View Full Version : A little help

Mar 14, 2009, 7:51 PM
I'm trying to upload a picture but nothing happens for about 30 sec, then a message comes up saying time exceeded or something:confused:

Mar 14, 2009, 8:47 PM
Hi SW!

Yep, I had that happen to me as well - I found that MY problem was I was missing the info on how picky it is to upload pics - they can only be so many KB and can only be so many pixels wide and so many pixels long - It's listed on the photos page - I just missed it. I ultimately had to go into paint and shrink my photos until they were the right pixel size and under the max KB size. It was a royal pain in the caboose - but I finally got it. They also only take certain formats such as JPEG etc. I don't know if that's whats happening to you or not but thought it may help! Good Luck! LW

Mar 14, 2009, 10:27 PM
Lonewolf is qite right and Jpeg is likely the best format. You may want you ensure that your pics are not more than 600 pixels bty 450 pixels. To do this open your pic in a photo editor like photoshop and resize the image. save with a new file name so that the original will not be altered. Good luck

Mar 14, 2009, 10:32 PM
right, I had first tried that but I guess I didn't make 'em small enough. thanks:bigrin:

Mar 15, 2009, 1:03 PM
If you need to resize your pics, then Irfanview is pretty good for resizing and for formatting to (or from) a jpeg. It's a free download as shareware. We've been using it for years.