
All Blog Entries

  1. How Did They Know? - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Somewhere in one of my more recent blogs I talked about how a friend of mine taught me how to masturbate and I've also talked about how and when I lost my cherry. Everything I was learning I just took in stride more or less but it didn't cross my mind to ask or even wonder how those who showed me some stuff even knew about it, let alone knew how to do it.

    The girl who showed me how to fuck knew exactly what had to be done, from getting my little pecker hard enough to where it was supposed to go and, of course, how to move... but how did she know this? Later in my life, I assumed that she knew because someone had fucked her but then, via other experiences, maybe not. Back then, though, putting 2+2 together to get 4 just wasn't the way my young mind was working at the time.

    Discovering that sex thing, as you might imagine, was one hell of a distraction and didn't apply itself to constructive thinking. Still...

    A guy new to the neighborhood wanted to join our gang and I guess someone told him "the rules;" he happened to run across me and said he wanted to do what we were doing and could we go somewhere to do it and we did... and he was very good... but he said it was the first time he'd done it.

    How did he know? Did someone tell him? He somehow saw it? When a lot of us discovered those dirty books, well, sure - you could read about all kinds of sex and it was very descriptive so maybe someone who "never did it" before learned how to do it that way?
    Inside My Bi Mind
  2. Growingup(sexually) with Candy

    How many of you read Candy [IMG][/IMG]?
    I snagged a tattered copy from somewhere. I don't remember where. I beat my poor little pecker raw to that book. All those perversions and I came out normal! Well, I like to suck cock and have been married twice and had kids. What IS normal? I don't know how my mother never found that book. She found my "Beat Off" sock though! Just remembered...I hadn't even seen what a pussy looked like!

    Updated Apr 7, 2020 at 10:16 AM by Bi_Dave

  3. Not working during the covid19

    Since being separated from our work and family me and my buddy are self quarantined at my cabin up north. It goes without saying that I am getting lots of cock and cum. Feeling kinda kinky and naughty we carried on well into the night last night after some awesome anal sex and cream leaking from my ass we called a local friend who we play with once in a while and he was all up for coming out to the cabin . When he arrived he found me ass up cum covered and ready to take his manhood deep and hard. I felt so naughty and dirty just waiting for him to plow his dick deep and blow his load. And after he left I was still so fucking horny I needed fucked again, I got my buddy hard again and took my 3 rd load of the night.
  4. Beginnings - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]So many similar beginnings; so many reasons; we're "the same" as bisexuals but beyond that? We're all so very different because our beginnings tend to dictate how we're going to be as bisexuals; it opens the door to other areas of sex that others keep locked and closed but, I think, equally important, our beginnings teach us so much about ourselves. As I heard of more beginnings, it made me feel... not so bad about the way I got introduced to dick, not that it really bothered me but, yeah - how many times did I think what I'd be like if I hadn't gotten grounded and made to stay in the house that day?

    Accepting one's beginnings is just as important because if nothing else, you learn that once you do a thing, you can't ever undo it and for that reason alone, if one was feeling some kind of way about the way they got started, well, what's the point in being discomfited about it? Again, once it's done, it's done - forever. So listening to someone's beginnings would tell me just how comfortable they were with themselves and the way they began this journey.

    Being able to hear of one's beginnings taught me something important, that having these feeling and desires are just normal and natural even though it defies the mandates that says otherwise. It put many things into perspective and, again, given how I got introduced to dick and, as a bit of an aside, it was something my protege and I were talking about last night. Many would think that I was molested and abused, that what happened to be had to be done against my will and I didn't know what I was about to get into... a few people believe when I said it wasn't molestation or abuse and really don't believe me when I'd say that, at the best, I had an inkling of it and because it was one of the things my parents - and other adults - would tell me not to do or ever think about it - and don't let some other guy talk you into doing it.

    Beginnings do tell you something about yourself; it teaches you a lot of things that are often not easy to accept and once one gets much older, you see a difference in what you thought before you began your journey and what you think about it now. The adult version of myself, well, it doesn't like the way I got introduced and I can easily see how it could go very wrong... but I also have to admit that the younger version of myself honestly and truly didn't give a fuck about that. It was not only sex but the sex I knew I shouldn't be involved in and nothing - and I do mean nothing - will ever change the fact that it happened... and I loved every thing I experienced.

    And, importantly, not to be ashamed of it. None of it. So, again, when I hear of one's beginnings, I can "see" if they're comfortable with it, if they feel any shame and, if they got started when they were young, how does the adult version of themselves feel about what their younger self did?

    In this, everyone has a first time and I think it's important for one to never forget that because chances are good that one day, you're going to be giving someone their first time and carrying with you a knowledge of your own first time - and the first times for others - will go a long way to giving someone else their first experience because you know what can go right... and what could go horribly wrong - and that's to be avoided at all costs.
    Inside My Bi Mind
  5. Beginnings - Part II

    [SIZE=3][FONT=verdana]Many guys I've talked to were sick and tired of the hassle of trying to get a woman to have sex with them or found themselves stuck with a woman who, let's say and for reasons of their own, lacked a sense of adventure when it came to sex. Older and married guys found themselves getting cut off from sex and while many of them would start an affair with another woman, they'd eventually find themselves being cut off again. A lot of guys "turned bi" simply because of women who wouldn't suck their dick or, if they did, would never get them off that way.

    Some guys were literally curious: What's it like to have sex with another guy? What is it like to suck cock... and what is it like to - gasp - be fucked by another guy? And the need to have those questions answered compelled them to get the answers.

    And the one main thing I learned in all the stories I've heard, there wasn't one guy who didn't know that there are men who will have sex with other men. I've had people tell me that going this way was the last thing on their mind or it was something they swore they would never do... then find themselves in a situation where doing the one thing they said they'd never do became the thing they [B]had[/B] to do.

    Some folks were in the right place at the right time and sometimes, shit happened; blame it on the alcohol and all that. So many stories, so many beginnings and, for me, a picture began to emerge.

    To be continued...
    Inside My Bi Mind
  6. Beginnings - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]As I've traveled along the path of bisexuality, I've been honored and privileged to have known how other people arrrived on the path. Indeed, when I get into a serious conversation with someone about it, one of the first things I ask about is how they got started, not just because I've been eternally curious about how others get started but how they get started tells me something about them and gives me some clues to where their head is about any of this.

    I've heard so many stories about beginnings, some that I've felt was "par for the course" and a few that shocked even me, considering how I learned about dick. Some aren't comfortable talking about it, which is understandable because it's one thing to know that you like dick and how you came to like it but "public opinion" is often ruthless and ignorant that for some, going back to the beginning is something best kept to one's self.

    What did you do? Who did you do it with? Why did you do it? It all tells a story about male bisexuality that few people really want to know about. I know that in my early days - and when I felt like I was the only one like this - when I started to find out how my friends got started, well, no - I'm not the only one but, importantly, we all didn't get put on the path in the same way.

    Some have felt that it's not important how you got there; it doesn't matter since you're there... but it does matter since it's something that will make a major change in one's life and what they think about sex and how it relates to them. Some of my friends were "followers" in that, well, everyone else was doing it and they didn't want to get left out. Some were introduced in ways similar to my own, some via incest with a brother or other close relative, while some were feeling the pull in this direction and decided to let themselves be pulled and find out where they wind up. Many were introduced by a friend and, as such, convinced that it'll be okay if we play with each other's dick, suck them, and even try to fuck.
    Inside My Bi Mind
  7. Is It Common? - Part V

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I figured it out: Parents knew it was happening - they had to know! A friend and I almost got busted during a sleepover; his dad busted into the room and we barely had a few seconds to "look normal" and when he asked us what we were doing, of course we said we were wrassling... and he gave us a look that told me he didn't believe us. I even remembered seeing him sniff when he came in and something in my head said, "He know what y'all were doing!" He just told us to keep the noise down and to the hell to sleep.

    My kid logic said that if he had busted in the room just a few seconds earlier, he would have caught us sucking each other's dick - then we would have gotten our asses kicked. Now I had to try to figure out why and, again, I figured it out - they knew boys would do this to each other and maybe even expected it and even walking into a room that was funky with that sex smell, that wasn't really the same as getting caught in the act although I'd heard some guys got in trouble because of that smell. Hmm.

    I figured out that it might not happen all of the time... but when it did, it had to be a normal and even natural kind of thing. I'd learn that for some - and even as adults - siblings were still being lovers. I knew a guy and his wife who were both decent people... until one night, when he was pretty drunk, he told me that his "wife" was really his sister but because they had the same last name, no one suspected the truth. I was floored... because I had never expanded my thinking about this to that level. Why? His answer was, "Because we really do love each other enough to take the risks..."

    And I understood it. All of it. I'd hear other parents either talking about their suspicions that their kids were having sex with each other - but coulnd't catch them at it or otherwise prove it and asking them was a waste of time - they'd just say there was no way they'd do that! Many more parents would swear that their kids wouldn't ever do that because they were taught better... and I'd find it hard not to laugh at them and tell them, "If you think they're not doing it, well, you're pretty clueless since chance are, that's exactly what they've been doing... and because you told them not to."

    Is it common? Perhaps not as a "it always happens" kind of thing... but I know it has always happened and it will always continue to happen and unless someone gets caught, there's nothing anyone can do to stop it from happening. It's a shameful act that, in the reality I understand, isn't really that shameful unless force was used and, sadly, sometimes it was... but not always. It is assumed that if it happens, it will be very emotionally damaging... and there is some truth to this because when force is employed, it is damaging... but when it isn't? No harm, no foul. I think some parents "allow" it because they know that, at some point, their kids are gonna grow out of it so as long as there's no complaints or anything like that, they just let nature run its course.

    Because nothing else makes sense and I've had a lot of time to think about this specific thing.
    Inside My Bi Mind
  8. Is It Common? - Part IV

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]My brother, sister, and I used to fight like cats and dogs but one thing I noticed that after we'd fight, we'd often have sex the first chance we got to. Later, I knew it to be "make up" sex but back then, I thought it was strange that we'd fight and trying to really hurt each other... but later, we'd have sex with whoever we were fighting and everything would okay, well, until the next time we fought.

    I've shared here that my brother and I would fight, get sent to our room, still be mad at each other to keep the fight going... but we'd wind up having sex... then the fight would sometimes pick up right where it left off. It made me wonder if he'd start a fight with me so we could make up later. I had dismissed that - we really didn't like each other - but I couldn't get away from the fact that we'd fight, suck and fuck each other and this would happen every time I'd find myself kicking his ass. I came to understand that this was just the way the two of us were but, yeah, brothers always seemed to find a reason to do something with each other...

    Because it just made sense to. It was fun and satisfying; it was even more of these things because you knew you weren't supposed to be doing this to each other and you knew what could happen if you got caught... so kid logic said, "Don't get caught!" What I couldn't figure out was why more siblings didn't get caught or they'd get caught in a situation they really couldn't explain... and nothing really happened other than a stern warning to not be doing something they shouldn't be doing. It didn't make sense and more so when I discovered that sex has a smell that couldn't be mistaken for anything else. I learned that at one point, you stop smelling it... but that didn't mean someone else wouldn't be able to smell it and knew what it meant. Then I found out that even if you scrubbed yourself raw after having sex, somebody else could still smell it on you.

    And if this was true - and it was - why didn't more siblings get in big trouble for having sex with each other?
    Inside My Bi Mind
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