View Full Version : Getting Gayer?

Feb 27, 2007, 12:46 PM
lately I have felt like I am starting to slide more to the gay side. When i first accepted I was Bi, I thought I was a little more straight than I was gay. That changed a little bit and I realised I was about equally gay and straight. Now, however, I think I am sliding even further towards men.

Maybe it is because I am really attracted to this guy both physically and emotionally, which is my first real *crush* on a guy since I accepted my BIness, and came out. But I think it could be more than that. Sexually, I have always been attracted to both genders about the same, but now women seem to interest me less and less. I look at women guys call hot or sexy, and they just all look the same to me. Emotionally, I have tended to be more attracted to women in the past (mostly before I came out), but now women are turning me off emotionally as well. I dont mean to seem sexist or anything, but right now I just cant bring myself to deal with some of the ways most girls think and act.

And at the same time, I feel like I am acting more and more feminine each day (although it could just be a perception thing).

I wonder if this could be a natural transition for me? Maybe being Bi was/is just a emotional/sexual/psychological stepping stone to being gay? Or on the other hand, maybe its just my sexuality being fluid.

I guess there wont me many of you who have gone through this transition and turned out remaining gay at the end of it, and Im sure there are many here who have gone through this and swung back to bi, so I am prolly going to get a more 1 sided view here, but thats ok, everything helps. What your take on this situation?

Feb 27, 2007, 2:22 PM
That's normal, lots of guys including myself are this way.

When I was younger I was more into women but now I am a lot more into men to the point where I'm either equally attracted to men and women or I'll get so into men that I have absolutely zero desire for a woman and I wonder if I'm homosexual but then I'll go back to being equal.

Feb 27, 2007, 5:06 PM
I have not typically believed in the possibility of someone becoming more gay, more bi, more straight. As far as i know, you are what you are and anything that is perceived to change is but a realization. I do believe in fluid sexuality and psychology having much to do with how you feel.

Feb 27, 2007, 5:13 PM
I feel a bit that way too atm. I have only recently opened myself up to my real sexuality and it seems as if Im really curious. I have never been with a guy before, and all those new feelings I kept pushing aside.. well Im kinda forcing them out now.

My guess is I will find some kind of stable situation eventually where I feel confortable. But for now, Im not thinking at all about girls. You might be feeling something similar, imo, just let go on for now and dont worry much about it. I feel as if you might be afraid of losing your straight side a bit too much. I dont have much experience, so I dont want to wrtie anything stupid.

I usually just follow what my heart tells me and w/e happens happens =)

Whatever works for you is probably whats good for you.

Feb 27, 2007, 9:34 PM
I know how you feel. Ever since I started my relationship with this guy that i'm totally into, I've always still wanted to be with women. But now i'm happier than i've ever been and I don't think about women or even want to be with one right now. If we decide to take our relationship to the deepest level, I know I would never go back to women again. If this means i'm getting gayer, then label me gay. Just be happy with whoever your with and don't worry about being labeled or being more gay. Enjoy your life and your love.

Feb 27, 2007, 10:16 PM
Sexuality is fluid hon. Who knows? Maybe next week you won't want anything to do with men.

Whatever happens, just remember that you're loved and accepted by your family here.

Feb 27, 2007, 11:31 PM
It would be a whole lot easier for me to get to know myself if I would just HOLD STILL long enough to get a good look! :tong:

Nobody is the same person from birth to death, or even from one day to next. Your sexuality may be part of who you are, but so is your job, your hair color, your favorite food, your pastimes, and what style clothes you wear. Just because pizza is your favorite dinner doesn't mean you eat it every day. If you feel more gay today than you did yesterday, *shrug* okay.

Every aspect of strength, weakness, style and preference combines to make a unique, wonderful package called YOU. To me, that's the ultimate "American Dream"...Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Youness.


Feb 28, 2007, 12:06 AM

I can totally relate to what you are saying right now. I figure this is a male cycle (ie I am feeling more male attraction) and I will sit back and enjoy the ride;)

I am fascinated at my desire to cross dress though, this is a new development that needs more investigation. Is this limited to crossdressing, or am I really gender queer? I guess if I am really a girl inside, I may actually be more straight than I thought...interesting paradox!

If I were you though I wouldn't worry about being too gay, as long as your happy what's the problem?


Feb 28, 2007, 12:37 AM
i think having a crush on someone can play a little trick on your mind.. my my "Crush of the week" is a guy, then i will likely tend to feel more gay that week.. likewise, if i am crushing on a woman, then i teld to feel more straight.. but i don't see any strong paradigm shift overall, i tend to flip flop all the time.. guess i am a true bisexual with a 4 kinsey rating..

Feb 28, 2007, 8:28 PM
Thanks for all your kind and insightful words :)

Im certainly not unhappy with my situation and not really afraid of losing my straight side, just maybe a little nervous of going through more change. But hey, I guess thats life.

I like to talk about these kinds of things. I think it is important to explore and discuss matters about yourself to help better understand yourself. The more exploration both physical and psychological and the more discussing and different views you can take on something, the better you can truly understand how something is.

Just one more question... If I end up fully gay, can I still post on this site??? :bigrin: