
All Blog Entries

  1. Another of Those Moments - Part IV

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]He was making me feel very good but that damned distraction did its job, making me not really be into it but had me lying there watching him with almost clinical detachment as he sucked my dick and occasionally sucked on my balls. There’s a white guy I met maybe an hour ago now and he’s happily sucking on my cock and the pinkness of his tongue as he ran it along my shaft and circled my knob was just fascinating, as was the fact that his face was even redder than it was after he had shot his load.

    Our eyes meet and I could see his hunger, could see the lust burning in eyes that were oddly a bit browner than my own. And for the life of me, I somehow couldn’t figure out why he was enjoying it so much any more than I knew why I was enjoying it. Men weren’t supposed to do this, let alone love doing it... were they?

    Of course they were and he proved it by sliding his hands under my ass and trying to coax me to fuck his mouth and while my mind had an objection, my body as hell didn’t mind as I began to gently fuck into his mouth, enhancing my pleasure while, I thought, giving his neck muscles a break.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  2. Another of Those Moments - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Despite the distraction, I didn’t miss a drop of his cum, easily holding his short prick fully in my mouth until he was finished and started to soften and I was already thinking about either not stopping or giving him a break and suck him off again later.

    I released him and sat up, feeling my muscles protesting from having been in that position and not moving much. I looked at him - his face was flushed a very deep red and I could feel the intense heat flowing off his body as he smiled at me, shook his head for some reason, then proceeded to push me over onto my back so that he could get at the erection I had that had been hidden by my body.

    I sighed as his mouth covered me, sliding wetly down my shaft until his nose was buried in my pubic hair; I suppressed a giggle as he gagged once, then again trying to do to me what I had easily and effortlessly done to him just ten minutes ago. He didn’t barf on me - but I thought he was close to it - and he backed off and began sucking me in earnest, his breathing harsh and ragged, sweat flying off of his face and forehead as he worked his mouth and tongue on me.

    And my asshole mind was still asking me what the fuck was I doing and didn’t I know I wasn’t supposed to be doing this? And as I always did when this annoying thing happened, I ignored it and opened my eyes to watch him sucking my dick and noticing that he was much better at it than he had said he was.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  3. Another of Those Moments - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Time had slowed down; even though I’d only been sucking him for just over six minutes, it felt as if I’d been blowing him for an hour or more. He was getting close, though; I could feel those pre-cum tremors I’d read about years ago in the dirty books I’d swipe from my father’s not so secret stash; they were racing along his shaft and I was giddy with the thought that it wasn’t going to be too much longer before he popped his cork.

    He started to fuck upward into my mouth, which was hard for him to do since he was sitting and because I had a good grip on the base of his cock to delay his release so I let go of him and held my head still to accommodate his shirt but urgent strokes. He’s moaning, groaning and cursing while calling on Jesus and if my mouth hadn’t been full of his dick, I would have been smiling if not laughing.

    His strokes into my mouth grew erratic, the tremors running up and down his shaft so fast his dick was literally shaking in my mouth; I felt his cock swell, hear him gasp...

    And that damned voice in my head asked, “What are you doing?!”

    It wasn’t like I’d never heard this before and I knew it was my moral compass pitching a bitch with me for once more breaking all of the rules but it distracted me just long enough to make me lose focus and I wasn’t quite ready to receive his spunk as he fell over the edge.

    There was an awful lot of it, too; he’d been truthful when he had told me that it had been a long time since he last got sucked off and now I was playing catch-up as rope after sticky rope of warm cum shot into my mouth, forcing me to swallow faster than I had originally intended to.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  4. Another of Those Moments - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]It was a day like any other except this one found me naked and curled up on the sofa next to the guy who invited me home so we could suck each other off and I was having fun doing it. The guy was pretty average - nothing about him really stood out other than his politeness and eagerness. His cock was smaller than my own but perhaps just a bit thicker but that didn’t matter to me and I had told him as much when he started apologizing for not having a bigger dick.

    I was enjoying him. I’d stopped tasting him due to all the saliva I was making with his cock in my mouth; I’d also lost his scent which was musky and soapy because my nose just clogged up and as it always did when giving head, making it hard to breathe but I’d come up for air every now and then but keeping him good and hard stroking his cock which somehow looked even smaller with my hand wrapped around it.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  5. Wife sharing my bisexual desires

    Is there anything better than having your life long spouse live out your bisexual experiences? She knows ands loves my bi side, that said she and I allow others to experience each other. My buddy and I are suck buds almost on a daily basis and she knows when I crawl out of bed I am most likely downstairs sucking his cock. What is awesome is sometimes she walks in asking if she can play. She absolutely loves playing with he and I as I do. Her tight petite body makes a man want to fuck her and she gets plenty of it. This past Sunday morning she woke up and came down stairs as I was drinking coffee and as usual I am wearing only a bath robe reaches into my robe stroking my dick saying I feel like being a whore today, make it happen.

    After some phone calls and text messages I had 4 of my buddies ready to come over to satisfy her whorish desires. So now she has 5 nicely hung cocks to fuck her into heaven, I am at a loss to understand her stamina but she handled all of us with ease, her cum soaked pussy and mouth was so incredible to witness and getting to lick the dicks of those who fucked her was truly an amazing day and she was super horned up watching me licking cock and cum after they finished, it was my job to make sure they got hard again.

    I am truly amazed at how she handled such a long and hard core gangbang, as the whole afternoon consisting of 4 hours, after they all left with their balls totally empty she came over stinking of sex , covered in cum and sore kissed me and said thank you, that was truly incredible and I’m sorry for being a whore, but seeing you suck those cocks makes me this way, the way you eat my cum soaked pussy makes me want more. You made me this way and I love it. As I sat there with a limp dick she walked off to the shower as I proceeded to enjoy my adult beverage and recounting our afternoon. WOW!!!!!!!:tongue:
  6. In praise of bisexual men

    In the world today, I don't routinely read many statements like the one I'm about to make, so I trust I can courageously share what's on my mind on this blog: I love, appreciate and praise bisexual men!

    For me, coming to embrace my appreciation for my own bisexuality is to appreciate it in others.

    I think I appreciate bisexual men the most in how most of us feel the need to keep our sexuality under wraps -- especially as many, many bi men are in committed relationships with women. And yet, all our lives, and even within that devoted relationship with a woman, we so often explore our sexuality to include both men and women. I feel bisexual men especially have to face enormous obstacles in truly claim our sexuality. And I appreciate how some bi men can continue to grow and discover who they are as sensual-sexual human beings.

    I myself have come out to many close friends and family. And I'm making it a conscious step to share with anyone I know will be more understanding than most. But I still find when I express myself as "bisexual," this can trigger people, and I frequently get theseTMI (too much information) senses in many responses.

    Sometimes, I find embracing my erotic longings can feel like a lonesome journey. Other times, I feel connected and expansive, full of possibility.

    Bisexual men have to figure out how to navigate their sexual journey on their own -- there's so few role models to follow.

    I love how even from within a heterosexual world, bisexual men can exist. I love how men can find and discover ways that help them connect to their sexuality as bisexual men.

    I feel it takes a great deal of bravery and courage and authenticity and opening up to fully embrace bisexuality as a man. And I think that's so exciting!

    I'm not sure if women really have it easier or not. I feel many women have to overcome obstacles to embrace their bisexuality too. We all have to overcome what society says is acceptable. And yet, so many men seem to be willing and interested in exploring their bisexual dimension, I feel this speaks volumes in how many bi men out truly there, somewhere.

    I find bisexuality in men to be one of the most refreshing, liberating and exciting things there is in this sexy world. I myself come from a very hetero-normative world view. I never imagined I would embrace my love, acceptance and appreciation for men and women so fully as I do now.

    For the most part, I don't really get to express my bisexual interests all the time. I mainly explore online with erotic images and sacred sexuality practices. I'm in a very close platonic relationship with a woman who I can open up and share whenever. So I really appreciate finding and I visit regularly.

    To any man (or woman) out there who may feel an inclining of desire to explore his bisexual interests, on any level, even if it's just in fantasy, I love you and appreciate you and think you're immensely courageous and hot, and I wish to offer you my wholehearted support and encouragement and safe passage in your journey as a sensual-sexual bi exploring person. I offer this freely as a means to help me further grow and develop in myself.

    If you do anything, just make sure you do it with love.




    Updated Nov 18, 2019 at 2:09 PM by bibliss

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  7. Sign of the Times - Part IV

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I felt his fingers digging into my ass cheeks a bit painfully as he started pulling my crotch into his face harder and faster; my hips caught up with what he was doing and I glanced at him, taking in the stark contrast of our skins as he buried my dick deep within his mouth - and I came, shuddering, shaking, cursing... and trying to figure out why he was so afraid.

    We laid there gasping for air and I could feel the heat radiating off of him, his whole body flushed a deep red, like he was on fire. When we had recovered enough to talk, I asked him, “That wasn’t so bad, was it?”

    “I don’t know why I was so afraid,” he said softly. “I still feel a little afraid but I think I’m okay. Yeah, I’m fine - can we do this again?”

    Neither of us got much sleep that night. He’d gotten over his fear and had asked me to fuck him before returning to his room to grab whatever sleep he could. Between being sucked of twice and then fucking him, when the sun finally rose and I got ready to head to my class, I was pretty much dead on my feet but it was worth it, I felt.

    But it still bothered me; why were so many white men leery of having sex with Black men? Did any of this really make sense? I didn’t know the answer then and I still don’t know today...[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  8. Sign of the Times - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I could feel his resistance; he was muttering no, that he couldn’t, that I was Black and forbidden... then he moaned as his mouth closed around me, the sound of it sending chills through me, sounding as if he’d just sold his soul to the devil.

    His tongue flicked across my knob and it was like a switch was also flicked - I found myself holding onto the arms of the chair as he assaulted my dick, his need overcoming his fears.

    That this wasn’t his first rodeo was apparent as he lavished attention to my dick and balls, slurping loudly, moaning and his face as mask of concentration as he took me deep several times and awakening my own need to suck cock.

    I stopped him long enough so we could climb into bed - he didn’t seem to be happy about having to stop but he offered no protest as I got into position to suck him and once again using a hand to push his head down.

    Ah, he tasted and felt good in my mouth as I went to work on him. For a few moments, his body felt tense, as if his fears had returned but he eventually relaxed.

    I fucked into his mouth and I could feel his body shuddering, his cock twitching in my mouth and in that way that told me he was gonna cum. Most unlike me, I fucked into his mouth harder, driving myself deeper into his mouth and throat.

    He shuddered, tensed, moaned against my dick - and shot his load into my mouth and there was so much of it, like he’d been saving it up for a long time. I swallowed as fast as I could, catching a hint of the gin he’d been drinking as his spunk coated my tongue.

    Inside My Bi Mind
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