
All Blog Entries

  1. The Bisexual Family - Part VI

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I knew the kids were having sex and that at least three of them were going both ways. I preached responsibility to them, warned them time and time again about peer pressure and insisted that if they had questions or needed to talk, come talk to one of us to get shit sorted out.

    Most of the time they did; sometimes, well, they thought they were being slick and we weren’t aware of it.

    Like the night my youngest son’s girlfriend came to spend the night. I knew what the plan was and I made it clear what wasn't gonna happen - told all of the boys that trying to sneak and get some pussy wasn’t going to work so don’t try it - I will catch you and make you wish you hadn’t been born.

    We’re in bed, it’s like 2 in the morning and because of my job, I’d just gotten into bed and still awake when I hear girlish giggling and some moaning. I get up and just stand at the door of my daughter’s room and, yep - those two girls are in there doing each other. My son’s girlfriend said, “I like dick... but I like pussy better; they cum and they’re finished but girls can cum and keep going!”

    My daughter said, “Me, too - and they can’t lick my pussy like a girl can!”

    More giggles then moaning and slurping sounds and the girlfriend saying, “Oh, yeah... make me cum again!”

    I wanted to laugh as I went back to bed. The women were awake and asked me if something was wrong and I said it wasn’t - the girls were eating each other and the boys are still confined to their room and probably jerking off and listening to the girls.

    And I was oddly calm about it but still wondered if by allowing all of this, was I - we - doing the right thing?[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  2. The Bisexual Family - Part V

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Three adults, all bisexual. Five kids, two of which were confirmed bisexual, one who decided to be straight, and two who were... questionable. Well, they were when the youngest of the five came to me with a complaint, namely, his older brother was “making him” suck his dick.

    As the gatekeeper, yeah, I expected that just like I expected the older brother to be fucking my daughter - and thinking they were being slick about it. But while I was okay with experimenting, I was dead against coercion, force, bullying, whatever in this.

    So I sat down with him and had that very serious talk with him and that no always means no; it’s one thing if his brother said, “Okay, let’s do it!” but I wasn’t going to tolerate the use of “force” just because he was a really horny motherfucker.

    ”You want him to suck your dick or you wanna fuck him, you damned sight better ask and if he says no, go jerk off... or fuck my daughter like you’ve been doing!”

    He denied everything, of course, but I knew he was fucking her because she told me - and I even know what she thought about his, ah, skills... and it wasn’t flattering.

    So here I am, in an unusual relationship, and tasked with the responsibility of keeping an eye on my horny kids as well as making sure everything between the wife and our girlfriend was going well. I would often find myself second-guessing our decision to let nature run its course with everyone while being ready to intercede when shit started to get out of hand.

    And it wasn’t easy.[/SIZE][/FONT]
  3. The Bisexual Family - Part IV

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I spent the next hour or so listening to him telling me about how he and three other guys - one of which was his best friend - had just got finished spending the day having sex with each other. You’d have thought that he’d hit the million dollar lottery as he provided the “juicy details” of how the four of them fucked and sucked each other.

    To be honest, this group sex thing kinda shocked me but on the whole, it was all I could do not to laugh at how excited he was, that and him telling me the number of condoms they went through - two big boxes of them.

    Meanwhile, there wasn’t a night that I didn’t get to see my wife going down on our girlfriend and the first time was something to behold since our girlfriend had never had a girl go down on her. We were making love, our girlfriend was sucking my dick... but my wife was edgy and one look at her told me why.

    i said to her, “You know you wanna do it... so do it... and we’ll deal with any backlash later.” Next thing I know, she’s between our girlfriend’s legs and going to town on her pussy - and didn’t pitch a bitch about it, which surprised me. After that first night, the two of them going at each other was just routine and the only “bad” thing was our girlfriend telling me that my wife ate pussy better than I did.

    More later...[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  4. The Bisexual Family - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]You may be thinking that we were some fucked up parents letting them experiment with all kinds of sex but as I said, we knew they were going to do this so our job was to keep a very close eye on things to make sure they didn’t get out of hand and, yes - we sat them down and talked about sex with them regularly because we knew they’d start having sex and we didn’t want them to learn from their clueless friends and wind up making mistakes they’d come to regret.

    One day, my daughter asked me, “Does mommy like girls?” At this point, our relationship had gone poly and we had a girlfriend who also brought two of her three sons to the relationship. We didn’t hide the fact that the three of us were having sex - that was impossible. I knew my wife and our girlfriend were having sex without me and, apparently, my daughter knew it as well.

    Instead of answering her question, I said, “Why don’t you go ask your mother instead of asking me - that’s a question you should ask her but I’ll tell you what - I’ll go tell her you want to ask her a question, okay?”

    She agreed and, holding back my urge to laugh my ass off, went and told my wife that our daughter wanted to ask her something - do you have a moment for this?

    She did and the two of them got together and talked... and to this day I have no idea what was said - I just know that after they talked, my daughter was smiling and my wife, well, I guess that it wasn’t easy for her to tell her daughter that, yes, I like girls, too.

    I remember the day my oldest son came home and said, “Pop! Guess what I did!”

    Uh oh...[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  5. The Bisexual Family - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I cracked the door open to peek in and, yup, there they were, locked in a 69 and sucking away on each other. I started to break it up - maybe should have - but since I knew they were gonna do this, yeah, I just closed the door and went to talk to my wife about it.

    My daughter? She’d stay at her godparents’ home and she and her god sisters were going at each other big time and the first clue was the day she came come from spending the weekend there... and she smelled like pussy. The next one was one of her god sisters letting the cat out of the bag to me. I had asked her a question about my daughter’s pants - she left home with one pair of pants, came home with a different pair of pants and I wanted to know where her original pants went.

    Her god sister said that she “lost” them while they were having fun with each other - then looked mortified to realized that she just admitted to having sex with my daughter.

    But we - my wife and I - knew that she would learn about pussy and that boys were going to fuck her -and that included her brothers; that was a situation where I had to step in and make it very clear to my sons that trying to fuck their sister - and she wasn’t hearing any of it - ain’t gonna happen so cut it out or else.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  6. The Bisexual Family - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I’m bisexual. I married a woman who, at first denied her bisexuality; a female babysitter introduced her to pussy and for years she denied that she enjoyed licking the babysitter’s pussy and, of course, having hers licked. Years later - and sadly - she had to go to prison and was roomed with another woman who she admitted spent her nights having sex with my wife despite how much trouble they could have gotten into.

    After her release, let’s say that she cheated on me to keep getting pussy... and with a woman I went to high school with! And, eventually, her need for pussy made her demand that we open our marriage. I didn’t want to do this but it was better than (1) leaving her and (2) not knowing who she was sleeping with. The upside? I got to sleep with anyone I wanted to and we turned to playing with other people so that we could indulge in our bisexuality.

    We had three children together and two of the three chose to be bisexual and while one decided to remain straight, he also had a few same-sex experiences.

    i know my boys experimented with each other... and, yes, it was allowed because we knew they were going to do it even though we officially said not to. I caught them at it one day when I went to check on them because they were too quiet.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  7. BBC - Part VIII

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I understand penis envy and there was a time when I had it jumping all over me; shit, how come my dick ain't that big? - and despite being told by many a lover that I had a big dick and, yeah, I learned to tell when they were trying to bullshit me on that one - and because they were disappointed that I didn't have a foot-long monster living in my underwear. But I got over it because I learned that, if nothing else, it's not the size of the dick that matters - it's the guy who's attached to it that makes having an overly large dick a good or bad thing.

    "What size cock do you prefer?" We've all seen this thread popping up from time to time and it just fucking fascinates me to no end to see how many guys not only want a big dick, they want a big, black one... and I'll be damned if I really know why.

    I don't care about size. In my life, I've had them as small as three inches hard to a whopping thirteen inches - and I measured that dude twice just to make sure I was doing it right. I just prefer dick - period. Does it work? Is it clean and healthy? And, most important, is he my idea of an asshole because if he is, instant deal breaker.

    I'm gonna ask you guys who want BBC to tell me, if you can or want to, why you prefer BBC. If a guy you click with is only five inches, is it a deal breaker for you? Makes you feel some kind of way because he doesn't have a dick down to his knees? What about BWC? Would that work in place of a BBC?

    Come and tell me... because I really do want to know.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  8. BBC - Part VII

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]His type of guy just seems to be the kind of guy who is also packing eight inches or more and I've had a good time laughing at his expense when he's told me how difficult it is to suck a dick that big and fat and, holy shit - having one going in his ass makes him feel like he's being ripped and torn apart.

    And he can't seem to avoid big-dicked black guys. It took me three years to convince him to have sex with someone who wasn't black or hispanic and he was very, very reluctant to do so but he did and, how about that - some of white guys had really big dicks, too. He tells me that the really big dicks are nice to look at... but dealing with them are problematic. And I tell him that if he's gonna stick with his preference for black men - but he finds the big-dicked ones to be... troublesome, well, only look for black guys with average-sized cocks; given where he lives, that shouldn't be a problem.

    As the intelligent guy that he is, he does understand that dicks come in all shapes, sizes, and colors. Yes, it's true that [I]some[/I] black guys have stupidly big dicks - but not all of us do. When he has come across a black guy who ain't even close to being hung, he's good with it... but I find it curious that every man who has fucked him to date has been black... and with a really big dick.

    Coincidence? Or is there really something to this and something I'm not understanding? I know I don't find anything fascinating about BBCs since, again, I've seen them up close and personal; I've sucked them, have had them in my ass and, nope - not really impressed but it just is what it is. Obviously, I'm black so I'm probably biased about the whole BBC thing - familiarity does, somehow, breed contempt.

    So I see white guys, oriental guys, all kinds of guys, ranting and raving over BBC - women, too - and I still wanna know why. Sure, a lot of guys don't specify a color - they just want to play with a really big dick even thought they probably understand that any size dick can get the job done. I've heard a lot of white guys - in particular - express some disappointment because the guy they got with didn't have a horse cock and, well, I think myself to be a pretty smart guy... but I don't understand this any more than I did when I first started investigating it a few decades ago.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
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