
All Blog Entries

  1. "Can I Suck Your Dick?" - Part VI

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]"What... what are you doing?" he managed to ask as I continued to gently suck his cock, avoiding the head. I didn't stop to answer him but I gave him a look that said, "What does it look like I'm doing?" Then I reached over to him, palmed the back of his head, and guided him back to sucking my dick.

    You wanna be a nosey neighbor? Okay - you're gonna wish you had minded your own damned business! He's sucking me and, admittedly, he wasn't really doing a good job of it but I understood his dilemma since I was still sucking his dick even though he had already busted. It took a tiny bit of time but I could feel him getting hard again and kept working at him while pretty much fucking his mouth; I could tell he was in no shape to keep sucking me, knew he had surrendered to what I was still doing to him because all he could do was lie there and get his dick sucked and his mouth fucked.

    I was actually surprised when he came again and as I swallowed down another load of his spunk, I finally came myself and I felt that he was swallowing more out of self-defense than a deliberate act, if you know what I mean. It was glorious to feel his cock pumping in my mouth even as my own dick was pumping into his.

    We let each other go and I sat up to look at him - and the evil part of me was laughing like a maniac to see him so totally and completely trashed - but I did ask him, "Are you okay?"

    "Shit..., holy shit," he managed to say. "Holy shit. Yeah, I'm okay, I think. Damn, you're a cock sucking animal!"

    "Yeah, I've been told that," I said, cupping his balls and feeling his body tense up for a moment because, I guess, he thought I was going to go back down on him - and I was seriously considering it.

    "Fuck me...," he said - and I couldn't help it; I asked him, "Is that an invitation?"

    His eyes got dinner plate wide and the evil inside me started laughing again - but I knew I wasn't gonna be able to get it up and fuck him even if he said it was okay to fuck him.

    "Next time," he said. "And, I think, there is gonna be a next time. Holy shit... I've never had anyone do that to me before!"

    "Hmm, okay, well, if you wanna do this again, you know where to find me," I said, getting off the bed and looking for my clothes. He got dressed and left - boy, was he having a hard time walking or what? - and I went back to my desk to ponder the events of the day... and why shit like this seemed to keep happening to me.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  2. "Can I Suck Your Dick?" - Part V

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I go to answer the door and take a peek through the little windows on either side of the door... and felt a moment of panic to see the neighbor who lived behind me standing there.

    Oh, shit! I get my shit together and answer the door and he just smiles at me, a big shit-eating grin at that.

    "I saw it all," he said after I invited him inside. "That guy was sucking the shit out of your cock!"

    "Yeah, he did," I said - no point in denying it since he did watch the whole thing. "You came over here to tell me that?"

    "I came over here to ask you if I can suck that dick and if you'd want to suck mine," he said; I appreciated his directness and appreciated the bulge in the khaki shorts he was wearing, too.

    "Come on," I said, heading upstairs and to the bedroom. I step aside to let him enter first, turned around to close the door, and when I turned back toward him, he was already naked, his average-sized cock already standing proudly.

    I strip down as well and he's staring at my junk in a way that actually made me a little nervous. He gets on the bed, I follow him and he says, "I've been wanting to suck a Black cock for a while now..."

    What is it with white guys and Black cocks? I put the question out of my mind and we get into a 69 and just like the installer, my neighbor is sucking my dick with a surprising fierceness. I turn my attention to his prick, appreciating the natural beauty of an erect cock - and start sucking him; the installer had frustrated me by not wanting his big, fat dick sucked so I was gonna take my frustration out on my nosey neighbor.

    It didn't take me long to make him stop sucking me, to surrender to my own hunger as I ate his dick down to the bone, sucked his balls and, to be a bit evil, wet a finger with spit and slid it into his ass. It surprised him, made him start thrashing on the bed but making no move to get my finger out of his ass. He's fucking into my mouth and I dutifully keep my head - and finger - still as he moaned, groaned, cussed - and then shot a pretty good-sized load into my mouth. It was sweet and salty as it flowed into my mouth and once he was done, I wasn't of a mind to let go of him.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  3. "Can I Suck Your Dick?" - Part IV

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Ah, it was so good! I look down to see the installation guy swallowing my spunk, his face flushed a very deep shade of red, his hair plastered on his head from all the sweating he'd been doing. I look up... and the neighbor is dancing a jig and if I wasn't in the middle of coming down from just having busted a nut, I would have laughed.

    The installer releases me and sits back on his haunches and looking at me like I just gave him a million dollars. I want to suck this guy's dick so I ask him, "Do you want to get done?"

    He says, "I'm good - I don't like having my dick sucked." He pulls his dick out and holy shit - dude has a big, fat dick and he looks like he's so hard that it had to hurt. He starts jerking himself off while gently licking my cock and balls and literally a few second later, he cums... and there's a lot of it and enough to make me groan to see so much spunk being wasted.

    "I'll clean that up," he said once he stuff that beautiful cock back into his pants and pointing to the now cooling puddle of spunk on the hardwood floor in front of him. After he did that, he finished the install, tested the system - it was all good - and thanked me for his first Black cock experience before going to his next install.

    I'm sitting at my desk and shaking my head; what is it about me that just tells guys I'm into this? I'd been trying to figure this out for years and I was still no closer to figuring it out. I guess I had been sitting there for almost an hour when I hear someone knocking on the door and I'm wondering who it might be - could the installer have decided he wanted more? If so, shit - dude was gonna get that dick sucked whether he liked that or not![/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  4. "Can I Suck Your Dick?" - Part III

    [SIZE=3][FONT=verdana]I was going to suggest that we go to the bedroom and get comfortable... but he had other ideas; he had my pants and underwear down around my ankles pretty quickly and dropped to his knees, cupping my balls gently and launched into a, ah, verbal appreciation of my dick before taking me into his mouth.[/FONT]

    [FONT=verdana]My goodness... this guy was seriously hungry! Other than his flattering comments, he didn't waste any time fawning over my dick, you know, giving it little licks and kisses. Nope - he opened his mouth and pretty much slammed his face into my crotch hard enough to make me lose my balance for a moment... and then, with a moan that sent chills through me, started sucking my dick as if his life depended on it.[/FONT]

    [FONT=verdana]He was very good. Lips, tongue, just the right amount of teeth involved, changing the amount of suction on my dick and even stopped sucking me so that he could suck on my nuts. I'm standing there - barely - watching him sucking me... and only then realized that I'm facing the big picture window that overlooks the backyard... and the backyard of the home directly behind mine... and there's the guy who lives there (with his family), leaning on his lawnmower... and watching me getting my dick sucked.[/FONT]

    [FONT=verdana]And he waved at me and gave me a thumbs-up! I'm not embarrassed but I was thinking, "Shit..." - but I put the thought out of my mind because I can feel the pressure building, signaling my imminent release. I had my hands on his head, not to face fuck him but to keep from falling over; my legs are trembling, this guy has all of my dick buried deep in his mouth and throat - the neighbor is doing fist-pumps as he's watching - and I cum and it was very intense.[/FONT][/SIZE]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  5. "Can I Suck Your Dick?" - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]If this curious, annoying, and very funny situation didn't teach me anything, it taught me how to make snap decisions in a short period of time. Now, um, whew, most of the time, the guy would get to suck my dick because, um, why not? Sometimes I'd get a bad vibe coming from the guy and I'd put on my indignant act - what kind of guy do you think I am? - and put some distance between us.

    One day, I had taken the day off from work waiting for someone to come and install my new dedicated high speed DSL line. The guy shows up - on time - and he's running around all over the place getting stuff installed and I just kinda watched him do his thing. At one point, he had to leave the house and go to the local telephone junction to wave his fingers over something; he came back about fifteen minutes later, wiped some sweat from his brow and asked, "Can I ask you something?"

    I'm thinking it's related to why he's there so I tell him to ask his question and out of the clear blue sky he asks, "Can I suck your dick?"

    What? I'm totally blindsided by this unexpected question and while I'm standing there wondering where the fuck this came from, he's explaining himself, telling me how much he enjoys sucking cock but he'd never sucked a Black guy's cock before. Okay... I've heard this one before but I still ask him, "What makes you think I'd be down for that?"

    "I just feel it," he said. He's so nervous it was actually kinda funny, shifting his weight from one foot to the other, sweating like a fiend even though the AC was on in the house... and he had a tent in his pants. It got even funnier because he's telling me that if I'm offended, it's no big deal and apologizing for offending me and, well, I thought he was just too cute to say no to - but I wasn't beyond making him sweat some more before finally saying, "Sure, if that's what you want to do - I don't have a problem with it."[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  6. "Can I Suck Your Dick?" - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I've been of a mind that I've been walking around with a sign on me that told men to talk to me for a good time. I've had total strangers come up to me and start talking, sometimes about nothing at all, the weather, asking me what time it is, stuff like that and sometimes, as they're talking to me, I've wondered why and especially if I'm not the only person - or the closest one - they could strike up a conversation with.

    It would often get so... bad that I'd become immediately suspicious because I was going through a rash of guys asking me if they could suck my dick. When I was younger, eh, it wasn't that big of a deal since, most of the time, the guys asking if they could blow me were guys I knew and they'd blown me before. Getting into the teen years started the rush of strangers hitting on me and continued on through my adult years. Every now and then, someone I knew well would surprise me but I'd had so many experiences with guys asking me this question that all I had to do was just listen carefully to whatever they were saying - and how they were saying it - for me to guess that "the question" was going to be asked.

    It went from being flattering to annoying at times especially when having sex - period - was the last thing on my mind and not even looking to whip my dick out for some guy. Still, a lot of these situations were pretty funny to watch as a guy would tap dance all over the place, talking about a whole lot of nothing and getting up the courage to pop the question - and a question I knew was coming. Some guys would get right to the point, like this one guy who approached me as I waited for a bus and just said, "Hey, um, listen - can I suck your dick?"

    Or the many guys who would go on and on rambling about stuff and so much that I'd preempt them and ask, "Is there something you wanna ask me?"[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  7. Being Fucked - Part IV

    [SIZE=3][FONT=verdana]So while I'd suck pretty much anyone's dick (but not the uncut ones), not everyone could fuck me, not like it used to be. I spent a lot of time trying to figure out what guy would be the "right one" to slide his cock into me and I never really figured it out... but I'd somehow know that I'd want this guy or that guy to fuck me and if I hadn't learned anything else, I had learned to trust my instincts totally and completely.[/FONT]

    [FONT=verdana]I had to accept that I'd know when I wanted and needed to be fucked... so I should do just that and, besides, hadn't I already broken that supposedly solemn promise to never have anal sex again? Yeah... and quite a few times and it bothered me to have to admit that to myself. Sometimes the guys I wanted to fuck me didn't want to fuck me - they wanted to be fucked and, for the longest time, I just wouldn't do it... but I'd listen to my body and again make exceptions. Sometimes a guy would be sucking on my dick for an unusually long time and I wouldn't be anywhere near busting a nut and fucking him was the only way I was going to get off. And a lot of guys would pick up on the fact that I wasn't gonna cum with them sucking me and tell me that maybe I need to fuck them to get off... so stick it in them and fuck them until I came.

    And I'd do it... and I hated the fact that I'd once again broken that stupid promise I made to myself. Even today, as I write this, I feel like an idiot for having made that promise even though I understand why I did; fucking a guy didn't have anything to do with me being fucked but I was of a mind that I wasn't going to do something to someone that I didn't want done to me and while it was all noble and all that, I had to recognize and accept that if I wanted and needed to cum and being sucked wasn't working - and the guy had no problem with taking me in his ass, well, needs must. They always must.

    So being fucked as a matter of course wasn't fun for me... but being fucked when I wanted to? When my body was telling me that I needed to be fucked? Well, that worked. It was fun again. But I also realized that for me, it had to be the right guy at the right moment - there was no getting away from that strong impression and understanding that my instincts would tell me if it was the right guy at the right moment.

    I love being fucked. Just a thing that not everyone who'd want to fuck me is gonna be able to fuck me. I still hate being in the missionary position - my hips just won't ever move like that and it is what it is. The best part is still that moment when the guy is busting a nut in me and you best believe that he'd better bust it in me because I don't play that pulling out and cumming all over me shit - ever. I have literally punched guys in the face for doing that and have broken a few noses and knocked some teeth loose for not dumping their sperm into my ass - and like they're fucking supposed to do.[/FONT][/SIZE]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  8. Being Fucked - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]So instead of feeling his spunk oozing out of me, he'd squirt his jizz all in between my cheeks and making me all sticky and squishy and I didn't mind all that much because he did fuck me just the same. I had to learn to not be disappointed with those guys who, when they tried to get it in me, their dick would get soft and wouldn't get hard until they stopped trying to get it in me. It took me a while to figure out why that would happen and I knew it wasn't me - it was them and their inability to deal with the revulsion that can be felt trying to shove their dick into somebody's asshole and knowing what comes out of that hole.

    Sometimes guys would fuck me for a very long time... and they couldn't cum and sometimes being fucked for that long a time got to be very uncomfortable and if he didn't give up, I'd just ask him to stop, pull out, and I'd jerk him off or give his dick a good cleaning and suck him off. Disappointing but, again, I was learning that it was just something else that could happen and there were too many things one could point a finger to for it not to happen.

    But I still got fucked just the same. Small dicks. Stupidly big dicks. Fat ones... skinny ones... cut and uncut ones. A whole lot of sperm being injected into me... and only a tiny amount of it. It didn't matter so much because I lived for the moment to feel a dick get bigger in my ass (although, sometimes, some guys didn't get bigger) and then feel it pumping away inside me.

    So good. So nasty. A guy would pull out and I'd hear the sound being made which just added to the delicious nastiness of just having been fucked and creamed. The soreness and that stupefying empty feeling, well, I didn't like them... but it was the price one paid in order to be fucked. And with every time I got fucked, I learned what girls liked and hated about it, how good it could feel and how it could be the worst decision one could make. Some guys were gentle... and some guys just weren't; some would do their best to make it good for me and others just didn't give a fuck if I liked/enjoyed what they were doing or not. And I had to learn to just go with the flow and accept the fact that I wanted or agreed to be fucked... and that's what happened.

    And then, inexplicably, it stopped being fun to be fucked. Well, except when my brother would fuck me - that was always a great pleasure. I'd spent a night with a guy with a whopping 13" dick and it wasn't that he hurt me or fucked me badly because he was very gentle and careful but when we got done and he went on about his business, the whole thing made me sit and think about whether being fucked was as much fun as I thought I knew it to be.

    And it wasn't. So I vowed to never be fucked again because I didn't see the point in getting my asshole gaped open and I wasn't enjoying it as much as I once did. I even thought that having the biggest dick I've ever dealt with was the reason why it was no longer fun to be fucked... but that, I learned, wasn't the cause of the way I was feeling about it. It just wasn't fun anymore and that guy with the stupidly big dick was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

    It took me a whole lot of years to get back to being fucked. Even though I had sworn off of anal sex - giving and receiving - well, I guess you can say that I lied to myself about it because my brother could fuck me and it was all good and sometimes I'd be with a guy, we're sucking the skin off of each other and my body is telling me that I needed that dick inside me. And, at first, I would ignore what my body was telling me but then, okay, I'd make and exception for particular guys who weren't my brother. It never got back to being as much fun as it was before but I couldn't keep ignoring the fact that with some guys, I needed their dick inside me - I just understood that letting anyone who wanted to fuck me do that wasn't my idea of fun any longer.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
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