View Full Version : To anybody who likes penis.

Apr 24, 2008, 8:35 PM
Is it true that bigger is better?
Or is there some people who perfer average or even small penises?
I also here it's not the size that matters but how you work it.
How true is that?

Apr 24, 2008, 8:48 PM
Nope nope nope. Bigger isnt necessarily better. If you are extremly oral like I am, average size is the best way to go for oral. Granted, a nice big thick cock is great for play once in a while, but most guys(you'll notice that I said Most, not All) who have big cocks simply dont know what to Do with them. They tend to think that just because its big that it'll do the job on That merit alone. Nuh uh. Some think just ramming it in does the trick. I'm here to say it Doesnt! lol
Big is fun once in a while, but not on a regualr basis. And if a man doesnt provide the whole package, then he's not going to pleasure a partner with his equipment. I much prefer a man who is nice and averaged sized so that I can take all (or almost all) of him into my mouth to give him the utmost pleasure possible. Not to mention that giving head excites me to no end! lol.
Just take my word for it Hon..you also dont want a cock so big that it causes pain, either. Unless thats what a person is In to.
Just my humble 2 cents worth
Cat. ^..^

Apr 24, 2008, 9:02 PM
Hey...wait a minuet...I get to answer this too :)

Average to super-size me please...and if you don't know how to use it that's OK...cuz I do:bigrin:


Apr 24, 2008, 9:13 PM
Average is best! :D

Too big, they assume all they have to do is show up and you'll cum.

Too small ,you may not even even feel it enough for pleasure.

5"-8" with 6.5"-7.5" being optimal.


Apr 24, 2008, 9:36 PM
OK...gonna play Devil's Advocate here....and in many ways, I am sure I will irritate many with my response, but am I the only one who wonders why we are letting this 18 year old young man obsess over penis size instead of developing his personal sense of self and discovering more about the man he is going to be some day?

Nodahs, life is way too short to worry about such things at your age.... and believe me, no matter what information you may gain from this question, nothing will matter if you don't concentrate on yourself at this point in your life. Work on YOU right now and getting a good sense of self confidence....work on relationships with your peers. In the grand scheme of things, penis size is nothing to worry about if you have a healthy and adjusted sense of self!

I apologize for coming off as someone's mother, but hey....I am a mother LOL!...and I truly think he has much more to consider right now instead of whether or not he's gonna measure up in the genital department.

Simply my :2cents: and spoken with true love and concern...


shameless agitator
Apr 24, 2008, 9:45 PM
Good point Kate. There are much more important things to worry about in life. I'm still going to answer the question though :p From my perspective, you need to find a happy medium. Too small is just frustrating and too big hurts. The first guy I tried to bottom for was about 10" and thick. It just wasn't happening. What the ideal size would be, I just don't know as I'm pretty inexperienced in this regard. I just know that guy was too big for me & when I blew a guy who was only 3" it just didn't really feel like I was doing anything.

Apr 24, 2008, 9:59 PM
Hey...wait a minuet...I get to answer this too :)

Average to super-size me please...and if you don't know how to use it that's OK...cuz I do:bigrin:


....and I know how to use it too!!!:bigrin:;)

Apr 24, 2008, 11:34 PM
Thanks TaylorMade! But to be honest I'm not really worried about my size. I was just curious about the answers I'll get back. I was just bored lol.

Apr 25, 2008, 12:10 AM


Apr 25, 2008, 6:50 AM
Big is good in porn, that's all I watch but in real life average is good, too long and it hits your cervix to wide and it's no go for anal.

Apr 25, 2008, 11:00 AM
No. bigger is not better. My man spouse is not large, but damn he knows how to work it.

the mage
Apr 25, 2008, 3:26 PM
There's always toys when you want variety...

Apr 26, 2008, 10:38 AM
Is it true that bigger is better?
Or is there some people who perfer average or even small penises?
I also here it's not the size that matters but how you work it.
How true is that?

i have learned from the female gender,my wife and the women before her. that bigger and the ability to use it put together is indeed better. unless they are doing oral sex then they seem to suddenly like the thin ones. :bigrin: :bigrin:

Apr 26, 2008, 10:50 AM
Yes. Large and thick but not too long please. But always expertly used.

Apr 26, 2008, 11:02 AM
to nodah; im sorry for writing such a negative reply. the they are write their is truly more to worry about, than your penis size. but most men at some point to worry about it. at least a little. and that is because most men feel they wont messure up. and they probably dont. that is why they make toys :bigrin:.

Apr 26, 2008, 11:28 AM
I guess that tree5555 can't post up a decent post---everything he writes gets deleted by "Drew" immediately----it must be some pretty bad stuff.

Apr 26, 2008, 12:29 PM
OK...gonna play Devil's Advocate here....and in many ways, I am sure I will irritate many with my response, but am I the only one who wonders why we are letting this 18 year old young man obsess over penis size instead of developing his personal sense of self and discovering more about the man he is going to be some day?

Nodahs, life is way too short to worry about such things at your age.... and believe me, no matter what information you may gain from this question, nothing will matter if you don't concentrate on yourself at this point in your life. Work on YOU right now and getting a good sense of self confidence....work on relationships with your peers. In the grand scheme of things, penis size is nothing to worry about if you have a healthy and adjusted sense of self!

I apologize for coming off as someone's mother, but hey....I am a mother LOL!...and I truly think he has much more to consider right now instead of whether or not he's gonna measure up in the genital department.

Simply my :2cents: and spoken with true love and concern...


Good God Woman, can you please try to be a little less purrfect so that the rest of us don't feel so intimidated by your greatness? LOL!

We are lucky to have you "mothering" all of us here and I request that you do not stifle the urge to do so. Personally, I think that one of the biggest problems in the world in general right now is that because of the focus of several generations of women right now, that an unfortunate side effect has been several generations of people who have grown up WITHOUT the nurturing assistance of todays modern career-minded woman.

Having said that, I agree with your statement. (with an eye to the possibility that this man wasn't asking this question to bolster his ego but possibly to attempt to understand why if he likes to be bent over, why he enjoys larger tools) I'm not saying this is why he posed the question in the first place, but we must always consider that people can be shy and ask for information in such a way as to disguise their true inquiry.

I have heard a funny saying about men and size in my past. It goes kinda like this: "it isn't the size of the tool that matters, it's the 200lbs of THRUST BEHIND it, that does".

That's a fun, if possibly slightly exaggerated idea of pointing out that for most, the experience of being loved on by a male doesn't begin and end with their penis. I would imagine Strong arms around you creating a sense of security and being the focus of his desire would actually fire as many neurons in your pleasure center as his having a big tool.

But you are right on target Kate, in that my research indicates that the most common aspect of male growth (emotional) often takes the path of penis obsession because the male themselves in their heart of hearts doesn't feel "worthy". They don't see themselves as a desirable sexual creature, and so therefore localize all the "mojo" of their sexuality in their tool. The biggest lesson of course (that most women already know because their pathway to such sexual self esteem is much more indivisible from their sex parts) is that it isn't the tool that makes us sexually desirable. It is the PACKAGE. The WHOLE thing. The way we present ourselves, the way we respect ourselves and our lovers, that makes us attractive AS a lover. So it is usually a question of self esteem, self worth, self awareness and a desire to acknowledge self as an included member of competence which drives the obsession over penis size.

For those who suffer from this condition, I would suggest that you learn from women. Try to think of your entire BODY as the sexual object, and not just your penis. When you begin to realize this, then you will also realize that your body is really only HALF of the equation. It is your personality, the WAY you demonstrate your sexuality to another which ultimately will ring their bell.

I hope this helps,



Apr 26, 2008, 12:35 PM
Willie is a sexual object huh FF..wow.. not very attractive 1 tho is it babes?? tee hee.:tong:

Apr 26, 2008, 3:28 PM
I couldn't agree more with csrakate. Just enjoy what you got, or get. Naturally we all have preferences and I'm very oral so small to average is what works for me.

Apr 26, 2008, 3:44 PM
Willie is a sexual object huh FF..wow.. not very attractive 1 tho is it babes?? tee hee.:tong:

Oh I think so Fran, I'm beautiful, all of me, as are you.


Apr 26, 2008, 4:54 PM
The best ive ever had was actually an average size maybe even smaller than average.e dated for awhile and the sex was great ,he really did put to good use.Me being a bottom i really enjoyed it.Too bad he had to relocate about 2000 miles away.the very best ive ever had!!!

Apr 26, 2008, 5:23 PM
I also feel that it doesn't matter the size.....
If the person your with knows how to use it and your both very excited to be together...it will feel great! :2cents::bigrin:

Apr 26, 2008, 6:55 PM
I really enjoy good deep anal sex, for me average size works best. A good 6 or 7 inches being stuffed deep up inside really gets me off. If it's too big and hurts it's a complete turn off. Huge 14" cocks are only good for the movies.

Lisa (va)
Apr 26, 2008, 8:03 PM

Always seem like men are so much more concerned with the size of their genitals. If you have someone that loves you they will be more than happy with what you got and learn to work with it.


hugs n kisses

Apr 26, 2008, 11:17 PM

Always seem like men are so much more concerned with the size of their genitals. If you have someone that loves you they will be more than happy with what you got and learn to work with it.


hugs n kisses

code for i love you and ill work with what you got. and after you go to work ill invite my boyfreind over, then ill be more than happy.

Apr 27, 2008, 10:41 AM
nodahs-Do you have a small penis or something?

Also WTF is up with women writing about men's penises? It's not like we have one and it would be like a man writing about a pussy or a clit.

Anybody isn't a word that you come across often, is it?


Apr 27, 2008, 11:16 AM
We both prefer average size for sucking. She prefers average for fucking while he enjoys long and thin as it seems to slide in him a bit easier than larger ones.:bipride:

Apr 27, 2008, 12:19 PM
As a bi man who loves getting fucked in the ass... bigger is definitely better than smaller. I won't even offer my ass to anyone under 4 inches, and 5 is dicey... depends on how thick it is. A dick can be too thick though... and I am not talking about its owner. Its all about the feeling... I want to know someone is in me, not just knocking at the gate. A general rule for me anyway is that 6 to 8 inches is nice... anything over 8 can get painful. More than anything though its the motion... if a guy is too rough it doesn't matter the size.

Apr 27, 2008, 9:07 PM
Personal preferance. some like it rough some like em small and some like em big. Some want sensual pleasure.

Just a matter of what u like.


Apr 28, 2008, 9:31 AM
Is it true that bigger is better?
Or is there some people who perfer average or even small penises?
I also here it's not the size that matters but how you work it.
How true is that?

I think bigger is better.I love those long 9in or more dicks and it has to have girth.Or other wise i wont be pleased.:)

Apr 28, 2008, 7:28 PM
They sell sex toys in all different sizes, shapes and styles...there must be a market for all those choices. If I'm performing oral I prefer average at best, much easier to work with. Who wants to feel intimidated by a cock?? LOL. I also think it's like anything else, you gotta look at the whole package (no pun intended). A nice cock on a body that I'm not into isn't gonna do anything for me. Tits are the same way, all different sizes and shapes to enjoy.

Apr 29, 2008, 3:22 AM
Really there is such a thing as too much of a good thing. I have experience with both ends of the scale and I have to say that the guy with the porn star penis was by FAR THE worst sex I've ever had. He couldn't get in very far and his technique was similar to a male dog's.

I prefer my men average.

Apr 29, 2008, 4:36 AM
A responsive penis is a good penis! :bigrin:

Apr 29, 2008, 9:28 AM
OK...gonna play Devil's Advocate here....and in many ways, I am sure I will irritate many with my response, but am I the only one who wonders why we are letting this 18 year old young man obsess over penis size instead of developing his personal sense of self and discovering more about the man he is going to be some day?

Nodahs, life is way too short to worry about such things at your age.... and believe me, no matter what information you may gain from this question, nothing will matter if you don't concentrate on yourself at this point in your life. Work on YOU right now and getting a good sense of self confidence....work on relationships with your peers. In the grand scheme of things, penis size is nothing to worry about if you have a healthy and adjusted sense of self!

I apologize for coming off as someone's mother, but hey....I am a mother LOL!...and I truly think he has much more to consider right now instead of whether or not he's gonna measure up in the genital department.

Simply my :2cents: and spoken with true love and concern...


See i think that this is the time to think that because when you get older you are with your loved one. At this age i feel that if i do nething wth a girl she will go and tell her friends and then i will be humiliated. I've hung out with girls i like and they do go around telling about other guys problems. I feel that once this is leeked out to my peers i will be embarressed and humiliated. This will lower my self esteem even lower than it is.


Apr 29, 2008, 8:58 PM
Average is best! :D

Too big, they assume all they have to do is show up and you'll cum.

Too small ,you may not even even feel it enough for pleasure.

5"-8" with 6.5"-7.5" being optimal.


thats me but I'm thicker than avg .

pulling out dick in front of people and they look you have what it takes... and way you work you dick it is better

Adrian Vertinelli
Apr 29, 2008, 9:04 PM
Ummm, does it matter? Doesn't the feeling of love add an intensity to sex that makes it better then any other sex you had before? I mean, I perfer small to average, and yeah thickness it the major factor for me. but If the guy was non exsitant and I loved him I'd still work through cuz of said love.. Have a good day all. ^-^ PLL

Apr 29, 2008, 9:08 PM
Is it true that bigger is better?
Or is there some people who perfer average or even small penises?
I also here it's not the size that matters but how you work it.
How true is that?

Size does not matter at all. And if one is to judge, that is shallow!! My man is perfection, and even at his size, a good 6", I can't take it!!!!

the sacred night
Apr 29, 2008, 9:47 PM
One that's too big and I just look at it thinking... oww...

Apr 30, 2008, 5:20 PM
from a guy. average size to a little smaller is good for anal. For oral i can go a bit bigger but 7.5 to 8" the most. Once gave head to a guy who was over 9 and very thick (could barely get my hand around it). Didnt like when he tried to shove it deep in my mouth. I gagged and almost puked. :( and there was no way i was trying anal with that monster

Apr 30, 2008, 5:30 PM
For me I prefer long and thick when I'm performing oral, I deep throat very well...for my ass I like them long and slim.

May 2, 2008, 2:11 AM
too big not good. ouch. 5-8 for me. too much width can take the fun out of it. i am sure male and female agree.

May 2, 2008, 11:31 AM
Size in never the most important factor, by far. having said that, I am confident the average woman prefers a penis of 8" or more. The G spot isn't that far in, but there is another center (I think it's called the 5th cervical ganglia) which only the larger cock can stimulate. Being only 6" myself I've seen how much my wife enjoyed a well endowed friend a few years ago. She tried to protect me from any jealous feelings, but actually i wasn't jealous. Just happy to see her enjoying herself. Where guys are concerned, i know some guys really like a big cock. this is particularly true if they like receiving anal intercourse. Being strictly an oral person, i find any size can be very exciting, either giving or receiving.

May 2, 2008, 12:21 PM
nodahs-Do you have a small penis or something?

Also WTF is up with women writing about men's penises? It's not like we have one and it would be like a man writing about a pussy or a clit.

There is something vaguely familiar in the content, tone, nature and such of the posts of Flexi to those of someone else who had made a number of postings in recent months (also from the Golden State interestingly enough), but sorta faded away recently--anyone have any guesses as to whom I might be referring??

May 2, 2008, 1:54 PM
There is something vaguely familiar in the content, tone, nature and such of the posts of Flexi to those of someone else who had made a number of postings in recent months (also from the Golden State interestingly enough), but sorta faded away recently--anyone have any guesses as to whom I might be referring??

I know of whom you are referring, volty, but I don't think so. I believe this person could be one of several that come to mind. I think know who this is, there has been a slight altering of the name, a female from our past who is obviously so full of self hatred that she has allowed it to evolve into disdain for others, particularly the male of the species. A shame, really...because at one time I really liked her! But as things go, she eventually found great joy in starting controversy on the forum until she finally gave up and moved on....so we thought....

It's really very sad to me and I guess we should feel a sense of pity for this person. It just shows how far we can fall when we allow hatred for ourselves to skew our view of the world and how low we can sink when the only outlet we have is to make posts full of vitriol and hatred.

I can't say this as factual...I have no proof....I hope I'm wrong! There are better ways to work through issues and I hope that one day this person can get the help they need.

Just my :2cents:


May 2, 2008, 2:59 PM
LOL so you're a size queen with a small dick eh? You're the one that said it and put pics of your small cock in your profile.

:offtopic: smarmy git! :banghead: what is up with these people with such low self esteem that they have to try to flamebait with childish garbage?

:disgust:stop acting like the appendage in the title and just go away since you have such a disdain of the people here, o holier than thou that you are! :disgust:

May 2, 2008, 3:08 PM
And to keep with the topic of this thread...

I personally prefer 7-8 inches. That's average to me, not small, but 'just right' ( in a Goldilocks voice) :)

May 2, 2008, 6:11 PM
LOL so you're a size queen with a small dick eh? You're the one that said it and put pics of your small cock in your profile.

First off you dont even know me to talk to me like that.Second i do not have any dick pics in my profile.This is what i prefer bigger.If you dont like these posts dont read them.

May 2, 2008, 6:36 PM
LMAO you really think that 7-8 is 'average'? Do you only watch porn or something? :tong:

Average is really 4.5-5.5"

LOL!!! I've never met anyone on that definition of "average":tong: Too funny!

No, seriously, I havent.. bf is 7 1/2, and my ex husband was 7 1/4... Besides, I always thought porn dOOds used those extend-a-dick machines before they go on cam (ROFLMAO)...I always thought 4-5" was reserved for burly bears and midgets :)

My bad! (or is it "My bag"? vernacular confuses me!)

May 2, 2008, 6:38 PM
What "small cock" pics are you referring to? I didnt see any...

First off you dont even know me to talk to me like that.Second i do not have any dick pics in my profile.This is what i prefer bigger.If you dont like these posts dont read them.

WoW! Flex must really be reachin for hate if he/she/it is conjuring up pics and profiles to bash! Can anyone say hallucinogens?

May 2, 2008, 7:28 PM
There is something vaguely familiar in the content, tone, nature and such of the posts of Flexi to those of someone else who had made a number of postings in recent months (also from the Golden State interestingly enough), but sorta faded away recently--anyone have any guesses as to whom I might be referring??

LOL you noticed that too….I think your perceptions are pretty accurate. I kind of came to the same conclusion a while back myself and figured if anyone would recognized the similarities it would be you……..and now a third persona has emerged…….and again from the same the general location….to borrow a line from “Gladiator”

"Are you not entertained"?


May 2, 2008, 9:30 PM
You and your boyfriend are both liars and size queens.

He says he's 7" you say he's 7.5". :rolleyes:

He's really neither 7.0 inches or 7.5 inches.

I remember seeing both his small cock and your face pics when me and Sol posted here and you both had them up.

How you both find other people to have sex with you in your open relationship is beyond me because you're sending up big red flags here to strangers on the internet.

There you also go yet AGAIN with your hatred and bigotry for bi/gay bears, and bi/gay/lesbian butch men and women and how they make you feel uncomfortable and weird you out.

No I'm not hallucinating but you're the one that needs some Thorazine Vittoria! :tong:

The "nozzle" is banned, but lets clear a few things :rolleyes:

He never said his penis size, I did :) And I dont know if Flex has a crush on my bf or what, or even why she would be hallucinating about his belongings, but unlike her/him/it, WE are honest... :rolleyes:

Yeah I have a face pic. Woo flippin hoo. Still doesnt prove I'm anything other than who I am :)

And I DONT have hatred for anyone. :) Just dummies :) So happy she's gone!

May 2, 2008, 9:39 PM
Since Flexi is banned-I wished that "her" trash would get thrown out!!-- (by that-I hope that "Drew" would delete "her" posts like he did for those of Tree5555.

May 29, 2008, 9:14 AM
See i think that this is the time to think that because when you get older you are with your loved one. At this age i feel that if i do nething wth a girl she will go and tell her friends and then i will be humiliated. I've hung out with girls i like and they do go around telling about other guys problems. I feel that once this is leeked out to my peers i will be embarressed and humiliated. This will lower my self esteem even lower than it is. Steve

Steve, you need new friends.


May 29, 2008, 10:02 AM
well ive heard different things from different people.alot seem to like bigger , some dont, it just depends how much you like your penis, i personaly just love penises,every thing about a man i just love. but their is such a thing as to big. so it is up to the person. me in the middle is fine alitttle small is fine a little big is fine.as long as i can put it in my mouth. and other places:three::three:

Jun 1, 2008, 1:39 PM
^for sake of thread, lets shallow me have a little free reign^

I tend to like long, but not too long, and slender. Thick ones I find tend to be veiny and fatty and I personally like my partners to be quite firm to hard.
Optimum length I'd say I'm happy with are fellow 7.5 inchers. Longer and there's just so much there it's too hard to work with as an owner of or partner to.
I find fellow 7.5", in the right position, fit just right inside me just snugly (oral or anal or hands). The rest there after is down to how each know how to use it. No good having the best equipment going if you don't know how to use it to it's best. Be like having a fantastic car and not knowing how to drive, it just end's up becoming window dressing.

As for too small, to be honest I do get attracted to the novelty of small ones (4" or less), they tend to make good for giving oral too, can often get Everything in, testicles and all, which often impresses the partner who's receiving. And although they are more comfortable in taking in anally, this is often only 'cos there's not enough there to have you feel all that much, you're kinda working harder to feel/find them. It can get a little one sided as they are having fun but all you end up feeling is them bumping against your backside.

As for average, I guess they do have a good overall of both good and bad of each extreme. They are often on the easier side to work with from the point of view of one giving oral/hand jobs/anal(bottom) to an average partner, but then they can sometimes leave you feeling wanton for that extra inch to fill that gap. Less likely to hurt, but may need to try that little bit harder to reach all the deepest spots sometimes.

I'd say size helps, but it's no good if you don't use it to the best of it's given abilities.

Jun 1, 2008, 10:12 PM
I always have a hard time believing women when they say size doesn't matter.

I'm definately an "online dater", because I hate going to bars, so online dating is just the easiest way to date (for me). A LOT of the ads out there from women say they want large dicked men. I'd say around 75% of the ads I come across ask this. So, to a lot of people it seems that dick size does matter.

As for me, I don't like thick dicks. I don't mind long, but it has to be not too thick. The most important thing to me though is the shape, big or small it has to look good. Between an ugly big dick and a small good looking one, I'll take the small one ;)

Jun 1, 2008, 11:18 PM
Its not the penis itself, its the person who owns the penis. Every man's penis is different, its like a fingerprint. I think as a rule that its not how much you've got, its how you use it. However, some people ARE size queens, others perefer smaller verison. Each person is unique.

Jun 2, 2008, 7:04 AM
Its not the penis itself, its the person who owns the penis. Every man's penis is different, its like a fingerprint. I think as a rule that its not how much you've got, its how you use it. However, some people ARE size queens, others perefer smaller verison. Each person is unique.

ROGER!!!! Who letya outa the drawer!!! Bak.. now..or me take ya battries away!!!!!:tong: Yas dus talk such cock!:bigrin:

Jun 2, 2008, 9:12 AM
Hi all: Depends on where it's going. If i'm gonna suck it, anything thats long enough to go into my throat is fine. I love it when I hear those magic words "I'm gonna cum" and I can feel his cockhead enter my throat as he shoots his load. The first time this happened I was sucking a 7-8" average girth cock when he said it. I just plunged my head down, his cock slipped in my throat and I could feel his cock pulse as he shot his load directly into my gullet and tummie. It was a grat new experience for both of us and I try it anytime I get a cock to suck. I have experimented with a plastic cock and find I can take 8"X 6". If it's going up my ass then the bigger the better, never had one too big in my butt. Love the full feeling and how great it feels stretching my colon as he pumps away and finally shoves it in as far it will go and we both enjoy the climax. Myself i'm about 51/2", didn't realize I was small even though my HS buddies that played were larger. I just thought a cock is a cock even tho I liked playing with the bigger ones. I've been to many many "Gay baths" and my wife and I used to go to Plato's West and now one ever pointed at my little cock and giggled. :-)

Jul 6, 2008, 2:35 PM
I enjoy ones of all sizes and lengths. Those that are 7 or less are easier to suck on and everone I know enjoys the sight of theirs disappearing in a mouth. Mine is about 6.5 and medium thick and my favorite one to play with was a nice dark one that was at least twice as thick as mine and maybe 8 in length. He really enjoyed being sucked on and I enjoy the feel and the load he had. I really enjoy the truely hard ones and ones that know how to shoot.

weird dream
Jul 7, 2008, 1:15 AM
to me, the size of the guy doesn;t matter - its the whole experience that counts. although if and when i do have anal, id like someone small.

I reallyfeel conscious of my penis - ive been told by women its so small - 3.5" - but i think i have klinefelter's - maybe....


Jul 7, 2008, 2:49 PM
Being a woman..I dont think that size matters for the most part. Sure I love a good stroking from a hard thick long and large penis (who doesnt_) ... but I also am married to a man who isnt very big and he does just fine. It all depends on what I want at the moment...

If I just want to hit it hard and say thanks...it should be a big hard one... If I want to take some time.. enjoying every stroke it really doesnt matter.

I also love anal. It doesnt seem to matter what size the guy is. My x was quite large and I took him... My current husband isnt...and he gets me off just as well thru anal as my x did. It depends on how they move... So Does it matter? Not really!

To me it depends on other things too...If the guy is large or small...if he doesnt get the engine running first...there is not reason to take the ride.

Just my opinion!

Jul 9, 2008, 2:28 PM
As a total cocksucker, I have to say a cock can be too big especially in length. Not that I would turn any firm cock away, but an average size cock is much more pleasurable in my mouth. I think an average size cock gets and stays hard faster and better, and I much prefer an average firm cock to a large floppy one. :bigrin:

Jul 9, 2008, 9:57 PM
I'm average 6.5 and I prefer average guys like me. The most would be 8 inches. The least 5.5.

Jul 10, 2008, 2:21 AM
I tend to like them thick but not necessarily too long.. about average length. that is just me though...

Jul 23, 2008, 1:26 PM
i don't think the bigger the better. i like the average guy, just like me.

Jul 23, 2008, 5:53 PM
"De gustibus non disputandem est." --- There is no arguing in matters of taste.

Jul 23, 2008, 6:31 PM
Well not to boast but mines 17.15!!! Yeah Buddy.

Oh rats, never mind, thats in centimeters I hit the wrong calculation tab.

Jul 24, 2008, 4:51 AM
I'm not going to lie size does matter some...average to large is what I perfer, unless we are going to do anal.....then I don't want someone to thick.

Jul 24, 2008, 5:20 AM



Jul 24, 2008, 1:15 PM
The few experiences I've had with a couple, the guy was unable to get it hard. That was very disappointing and the reason I'm still fascinated with having a bi experience. If his cock is big, that's ok, but rigid is the only thing that's going to fullfil my fantasy.


Jul 24, 2008, 11:19 PM
As a total cocksucker, I have to say a cock can be too big especially in length. Not that I would turn any firm cock away, but an average size cock is much more pleasurable in my mouth. I think an average size cock gets and stays hard faster and better, and I much prefer an average firm cock to a large floppy one. :bigrin:

How about a large firm one that stays large and firm for more than an hour until you decide to push him over the edge?
How about knowing what it takes to keep it hard and firm as well as big?
Have you ever done 69 with a very hard 9+ as well as big around with your nose buried in his balls and your tongue stroking his shaft? You feel every inch of it filling your body. You love every inch of it filling your body and your soul soars the heavens in bliss. You love the one your with. Your lover returns the favor with his tongue and lips.
Ecstasy for me!!

Jul 25, 2008, 10:12 PM
when it comes down to it, normal is better. fact is that we have NO clue what normal is? Go to a sex shop and all we see are molds of huge dinguses. Hard to measure yourself as normal alongside this measuring system, am I right? Ask any guy if seeing a sextoy of this type, whether for themselves or a lover, is not daunting and makes them feel inadequate...you'l see it really does affect our idea of self.

Best I can say is take each on in its turn and do not allow the weirdos of porn to sway you. It's not easy but it has to be done. After all, who would say that my 7 inch, 5.5 around is small? Me, usually..all because I see women buying those monster fudgepackers or the gigantic, dialating, .50 caliber schlongs in the toy shops. Despite what my head is told, my heart takes a shot in the arteries at that comparison.

Forgive us if we wish to be larger, folks...it's all because we want to measure up and be an ideal pleasure giver. :tongue:

Jul 26, 2008, 1:35 AM
My experience as a bi man is relatively new but I've had two in my ass and they were both fantastic on their own merits. One was "average" . . . 6" and not terribly thick, this was my first experience and very enjoyable. Most recently the guy I've been with is about 5", but VERY thick and I enjoyed it immensely too.

Myself I am about 7" but I wouldn't be considered "thick". I'm not a stumbler and know what I'm doing with it though and I've had no complaints from men or women. As far as I'm concerned I agree with everyone that says it's not what you have, it's what you know.

As for finding a personal sex toy for men, let me just put my vote in for the Fleshlight. DAMN that thing is awesome! One more purchase and I've got every sleeve they offer. lol

Jul 26, 2008, 4:08 PM
It's not the size but what they do with it. There are large men that have finesse and patience yet some that just pound ruthlessly. I happen to like all sizes. Personally, it's not the size but the person that makes it all the more fun!!!

Jul 27, 2008, 1:59 PM
Is it true that bigger is better?
Or is there some people who perfer average or even small penises?
I also here it's not the size that matters but how you work it.
How true is that?
Bigger is better for me analy.I like big thick cocks in my ass.It does not hurt me at all.I had a guy who was 14in.it was great:tongue:But i will say this when i am giving head 7in is good.I dont like those big ones in my mouth.We all know we can choke on those big ones if you know what i mean.I like girth:tongue:Thats all i have to say.

Jul 27, 2008, 9:28 PM
Bigger is better for me analy.I like big thick cocks in my ass.It does not hurt me at all.I had a guy who was 14in.it was great:tongue:But i will say this when i am giving head 7in is good.I dont like those big ones in my mouth.We all know we can choke on those big ones if you know what i mean.I like girth:tongue:Thats all i have to say.

That's no joke either...

this is a dOOd that takes those 12 inch double dongs ALL BY HIMSELF with about a half inch to spare!! Scared the crap out of me when I saw it for myself... he's got PORN STAR ASS!!!



Mar 22, 2009, 11:54 PM
I think thatsome people like bigger (like recipients who want to keep expanding themself or get off on a pseudomasochistic 'tight' sensation of being put beyond their will.

Others like small because they want something nonthreatening and easy to fondle I guess.

Mar 23, 2009, 6:32 AM
Worried about the size of yours?

As I've said here several times, it's not the size that matters to me but what they guy does with it. . . Unless it's REALLY big. Then we might have a problem.

tg Shannon
Mar 23, 2009, 8:41 AM
I'm all about size, I've never really had one shorter than 6 inches, however, if you cant deep throat (that would be me but wanting to learn) then a big cock is rough cause all guys want it all the way in, as far as sex, I like a big one but he also has to know how to use it, so its a combo of both really:male:

Mar 23, 2009, 10:47 AM
i dont know how to answer this i personally love to play with big dicks but thats just me

Mar 23, 2009, 5:37 PM
Stop worrying about the size of your penis and start working on the size of your imagination. The sexiest organ of any man is the one betwen his ears.

'Nuff siad.

Mar 23, 2009, 5:56 PM
Those people on this site that know me already know what Im gonna say...I like them BIG and THICK! I have been a size queen all my life,so size does matter to me,and I can handle it,while others can't. Anyway,sweetie don't focus on size,it takes all the fun out of it,be happy with what you have.:bibounce:

Mar 23, 2009, 10:33 PM
i like bigger but only if the man knows how to use it. smaller is okay but it doesnt do the job for me(medical condition). but when i choose a man i want to date it seems that many times i have not seen underneath thier pants and i tend to pick guys who are above average. but i have had men with average sized cocks who were very wonderful lovers. just not in the special area i need taken care of.

Mar 28, 2009, 9:23 AM
6.5 to 8" with a big mushroom head is my preference!

Mar 28, 2009, 11:31 AM
I don't care about size, I just like them uncut, so I can slide my tongue under the foreskin. :tong:

Mar 28, 2009, 6:54 PM
ok I agree that at your age do yourself a favor and do not worry about the size of you penis. Bigger is not better. From my experiance many men and or women will say bigger is better but trust me if it is to big the majority are gonna look at it and ask you what you want them to do with that. if the truth is to be told. I my self and not on the bigger size I do not believe. I have been told that at 8" that I am pretty big. But hey. The way I look at is if you are hung much bigger than my self I do not want it. I like to suck it and even once in a while get up me. But if I cant put it in my mouth I darn sure dont want it up there. :flag3::flag1::female::male:

Mar 28, 2009, 8:01 PM
I like the small to mid size. They seem to get much harder and they are so much ,ore fun to play with.

Mar 28, 2009, 10:13 PM
so, i like a big one, something to get a hold on. a two hander is great. jack it and suck it at the same time. nothing wrong with the little ones, i take them all. but still like the big ones.

Mar 29, 2009, 2:27 AM
While no cannon deluxe, I'm lucky to be fairly well endowed, so it could be easy and crass for me to judge those who seem to obsess over size. Yet as stated by others here, it is really more who you are and what you do with it that matters most.

Case in point:

Many years ago, I was participating in a forum at Tantra.com, and even in this environment where people are more tuned into the spiritual/inner dimensions of sex than getting all caught up on superficials, the same obsessive question came up--mainly from younger men as I could tell.

And older married couple there (hetero--though it doesn't matter for this story) shared something I never forgot: he was born with a penis that could grow to no more than 3 or so inches erect.

Talk about reason for insecurity. And YET...

--- Because these two people really loved and cherished each other, the invented ways to "work around" this to the point that they discovered things that others could never do. Really fun, sweet stuff.

I can't recall the details or positions. All I remember is the sense of joy that they creatively took a seeming deficiency and turned into an asset. Turning a lemon not just into lemonade, but into champaign.

Besides, as at least one person has stated in this thread, big can actually be painful for m4w or even bi/gay. As I said, I'm not huge, but I have had women tell me to not go too deep.

And you really don't need size to light up one of the women's bodies most erogenous places (clitoris), though it's not everything either.

As to my preference as a bi guy, I prefer sucking on smaller to medium. Never done anal so far, and there I know smaller is better -- at least for me.

But in either case, not into Howitzer cannons.

Mar 29, 2009, 3:23 AM
I digg the forum, thought I'd step up & share with with you'll.


Mar 29, 2009, 1:56 PM
Hey ShaDon,

you'll find that variety is indeed the spice of life. your a young cat and you'll eventually experience dicks of various size and shape, attached to people, hopefully, of varying builds and dispositions. sometimes a big one is fun, other times it doesn't really matter. when you connect body and soul with someone, size doesn't really matter...have fun, and play safe...J

Mar 29, 2009, 2:46 PM
This is an observation I have had for many years going back to high school--back when doing anything that was at all "gay like" was supposedly verboten lest just the fact you accept anything "gay" might make you suspect----for supposedly straight guys who weren't supposed to be looking at other guys' dicks when you took showers in gym class or in sports activities like track, football, wrestling or swimming---everyone sure as hell knew who had "the big ones" and those who were not so well endowed!!!!

Mar 30, 2009, 9:05 AM
Ya ok sorry I am not buying the size does not matter.Seems thats a line people will always tell someone who is not well endowed.This has been what I have seen and heard for so many years as a person who is about 5 1/2''.When ever I have chated with people and then the size of how are you hung it seems to be the deal killer when looking for play partner(s).

Mar 30, 2009, 9:36 AM
You will find that variety is indeed the spice of life. You may eventually experience many different sizes of penis, of various shapes, attached to people, hopefully, of varying builds and different dispositions. Sometimes a big cock is fun, other times it does not really matter. When you can connect body and soul with someone, size does not really matter, just the enjoyment and pleasures. I love the feeling of wrapping my warm moist lips around a smoothed, shaved cock. The feeling the smooth cock, grow harder as I suck it. I do hate to see any cum go to waste. Most of the time, I do like the taste, texture, and smell of cum. I enjoy swallowing, licking and maybe even snowballing at times. I especially like the taste of pre cum and enjoy tasting mine. At times, when I am chatting or playing online and I get hard, I can see my pre-cum oozing member, and I do not waste a drop, as I take my finger and transfer it into my mouth. When I am lucky enough to suck a cock it is just an incredible to feeling, after building so much passion, I do not want to stop until I can feel the cum as it pulsates and floods my mouth, so warm and so thick, as it is flowing over my teeth, spurt after spurt, filling my mouth, so swiftly until I can take that first swallow, gulping down a nice mouthful of cum and taking the cock a bit deeper as it pours, more into my mouth. Sometime I may want to try a facial, I understand that it is just incredible feeling listing to the moans as it pour his cum over my face, but then I would miss swallowing all that sweet cum. This is why I love sucking a smooth shaved cock, for me, it is the best feeling in the world. Unfortunately, it is socially unacceptable for men to do this, even though it's quite harmless, so tend I keep this to myself, but share the images and techniques with those who appreciate it.

Mar 30, 2009, 12:12 PM
Everyone has a preference in everything they choose so why not have a preference in the size of the penis?

I absolutely which my penis was thicker & straighter but this is the way I was born and there isn't anything I can do about it.

Sex is a significant part of a relationship so if she does not want to be with me due to my size then "dont let the door hit you in the arse".

There is nothing wrong with having a preference. I think most women lie when they say "size does not matter". Its like saying "its ok it happens to everyone....LOL".

Ive been told I am not tall enough. Should I say that person is shallow? No way and its no difference if she told me my penis wasn't big enough..

Like I said everyone has a preference whether its their partners penis size, body size, hair color, etc.... and thats just life. Deal with it!!!!

I know for a fact that every gf I have had sex with has had orgasms (not everytime but more then half) so I learned to be the best lover I can be with god gave me... & life goes on.....