View Full Version : Gott mit uns; The war against non-Christians is not over

Oct 28, 2008, 2:12 PM
Many of you have seen my posts regarding the demonstrated history of Christian violence against all that do not kowtow to the church.

I have stated that those days are over............I was wrong.

Please note that NOT ALL Christians are opposed to the rest of us, just the Dominion Christians (aka right-wing Christians)

When I was looking at the morning e-mails, I came to the realization that the war against those that do not want Christian rule is far from over.

It came to me as I was watching a video about the violation of the law by Christian organization that is behind Prop 8 in California.
Here's the video:

The religious nuts behind Prop 8, Amendment 2, anti-abortion rights, DOMA and other "faith based initiatives" are all still at war with the rest of us.
The war has become a cold war and the evidence of this is all around us.

Here's a history with more recent major events from the 19th and 20th centuries;

1. Opposition to Darwinian evolutionary theory, by the church, under the claim that "man did not descend from apes".

2. 1938: A small country in Europe began an aggressive military campaign against it's neighbors with the idea of world Domination. Many claimed that they were not a religious people, but then why did the buttons on their military uniforms say "Gott Mit Uns" (God is with us).

3. Opposition to Roe v Wade, which continues to this day.

4. Bombing abortion clinics assassination of abortion doctors, threats and harassment of abortion and womens' clinic personnel.

5. Creationism. The forced teaching of a Christian theology based, un-demonstrable and fatally flawed theory in schools, thus forcing a specific religious teaching in the public schools.

6. Intelligent Design. Creationism renamed. The idiots didn't even change the words, just the name; hoping that alone would fool people.

7. DOMA. The "Defense against marriage act" which is possibly the most misguided and constitutionally questionable law ever brought before the legislature. Even the courts see it as a rehashing of the "separate but equal" laws that were struck down in the 1960's.

8. Prop 8 and Amendment 2. Just like DOMA, but with ramifications that adversely affect other, unmarried couples as well as gay couples.

All of those things are supported, exclusively, by Dominion Christian organizations.

If they take hold and are allowed to become law or policy, then we may as well get ready for another civil war; but this one won't be over states rights.............it will be human civil rights against Dominion Christian control.

Prop 8 and Amendment 2 are just the latest wake-up call.

We have been complacent for too long and I fear that this battle must be won by us, lest we give control over to those that would remove our rights because we do not worship as "they" want us to.