View Full Version : Valentines Day

Feb 12, 2009, 6:26 PM
So what all are you going to be doing for the Day of Love? Going to a party, having a nice romantic dinner with a lover or significent other? Giving/getting flowers, candy, other gifts, ect. Going for a walk on a beach, having a wonderfully good home cooked meal then snuggling on the couch to watch a good(or bad) movie that might lead to some fantastic love making later on?

Tell me, tell me..lol
Nosey Cat
:tongue::love::smirlove2:love87::love87::love1::ro tate::color::rainbow:

Feb 12, 2009, 6:35 PM
Unfortunately my special someone is out of state right now however I will be spending Valentines day with my grown children and grandson - so I am still surrounded by those I love. I think it's a great question Cat and I just want to take the opportunity to say to all the great Ladies and Gentleman that I've met on here that I send my love and best wishes for a great valentines day. As John Lennon said - "All ya need is love". :smirlove2 LW

Feb 12, 2009, 6:46 PM
I'm sleeping in, which for a mother of three bebe's, there is no greater gift someone could give out of love :tong:

Feb 12, 2009, 7:18 PM
I just hope each one of you has someone(s) to love, who will love you back.

I'm one of the lucky ones.

Feb 12, 2009, 8:23 PM
We're staying in...we never have liked trying to go out on that day....restaurants are just too crowded! We'll probably grill steaks...catch up after a week of being away from each other....then who knows....hehe....maybe we'll get naked and watch TV in bed!!! LOL!!!

Happy Valentine's Day to all!


Feb 12, 2009, 9:06 PM
Kate! You naughty lil thing you! lol Dont know what the ex BF has planned yet. Its great to have someone who loves you, even if you cant live together like we did..lol.
Loves and kisses and gropes to all of you that I know and care about!
Have fun Darlins!
Your silly Cat.

Feb 12, 2009, 9:45 PM
I personally think you all should come over to my house for the weekend and can all get drunk on Valentines Day beer and Valentines Day Smirnoff.:suave:

writes at night
Feb 12, 2009, 10:00 PM
I will be baby sitting so that others can have a romantic night out, as well as working and selling Girl Scout Cookies.

I admit that I am one of the lucky ones, where I am blessed with everyday is special. My "special someone" makes sure of that!!!

Feb 12, 2009, 10:16 PM
Let me think...........I want to be with my kayak friend but I guess I am too UPTOWN for him. Sorry love I was just being ME. I want to be the thought of another mans eye but he thinks of Taylor...so I am left alone. Mitchell wants to share the time with me but life gets in the way...so I guess as luck would have it I am left alone...alone with my friends from this site. WE ARE NEVER ALONE...for we share a common bond...friendship.


Feb 12, 2009, 11:17 PM
Let me think...........I want to be with my kayak friend but I guess I am too UPTOWN for him. Sorry love I was just being ME. I want to be the thought of another mans eye but he thinks of Taylor...so I am left alone. Mitchell wants to share the time with me but life gets in the way...so I guess as luck would have it I am left alone...alone with my friends from this site. WE ARE NEVER ALONE...for we share a common bond...friendship.


HUUUUGE HUGGGGGGG across the miles to you Belle! LW

Feb 13, 2009, 1:43 AM
I will be hoping that ''he who will be divorced,'' will go to his mother's house for the day.....it is 50 miles away........:bigrin: and let her make his day miserable.

I will probably go and buy some more clothes.......:bigrin:........or sleep:tongue:.......or cry:(

And I will hope that someone in a fr away land, will have received the card I made him (I make cards.....not assemble them...make them.....I get paid by one person for making them...just wish she'd tell a few people), and i hope that when he opens it.....he will throw it in the fire...as he did with my Christmas present!!! It's a lovely card! Teddies and roses...our pictures...on hearts.....and then in the middle......a gaggle of the sad females he chats to in the sex room on Paltalk......including the 62 year old who strips.

Well....it made me feel better...making it and sending it......don't care if I get damned!!!!!

Oh, I nearly forgot....I shall also buy myself a large box of chocolates!!!!

Feb 13, 2009, 2:03 AM
Well... For my babydoll, my sweetheart, my love of my life, I am getting her diamond earrings, a diamond necklace, and a diamond ring... :love:

And for my wife, a $10.00 gift-card from Wal-mart... :tong::tong:

I am taking the kids and grandkids out to the movies and to lunch while she relaxes to some well deserved quiet time... :paw::paw:

Feb 13, 2009, 3:16 AM
I'm starting the day off with an 8am soccer game for my son. :eek::eek::eek:

I think we might do the romantic dinner Friday night, however, since grandma will be here to watch the kids....

But then, every day should be Valentine's Day, right?


Feb 13, 2009, 7:11 AM
So what all are you going to be doing for the Day of Love? Going to a party, having a nice romantic dinner with a lover or significant other? Giving/getting flowers, candy, other gifts, ect. Going for a walk on a beach, having a wonderfully good home cooked meal then snuggling on the couch to watch a good(or bad) movie that might lead to some fantastic love making later on?

Tell me, tell me..lol
Nosey Cat
:tongue::love::smirlove2:love87::love87::love1::ro tate::color::rainbow:

Sorry Cat, the only beach walkers around here at this time of year are ice fishermen.
But Valentine's Day is always a little special for us because we met each other on Valentine's Day '63. My love will sleep in and when she's ready we will go to the new high-end restaurant for brunch. We'll skip lunch and have a rib eye and lobster tail dinner done on the grill.
I'm sure there's time for an orgasm or two somewhere in there also.:tongue:;)

Feb 13, 2009, 11:09 PM
Happy Valentines Day M'loves!!!
Have a fantastic day!
Your Cat

Feb 14, 2009, 2:05 AM
Sometime on Valentine's Day my hubby and I are going to give each other erotic massages. You can read all about it at http://sexuality.org/erotmass.html.

Feb 14, 2009, 2:16 AM
OK....today was the 13th and a Friday........and I spent money!!!!!!!!!! Yep....I did the retail therapy thing....but heh...hold on.....I didn't come home with what I went out to buy......so I will have to go out again....tomorow....:bigrin:

Got to get the chocolates too....:bigrin::bigrin::bigrin:

Stuff the flowers...I don't like cut flowers....poor things...unless they are daffodils....So maybe i'll get some. People know not to send me flowers....though if given any...I graciously accept. I'm polite......My Mum taught me that..

What else.....Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Yessssssssssssssssssss..........I will have a hot chocolate topped with cream and chocolate flake.......and a large cream cake.......It really sucks......cos I can't put any weight back on......I just lose more.....eat cake...lose weight...:bigrin::):bigrin:

Now...let me think....do I really need any more clothes.....Yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!:bigrin:;):tong::):tongue::rolleyes::bigrin:

Feb 14, 2009, 1:51 PM
What else.....Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Yessssssssssssssssssss..........I will have a hot chocolate topped with cream and chocolate flake.......and a large cream cake.......It really sucks......cos I can't put any weight back on......I just lose more.....eat cake...lose weight...:bigrin::):bigrin:

God - I wish I had THAT problem!!!! LOL LW

Feb 14, 2009, 6:24 PM
God - I wish I had THAT problem!!!! LOL LW

He He He ....Evil grin....:bigrin::bigrin::bigrin:

Seriously.....I've lost a lot of weight...and seem to have changed my body's metabolism.........:)

Feb 14, 2009, 8:39 PM
Well, I woke up my sweetie this morning at 7:30 this morning and wished her a Happy Valen-Hearts Day - yesterday I sent her a special gift - but the rest of today I spent flying home from my last job in Kansas.
And now, just sitting here with nothing special happening.

I sincerely hope all of you have had a wonderful Valentines Day

Doggie :doggie:

Feb 14, 2009, 9:43 PM
Let me think...........I want to be with my kayak friend but I guess I am too UPTOWN for him. Sorry love I was just being ME. I want to be the thought of another mans eye but he thinks of Taylor...so I am left alone. Mitchell wants to share the time with me but life gets in the way...so I guess as luck would have it I am left alone...alone with my friends from this site. WE ARE NEVER ALONE...for we share a common bond...friendship.


Huh? What?

I was working, so I am as lost as a baby in a topless bar.
