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  1. The Dare - Part IV

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Miss Cock Tease said, "Wow, you can really ball but, shit, I didn't think you'd take the dare!"

    "I wanted to fuck you," I said. "Sucking a dick to be able to do it wasn't that big of a deal."

    "Well, um, you know, if you wanna ball again later, I wouldn't say no," she said, blushing quite a bit.

    "Okay - just let me know," I said.

    "I will but under one condition," she said.


    "That guy you're gonna meet after sixth period? Let me watch you suck each other and you both can get this pussy," she said.

    You can guess what happened after sixth period, right? All I can say is I don't know which one of us enjoyed that moment the most; me, because I got to suck dick and eat/fuck pussy, or her because she got to play with two dicks.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  2. The Dare - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]The fact that there were five other girls sitting there watching me kinda bothered me but, yeah - I wanted this pussy more than any pussy I've ever wanted and kissed my way down her body until I reached her pussy; I spread her legs, felt no resistance, and literally dove right in there; a part of my mind was wondering if exposing the fact that I sucked dick was worth the price of being able to fuck his girl and after just one lick, yeah - I was well worth it.

    The other girls are going off, saying shit like, "Holy shit - he's really eating her!" and other such stuff and I tuned it out as best I could and did my best to eat that pussy right off of her body. I was so busy eating her that I didn't notice that things were getting a bit... crowded on the bed; I came up for air - she's looking at me like "Why did you stop?" and there are two more girls on the bed with us, one eating pussy and the other fumbling around looking for my dick... so I kinda slid in that direction was was rewarded with feeling her lips close around my dick.

    The girl I'm eating is having orgasm after orgasm; I can feel her clit pulsing in my mouth and not unlike a guy's dick when he's cumming. She's moaning, groaning, cussing and I guess she had the big one because she was trying to get away from me like her ass was on fire.

    "Fuck me - stick it in me, goddammit!" she shouted. The girl sucking - or not so much now - my dick let go of me and I damned near hurt myself getting into position and driving my dick into her as far as it would go. Honestly? The last thing I remember was seeing "that look" on her face as my dick split her wide and deep and I did hear a girl say, "Wow... he's got all of that dick in her shit!"

    The rest is a blur but, shit yeah, I fucked her and taking her dare was more than worth having my cock-sucking secret being revealed. I'm cumming, she's cumming - the two babes crowded on the bed with us are both cumming - and it was amazing, well, until I pulled out of her and kinda sat up to clear my head...

    And saw that we had quite the audience. I realized we had been making enough noise to get everyone's attention; the guys are looking at me like, "You lucky motherfucker!" and some of the girls are eyeballing my shrinking cock covered with our combined juices. This one guy came over to me, shook my hand, and said, "I'd have sucked a dick to get that pussy, too - did you like sucking him?"

    "You saw that?" I asked. Kinda unnerving but, again, that pussy was worth it.

    "Sure did," he said, rubbing his crotch. "We should come back after sixth period, you know what I mean?"

    I did and I didn't give a fuck about hiding my secret any longer. I just nodded to him and started looking for my clothes.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  3. The Dare - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]All the girls seemed to know that something was gonna happen; I looked at all of them and just said, "Fuck it;" I got the guy's dick out - it was way bigger than I would have thought - and started sucking him thinking that if my "secret" wasn't known to everyone before now, it was certainly gonna be.

    The girls are losing their minds and I'm trying to ignore their cheering and startled statements so I could pay attention to the big dick in my mouth. Now, the dare wasn't that the dick had to be sucked off - just sucked - but once I tasted him, well, um, I was gonna make him cum. As I'm sucking, I hear one girl tell Miss Cock Tease, "You might as well get undressed... you're gonna owe him some pussy!"

    The guy I was sucking came in my mouth and once I'd finished with him, he zipped up, looked at me and said, "I hope it's worth it."

    "It already was," I said, giving him a wink - then turned to the girl who made the dare... and she was even more gorgeous naked. I don't really remember getting out of my clothes or even moving but the next thing I knew, I was naked on the bed with her when she put a hand on my chest and said, "If you eat my pussy, you can cum inside me, okay?"

    Now I could understand the "trick" she used to keep from getting fucked; guys just weren't all that into eating pussy. I smiled at her because she obviously didn't know the rather unflattering nickname I had amongst my peers - Taster's Choice - because if there was pussy to be eaten, I was the guy who'd eat it. I guess she thought she was going to escape being fucked because she got a scared look on her face when I said, "Okay - I love eating pussy..."

    Inside My Bi Mind
  4. The Dare - Part I

    [SIZE=3][FONT=verdana]In my senior year of high school, we had a class meeting and someone came up with the brilliant idea to rent an apartment in the complex that was right next door to the school. We put a project together, found an adult to make the arrangements and, we had a place to hang out at and for whatever reason we wanted to hang out - as long as participants coughed up their share of the costs of the place.[/FONT]

    [FONT=verdana]One day, a bunch of us were hanging out in our apartment, chilling, getting high, and a few of us were playing Truth or Dare, a game that for a lot of us, turned into having sex - not that this was probably the main attraction to begin with. There was this one girl that [/FONT][B]everyone [/B][FONT=verdana]wanted to fuck - just straight up gorgeous - but word was that getting into her panties was damned near impossible and she was known as a cock-tease. A couple of guys did get lucky with her but when asked, they refused to say how they got to fuck her.[/FONT]

    [FONT=verdana]On this day, however, girlfriend got pretty stoned and for once, participated in Truth or Dare. The game was kinda predictable, going from telling secrets to daring someone to have some kind of sex. As I recall, there were five guys and six girl playing - including me and Miss Cock Tease - when it was her turn to issue the Truth or Dare call and I know I was wondering what was gonna come out of her mouth. Lord knows I was dying to get next to her, to taste that pussy and fill it up with my dick and cum.[/FONT]

    [FONT=verdana]"Here's the dare," she said, swaying from side to side. "It's for the boys, okay? If you suck one of the dicks sitting here, you can get this pussy - right now!"[/FONT]

    [FONT=verdana]Three of the guys got up and left immediately, leaving me and one other guy staring at her like she'd grown a third eye. The girls still there were giggling and instigating things, telling us that if we really wanted her pussy, we should take the dare. I'd already made up my mind to accept it... except, I wasn't sure if the other guy - who I didn't know that well - would sacrifice his dick so I could fuck that unattainable pussy. We sat there looking at each other and I could see him thinking about whether this girl's pussy was worth the "humiliation" of sucking my dick and he shook his head just enough to tell me that, nope - he wasn't gonna blow me just to get some pussy.

    I was... quite buzzed. I nodded that I understood him but gave him a look that asked him to get me suck his dick so I could get that pussy and he finally nodded after what felt like three days of thinking about it.[/FONT][/SIZE]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  5. The Double Standard - Part V

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I wish I could tell you that I "made this up" but believe me - every word of this is true even if it means that I'm admitting that there was a time in my life where I didn't understand bisexuality as well as I thought, that and I learned something about sex that, at that time, I thought was impossible.

    By the time my girl got home, I was totally worn out and looked like I had been in a fight; I had scratches and hickies all over me so when my girl walked into the bedroom and saw us lying there, she actually smiled and said, "I see you two have been getting to know each other better! That's good!"

    Then she got undressed and climbed into bed with us. Okay, I figured she wanted some alone time with our lover so I started to ease my battered body out of the bed when she asked, "Where are you going?"

    "I thought you'd want to be alone," I said - god, I sounded like the biggest wimp on the planet! "And I need to go to the bathroom, so..."

    "Well, you thought wrong," she said - and the look in her eyes was both highly lusty and predatory. "Go handle your business... then get your ass back her; did you really think you weren't gonna give me my dick or you were done for the night?"

    "Well, uh, yeah, I did," I said and again, sounding very lame, naive and dare I say - pussy-whipped?

    They both laughed at me and there was no humor in it at all. For the first time in my life, I found myself in a situation where I was way over my head and still didn't know what to do about it... other than to do what I was told to do.

    This became an every other day thing in our home and on weekends? I thought that I'd never be so happy to have to work some weekends because that would be eight hours or so that I wouldn't have these two women taking my ass apart at the seams and pretty much being a sex slave to them. Now, you might think that this was the ideal situation... except, I was still being told that I'd better not even think about getting some dick.

    But I did even if to just be defiant; I had to "fight back" against this double standard and, yeah, had to reclaim my manhood. And, yep - when they found out - and because the guy I had sex with ratted me out - I was pretty sure that I was gonna have to physically defend myself and our lesbian lover actually took a swing at me!

    That was the last straw. I don't hit women... but I'm not ever not going to defend myself. I stopped her from hitting me and the looks they gave me wasn't the looks I had expected. Instead of being "fearful," they both got excited! This was not a good thing and even though we did get to "tussling" it was purely sex-driven and for the first time in a couple of months, when it was all said and done, the two of them were sleeping it off...

    And I was sitting there working on how to escape from this insanity. And I did eventually escape albeit a year later and even then, I just packed my things and left. They wanted to know why and I told them that it wasn't the sex I had a problem with - it was the double standard being forced onto me, that it was okay for her to get all the pussy she wanted but I wasn't allowed to get the dick I wanted? Enough was enough and despite the two of them saying that if I wanted dick, I could get some, I wasn't buying it.

    So I left... but with my whole mindset changed about love, sex, and relationships forever. It was the major event in my life that, when my wife would, one day, lay an ultimatum on me about her being able to get some pussy (and dick if she wanted to), made it easier for me to get my head around despite being furious over that matter.

    The double standard is so totally fucked up and it's still in effect today and I think we'd all be better off if it just went away and stayed away...[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  6. The Double Standard - Part IV

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I was naive to think that what had happened was just one of those things that really wouldn't happen again and despite what I had been told and in no uncertain terms... and I was crushed to find out how wrong I was about that.

    My girl was at work and her girlfriend - and, I guess, mine now? - came over. I told her that my girl was working and wouldn't be home for another three hours and she said, "I know - I called her before I came over. Besides, I didn't come to see her - I came to get some more of you, you know, so we can really get to know each other."

    Say what? You mean to tell me that my girl wasn't bullshitting me about this woman? A lesbian? Okay, she was acting like a bisexual but even she said - as she started stripping down right there in the living room - that she was making a huge exception having sex with me and because she loved my girl with all her heart and soul.

    "That and you're not bad at eating pussy," she said, walking over to me and starting to undress me. "Truthfully? I thought she was lying when she told me about you but, yeah, now I know she wasn't." She finished undressing me - and I stood there and let her do it, too - then took me by the hand and led me to the bedroom... and proceeded to wear my ass out. Having sex with this woman was just plain crazy and if my girl - our girl? - was one hell of a ride in bed, this... lesbian made my girl look like she didn't know how to have sex.

    She had sucked me off and had a look on her face like she was trying to make sense of the taste in her mouth and said, "Hmm... she was right; sperm doesn't taste all that bad! I might have to look into this a bit more, huh? Now... eat me and don't stop until I tell you to!"

    And I did... and I had never felt so... used before in my life even though I had to admit that I was having fun having sex with someone who, supposedly, didn't like having sex with men.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  7. The Double Standard - Part III

    [SIZE=3][FONT=verdana]You know that after her girlfriend left, we had a very long talk about this shit, right? And the hits just kept coming as she "laid down the law" on me and made it clear that her girlfriend had free reign and access to her for sex any time she wanted to and that should I be there, they had agreed that I would be more than welcome to join them.[/FONT]

    [FONT=verdana]"But that doesn't mean you can get any of the dick running around here - and don't even think about giving up our dick to any of these bitches around here that I know for a fact wants a piece of you!" she said - and her tone of voice made it clear to me that the implied threat was very real. I felt... trapped? I'm not sure how to describe it. One the one hand, I was strangely okay with this new... arrangement while being totally pissed off at how one-sided all of this had become.[/FONT]

    [FONT=verdana]"How come you get to have a piece on the side... but I don't?" I asked.

    "Because that's the way it is," she said. "If you don't like it, you can always leave."

    I knew that - was even thinking about doing just that... and also knew I wasn't going anywhere but wait - it got "better."

    "So if I'm at work and you're here and she stops by, she has my permission to fuck you," my girl said.

    "Don't I get a say in this?" I asked and I'll be totally honest: I just asked that question because it had to be asked; for a lesbian, that woman knew her way around a dick and if our initial introduction was any indication, well, she liked dick... or maybe just my dick... I was so totally confused by all of this.

    "No, you don't; if baby wants your dick, you'd better give it to her," my girl said.

    "Or else, huh?" I asked.

    "See - you are as smart as I knew you to be!" she said. "Now... give up the dick, lover."

    And I did because, yeah, having sex with her was one hell of a rollercoaster ride. She's riding me wildly and I was actually thinking and wondering why we had never had sex when we went to school - but I knew the answer to that because she had told me that she had, in fact, wanted to fuck me back then but was too shy to say anything to me.

    But this double standard thing was really fucking with me and I was awake all night trying to wrap my head around it and, apparently, things being equal in a relationship wasn't as much of a thing as I thought it was. It's one thing to hear about this but something else to find yourself being all caught up in it. One the one hand, shit, I got to have sex with two women and one was a lesbian! On the other hand, everything I thought I knew about being in love and in a relationship had just gotten shredded into itty-bitty pieces.

    And I didn't know what to do.
    Inside My Bi Mind
  8. The Double Standard - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I came home from work one day and found our apartment apparently empty, well, until I headed for the bathroom and when I got to our bedroom door, I could hear her caught in the throes of having an orgasm and, at first, I thought she was in there getting herself off, something she had confessed liking to do whenever she had a few moments. I paid my water bill and went to go into the room...

    And she was there... with another woman who had her head buried deeply between my girlfriend's legs! I was kinda in shock and I say "kinda" because I had begun to suspect that she wasn't being as faithful as she professed to be but was of a mind that what I suspected was one thing - but what I could prove was something else... and here was the proof. I wasn't as pissed off as I probably should have felt - I just felt that icky feeling to have my suspicions confirmed; just as I was about to announce my presence, my girl opened her eyes, saw me standing there - smiled - and said, "Hey, baby! I didn't hear you come in!"

    "I guess not," I said with as much sarcasm as I could manage. "Probably hard to hear me over top of having an orgasm, huh?"

    She giggled, then sighed happily since the woman between her legs was still going down on her. What nerve! She came again, looked back at me and said, "You might as well get undressed and join us."

    And that's exactly what I did. The other woman stopped eating my girl to watch me get undressed and, once naked - and very, very erect - she said, "Hmm... yeah, you were right - he's got a nice dick. Hey... bring that over here and let me introduce myself to him..."

    Holy shit... did she ever introduce herself! Between the two of them sucking on my dick - and me eating the both of them before taking turns fucking them both, I was totally and completely trashed. I'm lying between them, they're both snuggled up to me and I finally had the sense to ask, "What the hell is going on here?"

    Well, come to find out that the other woman was her long-time girlfriend... and a lesbian, at that. Now, like most people - and at that time - the thought of a lesbian having sex with a man was unheard of. When my girl told me her girl was lesbian, I turned to look at this "new" addition with a questioning look and she just shrugged, smiled, and said, "Baby girl told me you were good in bed so why wouldn't I want to find out if she was telling the truth or not?"

    One part of me saw the sense in this while it not making any damned sense at all.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
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