View Full Version : UN President Anti-Gay Comments

Sep 25, 2009, 4:20 AM

The human rights group leading the protest:EveryOne Group (http://www.everyonegroup.com/)

Sep 25, 2009, 5:00 AM
i can see that being pretty rude, but at the same time he is in titled to his opinion whether it makes him an ass whole or not.
many many religions go against homosexuality because they believe their god hates it there fore they hate it, to not hate it would go against their "father" or "creator.":tongue:
wow that was bold in this day and age to say some thing like that in public.

Sep 25, 2009, 6:38 AM
Good posting...

Rude or not...he had an obligation to present the issue unbiased, and he chose not to. Not to say he doesn't have a right to his opinion, but in his "standing", he is supposed to keep that out of the public eye.

It has also caused great discord among those with huge prejudicial views to attack the bisexual/gay/lesbian community. Imagine the fear in that country, of your own sexuality.

It's bad enough here, but so much worse there.

My thoughts about it all??? "Can't we All Just Get Along???"


Wish it were that easy.

Thanks again for the posting.


Sep 25, 2009, 9:33 AM
Good posting...

Rude or not...he had an obligation to present the issue unbiased, and he chose not to. Not to say he doesn't have a right to his opinion, but in his "standing", he is supposed to keep that out of the public eye.

It has also caused great discord among those with huge prejudicial views to attack the bisexual/gay/lesbian community. Imagine the fear in that country, of your own sexuality.

It's bad enough here, but so much worse there.

My thoughts about it all??? "Can't we All Just Get Along???"


Wish it were that easy.

Thanks again for the posting.


Understatement of the year.

Gay Holocaust in Iran (http://www.digitaljournal.com/article/269565#tab=comments&sc=0&contribute=&local=).


Sep 27, 2009, 5:51 AM
Understatement of the year.

Gay Holocaust in Iran (http://www.digitaljournal.com/article/269565#tab=comments&sc=0&contribute=&local=).


Holy damn.........i knoew stuff was bad over there but i did not know that that was the president that was leading that campaign. that makes what he said kinda scary.:eek:

Sep 27, 2009, 12:49 PM
What can you expect?

All of the Muslims in charge in the Middle East are nearly as extreme as the clerics that lead the intolerance; some are worse, Like Iran's "elected" leader.

Most of Islam, in the Middle East, is more filled with hate rhetoric than right wing Christians here in the US are.

But then, ALL fundamentalists tend to be that way, no matter what religion they are.

Sep 27, 2009, 5:16 PM
Don't forget about how American president Obama and his DOJ said that same gender marriage is just like incest or how legalizing it would be anyway.

When did he say that? Which speech and which event? I would think that the Republicans would have been all over that, if he had. Anything to burn him.

Sep 27, 2009, 5:21 PM
i have seen video of Muslims killing gay's and bi's but i didn't know that the president who was leading that campaign was the one who said that comment.
its amazing how people will so easily kill some one else because of how they prefer to have sex.