View Full Version : A Holiday Message

Dec 7, 2008, 12:25 PM
First--I have not been chatting as much lately--that is just one of my cycles of trying to limit online time---lately--I have been on a bit of a reading jag---like reading something totally wonderful----REAL BOOKS--they are highly portable--don't require any energy to operate other than needing sufficient light to read them and the body processes that keep a person ticking--I guess they may not be the most green thing considering the process to print them--but oh well--nothing is perfect.

In the past few weeks I have read some non-fiction stuff--Barbara Ehrenreich's latest book, a David Baldacci thriller and now am about 2/3s of the way through a classic----Steinbeck's "The Grapes of Wrath."

I figured--consdidering the times--I would revisit a book that I had not read since high school literature class--and didn't read all that closely then!!

I have seen the movie maybe a half dozen times or so--but wanted to go back and read the book itself.

It is a great book--I need to go back and read some more of Steinbeck---he simply has an incredible way with the language--his ability to describe and set a scene and his way with the dialect of the characters of the story and time.

I would urge everyone to take some time to go do some reading--even if it takes you away from here!

I do want to say to everyone---we may be facing some rough economic times-it seems that there is hardly any country, socio-economic class (save the very uber wealthy--I doubt any of us classify in that category)---who are not feeling the pain or have the potential from feeling the pain of the soured economy.

Rough times do come every so often--but people do get through them---I hope and trust that each and everyone of us gets through it all with not too much disruption and such---

So--now matter what holiday traditions you follow at this time of the year--I hope they are happy holidays for you -that you spend time with family and friends--that you make new memories and that the coming new year will be a good one for you and yours.

Dec 7, 2008, 8:57 PM
Books - a much undervalued entity.

What is worrying is the intensity with which big names in the fields of learning are busy putting everything on-line. Not simply to aid availablity of works but it seems to replace books entirely.

Apparently it costs more to print, distribute, and store in libraries than it does to use electronics.

Run out of electriicty and a book can still be produced and stored and even used. One can flick through the pages and asses the size and readability. One can lay books side by side and do a visual scan. Books are tangible and referrable. Great minds may annotate and leave to posterity with standards, even as comic-books. They date stamp the thinking of their day - right or wrong. Simon Schama (historian) starts off his accounts by saying 'this is my account of history..'. Strife by John Galsworthy portrayed the struggle of the mniners against the pit bosses and framed the communities involved.

Compare that to looking at the the vomit coloured world through a toilet roll using a medium that can alter, vanish in a puff of smoke or be lost in the myriads of bits and bytes because some scallywag has not indexed properly or the net is over subscribed.

The digital environment as well as the book is good. The digital environment instead of the book is misguided.

"When a day you happen to know is Wednesday starts off by sounding like Sunday, then you know something is seriously wrong somewhere..." What a marvlous start to a story. What was relevant about the sound?

Dec 7, 2008, 9:52 PM
Shops close and churches open on Sunday. Meditative silence beckons a Sunday morning. If heard on Wednesday, then one can imagine pure terror. Indeed, something foul must exist.

Digital or Dead tree? I think both may exist together, amicably. No real opinion on preference. Can read it off a screen nearly the same as turning papyrus. Presently, the read gracing me seems Interesting Times by Terry Pratchett, next I will read Hogfather by the same author.

Also been tinkering with a few different story ideas. Yes, sadly I do write a bit at times. Currently nothing solid exists, merely the brain scripting up the stories.
"Forza and/or froda, tsk, decisions, decisions ..." :)

Happy holidays to everyone, also. May you and yours have the best blessings.

Dec 8, 2008, 5:27 AM
Me reads propa..papa books... snuggle down in a chair an lazily wander me way through sum fantasy or otha ova a few days... lay in bed readin bout Wilberforce an the abolition a slavery... huggle up 2 Kate on the couch an read bout John Rebus an Siobhan Clark trackin down a maker a lil coffins in me home town... sit on the bus readin bout the psychology a children.. nice musty paper books.. cosy warm an expensive... digi books on flashin screen?? No ta... am online enuff tyvm..need summat cosier an more meaninful sumtimes...

Dec 8, 2008, 8:25 AM
Such fiddle faddle goes on - BACK TO WORK!!!
Get back in your room you old geiser! Back I say!

Now that I have old Ebaniezer at bay, for now anyways,
I would like to wish each and everyone of you out there,
A Very Merry Christmas and the Happiest Holiday Season ever.

Dec 8, 2008, 10:27 AM
Such fiddle faddle goes on - BACK TO WORK!!!
Get back in your room you old geiser! Back I say!

Now that I have old Ebaniezer at bay, for now anyways,
I would like to wish each and everyone of you out there,
A Very Merry Christmas and the Happiest Holiday Season ever.
Who u callin a humbugga ya ole rumbugga??? Am am not a GEEZER..note the spellin Doggie an learn... an am certainly not ole!!!!! Cheeky sod.. an las but not least...Last period a day dun for me... off 'ome soon..:bigrin:

...an u ya ole fool..hav luffly crimbo an all..an wen New Year cums.. behave yasel... many kissies a the season.. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx..

Dec 8, 2008, 11:11 PM
Who u callin a humbugga ya ole rumbugga??? Am am not a GEEZER..note the spellin Doggie an learn... an am certainly not ole!!!!! Cheeky sod.. an las but not least...Last period a day dun for me... off 'ome soon..:bigrin:

...an u ya ole fool..hav luffly crimbo an all..an wen New Year cums.. behave yasel... many kissies a the season.. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx..

wadn't referin ta ya ya sweet tart ... hehe ... luffs ya ta pieces anywho

and tha xxxxxxxxxxxxx and peck on the cheek are comin yer way too luv.:bigrin:


Dec 9, 2008, 6:56 AM
wadn't referin ta ya ya sweet tart ... hehe ... luffs ya ta pieces anywho

and tha xxxxxxxxxxxxx and peck on the cheek are comin yer way too luv.:bigrin:


Awww Doggie... lil peck gratefully accepted an returned... luffs u an all..:tong:

...but ther no A an no I in Ebenezer eitha.. tee hee... :bigrin: kissie n huggle