you should cum in me, pull out, and we can go on from there, please and thank you very much.

    Then he cums; it’s glorious, horribly nasty-feeling given where he’s shootings his load; it’s either a sad moment or one I’m very grateful for - again, it depends on some shit I can’t explain but, yeah, this part of being fucked has always been the best part for me because it feels bad and good.

    But then he pulls out and I feel so empty and sometimes that empty feeling bothers me and sometimes, hallelujah - he’s finally done! Took him long enough, damn! I’ve been fucked and creamed and no matter what I’m thinking - good, bad, or indifferently - it can’t ever be undone; I wanted it, got it, time for the next thing and if there’s gonna be a next thing.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  7. Feeling It In Me - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I can feel his body heat, scorching hot even though it really isn’t; when he goes as deep as he can go and just holds it there, I can feel his racing heartbeat being transmitted into my body and somehow in sync with my own racing heartbeat.

    Maybe he’s talking or just making fuck-noises; I hear it, not paying attention to it (unless he calls me a bitch - that’ll get my attention and not in a good way) - but I am very aware of his cock in my ass and what it all means.

    At some point, he’s gonna flood my ass with sperm - he’s gonna inseminate me just as a woman would be... and it’s exciting and unnerving all at the same time and I want him to do just that. I don’t like being called a bitch... but I like feeling like one in anticipation of the moment of his release.

    Maybe I want and need him to hurry up with that, maybe not - depends on some shit I can’t really explain... but will I feel his dick tremble then swell, getting longer and thicker... or will I just hear him cuss or something as he tells me he’s cumming... and I don’t feel it happening? Does it matter to me?

    Yeah, it does.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  8. Feeling It In Me - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I don’t know about you guys but there’s some “crazy shit” going on in my mind at that moment. There’s the “He’s gonna fuck me!” moment, the “Oh, shit - what was I thinking about?” moment as he begins to slide in, spreading my hole open and, yeah, it’s a ‘discomfort’ you learn to ignore by you're always aware of it.

    I tell myself - and unnecessarily so - to relax, just breathe and before you know it, he’ll get inside and once he does, it’s time to enjoy it but, eh, don’t get annoyed if he’s having some trouble getting it in... and trouble that’s not really my fault.

    He signs (or grunts) and I do, too, as he gets past my body’s attempts to evict him and he starts fucking me... and all kinds of things are going through my mind like how long is it gonna take him to cum in me? Will I feel it and even feel it the way I might want it to feel?

    Will he take it easy or give my poor stretched-out hole a beating? How does he feel inside of me? There’s a lot of stuff with no words about this part; it feels good and not so much; maybe he’s hitting my prostate and it’s wonderful... or not so much.

    Whether or not his cock is huge or not, I feel full; we’re connected, two people as physically close to each other as humanly possible and that’s some heady shit to think about while his cock is sliding in and out of me.

    Inside My Bi Mind
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