View Full Version : How I Feel About My Hubby

Jun 13, 2007, 2:35 PM
I am a Disneyaholic. There are no support groups, telethons, or 12 step programs for my disease. The real issue is that I do not yet admit that I have a problem.

Actually, it is not my problem; it is my husbands. The man would like to visit other cities than Anaheim or Orlando during our annual family vacations. No such luck, I need my fix.

Oh, we have visited other theme parks with numerous flags or movie studio themes. They were fun, too. They just weren't Disney. The other guys just don't know how to transport me to a cartoon world in the morning and into outer space in the afternoon.

I am not the only person so afflicted. I know this because Disneyworld in Florida is the most visited vacation destination in the world. I know this because of the prices on Disney collectables on e-bay.

My spouse says he would be more interested in the Disney trips if they involved getting naughty with a princess. He has suggested several titles of possible Disney princess porno films. Get out of my Neverland.

He just doesn't understand. I need to believe in princesses, fairies, talking mice, wonderland, neverland and most of all Handsome Princes that make girls dreams come true. Although, come to think of it, I don't need to go to Disneyland to believe that one. I sleep next to my Handsome Prince every blessed night of my enchanted married life.

Jun 13, 2007, 4:58 PM
AWWWWWWWWWW That is so sweet Tinks! Maybe you need to dress up as a naughty princess and give him a treat while video taping it. ;)

I love Disneyland too, especially at the holidays, tho I hate the crowds. I can spend hours in Downtown Disney alone without ever making it into the park. Hope you have a great time on vacation!

Jun 13, 2007, 5:42 PM

the mage
Jun 13, 2007, 5:47 PM
Where'd I leave that can of whipped cream???...

Jun 13, 2007, 8:31 PM
Tinkslite, you are just like my wife, it's so adorable. You two would be great friends! Disney rules!


Jun 14, 2007, 5:45 AM
I have never been to Disneyland but would love to. When I was little my parents took me to Eurodisney in Paris and I will never forget just how magical it was for a little star struck girl. I was a little concerned however when Goofy's head came off.

The year before we visited Parc Asterix and I was hysterical and refused point plank to climb inside Obelix's bum on a carousel.

Jun 16, 2007, 10:53 PM
[object Object][object Object][object Object]Sammie,

I can't believe Goofy's head came off! How sad.
The last time I was at Disneyland (in Cali) it was with my son. We stayed at the Disneyland hotel and while I was checking in my son went to watch disney cartoons on a tv in the lobby. When I turned around to check on him he was seated next to his new best buddy, GOOFY! They had their arms around each others shoulders, facing the tv and totally engrossed in the cartoons. I hated to tear him away. When I tried to, Goofy protested with "no we're watching 1 more" gestures.
I hope you have a chance to go sometime. It is truly magical. imho.
Tinks ;)