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  1. Watching Cum Shots Turned me Bi ?

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Tahoma] I posted something on Craig's List wanting a guy who had sent some masterbation vids to send me more. My post drew responses from other guys. We exchanged dick pics and suddenly things were set up for meetings with guys.[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Tahoma]The first guy never showed up and I was kind of relieved but disappointed too.[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Tahoma]I met with the next guy, we blew each other, I sucked cock for the first time and there was no doubt in my mind that I was going to finish him in my mouth and swallow his cum. I did and I loved it.[/FONT][/COLOR]

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=Tahoma]The next day I met up with a guy that only wanted a blow job, he even wanted me to keep my clothes on. I loved being used like that. His cock was so tasty and he came a lot. I swallowed it all which surprised, me being a rookie cock sucker. I guess I was officially bi after that weekend.[/FONT][/COLOR]
  2. Dildo

    I attached one of my suction-cup rubber dildos to the wall the other day. As they are designed to be used, of course. I went down on my knees, naked, stroking my hard dick as I sucked it. My heavy breathing surprised me a little as did the pleasure I gained from this act. It isn't perfect, but some practice until I get to gobble the real thing.
  3. being the sub

    3 weeks ago i decided to sub for a man i knew he called and ask if i wanted to let him and 2 more guys give me a good fucking so i went to his house next day when i got there he was naked and took me to the bed room i got naked and starting sucking his thick 8 inch cock he smacked my ass and then put some lube on his finger and starting fingering my asshole then he got up stood on the edge of the bed put my legs up on his shoulder and put it in my ass that big cock for a minute or so hurt then it got to feeling good he poured it to me for about 15 minutes or so when he pulled out still on my back another man put my legs back in the air and went to fucking my ass i could feel it was big and he rode me hard when he got done i rolled over on my belly to rest and could feel the cum running out my asshole then i felt the last big cock go in my ass he pulled me over the edge of the bed and fucked me like a whore when he got done he took a picture of my gapped asshole and showed it to me he went and washed his cock so i would suck it over 8 inchs really thick with a cock head size of a small plum i got fucked again while i was sucking him when they got done i sure had got a good fucking ass was sore for 3 days
  4. The First Time - Part VI

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I've even had guys "use" me for their first time and "without my permission" and as evidenced by the many times I've spent the night with a guy - and a guy I had no reason to even think about having sex with - only to wake up in the middle of the night because he's humping my butt or sucking my dick. I've woke up, asked the stupid question of, "What are you doing?" and they've said that they woke up and just wanted to do it... while praying that I didn't wake up and catch them but since I did, um, now what?

    Well, there's only one answer to that question.

    And, yeah, I've actually laid there and faked being asleep just to see how far the guy was gonna go - or get - before he realized I wasn't asleep, like the one guy who woke me up by sucking my dick and I shocked him by saying, "Not so hard... that hurts!" Or the one guy who sucked my dick then pulled my underwear down and dumped a load of spunk between my cheeks - and I laid there and let him do it but said to him later after I "woke up for some reason," that if that's what he wanted to do, he could have asked me instead of sneaking me but, that's okay - I'm awake now so what do you wanna do now?

    Again, only one answer to that one. Wasn't a first time for me but it was for them and there was no reason to be mad about it but, sure, I always asked them if they had a good time along with wanting to know why they did it and more so if they never did it before.

    Everyone has a first time story and we should all tell them so that all the guys who have yet to have their first time can, really, stop being afraid and be able to tell their own first time story so that we can both enjoy it and learn from it.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  5. The First Time - Part V

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I told the guy I'm currently mentoring about my first time and he later told me that as I was telling it to him, he was jerking off and busted a really huge nut. He sometimes asks me - again - if I really liked it and I keep telling him that I did even though a grown-ass man turned me on to this. But for him, I get it and why he finds it so exciting because he's still learning about something I've always known about. I know of his first time and how it kinda freaked him out and why he had it and, yeah, it messed with his head for a while before he got to understand that, as far as first times go, his was pretty classic from my point of view.

    I love first-time stories and that when you put them all together, there are a lot of similarities despite everyone's first time being unique to them. I love hearing about what a guy thought about it at the time it happened and what they think about that moment now, how it's changed them or has otherwise made an important difference in their life and no matter how that first time happened.

    And it does my bisexual heart so much good to see other men embracing their first time even if it didn't happen in such a great way.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  6. The First Time - Part IV

    [SIZE=3][FONT=verdana]I've listened and have read of guys who were terribly ashamed of their first time and, at least until they talked to me, were beating themselves up because of how they got their first experience with a dick. I've had to tell them that there's really no shame in it - only the shame we put on it - because we all had a first time and it's rarely in that storybook or fairy tale way we think this should happen. My first time was anything but a fairy tale but, eh, no one's first time really is and if I never regretted it, well, perhaps they shouldn't either and more so since it's over and done with and can never be changed.

    When I first arrived on this site, I had read a guy's first-time experience and, to me, it was typical in that an adult had his way with the guy when he was young. One of the comments I read was from a guy who started ranting and raving about how wrong that was and how the OP really got molested and, well, pretty much every bad thing that can be said about it and, nope, I wasn't surprised by that reaction one bit... but I found it disturbing that this guy felt a need to rain on someone else's parade like that and introduce some shame into an event where the OP said that he didn't feel any shame at all.

    The point here is that, again, not everyone has a fairy tale-like experience that first time. It's rarely based on romance but just something that a lot of guys get into, whether they "volunteer" for it or they get introduced to it in some "unsavory" way. I know of way too many guys who got introduced by a brother, cousin, uncle and, yeah, even a few dads and, sure, it's a fucked up thing to have on one's mind and more so if they weren't really all that willing to participate - it just was what it was and there is no point or reason to kick a guy's ass over it and, yeah, it's easy to be retrospective and say, "Well, it shouldn't have happened like that..." which never changes the fact that it did.

    There's a certain kind of comfort in knowing that however your first time happened, you're not the only one who had a similar first time so even if you felt all fucked up in the head about your first time and the way you had it, you get to see that others have had, again, a similar first time... and they're not fucked up about it at all so why should you let yourself keep being fucked up?[/FONT][/SIZE]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  7. The First Time - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I've even sat and talked to guys who wanted to do this for the first time... and they didn't want to do it with me - they had someone else in mind or, perhaps, they felt that asking me would ruin something; not really sure but it didn't matter... but what did matter was that when they had that first time, they were going into it being as informed as they could be. I've had them come back after their first time with someone else and tell me how good - or how fucked up - things went and, for me, that's the hard part and more so when things didn't turn out the way they expected them to and, yeah, sometimes, I've been a guy's second time and then have heard them say, "Shit... I should have asked you in the first place..."

    I've seen (and had) guys go for it because they've always been curious about it; because they were ultra-horny, couldn't get any pussy, and jerking off just wasn't cutting it for them; because they got dumped by a girl, fired from a job, or some other kind of emotional trauma and having sex in a way they never really thought about before is what makes them feel better. There has never been a period in my life where I haven't had a guy asked me - and usually out of the clear blue sky, "Have you ever had sex with another guy?" - and I've learned that if a guy is asking this question, it's for one of two reasons: Either they did it once (or twice) before and want to do it again or it's been on their mind for a while and now they've decided it's time to finally do it.

    I've had first-timers say to me, "I don't know what it is about you but, um, I wanna suck your dick!" and, yeah, I had no idea what it was about me that put that thought into their head but, okay, if that's what you really want to do, let's talk for a moment because I know for a fact that it's about the worst thing you could ever do when you're not really sure that it's something you want and need to do.

    I've seen guys fret about not being good enough that first time, get bent out of shape because they lost their load really fast as well as getting bent because I didn't cum (but that didn't happen very often). I've had them ask, "Did I do it right?" and, again, they think they didn't but I'd ask them, "Did I cum?", they give me that "duh" look because I did and then tell them, "Then you did it right, huh?"

    Like I said, I've seen guys chicken out at the very last possible moment; I've had guys throw up - and sometimes on me (yuck); I've seen them break down and cry because they're either really happy or now feel so guilty that all they can do is cry. I've heard guys tell me about their first time and what they thought of it; wonderful, amazing, and the worst thing that ever happened to them. I've shared stories with guys who got started young like I did, didn't do anything until they were in their teens or a legal adult and even with guys who were what I termed to be "very late to the party" and are older and with a lot of life experience but who also found that having sex with a guy was the thing in their life that they'd been missing.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  8. The First Time - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I've given so many guys their first experience and it never fails to amaze me to see how they react to it, from chickening out at the very last moment to throwing up and breaking down and crying during and/or after the fact and if I haven't learned anything from this, it's that when you're giving a guy his first time, you want and need to take good care of him and I don't mean by just giving him a mindblowing blow job or a good fucking.

    I've finished with guys and have heard them say, "That wasn't as bad as I thought it would be!" or "I don't know why I never did this before now!" and sometimes I've had them tell me that they had a chance to do it before but they didn't - and now they're a little pissed off that they passed on that earlier opportunity.

    I've even talked to and gotten with guys who had an earlier experience but were "traumatized" by it... but now they wanted to go for it again like one guy who grew up with three very horny brothers and they made him their sex toy and at every chance they could. It really fucked with his head but I can only say that after he had a lot of years to think about it, well, it was what it was... but that didn't mean that they couldn't do it again and more so when they wanted to. That guy told me later, "It's like riding a bike, ain't it?"[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
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