
All Blog Entries

  1. The Dark Moments - Part II

    [SIZE=3][FONT=verdana]All those times when I felt like a victim or that deer in the headlights or even that one time I was careless, inattentive, and just plain stupid and wound up being drugged and raped... and the deeper, more personal realization - and, perhaps, humiliation - knowing that even though that asshole took me without my consent, damn, he did suck and fuck me well.

    You probably can't imagine what it's like to be drugged and kinda disconnected from yourself... while some guy is alternating between sucking the cum out of you and filling your mouth and ass with cum... and you can't do a damned thing about it because not only are you drugged, but you're tied up as well.

    The shame of it. The humiliation. The helplessness. Watching him straddle me and sit down on my cock and ride it until I came inside him and knowing that I hated every moment of my captivity and imprisonment... while enjoying every damned bit of it. Feeling the rage, the hatred, the urge and need to get free and, yes, the urge to kill while understanding that I wouldn't have been in this situation if I hadn't been so stupid and unaware.

    And then understanding that he was just being who and what he was and, in a very weird way, it wasn't his fault - it was mine and, yeah, I really did try to kill him when I got free and whatever drugs he gave me wore off.

    Being in that moment where you realize that the "nice guy" you wanted to have sex with turned into a "monster" once the clothes came off and then experiencing the very sickening - but delightful - feeling of being treated like a girl, being made to suck his dick then manhandled into position and feeling his cock ramming into my ass and without any consideration of how such a forceful entrance is making me feel.

    And knowing that even once he's done using me, I'm not going to get a chance to use him in the same way. The shame of being his bitch, the physical pain of being roughly fucked, the humiliation of knowing I'm just another piece of ass for him as he unloads his seed into and hearing him talking about how good my pussy is.[/FONT][/SIZE]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  2. The Dark Moments - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Being the object of a man's lust wasn't always a good thing to experience. While sucking cock and/or being fucked can usually be placed in a glamorous kind of light, eh, sometimes, there is no light - there is only the darkness, the feelings of hopelessness and helplessness being on the receiving end of a man's lust and knowing, in no uncertain terms, that all you are to them is a means to an end.

    I got to understand why women are the way they are about sex, why they have this overwhelming need to protect themselves against us - men.

    I can't count the many times I've been on my back or on my stomach, feeling a hard cock in my ass and its owner savagely pounding me, jarring my body so hard I wanted to throw up as well as being "at his mercy" and fervently wishing that he'd hurry up and cum so he could get out of me... and I could escape albeit not unscathed. I'd learn the hard way that what sounded like a good idea at the time could be anything but a good idea.

    I can't count the many times I've had a hard cock rammed into my mouth and throat and to the point where I wanted to barf, couldn't really catch my breath the way I needed to, and my mouth and throat would be raw and sore... and the worst of it all was hearing the guy fucking my mouth saying, "Yeah, bitch... suck this good dick..." or other such sentiments that would anger me and, again, have me wishing that he'd hurry up and cum so I can punch him in the face.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  3. Becoming a Cock Whore - Part V

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I sucked dick and swallowed sperm because I loved it; it made me happy, made me feel satisfied to feed my hunger and it didn't matter to me what the other guy thought about how this was gonna happen. They'd want to have their way with me and I was determined to have my way with them, to make them my "victim" instead of being their victim and in a battle of wills, it was one I could win. I didn't always win the battle but the other guy would learn that I wasn't going to just let him do whatever he wanted to do or cum when he wanted to. If I wanted him to cum later so I could enjoy having his hard but silky smooth dick in my mouth, that's what was gonna happen.

    But if I wanted him to cum, to feel his sperm shooting in my mouth and his dick pumping crazily, then that's what was gonna happen whether he liked it or not. And I'm still like that today. I'm a lot less... cock whorish than I was in my youth but I just do not suck a man's dick to make him happy.

    I do it to make myself happy.[/SIZE][/FONT]
  4. Becoming a Cock Whore - Part IV

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I'd discovered the powerful ego boost that comes with making a guy cum in my mouth and especially those guys who'd tell me it would take them a long time to shoot and I'd be on a mission to make them shoot before they wanted to. They'd be surprised and even angry because I made them cum too soon... but I was in heaven; I lived for that moment to feel his cock swell in my mouth, hearing him cussing like a sailor, then that first blast of spunk would shoot out, following by that crazy pumping action as more and more sperm would go into my mouth and into my stomach. Early on, I used to get mad if a guy shot his stuff too soon... but I quickly learned not to get mad and, again, I was on a mission to get the guy's sperm as fast as I could get it.

    I was understanding that it was a hunger and one that always demanded to be fed but, sure, sometimes, I'd take my own sweet time getting a guy to cum; I wanted him to beg me to finish him off, to tell me to stop playing with his dick and suck it like I mean it. Sometimes I did... and sometimes I'd leave him dangling on the edge so I could push him over when I felt like it and not when he wanted to. I'd even laugh when I took a guy's sperm and kept right on sucking him, hearing him yelp and pull away because they were too sensitive to keep being sucked - but, of course, I also learned how to keep on sucking without touching his sensitive knob and even still, yeah - some guys couldn't deal with being sucked off again that soon.

    Such an ego trip to have that power over a guy and more so when he'd be of a mind that he's using me for his purposes and under the illusion that he was the one in control when the truth I understood about myself, even at that young age, that I was using him to get what I wanted and when I took his dick into my mouth, he wasn't in control of anything and I loved making them understand that.

    At one point, the fellas didn't want me sucking them off once I learned how to keep sucking without causing them a lot of discomfort. We'd agree to suck each other off and I'd get him off... and he'd get his dick away from my mouth in a hurry and then had to fight me to keep from getting my mouth back on him as he sucked my dick.

    I remember overhearing some adults talking about some woman and that she was a cock whore; she was good to fuck but according to what they were saying, she was a better cock sucker than someone to fuck... and that's when I was able to put a word to my overwhelming need to suck dick:

    I was a cock whore, plain and simple. I didn't know if that was a good or bad thing but the longer I thought about it - and, sometimes, when I was sucking on a dick - I could see that it was both good and bad. Good that a lot of guys wanted me to suck their dick, bad because a lot of guys would go out of their way to find me so I could suck their dick. I was both thrilled and bothered by it and especially when a guy I was sucking was, to me, being too rough and just jamming their dick down my throat... but I learned not to let it bother me a whole lot because if a guy was being an asshole about me sucking his dick, I could just stop doing it and if he got mad and wanted to fight, well, hmm - I knew judo and karate so if he wanted to fight, it sucked to be him.

    Some guys learned quickly that it was better to just let me suck them the way I wanted to and not want to start a fight with me about it. Today, I know and read about guys who love to suck cock and their whole purpose is to make the other guy happy and satisfied... but I had learned that I wasn't one of those guys: I sucked dick to make myself happy and reasoned that if he was happy with what I did to him, okay - that works, I guess.

    One guy told me I was a selfish cock sucker, that I didn't give a fuck about what he wanted or how he felt. I wound up punching him in the face because he wanted to fight over it... but I knew he was right. At first, I felt bad about it when he was complaining about me making him cum before he was ready to but after he started the fight - and I finished it by almost breaking his nose - I got over feeling bad about it quickly.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  5. Becoming a Cock Whore - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I was addicted to it and I knew it... and when I was about 13 or so, it started to worry me that I loved and craved it as much as I did. Thoughts of really being gay - being a faggot - never crossed my mind and I was still having a field day eating delicious pussy and being able to pump my stuff into one and, yeah, having a girl sucking on my dick and whether I could shoot my stuff in her mouth or not. And while I would learn that girls would suck dick - but not let it cum in their mouth because some other dude said, "I'm not gonna cum in your mouth!" - and then they did it anyway, sure, it made girls leery to suck dick.

    But not me. I wanted them to cum; I needed them to and I would get totally pissed when a guy I was sucking didn't shoot his stuff into my mouth but, okay, it was still fun to suck on his dick, hearing him cussing and all that and telling me how good it felt - but not good enough to make them shoot. Another case of me not knowing then what I know now and the many things that can happen for a guy not to cum and no matter how long you suck his dick.

    But that didn't happen very often during the seven years I was a full-fledged cock whore - that would be between the ages of 9 and 16, if you're wondering. Any dick except uncut ones, any time, anywhere; any size, any color and along the way, I learned to eat a lot of dicks right down to the pubic bone and having my nose being tickled by lots of pubic hair. Yeah, it wasn't always easy to do that and there were a lot of times I almost threw up on a guy or found it very hard to breathe but it was worth it if it was gonna make him shoot his sperm into my mouth - well, unless it tasted nasty; if it did, I wouldn't swallow it but I'd just let it ooze out of my mouth. I learned that most guys didn't care if I swallowed it or not as long as they could shoot it into my mouth.[/SIZE][/FONT]
  6. Becoming a Cock Whore - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Because I'd often find myself dealing with an adult cock, oh, yeah - feeling a grown up dick shooting stuff in my butt was heavenly but, again, time didn't always allow for that so I'd find myself happily sucking on a grown up dick and waiting for a whole lot of stuff to shoot into my mouth, which would happen a lot faster than it would if the dick was trapped in my ass.

    It just became my most favorite thing to do, that and I didn't have to be a genius to figure out that if I swallowed the sperm, I didn't have to worry about it leaking out of my butt - and having a sore butt - and leaving wet spots on the back of my pants that I didn't want to explain to anyone. Back then, of course - I didn't understand oral fixation or, really, anything that I know today. What I did know for a fact is that I loved having a dick in my mouth and sucking on it until its owner shot some stuff in my mouth.

    I'd say that I was fortunate that the guys in our little gang all loved having their dick sucked as much as they did sucking dick. There were moments where that's all we did; at the ages we were, refraction wasn't much of a problem. A guy could suck me and make me cum... and I'd be ready to get sucked again in mere minutes and could get sucked maybe four - and sometimes five - times before my ding-dong wouldn't get hard again.

    And my friends were like that as well. Even in a one-on-one situation, it was a lot of fun for me to suck a friend off three or four times then lie back and let and watch him suck me off three or four times and it was sheer heaven - I can't explain it any better than that. Now, a lot of guys were moving away from fucking/being fucked so the only thing to do was to suck dick - and I was very good with that and, yeah, even I kinda got away from being fucked because sucking on a dick and making it shoot in my mouth was a hell of a lot more exciting, that and it was easier than running into someone with a dick so big/fat that getting it in my butt wasn't gonna happen without causing some damage I sure as hell didn't want to have to explain.

    I'd found myself wanting to suck dick all of the time. It was scary because we could get busted at any time; it was "nasty" because we learned that sperm wasn't the only fluid that came out of our dicks - that and we all knew we shouldn't be doing this in the first place... which just made it even more fun to do. Of all the guys (and, yeah, adults) whose dick I sucked, there was only one guy I wouldn't suck even if I was paid to do it... because he had foreskin and to me, it was just hideous to look at and the thought of having it in my mouth would make me sick to my stomach so whenever he and I got together, nope - wasn't sucking on his ugly dick but he could fuck me with it even if I didn't feel like being fucked.

    It wouldn't be until I was 50 that I sucked my first uncut dick and, okay, it was still ugly to look at but I had fun sucking the guy - and, of course, I got mad at myself for not finding this out earlier because I passed up a lot of uncut dicks I could have been enjoying all along.

    You live and learn...[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  7. Becoming a Cock Whore - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]My early days of learning and discovering sex were a whirlwind of activity, from learning that my ding-dong goes inside of a girl (and that girls were as yucky as I thought) to being introduced to a man's cock and his lust. I'd pretty much gone off the rail over all of it and it was my good fortune to be surround by peers who were just as insane about having sex as I was.

    Doing it with a girl was tons of fun and sometimes a very close second to doing it with one of the guys. In our immediate neighborhood, there were a lot of abandoned apartment buildings that we "took over" as our club houses, places we could go to be out of sight of our parents and pretty much do whatever we felt like doing. Some places still had running water and almost all of them had discarded mattresses and linens we could use to cover them up so we could have sex in comfort rather than on hard floors that might give you some splinters where you didn't want them.

    So we had places to do it but sometimes what we didn't have was time and one thing we learned as a whole that it took longer to fuck than it did to suck so sometimes all we could do was get to the closest club house, whip out our dicks, suck them, swallow cum (for those who were producing it) and then get back before our parents started looking for us. Sometimes, the closest place was one that didn't have running water on so being able to wash our asses before fucking wasn't gonna happen so sucking each other off was the only and safest thing to do.

    Sometimes - and during sleepovers - sucking was quieter than fucking and especially since beds like to squeak and make other noises that would draw unwanted attention and get a nosy parent barging in and asking why we're being so noisy when we should be sleeping.

    And we learned that when you spend a lot of time sucking dick, you get even more hooked on doing it. I loved being fucked, feeling a dick sliding in and out of me and if he was shooting, that moment when he'd squirt his stuff in my butt... but because of time and situations, I loved sucking dick and swallowing stuff even more.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  8. Hunting play

    Well as of many of you know Wisconsin’s deer hunting is serious business and years past the wife has allowed my indulgence and it allowed her to entertain her private play time with her like minded female friends as I enjoy the North woods with my like minded friends. This years opener was like any other, sitting around playing cards, getting drunk sucking cock and just being naughty men. However this year the wife decided she wanted to make an appearance at deer camp.

    Upon arriving Saturday afternoon I walked in to find her and her close friend drinking beer and talking dirty, my wife is someone who loves to dress in a provocative way, and her friend is a bit more conservative but one gets the hint. I greeted them with a pleasant hello and said welcome to deer camp. She smiled and said I suppose you are wondering why we are here with no notice, I am understandably curious, well you are having all the action and it’s not fair so we decided to spice this years hunt up and help you boys make it through the long nights after a hard days hunt.

    I always come come in early to start supper but the ladies have already done that, the boys will be heading in around dark and they will be hungry, the wife sporting a tight fitting pair of jeans outlining her tiny little ass was so inviting, her friend Ann was wearing the same thing, Ann’s crotch had a wet spot and said this is not pee, my pussy is horned up ready for you boys to take care of it tonight. I said alrighty then I guess I will shower and the boys will be showing up shortly, so I showered and when done I walked out to see my buddy Steve getting his dick sucked while the wife fingered her wet sloppy pussy. Holy shit it was going to be an opener for the history books. As all the guys returned to the cabin we were all surprised that the girls were so willing to accommodate our sexual proclivities. Being in a very remote setting, and cold outside the ladies took a lot of cock Saturday night, and waking up the next morning I look over and see the wife riding Steve’s cock, my cock and breath must have stunk from the night before but I couldn’t help getting up and licking his balls as he pumped her pussy. He shot his morning load into her and I licked his cock clean, Ann got up and started working her magic on me and I finished her off with a cream pie. So not only did us boys fill our tags but got laid multiple times by 2 horned up women.
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