View Full Version : The race to finish.

Dec 23, 2007, 12:42 PM
Hi everyone. I hate to post such a naive question, but keep in mind im still a bi virgin, and this is something I've been wondering about latley.

But when two men are together, isn't it difficult to keep it from being "over" too quickly?

I know how silly that must sound, but after having a conversation with some friends last night, we postulated that the presence of a woman in a heterosexual encouneter forces the man to "slow down" since (sometimes) it takes longer for a woman to finish than a man.

But what happens if it's two men? Especially if its a first time situation for both guys? Men are designed biologically to have orgasms at the drop of a hat. I mean, ive read some post here about some pretty exciting situations, and its hard for me to imagine being able to focus that much mentally during anything like that to keep from finishing early (perhaps that says something about me that I didnt intend. Oops! :tongue:

Just wondering if anyone out there has any thoughts or experience on this, as, like I said, I have no clue.

Dec 23, 2007, 2:47 PM
Just do it!
Sometimes everyone (me, you, everyone) puts way too much thought into something that will 'just happen'.
Stop worrying and just do it.
Best Wishes!

Dec 23, 2007, 2:54 PM
Men are designed biologically to have orgasms at the drop of a hat.

God me gus luff summa these posts...every 1 me can find anotha reason me gave men up!!! teee:tong::bigrin:

Dec 23, 2007, 3:12 PM
Learn how to control your ejaculation.

Also there are types of sex you can have with men where ejaculation and orgasm isn't the main goal.

Dec 23, 2007, 3:26 PM
In most of the male/male sexual interactions I've been in - yes, there's definitely been more of an idea of a guy finishing and/or getting me to that point, but it's also one of the reasons I typically prefer older men. They've had plenty of situations where they got their rocks off quick, so - they're often at a point now where they want to slow down and do more to take their time and savor the situation.

Of course, everyone is different and it depends entirely on the personalities of the people involved. But, I went through a small period where I didn't play with men because the only ones I came across were primarily focused on the 'Big O', either getting theirs or getting me to one of my own. On the plus side, occasionally it meant that getting off wasn't the end to the experience and we'd go for a second or perhaps even a third orgasm before being 'done'.

Dec 24, 2007, 4:13 AM
From my own experience its just practise. The more you "do it" the better you are at holding back for the right moment.

It's not always possible but I have found that me and my two bi mates are all pretty much "tuned in" to each other by now and can, with a certain amount of self control and by slowing things down a little, reach the point of no return, so to speak, pretty much all at the same time, which is, as you can imagine, a big thrill and, not to mention a wonderfully messy way to end a same sex session.
The best thing, I have discovered, about having fun with two other like minded pals is that if one reaches his orgasm first the other two are sure to follow him whilst they lick him clean (this happened to me last night)