View Full Version : Fakes on the site!!!

Feb 10, 2007, 12:43 PM
I had an enteresting conversation with a member last night that started my thinking process. I just have to say this, just to get it off of my chest. Many of you who have entered the chat room and gotten to know me, I have my catty moments, this is one. I am so sick, let me say that again, I am so sick of fakes on the site. I came to this site to come out in my own way and be comfortable around friends. Which thus far I have made some true blue friends that I adore. As a good friend said last night....If you are going to put fake pics on the site, take the website you stole them from off of the pic itself. Yes you know who you are, well so do we!!! Don't make us call you out in public, that would hurt. I think for many of us who are here to make friends and to be burned by a fake...that can really piss a person off. Take a moment and think about what you are doing. Be an adult and quit playing kid games.

Thanks to all of you for letting me voice my OPINION!!! (notice, I point out that it is of my opinion that I make this thread)

Feb 10, 2007, 1:46 PM
:: claps :: for real! obveously they either are too insecure about what they truly look like, or they just don't have a pic and decide to be fakes. either way its retarded.

Feb 10, 2007, 1:59 PM
Hey Sweet,Well said and you make a terrific point. People shouldnt put pics up that are not them. At least if you want people to see what you loook like,hell make it a photo of you not someone else,lol.... Just my :2cents: ...

Feb 10, 2007, 2:10 PM
Fake!? Who you callin a fake? You mean there are people on this site that are pretending to be something they're not? Well I'm just shocked. :eek:

I personally feel sorry for people who haven't figured out how to be comfortable with who they are. I've been burned more than once in my real life by someone who was living their life under false pretenses. It hurts and it leaves scars. It makes my genuine friends that much more valuable. So I'm with ya sweetness.

Feb 10, 2007, 2:38 PM
Very good point Sweet!!!

This site is supposed to be a safe place for people to gather and to explore..to learn and to share. Fakes on the site take away from that sense of community...they exploit the vulnerability of those who know no better. To each his own jollies, but if you get your jollies by pretending to be someone you are not, for goodness sakes do it somewhere else! Buyer beware...if it looks too good to be true, chances are it's a fake! Or as I prefer to see it, for every drop dead gorgeous woman you think you are cybering with, imagine a 300 pound male gorilla on the other end of that conversation. Probably more like the truth! And to all the gorillas out there, shame on you for leading the poor suckers on!!!

And before anyone thinks I am being insensitive to people of size or insensitive to gorillas, please..that is not what I mean. Nor am I saying that we don't have beautiful people on this site. But please...some of the pics that are posted are obviously professional pics, taken with professional models, models that ARE NOT the people who are chatting here! There are those that claim to be female but they are not...they may present themselves as male, but they are not and very often it is pretty damn easy to figure out who is real and who isn't real by looking at the "picture perfect" images they choose to post as their own!

And BTW, while we're on the subject of obvious fakes and as we also discussed in chat, the use of certain phrases used to describe yourself in your profile, phrases such as: "full pouty lips with a body like a perky cheerleader and the ability to suck chrome off of a tail pipe" screams fake!!! Of course I am exaggerating a bit, but those of you who do it know what I am talking about!

Just my :2cents:

Feb 10, 2007, 4:09 PM
But wait! I'm not a fake! I really have as much facial hair as my pic shows in my profile! And my tail really is that long and hairy, too.... Well, okay, I likely do smell better than the critter who poses as me in my profile. But he howls a hell of a lot better than I ever will.

Seriously, there's a certain feeling of safety in anonymity. (Okay, maybe it's just an illusion - but let me continue to live in denial, please!) I myself have no intention of posting an actual pic of myself - face, penis, or other body part - in the foreseeable future. However, I'm also not going to go out to some porno site and find some strapping dude to pose in my place, either. There's just no need for that crap.

If people want to post a pic but aren't comfortable with posting themselves, then at least post something fun - or something that you feel represents who you are. That's exactly why I went digging through coyote photos.

Just my :2cents: ....


Feb 10, 2007, 4:39 PM
I had an enteresting conversation with a member last night that started my thinking process. I just have to say this, just to get it off of my chest. Many of you who have entered the chat room and gotten to know me, I have my catty moments, this is one. I am so sick, let me say that again, I am so sick of fakes on the site. I came to this site to come out in my own way and be comfortable around friends. Which thus far I have made some true blue friends that I adore. As a good friend said last night....If you are going to put fake pics on the site, take the website you stole them from off of the pic itself. Yes you know who you are, well so do we!!! Don't make us call you out in public, that would hurt. I think for many of us who are here to make friends and to be burned by a fake...that can really piss a person off. Take a moment and think about what you are doing. Be an adult and quit playing kid games.

Thanks to all of you for letting me voice my OPINION!!! (notice, I point out that it is of my opinion that I make this thread)


THANK YOU! I was tempted a time or two in the past to say something along these lines but for various (and sometimes timid) reasons I refrained.

I was approached a while back by a person who claimed he was interested in the type of friendship I describe on my profile. One of the things he mentioned was my requiring honesty from the other guy. Another thing was that a genuine friendship would have to develop on it's own and if and when that occurred, we would then see how we felt about allowing something sexual to develop. He went on to say he felt the same way and that it was "refreshing" to encounter another guy who had the same point of view.

When I checked his profile, there were a couple of photos of an average looking guy (his face was cropped out of the images) who seemed to be in his mid 30's, and was in good shape. The guy in question sent me a photo of himself on his motorcycle and I was stunned - it was definitely not the same guy that was in the photos on his profile. He wasn't even the same race!

I'm not too hung up on race, etc. However, it smacks of dishonesty to post photos implying they are of yourself when in fact they are harvested off the web somewhere.

Don't be too quick however to judge whether a photo is "genuine" based on the quality or presence of a web address. I am a photographer and have taken photos for people to use online, including nudes. Some folks will upload an image to one site and then link to it or use it to upload to another site for various reasons. My own photos "bare" my copyright as part of the image :D

All in all - honesty is key! I came here to "come out" too. I'm tired of lying and pretending to be something I am not. I do not need to be hassled by those who still can not live up to what they really are; be it married, overweight, etc. Honesty is what wins the day. Deceiving the people you wish to befriend will come back and kick you in the butt.

Perhaps a refinement to the photo policy where a person can "certify" that it is indeed themselves in the photo? I've seen this on other sites, but I understand it is somewhat labor intensive for the administrators.

Any ideas?

Feb 10, 2007, 8:39 PM
thankfully the only pics i put up were ones i really wanted to share with others, even if they came from another site.. honestly, i've run into this problem too, and usually just stop talking to these people...

now, if i can figure out how to reduce the sizes of several of the ones i have to the safe dimensions that the site requires, [ i'm talking pixels here, nothing else] i'll willingly put up some originals of me and other subjects..

but, sweet, i agree with you and everone else.. honesty is better here

Feb 10, 2007, 9:06 PM
If I can make an assumption here----I am sure the fake pictures mentioned are those some have of scenes that are obviously from porno sites with models.

I have had an unusal thing happen--it was the same person both times using different handles--this person PMed me and we started chatting.

He said he is some kind of businessman and both times said he was over in Europe and then sent me pics of himself--those pics--there was no doubt were from some site because the person in them was model perfect and they were posed pictures, not just pictures of someone going about doing his work and some pics were just snapped.

He also said he would send me a check from where he was and if I cashed it I could keep a sizeable amount--which that sent up red flags immediately.

I told Drew about it both times and I am sure did something about the person--it is possible at some point that he will return under another handle and try to run whatever his scam is at some point in the future.

Beware of this guy-

Feb 10, 2007, 9:58 PM
People aren't always who they seem on the internet.

At least there aren't bots here, that's one of the reasons I avoid Gay.com and don't chat there.

Feb 10, 2007, 10:30 PM
If people want to post a pic but aren't comfortable with posting themselves, then at least post something fun - or something that you feel represents who you are. That's exactly why I went digging through coyote photos.

Um, just put down that ACME catalogue and no one gets hurt... ;)

Feb 10, 2007, 11:12 PM
I couldn't agree more with you sweet! The fakes are a real turn off of this site and hence why I'm not here as much as I was in the past. It aggrivating being a biwoman who comes here to chat with other biwomen only to constantly second guess whether I am actually chatting with a woman. I sometimes think you can always generally tell but them sometimes right out of left field because of something that was said you go...hmmm..is she a he? The fake pictures are just one part of the whole sham. I honestly think from now on if its a name, with no pics (which i understand the who discrete thing) but no profile whatsoever...if it quacks like a duck, it probably is a duck...;) So I suppose we all just have to implement our own rules as to who we chat with...maybe that will work. I have a pretty detailed profile and a few pics...yes me really...and hopefullly that means i quack like a duck...:)

Feb 10, 2007, 11:31 PM
Being as I don't spend a heck of a lot of time here, will someone please send me who the heck you all seem to be discussing in a PM. I am curious from nose to tail about it all.

I always assumed people here would all want to be real since this isn't MySpace. Christ I am beginning to hate that place with an abiding passion.

Feb 11, 2007, 3:47 AM
We've been dealing with fakes for years. There are always going to be those idiots that think that they will stand up to proper scrutiny to meet someone and then, when the time comes, they fall through.
In our case, we look for guys to meet in person to be friends as well as lovers, yet when they get to the point of claiming that they want to meet, they are no-shows or are nothing like they claimed they are.......and not just their pics, but what their sexuality is, which really gets us pissed at them.

As far as pics on profiles, all of our pics are ours. Either us or things we have done or places we've been to.

We are totally real and our pics represent that......we hope. :P
It is too bad, however, that there are losers out there that use sites like this for the purpose of scamming people or to play games with folks.

Feb 11, 2007, 3:50 AM
Just me, but I'm a bit shy. But am not fake. I really wouldn't see the point of doing that.

Feb 11, 2007, 11:26 AM
I posted a picture of myself holding a pet rat. The rat got more responses than I did :eek:

Feb 11, 2007, 3:56 PM
We feel the same and just laugh at the people who do it. Same with the guys who say they are bicurious but there has to be a woman involved. If they were for real a woman being involved isn't a requirement. There are fakes on every adult site you go to. Weeding them out usually doesn't take very long. :2cents:

Feb 11, 2007, 4:16 PM
Well I am in fine form today. The second pontification and I have only been around for about five hours!

It is an unfortunate circumstance that a website like this which has been set up in good faith to service a section of the community is going to attract wankers. And whilst we have all done it at some time these wallies have taken it up to an art form. It is very easy to form a fake identity and make believe you come from Queensland, Alberta, Surrey or Manhattan. It takes little intelligence to construct that form of identity.

What little intelligence that these people do have is used up in the construction and I would imagine that they are easily found out in their communcations.

I am new to this but highly perceptive. These 'fakes' do not and cannot display the love that true Straight, Bi, Gay or Lesbians have for each other and the world. These 'fakes' are in it for instant gratification, and some may succeed in masturbating themselves into some form of Nirvana.

They would never be able to go 'outside' and have a friendly or loving relationship with someone they met on here because they dont have the anonymity that they need. It is said that your altitude is governed by your attitude. These guys, and they would be guys, would be flying at such a low altitude that their dicks would suffer gravel rash. That is if they didnt fall flat on their face in the first place.

There will always be some aspiring young wally that thinks that he is going to get one over the 'poofs'. Fact is that whilst they may think otherwise, they will always be the losers. At the end of the day they have their conscience and their God to answer to.

Feb 11, 2007, 7:04 PM
I had an enteresting conversation with a member last night that started my thinking process. I just have to say this, just to get it off of my chest. Many of you who have entered the chat room and gotten to know me, I have my catty moments, this is one. I am so sick, let me say that again, I am so sick of fakes on the site. I came to this site to come out in my own way and be comfortable around friends. Which thus far I have made some true blue friends that I adore. As a good friend said last night....If you are going to put fake pics on the site, take the website you stole them from off of the pic itself. Yes you know who you are, well so do we!!! Don't make us call you out in public, that would hurt. I think for many of us who are here to make friends and to be burned by a fake...that can really piss a person off. Take a moment and think about what you are doing. Be an adult and quit playing kid games.

Thanks to all of you for letting me voice my OPINION!!! (notice, I point out that it is of my opinion that I make this thread)
Good for you Sweet, It's a sad day when someone dosen't know who the are so they just fake it :rainbow:

Feb 11, 2007, 8:08 PM
Fake!? Who you callin a fake? You mean there are people on this site that are pretending to be something they're not? Well I'm just shocked.

i hate ppl like that as well i have also came across ppl who schedule a meet and get cold feet at the last minute don't put up a profile saying ur lookin 4 a hott sexx session and at the last minute u call off or get cold feet.ppl should express who they really r and not fake it SERIOUSLY

Feb 11, 2007, 10:03 PM
I guess there are always going to be people in any site that pretend; whatever their reason or motive...sooner or later they are caught out. They will live a 'life' through deception...a hollow life at that.

Most of the people here are genuine: this site has so much to offer and sooner or later, the pretenders go to find better hunting grounds.

No it is not pleasant. But hey; I'd rather be here amongst the awesome people I've had the pleasure of getting to know...

Feb 18, 2007, 9:41 AM
So how do you tell if someone is a fake? Especially in chat....
I guess no profile's a clue for some of them....but those are kind of easy to spot.

What about the ones who SEEM okay.....?

Guess there's no sure fire way...just wondering if anyone had some tips for those of us who haven't chatted in years...til now.

Feb 18, 2007, 4:12 PM
Hey all,
Just thought I'd weigh in on this subject.
I've been online and chatting since....oh gosh, well, do you remember the days when AOL charged by the HOUR for online service? Yeah. A long time. Point is, I've seen quite a bit when it comes to the various stunts people will stoop to if they think they won't have to answer to their behavior because of their shroud of anonomenity. I used to engage and expose them, these days I just let them do their thing. Why? Because eventually they will either get tired of their little game and move on, or, maybe, once they realize there isn't a threat here, they will chill out, dissapear and show up again later as themselves. People are afraid. People are curious. People do stoopid human tricks to cover for these things. As for myself, I've had women ask me if I was not really a female (which is a feather in my cap because it shows I am really learning the feminine within). My lack of a photo on the site is really all about the fact that I need someone to love and respect ME, before they discount me for the way that they think I look. Other than that, I'm as "REAL" as they come. But FerociousFeline is my sexual online personna, and it's net-wide......not just here. One thing to remember when you get the urge to open up to someone who you have been talking to online. Always remember that whether you have a photo or not, you could be talking to your mother, your boss, your significant other, or even a curious sibling. NEVER take for granted who you are speaking to. The only way a person can protect themselves is to make these relationships over a long period of time, where you can start to get a sense of who that person really is from history.
Now, having said that, you can let that hobble you, or you can go on and do your thing and not worry about it. One advantage to being real all of the time? You don't have to worry about contradicting yourself. Have a great day.


Feb 18, 2007, 4:17 PM
I checked out a profile once and found my own picture on it... It didn't take long before that one came down...

Feb 18, 2007, 8:36 PM
Is it possible that they were posting a photo to indicate what they want or like, rather than what they are? Maybe they left the pornsite label on so we would know it wasn't them? I haven't seen the profile so I don't know.

Feb 18, 2007, 10:27 PM
..Welcome all comers to the last frontier..The Internet...Buyer beware and keep your guard up at all times! i want a clean fight, but if I don't get one nobody cares...

Look folks...anonymity is precious. Don't steal someone elses. If you don't have the balls (or labia) to put a pic of yourself up...don't steal someone elses. It's just stupid...

Second, if you can't be yourself miles away from any known contacts or personal acquanaitances where can you? (I'm not out so to speak to anyone really yet...but I'm also not portraying myself to be something I'm not...)