View Full Version : New Poll: How do you feel about polls?

Annika L
Oct 11, 2009, 9:27 PM
Hey, it's a valid question! Besides, I had a self-referential itch, and needed to scratch it! :tong:


Oct 11, 2009, 10:15 PM
I like poles as much as I like Italians, Americans, Canadians, The English, Scots, Irish, etc. etc. I like everyone. lol, gotcha.

roy m cox
Oct 12, 2009, 12:20 AM
well i like dance poles :bigrin:

Annika L
Oct 12, 2009, 1:31 PM
I like poles as much as I like Italians, Americans, Canadians, The English, Scots, Irish, etc. etc. I like everyone. lol, gotcha.

Damn! You beat me to that one! Now I want to go back and edit choice #3 to say "I like polls about poles, but feel no pull to answer Pole's polls. Ah well.

Oct 13, 2009, 8:49 AM
I answered 2, if done with honesty, it serves a good purpose.

Oct 13, 2009, 8:56 AM
It seems that almost every poll I see leaves out a question that I would have asked. Usually, they leave me wanting to know more. I also tend to like polls geared for both genders. But, like making babies and having them, there's some things that just do not fit!

Oct 13, 2009, 9:58 AM
I wasn't aware that there were so many damn aliens on this site!

Annika L
Oct 13, 2009, 5:44 PM
I wasn't aware that there were so many damn aliens on this site!

Four out of 26 so far, Rissa?...that's only around 15%...I spend enough time in chat to be shocked that there aren't *more*!! :tong:

Annika L
Oct 14, 2009, 3:35 PM
Ok, friends, the results are in! (or at least I'm willing to interpret recent silence as an indication that people are done responding to this poll)

As of 3:21pm on Wednesday, October 14, our findings are as follows:

(1) Over 2/3 of respondents were in favor of polls generally. Of these, nearly a quarter are ok with any damned thing you throw together...they just salivate over clicking a little checkbox. The rest, however, would appreciate if pollsters could put a little thought into how questions are phrased, to help ensure validity and usefulness.

(2) Nobody likes polls about poles. So if your apt to poll (yet again) questions like "cut vs. uncut" or "length vs. width more important"...don't bother, nobody cares.

(3) Five of us are space aliens. Actually, the correct interpretation of our data is that *at least* five are space aliens. And the truth is that the Counsel of Bisexual Space Aliens met the day after the poll opened, and we decided that only a subcounsel of 5 of us should respond to this question at all. So you can't really tell how many space aliens are here (but it's enough to warrant having a Counsel of Bisexual Space Aliens).

Next poll: don't you think that whenever a poll is posted, the original poster should be obligated to post a summary of findings? :tong:

Oct 15, 2009, 10:52 AM
.... But, like making babies and having them, there's some things that just do not fit!

I vote for makin' em over havin' em any day <grin>

Oct 15, 2009, 12:43 PM
I do not like polls. I did not post a reply because none of the choices fit my honest feelings toward the subject. That is one reason I usually do not like polls.

Another reason is that many polls are out to prove a point and, the response choices are structured in such a way as to try to prove the intended point.

Oct 15, 2009, 2:18 PM
Did someone say something about Poles ?


Annika L
Oct 15, 2009, 3:43 PM
I do not like polls. I did not post a reply because none of the choices fit my honest feelings toward the subject. That is one reason I usually do not like polls.

Another reason is that many polls are out to prove a point and, the response choices are structured in such a way as to try to prove the intended point.

Eddy, given your reasons for disliking polls, it sounds to me as though choice #2, "I like polls...as long as they are well-constructed and have scientific validity" would have been appropriate for you. (A well-constructed poll would have a choice that works for you, and if a poll has scientific validity, then it is not constructed in a biased fashion to prove a point.)

Of course, I make no claim that this poll is either well-constructed OR has scientific validity...it was created largely for satirical purposes, but also to give some useful information...sounds like the satire was missed. Oh well.

Oct 15, 2009, 5:04 PM
Polls are kind of like standardized test....in my opinion

I suppose there is some point to them...highest value to me is entertainment value....secondarily, they focus opinions of the "takers" to be utilized as entertainment and communicative ideas for parties and groups...

Many I suppose try to dissect each response based on gender, race, religion, politics, wealth etc. Many try to utilize them to categorize and "pigeon hole" ( that will get me in trouble) the individual results for a common goal....I select the goal to be entertainment!

Now...having said that...I answered the poll where I prefer a man's cum to source on/in my body the other day....on any given day I may have answered differently...and as many above pointed out there are other possibilities....however I did enjoy and was entertained by my own thoughts and curiosity of others and how they may have answered…

Now……. A vote is different … no entertainment value just in theory educated opinion….although in today’s world in might qualify me for a media job somewhere….” I am mad as hell and I can’t take it anymore!” And I suppose if the person voted for turns out to be entertaining…..but I feel that will be for another thread!! So…. I like polls…..I like poles… I wish I had a “member” that was likened to a pole….


Oct 15, 2009, 6:38 PM
Annika, I am sorry I missed your satire. You did manage to hit a subject that is one of my pet peeves. I promise to look for the liighter side next time around.

Annika L
Dec 12, 2013, 6:16 PM
I'm bumping this up for NMC. Check out the results...pretty clearly shows that polls about poles aren't really all that popular here at all. *smile*

Dec 12, 2013, 6:28 PM
What about polls about smoking poles? Or polls about pole dancing?

Annika L
Dec 12, 2013, 7:55 PM
What about polls about smoking poles? Or polls about pole dancing?

Well, poles (of any kind) polled better than polls about poles, but the public pretty much panned poles predominantly.

Bisexual Explorer
Dec 13, 2013, 8:54 AM
Before reading this post, I thought that polling was the same thing as pegging. Voted by absentee ballot because I was too shy to go to a public polling place. Thanks for making me better informed.
Bisexual Explorer

Dec 13, 2013, 3:42 PM
I like em slippery

Annika L
Dec 13, 2013, 5:36 PM
Before reading this post, I thought that polling was the same thing as pegging. Voted by absentee ballot because I was too shy to go to a public polling place. Thanks for making me better informed.
Bisexual Explorer

Nope, "pegging" is definitely a Cribbage concept...nothing whatsoever like polling. *wink*