View Full Version : Damn Hormones...:(

Jul 2, 2009, 3:39 AM
Whew..I dont know how ladies do it on a full time basis. No Wonder its called The Change, and no wonder men fear it....

My Doc decided in his infinate wisdom, to put me on Hormones since I am, quote, "Going to be experiancing some Hormone deprivation since the onset of menopause" and these hormones were suppose to "Help me"
I dont know where he got this notion, because ever since I began them all I have done is be a nervous, jittery, emotional, weepy mess! And this most assuredly ISNT me! And anyone who knows me well knows this to be a fact.

I bawled watching America's got Talent!!! I burst into tears when a lady downtown was breast feeding her baby, and when it stopped eating it burped loudly, then giggled. (It was sooo cute) Any other time I would have laughed my ample ass off at something that cute.
A guy on the bus bumped into my boobs then looked, apologised and said, "Cant blame my elbow, really. Nice boobs, btw" (Any other time he may have been handed one of my business cards and been told to call me later...)
I wanted to bop hell out of the poor man! (And he was cuter than the baby!!)

I snivled and sobbed over a re-write of one of my own stories, and I Knew that part was coming..I wrote it!!!!

I inadvertantly insulted a visiting lady in chat tonight, then bawled my ass off when a friend said it upset him...
I have apologised more in the last two days than I think I have my entire life!!!
I knocked the shit out of the dog up the street that ran at me and attempted to bite me, then I felt horrible for making it hollar when I defended myself!!

When going thru a soberity check point tonight, a very nice Policeman asked if we girls had any type of drugs with us. I was honest and said, "Yes Sir, I have" and named off the drug and told him what it was for.
He looked at me as I would blow up at any second and said, "So..this is for menopause, yes??"
I nodded and he Actually backed up a step, Ya'll!!!
If I had thrown my hands above my head and yelled "BOOOOM!!" I think the silly sum-bitch would have either took off running, or would have shot me..lol

And these things are suppose to Help a women regulate her estrogene level, and who is Needing some kind of hormone replacement due to sex change, menopause or hysterectomy surgery?? No thanks, I'll take my chances with the night sweats, the bouts of occasional horniness, or hot flashes, the freezing then burning up sensations.. They are Vastly better, and much more prefered, than what I have went through the last two days and nights. Guess where the rest of the hormone pills went, and where I'm going to tell the Dr to shove them next time he suggests them to me!??

Going to bed to sleep for a week...
Emotionally drained Cat...:(

Jul 2, 2009, 4:17 AM
We are truly kindred spirits as I have just completed my first month of this wonderful hormone regimen. While the last month has been an emotional roller coaster ride from Hell at times, things ARE getting better....I hope you discuss this decision of yours with your doctor before you just take yourself off of your meds....he/she may be able to adjust them to better suit you. Believe me, it DOES get better!


Jul 2, 2009, 6:48 AM
My mother was 13 months older than her sister. They were so similar in appearance and personality that they could have been twins even though my aunt was slightly taller. My mother chose not to take hormones when it was her turn. While she was going through menopause I was in my teens and moved to the basement to avoid being around her. My Dad, who was the most easy going guy ever put on earth, damn near left her. She spent the last two years of her life in a wheel chair because she was so crippled from osteoporosis.
My aunt, on the other hand, took hormones when it was her turn, played golf at least once a week until her mind started to go and walked straight up until the day she died. And I don't remember hearing any horror stories about home life from my cousins.
My sister remembers what our mother was like and also chose to do the hormone thing when it was her turn. She's glad she did.

Jul 2, 2009, 7:39 AM
My mother was 13 months older than her sister. They were so similar in appearance and personality that they could have been twins even though my aunt was slightly taller. My mother chose not to take hormones when it was her turn. While she was going through menopause I was in my teens and moved to the basement to avoid being around her. My Dad, who was the most easy going guy ever put on earth, damn near left her. She spent the last two years of her life in a wheel chair because she was so crippled from osteoporosis.
My aunt, on the other hand, took hormones when it was her turn, played golf at least once a week until her mind started to go and walked straight up until the day she died. And I don't remember hearing any horror stories about home life from my cousins.
My sister remembers what our mother was like and also chose to do the hormone thing when it was her turn. She's glad she did.

Jul 2, 2009, 7:56 AM
Cat, I agree with Kate.

My ex was religiously opposed to taking medicine of any kind. When she began going through menopause she turned from a sweet-natured, loving and extremely sensual lady into an ogre! Our intimacy was exchanged for mood swings, hot flashes, lost of sexuality, unfounded accusations, crying and screaming fits, over the slightest and usually unfounded reasons. My doctor told me to hang in there, it would pass............and it did. The results were, a completely different stranger emerged. We no longer could discuss intimate things, her sexual needs vanished, she became lethargic and lost interest in the things we used to do and enjoyed together. She began dressing/undressing only in the dark, covering herself. She used to tease, flaunt her herself and loved showing off for me. For the first time in our marriage I began to consider cheating, but instead, three years after she began menopause we finally split up. The woman I left was NOT the lady I met, fell in love with, and married.

Her one year younger sister, on the other hand, followed her doctor's prescription recommendation. She has some difficulty, but her menopause passed quickly and her husband told me that she returned to her old, lovable self and that her interest in the bedroom actually increased!

I really hope you get this issue resolved. You are such a fine, sensual, funny, intelligent, lady and I hate to think of you dealing with menopausal difficulties.

Randy from Pa
Jul 2, 2009, 8:08 AM
Cat and Kate, my heart goes out to you. My wife has finally past the final days of menapause, ( FINALLY !! ) I have seen what you are going through. At firdt i didnt understand,but as time went on i got better at. LOL I found that LOVE,hugs/kisses and mostly PATIENCE,were the best key. One big drawback during that time was a drop off in sexual desire. My wife was offered those pills also, she tried it but they didnt do any good. So she and all of the family just worked through it, I am happy to say, things are 95% better, wife still has a flare up, and she/we are working on the sex part. Well just a married guys :2cents: Hopefully this helped. Love ya Cat and Kate ;)

Jul 2, 2009, 8:19 AM
Cat i suggest calling your doctor.
some medications even hormones make you do that stuff. occasionlly it is normal and takes up to 8 weeks to feel normal. but if it affects your life too much where you think it will be of some danger call teh doctor before going off them. the drop off them can be as bad as getting used to them.
for me hormones can be dangerous. i have to be tested before taking them as i am so sensative to everything. they do have bloodwork they can do sometimes Cat maybe if there is not a positive change your doctor can do levels and see if you are getting too much or too little of something.
never do it alone Cat. i think it is good that you are talking about it.

Jul 2, 2009, 8:21 AM
Yes, I agree with Kate. It does get better - although my experience with hormones is different, yet simmilar to yours. I will tell you that first month I was a total emotional wreck.

Hugs to you Cat!

Jul 2, 2009, 8:50 AM
On the bright side you once again exposed what cowards cops really are.:)

Jul 2, 2009, 9:13 AM
You might could see if there are any herbal remedies that can be used along side your current hormones regimen. Hormones are kind of like taking a daily cocktail and sometimes they need to be adjusted. So keep close contact with your doctor. I have heard of women using Black Cohosh, while having the change. So I guess it never hurts to ask. Just hang in there hun and remember you have lots of friends if you need to let go or blow off steam.

((((((Hugs))))) Cat, Hope it doesn't take long to get you feeling right as rain.

Jul 2, 2009, 12:59 PM
lol I just called him and detailed what all had transpried. After chuckling at me, he agreed that something wasnt right..especially the emotional part. Like I said, that's Not me. He's suggesting that they may not have been the correct doseage for me. (No shit, ya think???) lol
He suggested I dont take anymore, and not take them over the 4th of july weekend, just see how I feel. (Duh, if there are any Alligators in the Tumwater sewer system, They had a very emotional night last night..LOL)

Maybe its my feeble mind, but I fail to see how something that is suppose to help you can make you into a total disaster...
I mean..Ihad heard all of the horror stories of women going into menopause, and sometimes found it funny, but now I'm not laughin'. I didnt have any prob Before taking the hormoan meds, outside of some some but annoying things, and after taking the meds it just seems to have intensified Everything 10 fold.

Sigh..ah well. We'll see what next week brings but I'm damn sure not going to resume taking these blasted things.

Oh. One good thing. When I took out the trash this morning, the mean dog next door didnt even Move off that porch when he saw me..like he normally does...lol

Still worn out Cat:upside:

Jul 2, 2009, 4:59 PM
Ahhh thank god for this site....I just finished my first month of hormones and thought I was losing my mind. The doctor said I would experience a slight change in my emotions, little did I know I would turn into a sniveling, whiny, rollercoaster of a mess. I only have to take them the first 10 days of every month, by the time the side effects went away, it was time to start taking them again. I was at a party last weekend and my cousin had a three week old baby, everyone was giving me a hard time saying it should make me want one...I started bawling like a baby because I just had my third surgery to try and fix what's broken so I can have one...the surgery didn't work so I'm a bit touchy about it anyways, but jeez...it was so embarrassing to be in a room full of people and crying like that :( Hormones suck!!!!

Although I have experienced a HUGE increase in my sexual desire, hubbys loving every minute of that...anyone else had that happen?

Jul 2, 2009, 6:30 PM
Awww Hugs Shy. I totally understand what you are going through. Last week, before taking the dreaded Hormone pills from hell, the libido was in over drive, (after not being present for almost a year) and I was proddy enough to want to jump the UPS dude, and the gorgeous lady sun bathing across the street on her balcony nude wasnt helping my situation any, either. lol.
I hope the hormones you are taking begins to help you soon, Sweetie. ;)

Jul 2, 2009, 10:02 PM
Dogs love to jump on cats! They want to bite one so bad they can't stand it...then, when they finally build up the nerve to attack one, they usually wish they hadn't! I think that dog knows you ain't anyone to mess with, girl!