
All Blog Entries

  1. 56 Years Ago - Part IV

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]For 56 years, I've known - and have known very well - what a lot of men are just now finding out about this. Some were kinda/sorta like me in that they found out early and, yes, even when the dreaded "I" word was in play. Some are, as I like to say, late to the party and some are just now returning to the party after being absent. And, sadly, there are many more men who are sitting on the sidelines and doing nothing when, really, they want and need to.

    It breaks my heart to see so many men not doing what they know they want and need to do. It's not that I don't understand why they aren't - I do understand it all too well... but I also understand that if it's something you [B]really[/B] want to do, you will always find a way to do it and by any means necessary... and, yes: Even if they have to cheat on a partner in order to do it. I see how men have become very risk-adverse; not without reason, of course, but about things that, if they really put their minds to it, those risks can be avoided and/or lessened. I've seen the fear that consumes people in this, some of it real but a lot of it imagined; I've seen so many men and women just assume the worst and living in such great fear, not so much for their own health but because of what someone else is going to say or think about them.

    And I know this because I used to be like that, too, until I got around to realizing that I was being fearful of something that, really, I shouldn't be. I've lost friends because of what I am; I've been criticized and ridiculed for being the way I am... but I cannot ever stop being the way I am and I'm sure as fuck not gonna stop being the way I am because of what someone else has to say about it - and someone who, I've learned over these 56 years, really doesn't know what the fuck they're talking about and more so when they believe in the lie that is our morality... and it is a lie and one of omission if nothing else.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  2. 56 Years Ago - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I know what sex really is and how it can be and I also know about love, too, and that there's the way it's supposed to be... and then there's the way it, too, can be. Being madly in love with another guy was one hell of a life-changing experience, too; it was supposed to be impossible but it really isn't because love, all by itself, doesn't give a fuck about shit like who you're supposed to only be in love with... but people do and I've learned that people are made to love in one way only and with many exceptions and difference that, when you really get down to it, doesn't make much of a difference.

    Or, if you don't mind, it never matters - but it does to everyone else who can't or just won't see these things for what they really are: Being human. Being alive. I understand the rules; I know why they exist because I've spent 56 years making it my business to know because of that one question I asked myself so very long ago: How can something that's supposed to be so bad feel so good?

    Because it's supposed to feel good but, nah, it didn't take me 56 years to figure that out; it actually took me about two years to figure it out and, um, right in the middle of one of my friends fucking me and putting a load of cum in my ass... and became clearer as I was doing the same thing to him. And didn't it feel right, normal, and natural? Yes, yes, a thousand times yes... because it really is. I just had - have - the advantage of figuring this out a long time ago and at a time when homosexuals were the most reviled people on the planet... but I've known all along that I might be a lot of things... but I'm not homosexual because, lest it be forgotten, I do love me some pussy and the crazy, insane women its attached to.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  3. 56 Years Ago - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I've spent 56 years not only having sex this way, I've also done my best to help others understand this. Sometimes it has been by having sex with them, to show them that what they believe is wrong and nasty is anything but wrong or nasty... and sometimes it's been by just telling them what I've learned over all of this time. I've been successful... and not so much at times because if I haven't learned anything else, I've learned that while anyone has the [I]potential[/I] to be bisexual, not everyone can actually be bisexual, accept it, and revel in it and as I've learned to do.

    If there's a way for two guys to have sex, I've probably done it and if I haven't done it, I probably know about it - and if it's something I haven't actually done, it's because I didn't want or need to because, after all, there are some things I just won't do. I've experienced this in ways that, frankly, makes people feel some kind of way, up to and including the very scary "I" word and I've learned that as... bad as that is, it's always been the way a lot of people find out about sex. To that end, acting like it never happens or otherwise turning away and feeling disgusted only serves to hide, ignore, and deny the truth of things...

    And the truth is you can have amazing sex with anyone who's willing to do it with you and the only thing that really matters is the intimacy of it and, really, being human. If there is one... regret, it's that I didn't find out about this before I did but I accept that there's a 9 year gap between my life as a bisexual and being alive - I turned 65 today and it just is what it turned out to be. I've actually been sexually active for 57 years and 57 years to the day because a girl who couldn't give me a present for my 8th birthday gave me a gift I've cherished ever since: She gave me her body. Taught me how to have sex with her. Put me directly on the path to find out that girls aren't the only people you can have sex with.

    Best gift ever. To that end, I've spent all of those years thinking about how I got to where I am now and, yes - I was quite the whore about it. Anyone. Any place or time. Anything. I've spent all these years wondering if, by chance, I was some kind of fucked up in the head right out of the gate... and I really and honestly don't think that I was or that I am: I just found out about some shit and well before people usually find out about it. Found out about it. Ran like the wind with it and, again, without shame or regret.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  4. 56 Years Ago - Part I

    [SIZE=3][FONT=verdana]It was actually in August, 1964, when I got my first experience with dick and the moment in time when my life would be changed forever. I've written here about that moment and how it all went down and without any shame or regret and, yes, if I could go back to that moment and do it over, I wouldn't change a thing.[/FONT]

    [FONT=verdana]I've spent 56 years thinking about the morality of it; 56 years digging into why humanity is the way it is about males having sex with other males and I've learned so much and continue to do so. I've spent 56 years sucking dick, swallowing sperm, getting it pumped into my ass and, of course, doing the same thing with other guys; I've been "used and abused" and I've even been raped by a guy although, yeah, I didn't like the way I stupidly fell into his trap but I had to admit that the sex, all by itself, was very good - but I still tried to kill him anyway.[/FONT]

    [FONT=verdana]I've spent 56 years finding out [/FONT][B]everything[/B][FONT=verdana] there is to find out about this; I've learned by doing and I've learned from others who, like me, discovered what sex can really be like and that it just isn't a thing to be done between men and women and as a singular way to do things. I've dived into the science of it; the psychology of it; I know stuff about this and I've seen and experienced the reality of it. I've experienced the joy of it and I've experienced the bad parts when it comes to being subjected to another man's lust. I know what society at large thinks about this and I know that what they think is wrong... and it's always been wrong... and we aren't as smart or as enlightened as we believe ourselves to be.[/FONT]

    [FONT=verdana]I've spent 56 years always wondering if I've been doing the right thing for myself in this and, for 56 years, I keep coming up with the same answer: Yes. Unequivocally, undoubtedly, yes. Can't even imagine what it's like to not be the way I've been over all this time. And I've spent 56 years watching other people struggle with sex and sexuality... and I understand why they struggle.[/FONT][/SIZE]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  5. The Choices We Make - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I often think about the choices I've made over all these years. I don't regret any of them but I do acknowledge that I could have made better choices, you know, if I knew then what I know now but the fact remains is that I didn't know then what I know now and recognize that the best I could do - and the best I did - was to make the best choices I could with the information I had to work with.

    Like introducing my son-in-law to cock sucking. I don't regret it one bit and I never will... but in that retrospective way, was it really the best choice to give him the experience he asked for? And then understanding that second-guessing myself really and truly serves no purpose since once it's done, it can never be undone. I could act like it never happened but I'm not a fan of lying to myself; if I can't be real with myself, I can't be real with anyone else.

    Or caving in to my brother the way I did. Again, no regrets whatsoever about it but did I really make the best choice or made the choice for what could be considered the "wrong" reason - to get him to stop bothering the shit out of me about it? Or playing that silly "master/slave" game with my cousin which drove me crazy; did I really make the best possible choice by playing along or would the better choice have been telling him straight up that we can do this as long as we're not playing any game about it?

    That and so many of the possible choices and their outcomes will never, ever be known... so I really don't do a lot of fretting over the choices I've made, nor will I give any future choices I may make too much weight. I'm either gonna get some dick... or I'm not going to and the choice not to may be a good one... or it might not be. The one and only choice that really remains is the one I made to get some dick and whenever I can and pretty much from whoever I can get it from and with as few caveats and conditions as I can manage to put in the way of being able to do this.

    Because at the end of any day, this is all about me doing what I have to do in order to take care of my sexual needs and the choices are simple: Do... or do not... and then have no regrets no matter what choice I made. I choose to keep it simple: Be old enough to consent to sex; be clean and healthy enough to have sex; don't be the kind of guy I would rather punch in the face or otherwise be pissed off about or find reason not to like enough to want to have sex with you. For me, this is simple... but the choices other men make do tends to complicate the simplicity of my choices... and there's nothing I can do about that.

    And nothing I want to do about that. I just wanna suck some cock, swallow some sperm, and be happy doing it and I'd be even happier if/when the other guy sucks my sperm out of me, too. Sometimes I wanna fuck and be fucked but that's... complicated and the way my life is calling for these days is for more simplicity than complications; I don't have the patience for all that "top/bottom" stuff or any of the other complicated stuff that only serves to make me lose out where my choice to be a voracious cock sucker is concerned. I can do it all and I have done it all... it's just that I choose not to do it all unless I want to. It's easier to convince a guy that us blowing each other is a fun thing to do... a bit more complicated to convince him that our efforts would be better served by poking each other in the ass and busting a nut that way.

    I choose to make it easy for me to suck your dick... but I long since recognized and accepted that I can't do shit about the choices other men make for themselves. It's not my fault that a lot of guys make something as "simple" as a blow job harder than it has to be and if I were to have one wish in any of this, it would be for men to stop making the choices they do that makes, for me, sucking a dick a damned difficult thing to do.

    And since that ain't gonna happen, all I can do is chalk it up to it being what it is... and choose to continue to make things easy for myself.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  6. The Choices We Make - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Once you decide or get around to getting a taste of dick, you obviously have some choices to make and beginning with the most important one: Are you gonna get some more of it? If the answer is, "Hell, yeah!" then there are more choices to be made and along the line, other changes tend to fall into place as one discovers what they like and what don't - and even if one has kinda/sorta already made up their mind about this before taking the plunge.

    I think about the choices I've made in my life about this and, sure - sometimes I could have made better choices and I've made some "wrong" ones along the way as well as ones that were "perfect" for the moment the choices were made.

    While we all tend to narrow down these things so that they can, hopefully, be made to fit better with the rest of our lifestyle, I don't know about anyone else but I tended to find out that some of the choices I made were going a long way to make sure that when I wanted dick, I wasn't going to get any... so why have them in the first place? You like what you like... and can't stand what you don't like and if nothing else, it makes us leery and even fearful and more so when we have a bad experience - and because of the choice we made - we always tend to assume that if that particular situation comes up again, it's going to be as bad as it was the first time... and the truth is there's no way for anyone to know that for a fact.

    I learned to make this easy on myself. There are things I just will not do but everything else is negotiable or, as a lot of people like to say, I'll pretty much try anything once and do it again if I liked it the first time. Even growing up, I would watch my peers making choices that probably made sense to them but would often result in them not getting the dick they wanted or, sometimes and because of what someone else might have said, pass up on having sex with a guy and choosing not to find out for yourself if what was said was really true or not.

    Even back in the day for me and for some of us, the choices we made that didn't result in having sex with a guy would usually turn out to be bad choices. The moment we started developing favorites, we were setting ourselves up to fail down the road and if not immediately so. If we got caught up in choosing to only have sex with those we favored, what we were really doing was passing up even more opportunities to have it.

    The moment we choose to develop prejudices, we were pretty much fucking ourselves in the ass... and not in a good way.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  7. Endowed - Part IV

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]The smallest adult cock I've ever had was barely four inches hard; the biggest was a whopping thirteen measured inches. All kinds of dicks of differing shapes and sizes. I'd never turn down a guy because his dick was too small or too big... because it doesn't make any sense to me. Even if you don't get to fuck me with whatever sized dick you have, you can bet anything you care to that I will suck it. Smaller cocks are easier to suck and bigger ones, well, they're more challenging and nothing more than that.

    What size dick do I prefer? Doesn't matter as long as it's clean, healthy, and it works - it gets hard and goes soft and, most important, you're gonna let me make hard and make it soft again. I even managed to get over my... angst about uncut dicks even though I still think they're ugly as fuck - no offense, uncut guys. I very much dislike the whole BBC thing because I know that all Black guys don't all have dicks dragging on the ground and I also know that those who do, well, let's say that I've found them lacking in both skill and finesse. I learned to despise people seeing me as being a BBC - then acting some kind of way because my dick doesn't hang down to my knees and how much this disappoints them. I have a dick. It works. I know how to use it. I want you to get me hard and make me soft again... and you're trying to tell me that because I don't have 10" hiding somewhere in my underwear that you can't - and won't - do that? That it's not what you prefer?

    And this whole size thing can be directly responsible for a lot of guys who want some dick not getting any dick... and, I'm sorry, but that still doesn't make any sense to me. I have quite a few people who do ask me why some guys have such a hard time getting the dick they want and my response to them is, "Because they make this shit harder than it has to be and develop preferences which, at the end of the day, doesn't make that much of a difference when you get right down to it."

    Even my protege has... size issues. On the one hand, he'll tell me that size doesn't matter but then some guy with a seriously big dick will send him a picture and a request for sex... and my protege will more often than not balk at accepting such a request and spend quite a bit of time riffing about how much that's gonna hurt going in his ass or how badly his jaws are gonna wind up aching trying to suck such a huge, fat cock. The funny part? This guy just loves Black men and the ones he tends to get with does, in fact, have big dicks. He prefers somewhat smaller dicks - about his size which is 7" or so. And I poke him about it by saying, "You do know you're passing up a lot of sex because you've got this size preference going on, don't you?"

    I think he doesn't like it when I point that out to him. I tell him that the real trick of dealing with any dick of any size is to figure out how you can deal with it - and never try to do more than you're physically capable of handling. If the guy looking to fuck him has 11" inches, suck it the best way you can and if you want it in your ass, just relax, breathe, and take it in your ass and it's okay to tell him how much he's got in you that's causing you too much discomfort and pain... and even if he ain't gonna like you telling him about it.

    Endowed. You either are you aren't. It shouldn't matter... yet it does.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  8. Endowed - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Still, I really couldn't understand what all the fussing was about; a guy was either hung like a horse or he wasn't. I'd often hear the adults razzing each other about the size of their dicks, too, and if we all thought we could be vicious and cruel picking on each other about this, we weren't even rookies compared to what the adult men could and would say about each other's cocks.

    Which would often make me wonder how they knew who had a big one and who didn't - hmm. I mean, um, I knew how I knew and it didn't take a whole lot of thinking to figure out how they knew; it really exposed me to the hypocrisy in all of this to figure out that the only way they had such knowledge about each other's dick was they were seeing them and doing something with them... while raising all kinds of hell about all the queers and faggots running around all over the place.

    And the riffing over cock size just never stopped. You'd hit on a girl for some pussy and the first thing she'd want to know was how big your dick was or while you were hitting on them, they'd be staring at your crotch and if they said okay, chances were they didn't agree because of your sparkling personality: It was because you had a big dick or, sometimes, it was deemed small enough not to cause them any "problems." At this time, guys weren't so much asking ahead of time about how big or small your dick was. No - they'd wait until the dicks came out and then be pleasantly or unpleasantly surprised - and then that pecking order I mentioned might come into play: If your dick was smaller than his, you were going to be the girl, no questions asked, and it was non-negotiable. The bigger guy wasn't going to suck your dick and he sure as hell wasn't going to let you fuck him. Some guys still very much preferred smaller dicks to suck and to have in their ass while many more took up the mantra of, "the bigger, the better!"

    Women kinda took a step to the side on this issue and with many saying, "It's not the size of the boat but the motion of the ocean;" many would tell me of being with guys with huge dicks and they lacked the skill and finesse to use them in a way they'd find pleasing. "At least guys with small dicks try harder to please," one girl told me. As I grew into my body more and more, it was a pain to find myself being judged and otherwise deemed worthy - or not - and based on the size of my dick. I was either too big and too fat or not big or fat enough for either guys or gals... and it just fucking annoyed the shit out of me; really, what fucking difference did it make?

    Apparently, a whole lot of difference... both way back then and now. I'd learn that bigger, fatter dicks would go a long way to insure that a woman could get pregnant. A longer dick would put the sperm closer to where it needed to be for conception and a fatter one would act like a plug to make sure the sperm stayed in there for as long as possible. I'd learn about the amazing flexibility of a vagina - after all, eight pound babies come out of there and just knowing that would often make me - and a lot of other guys - feel very inadequate. Girls, it seemed, liked having their pussies stretched as wide as possible while others found it difficult dealing with having a big, fat dick roaming around in their pussy and making sex more uncomfortable than pleasurable.

    Guys weren't all that different, it turned out. Pretty annoying to slide your dick into a guy's ass... and he complains about not feeling it going in... and just as annoying to slide your dick into a guy's ass... and he starts yelling and screaming like you're trying to kill him and literally rip his asshole apart. Being a guy with a smallish dick? I'd feel sorry for those guys knowing that both guys and gals would summarily dismiss and reject them for their lack of size and/or girth. Imagine, if you will, what it's like to have eight inches of dick (and as I do) and being told that you're not big enough for them or, sometimes, being told that you're too big.

    It still annoys the shit out of me. I came to understand that this "bigger is better" crap has been around since forever even though it's generally accepted by many that it's how you use it that makes the bigger difference. Women were, for a time, preferring smaller cocks and simply because the guys with the big - and really big - ones were using their dicks more like a weapon than an instrument of pleasure and that was something I could easily agree with given how many times I've had a guy with a very big dick using his dick in my ass like it was a jackhammer or trying to ram every inch of it down my throat and no matter how uncomfortable it was to me.

    They say that size matters... and I learned the hard way that size is overrated. Whatever size you have, that's what you have... but do you know how to use what you have in order to bring the most pleasure? The mindset has always been that guys with smaller dicks are just incapable of delivering pleasurable sex and guys with bigger dicks are well-hung gods and that you're always going to be very happy with them being in your mouth and/or ass. And the annoying and very humiliating mindset that if your dick ain't big enough, you're not man enough to use it on anyone; among guys, you're now relegated to being the one sucking that big dick and feeling it spreading your butthole wide open. It's bad enough to have women diss you because you aren't able to wrap your dick around your waist a couple of times to keep from tripping over it... and just as bad when guys are of the same mind.

    It shouldn't make a difference... yet it does. Cock size [B]still[/B] doesn't mean a damned thing to me and a guy can't really - or safely - do anything about what he was born with and, yeah - I've seen pictures of guys doing all kinds of shit to their dick to make them bigger and fatter... and who are now permanently deformed or their dicks just don't work at all. Does your dick work? Will it get hard? Okay - let's see what we can do with it! At one point, I got so sick and tired of listening to guys apologizing for their lack of size and trying to convince them that as far as I was concerned, it just did not matter if they were small or not; what was of greater import to me was is a guy willing to let me at it and use it. Desire, at least to me, means more than size or the lack thereof.

    Inside My Bi Mind
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